936 resultados para Psychology of pregnancy


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Confronting a recently mated female with a strange male can induce a pregnancy block ('Bruce effect'). The physiology of this effect is well studied, but its functional significance is still not fully understood. The 'anticipated infanticide hypothesis' suggests that the pregnancy block serves to avoid the cost of embryogenesis and giving birth to offspring that are likely to be killed by a new territory holder. Some 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses' suggest that the likelihood of a pregnancy block is also dependent on the female's perception of the stud's and the stimulus male's genetic quality. We used two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) to test all possible combinations of female strain, stud strain, and stimulus strain under experimental conditions (N(total) = 241 mated females). As predicted from previous studies, we found increased rates of pregnancy blocks if stud and stimulus strains differed, and we found evidence for hybrid vigour in offspring of between-strain mating. Despite the observed heterosis, pregnancies of within-strain matings were not more likely to be blocked than pregnancies of between-strain matings. A power analysis revealed that if we missed an existing effect (type-II error), the effect must be very small. If a female gave birth, the number and weight of newborns were not significantly influenced by the stimulus males. In conclusion, we found no support for the 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses'.


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Objective: To analyze the vascularization of the endometrium via hysteroscopy and to assess its correlation with angiogenic factor gene expression and embryo implantation rate.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Public university hospital.Patient(s): Patients undergoing hysteroscopy for supposed infertility.Intervention(s): Endometrial quality assessment according to Sakumoto-Masamoto, performed in the early secretory phase of the cycle. Collection of an endometrial tissue biopsy.Main Outcome Measure(s): RNA extraction, reverse transcription, and determination of gene expression of angiogenesis- and implantation-relevant factors using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Retrieval of pregnancy information from the medical records.Result(s): Good quantity/quality RNA with infertility history was obtained from 63 participating women. Those with a "good" endometrium and subsequent pregnancy showed increased gene expression for placenta growth factor when compared with patients with a "bad" endometrium and who did not succeed with pregnancy to date. Nonpregnant women with a "good" endometrium presented an intermediate result. No significant differences were observed for several other genes tested, but trends in the same direction were observed.Conclusion(s): This study demonstrates for the first time that endometrial PLGF expression corresponds to the hysteroscopic appearance of the endometrium, and therefore has potential as a clinically relevant prognosticator for infertility treatment success. (Fertil Steril (R) 2011;96:663-8. (C)2011 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)


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Objective: To assess the factorial validity of the Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS). Methods: Between November 2010 and November 2011 a Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was applied to 151 Portuguese family doctors (55% women, median age 54 years). The factorial structure of the MBI-HSS was examined by principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Internal consistency estimates of the MBI-HSS were determined with Cronbach's alpha. Results: The fit of the hypothesized three-factor model to the data was superior to the alternative two-factor and four-factor models. CFA supported MBI-HSS as an acceptable measure to evaluate burnout and deletion of items 12 and 16 improved the goodness of fit of the model. In PCA, the three-factor model explained 50.58% of the variance and the four-factor model did not lead to understandable components. Item 12 was also found to be problematic in PCA. The Cronbach's alpha was satisfactory for emotional exhaustion (alpha=0.90), lack of personal accomplishment (alpha=0.73), and depersonalization (alpha=0.64). Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the MBI-HSS was found to be reliable to measure burnout among Portuguese medical doctors. We also recommend the deletion of items 12 and 16 from the MBI-HSS.


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En l’actualitat el burnout o síndrome de cremar-se per la feina és considerat un risc emergent als països occidentals essent el col·lectiu docent un dels més afectats. L’espai europeu d’educació superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haurà de ser compaginat amb la gestió, la recerca i la transferència de coneixement. En la present recerca s’analitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana d’edat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout s’ha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) així com amb un qüestionari d’elaboració pròpia que recull variables sociodemogràfiques, característiques del tipus de treball i de l’ús del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalització, i valors elevats en Realització Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina


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Lev Vygotski es en la actualidad uno de los referentes más citados en ciencias de la educación, en general, y psicología del desarrollo humano y de la educación, en particular. Sus consideraciones alrededor de las relaciones entre aprendizaje y desarrollo, su concepto de “zona de desarrollo próximo”, su énfasis en la naturaleza social del conocimiento, su análisis del desarrollo cultural, la diferenciación entre conceptos espontáneos y conceptos científicos forman parte del argot contemporáneo en ciencias de la educación. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos de los conceptos y aplicaciones educativas que se han desarrollado tomando de modelo una aproximación vygotskiana. En primer lugar, expongo una breve síntesis de sus ideas psicopedagógicas para contextualizar, posteriormente, el uso que se ha hecho de algunas de sus propuestas. Finalmente, concluyo reflexionando alrededor del sentido y naturaleza de la educación bajo una perspectiva vygotskiana


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The aim of this pilot study is to analyse the discourse of fathers of toddlers concerning fatherhood and the link between some particularities in the discourse and family alliance. The sample consists of 13 Swiss first time fathers (5 fathers of girls and 8 of boys). In order to evaluate the paternal discourse, the fathers were given a semi-structured interview, which was later analysed using the research package Alceste. The family alliance, i.e., the degree of coordination among the partners when executing a task together, was assessed through the Lausanne Trilogue Play (Fivaz-Depeursinge & Corboz-Warnery, 1999). The main results indicated an interesting link between classes of paternal discourse grouped around the following themes "affective relationship", "daily routine" and "educational goals", and the family alliance (defined in two major categories; functional and problematic alliances). Finally, clinical perspectives on links between paternal representations and family functioning at an interactive level are discussed


