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Synopsis and review of the Australian ocker comedy The Adventures of Barry McKenzie (Bruce Beresford, 1972). Includes cast and credits. The Adventures of Barry McKenzie, adapted from a comic strip written by Barry Humphries, is a landmark film in the revival of Australian cinema. It was the first film to be fully funded by the new federal agency, the Australian Film Development Corporation (AFDC), and its unexpected success (in Britain as well as in Australia) both demonstrated that Australian films could be popular, and helped establish the ‘ocker comedy’ as the first indigenous (sub)genre of the Australian ‘new wave’. In common with other ocker comedies including Stork (Tim Burstall, 1971), and Alvin Purple (Tim Burstall, 1973), The Adventures of Barry McKenzie was derided by critics despite its popular success. But as Tom O’Regan has argued, these films were vitally important in developing a public profile for Australian films, for encouraging private investment in production, and for convincing exhibitors to screen Australian films...


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Synopsis and review of the Australian documentary Not Quite Hollywood (Mark Hartley, 2008). Not Quite Hollywood might just as accurately have been titled Not Quite Australian Cinema. The film begins from the premise that the vast range of films it covers have been unduly overlooked by critics, historians and scholars of the Australian cinema despite often enormous box office success. Much of the blame for the marginalisation of these films is placed at the feet of former Sydney Film Festival director and long-time film critic for The Australian newspaper David Stratton, well-known to Australian audiences as one half of the ‘David and Margaret’ couple who have dominated film reviewing on Australian television for many years. Stratton’s books on the Australian film revival The Last New Wave (1980) and The Avocado Plantation (1990) are said to have set the tone for later writers by reviling or simply ignoring many of the films produced in Australia in the 1970s and 1980s in favour of a canon of films and directors deemed more culturally and artistically worthy. Perhaps predictably, Not Quite Hollywood swings the other way. The back-slapping, anecdotal, revisionist history told through the many interviews with key figures from the time is only occasionally interrupted by Bob Ellis and Phillip Adams, who are only slightly uncomfortably cast as defenders of the mainstream views. The interviews and clips from the films are interspersed with the fan-boy enthusiasms of Quentin Tarantino whose geek-chic profile and encyclopaedic knowledge of exploitation and genre cinema are milked to the full. In sharp contrast, Ellis’s scorn for these filmmakers and their films is total, but it is his withering and slanderous assessments of the characters, talents and practices of producers like Antony I Ginnane and John Lamond that leavens this sometimes stodgy stew of selfcongratulation...


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Poor health and injury represent major obstacles to the future economic security of Australia. The national economic cost of work-related injury is estimated at $57.5 billion p/a. Since exposure to high physical demands is a major risk factor for musculoskeletal injury, monitoring and managing such physical activity levels in workers is a potentially important injury prevention strategy. Current injury monitoring practices are inadequate for the provision of clinically valuable information about the tissue specific responses to physical exertion. Injury of various soft tissue structures can manifest over time through accumulation of micro-trauma. Such micro-trauma has a propensity to increase the risk of acute injuries to soft-tissue structures such as muscle or tendon. As such, the capacity to monitor biomarkers that result from the disruption of these tissues offers a means of assisting the pre-emptive management of subclinical injury prior to acute failure or for evaluation of recovery processes. Here we have adopted an in-vivo exercise induced muscle damage model allowing the application of laboratory controlled conditions to assist in uncovering biochemical indicators associated with soft-tissue trauma and recovery. Importantly, urine was utilised as the diagnostic medium since it is non-invasive to collect, more acceptable to workers and less costly to employers. Moreover, it is our hypothesis that exercise induced tissue degradation products enter the circulation and are subsequently filtered by the kidney and pass through to the urine. To test this hypothesis a range of metabolomic and proteomic discovery-phase techniques were used, along with targeted approaches. Several small molecules relating to tissue damage were identified along with a series of skeletal muscle-specific protein fragments resulting from exercise induced soft-tissue damage. Each of the potential biomolecular markers appeared to be temporally present within urine. Moreover, the regulation of abundance seemed to be associated with functional recovery following the injury. This discovery may have important clinical applications for monitoring of a variety of inflammatory myopathies as well as novel applications in monitoring of the musculoskeletal health status of workers, professional athletes and/or military personnel to reduce the onset of potentially debilitating musculoskeletal injuries within these professions.


