943 resultados para Public Management.


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L'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) représente aujourd'hui, en Europe, près de 10 % de l'emploi total et même plus dans certains pays, dont la France. Avec la crise, ce secteur prend une importance sociale, économique et politique croissante. La gestion des coopératives, mutuelles, fondations et associations est ainsi doublement interrogée en interne vis-à-vis de leurs « propriétaires » disposant de motivations particulières (socioéconomiques) et vis-à-vis de leurs communautés et territoires (relations aux partenaires publics et aux citoyens). C'est pourquoi la performance de ces organisations prend nécessairement une dimension sociale, voire sociétale. Les logiques de fonctionnement et d'action des managers de l'ESS sont, elles aussi, souvent particulières, hybrides et parfois paradoxales. Elles remettent en cause les découpages et frontières classiques du management, ainsi que les modèles de rationalité associés (public/privé, marchand/non-marchand, intérêt collectif/intérêts particuliers...). Face à une telle complexité, les principes et les outils de gestion de ces entreprises sont-ils alors spécifiques ? Ces entreprises sont-elles à l'origine d'innovations managériales et sociales particulières ? Comment concilier solidarité et efficacité dans un univers de plus en plus concurrentiel ? L'évolution marchande et financière, comme les problématiques de développement durable, interrogent également le mode de fonctionnement et l'avenir de ces organisations. L'objectif de cet ouvrage collectif, auquel ont contribué des experts du management des entreprises de l'économie sociale qui ont participé à un colloque international - soutenu par le Crédit Mutuel - sur le sujet, est d'apporter des réponses quant à la manière de renouveler les stratégies et les modèles de management, sans pour autant renier les valeurs et les principes fondamentaux de l'ESS. Il s'adresse aux étudiants et aux professionnels travaillant dans le secteur de l'économie sociale et solidaire (coopératives, mutuelles, associations et fondations) et intéressera également tous les managers et étudiants en management.


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Although stress has been a longstanding issue in organizations and management studies, it has never been studied in relation to Public Service Motivation. This article therefore aims to integrate PSM into the job demands-job resources model of stress in order to determine whether PSM might contribute to stress in public organizations. Drawing upon original data from a questionnaire in a Swiss municipality, this study unsurprisingly shows that "red tape" is an antecedent of stress perception, whereas satisfaction with organizational support, positive feedback, and recognition significantly decrease the level of perceived stress. Astonishingly, the empirical results show that PSM is positively and significantly related to stress perception. By increasing individuals' expectations towards their jobs, PSM might thus contribute to increased pressure on public agents. Ultimately, this article investigates the "dark side" of PSM, which has been neglected by the literature thus far.


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This introductory brief has been written as a response to a request for information on HIA and waste management, with particular reference to incineration. EU legislation forms the basis for much of Irish waste management policy. Waste Management – Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) sets targets for increased prevention and minimisation, encourages reuse and gives preference to recovery and recycling, which is in line with the EU’s Sixth Environmental Action Plan (2002). In the area of waste incineration, the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) has been transposed into Irish law and sets operating requirements for the incineration of waste.


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Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT), the cross border health and social care partnership has been working with the Departments of Health to progress a three year cross border obesity prevention and management project aimed at families. They have been successful in securing funding from the EU INTERREG IVA programme. A planning workshop focussing on this will be held on Friday 26 June 2009.


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The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a new Community Development Strategy for public consultation.  The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing, places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live. The HSCB and PHA seek a number of benefits from implementing this strategy including; a reduction in health and wellbeing inequalities, which also means addressing the social factors that affect health; strengthening partnership working with service users, the community and voluntary sectors and other organisations; strengthening families and communities; supporting volunteering and making best use of our resources. Key points from the IPH summary include IPH welcome the Community Development Strategy as an approach to enhance health and wellbeing and tackle health inequalities in Northern Ireland.   IPH recommend the current three strategy documents (Full and summary versions and the Performance Management Framework) are merged into one document for greater clarity. Reference to the Performance Management Framework is required in the main body of the text is to ensure good practice is implemented. IPH welcome the focus on tackling health inequalities using community development approaches however the contribution of community development approaches needs to be highlighted. HIA is a tool to support community engagement and provides a mechanism for HSCB and PHA to support the implementation of this strategy.


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Regional Summary Report 2012/13


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Part A:The formulation of local policy and choices


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Part B:Common elements


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Part C:Steam sterilization


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Management of Private Practice in Health Services Hospitals in Northern Ireland: A Handbook


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Summary Report September 1996