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During the last decades of the twentieth century scholars have proposed "neurotheology" as a new subdiscipline of the neurosciences. This article presents a review and discussion of different interpretations placed on neu- rotheology, and attempts to estimate the extent to which neuroscience is a challenge and/or an opportunity for theology and (for the study of) religion. On the neuroscientific side, neurotheology can be split into a reductionist and a religionist neuroscience of religion. On the theological side, it can be split into apologetic and integrative approaches. The appraisal of these differ- ent interpretations and of the relevance of neuroscience for the study of re- ligion is conducted from three points of view: philosophy and theology, cog- nitive science, psychology of religion and sciences of religions.


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El Grup presenta un document d'opinió amb la voluntat d'intervenir en el debat sobre la interrupció voluntària de l'embaràs i proposarmesures normatives que posin fi a l'actual situació d¿inseguretat jurídica derivadade la distorsionada aplicació que s'efectua de la desfasada legislació vigent.L'avortament és un veritable problema de salut pública i tant l'ètica com el drethan de plantejar pautes de conducta assumibles per la majoria dels ciutadans irespectuoses amb les minories, tenint sempre com a marc de referència i principiindeclinable el respecte als Drets Humans.


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Classroom research on achievement goals has revealed that performance-approach goals (goals to outperform others) positively predict exam performance whereas performance-avoidance goals (goals not to perform more poorly than others) negatively predict it. Because prior classroom research has primarily utilized multiplechoice exam performance, the first aim of the present study was to extend these findings to a different measure of exam performance (oral examination). The second aim of this research was to test the mediating role of perceived difficulty. Participants were 49 4th year psychology students of the University of Geneva. Participants answered a questionnaire assessing their level of performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal endorsement in one of their classes as well as the perceived difficulty of this class for themselves. Results indicated that performance-approach goals significantly and positively predicted exam grades. Performance-avoidance goals significantly and negatively predicted grades. Both of these relationships were mediated by the perceived difficulty of the class for oneself. Thus, the links previously observed between performance goals and exam performance were replicated on an oral exam. Perceived difficulty is discussed as a key dimension responsible for these findings.


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Metastasis depends on the ability of tumor cells to establish a relationship with the newly seeded tissue that is conducive to their survival and proliferation. However, the factors that render tissues permissive for metastatic tumor growth have yet to be fully elucidated. Breast tumors arising during pregnancy display early metastatic proclivity, raising the possibility that pregnancy may constitute a physiological condition of permissiveness for tumor dissemination. Here we have shown that during murine gestation, metastasis is enhanced regardless of tumor type, and that decreased NK cell activity is responsible for the observed increase in experimental metastasis. Gene expression changes in pregnant mouse lung and liver were shown to be similar to those detected in premetastatic sites and indicative of myeloid cell infiltration. Indeed, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) accumulated in pregnant mice and exerted an inhibitory effect on NK cell activity, providing a candidate mechanism for the enhanced metastatic tumor growth observed in gestant mice. Although the functions of MDSCs are not yet understood in the context of pregnancy, our observations suggest that they may represent a shared mechanism of immune suppression occurring during gestation and tumor growth.


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BACKGROUND: Holt-Oram syndrome (HOS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by upper limb anomalies and congenital heart defects. We present epidemiological and clinical aspects of HOS patients using data from EUROCAT (European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies) registries. METHODS: The study was based on data collected during 1990-2011 by 34 registries. The registries are population-based and use multiple sources of information to collect data on all types of birth using standardized definitions, methodology and coding. Diagnostic criteria for inclusion in the study were the presence of radial ray abnormalities and congenital heart disease (CHD), or the presence of either radial ray anomaly or CHD, with family history of HOS. RESULTS: A total of 73 cases of HOS were identified, including 11 (15.1%) TOPFA and 62 (84.9%) LB. Out of 73 HOS cases, 30.8% (20/65) were suspected prenatally, 55.4% (36/65) at birth, 10.7% (7/65) in the first week of life, and 3.1% (2/65) in the first year of life. The prenatal detection rate was 39.2% (20/51), with no significant change over the study period. In 55% (11/20) of prenatally detected cases, parents decided to terminate pregnancy. Thumb anomalies were reported in all cases. Agenesis/hypoplasia of radius was present in 49.2% (30/61), ulnar aplasia/hypoplasia in 24.6% (15/61) and humerus hypoplasia/phocomelia in 42.6% (26/61) of patients. Congenital heart defects (CHD) were recorded in 78.7% (48/61) of patients. Isolated septal defects were present in 54.2 (26/48), while 25% (12/48) of patients had complex/severe CHD. The mean prevalence of HOS diagnosed prenatally or in the early years of life in European registries was 0.7 per 100,000 births or 1:135,615 births. CONCLUSIONS: HOS is a rare genetic condition showing regional variation in its prevalence. It is often missed prenatally, in spite of the existence of major structural anomalies. When discovered, parents in 45% (9/20) of cases opt for the continuation of pregnancy. Although a quarter of patients have severe CHD, the overall first week survival is very good, which is important information for counselling purposes.