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Asthma is an incapacitating disease of the respiratory system, which causes extensive morbidity and mortality worldwide. Asthma affects more than 300 million people globally(Masoli et al. 2004). In Australia, it affects 10.2% of the population (Masoli et al. 2004) and causes 60,000 people to be hospitalised annually. Health care expenditure due to asthma in Australia was $606 million in 2004–2005. There are four primary biological factors that function in the initiation and exacerbation of asthma. Airway inflammation is important as it is often the first response to an airway insult, initiating the three other components: bronchoconstriction, mucus hyper-secretion and hyper-reactivity. The mediators involved in asthma are still not well understood, and current anti-inflammatory corticosteroid treatments are not effective with all asthmatics. As there is currently no cure for asthma, and airway inflammation is the primary component of the disease, it is important that we understand and investigate the mediators of airway inflammation to look for a potential cure and to produce better therapeutics to treat the inflammation. Trefoil factors (TFFs) and secretoglobins (SCGBs) are small secreted proteins involved in the mediation of inflammation and epithelial restitution. TFFs are pro-inflammatory and SCGBs anti-inflammatory by nature. The hypothesis of this study is that in response to induced acute airway inflammation, the expression of TFF1 and TFF3 will increase and expression of SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 will decrease in non-asthmatics (N-A), asthmatics medicating with bronchodilators (A-BD) and asthmatics medicating with corticosteroids (A-ST). When comparing the three groups, we expect to see higher expression of the TFFs in the A-BD group compared to the N-A and A-ST groups, indicating that inflammation is mediated by TFFs in asthma and that corticosteroid medication controls their expression as part of the control of inflammation. We expect to see the opposite with SCGBs, with a greater decrease in the A-BD group compared to the other two groups, suggesting that the A-BD group has the least anti-inflammatory activity in response to inflammatory insult. Epigenetic modification plays a role in the regulation of genes that initiate disease states such as inflammatory conditions and cancers. Histone acetylation is one such modification, which involves the acetylation of histones in chromatin by histone acetyltransferases (HATs). This increases the transcription of genes involved with inflammation or enrols histone deacetylases (HDACs) to down-regulate the transcription of inflammatory genes. These HATs and HDACs work in a homeostatic fashion; however, in the event of inflammation, increased HAT activity can stimulate further inflammation, which is believed to be the mechanism involved in some inflammatory diseases. This study hypothesises that in response to inflammation, the expression of HDACs (HDAC1-5) will decrease and the expression of HATs (NCOA1-3, HAT-1 and CREBBP) will increase in all groups. When comparing the expression between the groups, it was expected that a greater decrease in HDACs and a greater increase in HATs will be seen in the A-BD group compared to the other two groups. This would identify histone acetylation as a mechanism involved in the inflammatory condition of asthma and indicate that corticosteroids may treat the inflammation in asthma at least in part by controlling histone acetylation. The aim of the project was to compare the expression of inflammatory genes TFF1, TFF3, SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2, as well as to compare the gene expression of HDAC1-5, NCOA1-3, HAT-1 and CREBBP within and between N-A (n=15), A-BD (n=15) and A-ST (n=15) groups in response to inflammation. This was performed by collecting airway cells and proteins by sputum induction in three sessions. The sessions were coordinated into an initial baseline collection (SI-1), followed by a second session at least one week later (SI-2) and a third session, six hours after SI-2 to collect a sample containing the resultant acute inflammation caused in SI-2 (SI-3). Analysis of the SI-1 and SI-2 samples in all three groups had high amounts of variability between samples. The samples were taken at least one weak apart and the environmental stimuli on each participant outside of the testing sessions could not be controlled. For this reason, the SI-1 samples were not used for analysis; instead SI-2 and SI-3 samples were compared as they were same-day collections, reducing the probability of differences being due to anything other than the sputum induction. The gene expressions of the TFFs, SCGBs, HDACs and HATs were analysed using real-time PCR. Western blot analysis was performed to analyse the protein concentrations of the TFFs and SCGBs in secreted fractions of the sputum collection. Both the secreted and intracellular protein fractions collected from the sputum inductions for pre- and post-inflammation (SI-2, SI-3) samples of the N-A and A-BD groups were analysed using a proteomic method called iTRAQ. This allowed the comparison of the change in protein expression as a result of airway inflammation in each group. This technique was used as a discovery method to identify novel proteins that are modulated by induced acute airway inflammation. Any proteins of interest would then be further validated and used for future research. Inflammation was achieved in the SI-3 samples of the N-A group with a 21% unit increase in % neutrophils compared to SI-2 (p=0.01). The N-A group had a marked 5.5-fold decrease in HDAC1 gene expression in SI-3 compared to SI-2 (p=0.03). No differences were seen in any of the TFFs, SCGBs or any of the rest of the HDACs and HATs. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. However, non-significant analysis of the data displayed increases in TFF1 and TFF3, and decreases in SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 for the majority of SI-3 samples compared to SI-2. The A-BD group also presented a marked increase in neutrophils in the SI-3 samples compared to SI-2 (27% unit increase, p=0.04). The A-BD group had a significant increase in TFF3 and SCGB1A1 gene expression concomitant with induced acute airway inflammation. A 7.3-fold increase in TFF3 (p=0.05) in SI-3 indicated that TFF3 is linked to inflammation in asthmatics. A 2.8-fold increase in SCGB1A1 (p=0.03) indicated that this gene is also up-regulated, suggesting that this SCGB is expressed to try to combat induced acute airway inflammation. No significant changes were seen in any of the other genes analysed. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. However, non-significant analysis of the data displayed an increase in TFF1 and TFF3, and a decrease in SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2 in SI-3, similar to that seen in the N-A group. The A-ST group was different from the A-BD group, characterised by the use of inhaled corticosteroid medication to treat asthma symptoms. Inhaled corticosteroids are known to treat asthma symptoms through the control of inflammation. Therefore, it was expected that corticosteroid medication would also control the expression of TFFs, SCGBs, HATs and HDACs. Gene expression results only identified a 7.6-fold decrease in HDAC2 expression in SI-3 (p=0.001), which is proposed to be due to the up-regulation of HDAC2 protein that is known to be a function of corticosteroid use. Western blot data did not display any significant changes in the protein levels of the TFFs and SCGBs analysed. The gene expression in SI-2 and SI-3 in each group was compared. When comparing the A-BD group to the N-A group, a 9-fold increase in TFF3 (p=0.008) and a 34-fold increase in SCGB1A1 (p=0.03) were seen in the SI-3 samples. Comparisons of the A-ST group to the N-A group had an increased expression in SI-2 samples for HDAC5 (3.6-fold, p=0.04), NCOA2 (8.5-fold, p=0.04), NCOA3 (17-fold, p=0.01), HAT-1 (36-fold, p=0.003) and CREBBP (13-fold, p=0.001). The SI-3 samples in the A-ST group compared to the N-A group had increased expression for HDAC1 (6.4-fold, p=0.04), HDAC5 (5.2-fold, p=0.008), NCOA2 (9.6-fold, p=0.03), NCOA3 (16-fold, p=0.06), HAT-1 (41-fold, p<0.001) and CREBBP (31-fold, p=0.001). Comparisons of the A-ST group to the A-BD group had SI-2 increases in HDAC1 (3.8-fold, p=0.03), NCOA3 (4.5-fold, p=0.03), HAT-1 (5.3-fold, p=0.01) and CREBBP (23-fold, p=0.001), while SI-3 comparisons saw a decrease in HDAC2 (41-fold, p=0.008) and increases in HAT-1 (4.3-fold, p=0.003) and CREBBP (40-fold, p=0.001). Results showed that TFF3 and SCGB1A1 expression is higher in asthmatics than non-asthmatics and that histone acetylation is more active in the A-ST group than either the N-A or A-BD group, which suggests that histone acetylation activity may be positively correlated with asthma severity. The iTRAQ proteomic analysis of the secreted protein samples identified the SCGB1A1 protein and found it to be decreased in both the N-A and A-BD groups post-inflammation, but significantly so only in the A-BD group. Although no significant results were obtained from the western blot data, both groups displayed a decrease in SCGB1A1 concentration in SI-3 samples, suggesting a correlation with the proteomic data. Only 31 peptides were identified from the secreted samples. The intracellular iTRAQ analysis successfully identified 664 peptides, eight of which had differential expression in association with induced acute airway inflammation. Significant increases were seen in the A-BD group in SI-3 compared to SI-2 than in the N-A group in chloride intracellular channel protein 1, keratin-19, eosinophil cationic protein, calnexin, peroxiredoxin-5, and ATP-synthase delta subunit, while decreases were seen in cystatin-A and mucin-5AC. The iTRAQ analysis was only a discovery measure and further validation must be performed. In summary, the expression of TFFs and SCGBs differed between non-asthmatics and asthmatics. It is clear that TFF3 is active in the airway inflammation associated with asthma as indicated by an increase associated with inflammation in the A-BD group compared to the N-A group. Results for HDAC and HAT genes showed high HAT expression in the A-ST group compared to the N-A and A-BD groups, suggesting that histone acetyltransferases may be responsible for the characteristic unregulated inflammatory symptoms of asthmatics taking corticosteroids. Interestingly, corticosteroid medication did not seem to silence the expression of the analysed HAT genes, which indicates that corticosteroids may not control inflammation by direct regulation of HATs, but instead by competition, most probably with HDAC2 protein. As a discovery tool, iTRAQ is a potent method to both identify and compare the concentration of proteins between samples. The method is a powerful first step into the identification of novel proteins that are regulated in response to different treatments.


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In the years since the release of the film Field of Dreams, the phrase “If you build it, they will come” has become a cliché beloved by journalists, boosters of speculative land developments or remediations and misty-eyed enthusiasts of a host of unlikely schemes. It is one of the articles of faith of the location interest, the coalition of actors motivated to work to attract film business to a particular place. The phrase is full of optimism and potential. It seeks to instill confidence that the construction of production infrastructure like studios and the nourishment of conditions for local service providers will drive the (economic) locomotive and open the (celebrity) stargate. Unfortunately sometimes, it is just a crazy dream.


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Digital media is often criticised for being intangible, transient and ephemeral. These characteristics limit the provision of long-lasting social experiences, as it is through the use of all our senses that we attach meaning to space, creating a sense of place. This paper presents a comparative study of the affordances of two design interventions, one tangible paper-based, called Print + Talk = Love (PTL), the other digital screen-based, called Discussions in Space (DIS). The emphasis is on a) how tangible media, such as paper, provides different and meaningful collective experiences, and b) how it can stand on its own as an interactive design intervention and as a comprehensive data-gathering tool in urban public places. By positioning PTL and DIS within the context of urban public places and testing their abilities to engage participants, we examine their particular situated engagement abilities through a mixed method approach. As a result, the digital aspects of DIS, e.g., using Twitter, extend the situated experience beyond the actual location of the intervention. Moreover, informing a hybrid approach, we also found that the physical aspects of PTL and its tangible presence, kept the user experience focused on the actual place and event surrounding the intervention.


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Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a hereditary disease of small vessel caused by mutations in the NOTCH3 gene (NCBI Gene ID: 4854) located on chromosome 19p13.1. NOTCH3 consists of 33 exons which encode a protein of 2321 amino acids. Exons 3 and 4 were found to be mutation hotspots, containing more than 65% of all CADASIL mutations. We performed direct sequencing on an ABI 3130 Genetic Analyser to screen for mutations and polymorphisms on 300 patients who were clinically suspected to have CADASIL. First, exons 3 and 4 were screened in NOTCH3 and if there were no variations found, then extended CADASIL testing (exons 2, 11, 18 and 19) was offered to patients. Here we report two novel non-synonymous mutations identified in the NOTCH3 gene. The first mutation, located in exon 4 was found in a 49-year-old female and causes an alanine to valine amino acid change at position 202 (605C > T). The second mutation, located in exon 11, was found in a 66-year-old female and causes a cysteine to arginine amino acid change at position 579 (1735T > C). We also report a 46-year-old male with a known polymorphism Thr101Thr (rs3815188) and an unreported polymorphism NM_000435.2:c.679+60G>A observed in intron 4 of the NOTCH3 gene. Although Ala202Ala (rs1043994) is a common polymorphism in the NOTCH3 gene, our reported novel mutation (Ala202Val) causes an amino acid change at the same locus. Our other reported mutation (Cys579Arg) correlates well with other known mutations in NOTCH3, as the majority of the CADASIL-associated mutations in NOTCH3 generally occur in the EGF-like (epidermal growth factor-like) repeat domain, causing a change in the number of cysteine residues. The intronic polymorphism NM_000435.2:c.679+60G>A lies close to the intron–exon boundary and may affect the splicing mechanism in the NOTCH3 gene.


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CubIT is a multi-user, large-scale presentation and collaboration framework installed at the Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) Cube facility, an interactive facility made up 48 multi-touch screens and very large projected display screens. The CubIT system allows users to upload, interact with and share their own content on the Cube’s display surfaces. This paper outlines the collaborative features of CubIT which are implemented via three user interfaces, a large-screen multi-touch interface, a mobile phone and tablet application and a web-based content management system. Each of these applications plays a different role and supports different interaction mechanisms supporting a wide range of collaborative features including multi-user shared workspaces, drag and drop upload and sharing between users, session management and dynamic state control between different parts of the system.


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Infusions and decoctions of Cymbopogon ambiguus have been used traditionally in Australia for the treatment of headache, chest infections and muscle cramps. The aim of the present study was to screen and identify bioactive compounds from C. ambiguus that could explain this plant's anti-headache activity. A dichloromethane extract of C. ambiguus was identified as having activity in adenosine-diphosphate-induced human platelet aggregation and serotonin-release inhibition bioassays. Subsequent fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of four phenylpropenoids, eugenol, elemicin, Eugenol methylether and trans-isoelemicin. While both Eugenol and elemicin exhibited dose-dependent inhibition of ADP-induced human platelet serotonin release, only eugenol displayed potent inhibitory activity with an IC(50) value of 46.6 microM, in comparison to aspirin, with an IC(50) value of 46.1 microM. These findings provide evidence to support the therapeutic efficacy of C. ambiguus in the non-conventional treatment of Headache and Inflammatory conditions.


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PURPOSE We wanted to assess the effectiveness of a home-based physical activity program, the Depression in Late Life Intervention Trial of Exercise (DeLLITE), in improving function, quality of life, and mood in older people with depressive symptoms. METHODS We undertook a randomized controlled trial involving 193 people aged 75 years and older with depressive symptoms at enrollment who were recruited from primary health care practices in Auckland, New Zealand. Participants received either an individualized physical activity program or social visits to control for the contact time of the activity intervention delivered over 6 months. Primary outcome measures were function, a short physical performance battery comprising balance and mobility, and the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living scale. Secondary outcome measures were quality of life, the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short form, mood, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), physical activity, Auckland Heart Study Physical Activity Questionnaire, and self-report of falls. Repeated measures analyses tested the differential impact on outcomes over 12 months’ follow-up. RESULTS The mean age of the participants was 81 years, and 59% were women. All participants scored in the at–risk category on the depression screen, 53% had a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision diagnosis of major depression or scored more than 4 on the GDS-15 at baseline, indicating moderate or severe depression. Almost all participants, 187 (97%), completed the trial. Overall there were no differences in the impact of the 2 interventions on outcomes. Mood and mental health related quality of life improved for both groups. CONCLUSION he DeLLITE activity program improved mood and quality of life for older people with depressive symptoms as much as the effect of social visits. Future social and activity interventions should be tested against a true usual care control.


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Migraine is a common debilitating primary headache disorder with significant mental, physical and social health implications. The brain neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin) is involved in nociceptive pathways and has been implicated in the pathophysiology of migraine. With few genetic studies investigating biosynthetic and metabolic enzymes governing the rate of 5-HT activity and their relationship to migraine, it was the objective of this study to assess genetic variants within the human tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) and monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) genes in migraine susceptibility. This objective was undertaken using a high-throughput DNA pooling experimental design, which proved to be a very accurate, sensitive and specific method of estimating allele frequencies for single nucleotide polymorphism, insertion deletion and variable number tandem repeat loci. Application of DNA pooling to a wide array of genetic loci provides greater scope in the assessment of population-based genetic association study designs. Despite the application of this high-throughput genotyping method, negative results from the two-stage DNA pooling design used to screen loci within the TPH, AADC and MAOA genes did not support their role in migraine susceptibility.


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This video article articulates two exercises that have been developed to respond to the need for preparedness in the growing field of Performance Capture. The first is called Walking Through (Delbridge 2013), where the actor navigates a series of objects that exist in screen space through a developed sense of the existing physical particularities of the studio and an interaction with a screen (or feedback loop). The second exercise is called The Donut (Delbridge 2013), where the performer continues to navigate screen space but this time does so through the literal stepping through of a Torus in the virtual – again with nothing but the studio infrastructure and the screen as a guide. Notions of Motion Captured performance infer the existence of an interface that combines performer with system, separating (or intervening in) the space between performance and the screen. It is precisely the effect and provided opportunity of the intermediary device on the practice, craft and preparedness of the actor as they navigate the connection between 3D screen space and the physical properties of the studio that is examined here. Defining the scope of current practice for the contemporary actor is a key construct of this challenge, with the most appropriate definition revolving around the provision of a required mixture of performance and content for live, mediated, framed and variously captured formats. One of these particular formats is Performance Capture. The exercises presented here are two from a series, developed over a three year study that contribute to our understanding of the potential for a training regimen to be developed for the rigors of Performance Capture.


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Background Standard operating procedures state that police officers should not drive while interacting with their mobile data terminal (MDT) which provides in-vehicle information essential to police work. Such interactions do however occur in practice and represent a potential source of driver distraction. The MDT comprises visual output with manual input via touch screen and keyboard. This study investigated the potential for alternative input and output methods to mitigate driver distraction with specific focus on eye movements. Method Nineteen experienced drivers of police vehicles (one female) from the NSW Police Force completed four simulated urban drives. Three drives included a concurrent secondary task: imitation licence plate search using an emulated MDT. Three different interface methods were examined: Visual-Manual, Visual-Voice, and Audio-Voice (“Visual” and “Audio” = output modality; “Manual” and “Voice” = input modality). During each drive, eye movements were recorded using FaceLAB™ (Seeing Machines Ltd, Canberra, ACT). Gaze direction and glances on the MDT were assessed. Results The Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual interfaces resulted in a significantly greater number of glances towards the MDT than Audio-Voice or Baseline. The Visual-Manual and Visual-Voice interfaces resulted in significantly more glances to the display than Audio-Voice or Baseline. For longer duration glances (>2s and 1-2s) the Visual-Manual interface resulted in significantly more fixations than Baseline or Audio-Voice. The short duration glances (<1s) were significantly greater for both Visual-Voice and Visual-Manual compared with Baseline and Audio-Voice. There were no significant differences between Baseline and Audio-Voice. Conclusion An Audio-Voice interface has the greatest potential to decrease visual distraction to police drivers. However, it is acknowledged that an audio output may have limitations for information presentation compared with visual output. The Visual-Voice interface offers an environment where the capacity to present information is sustained, whilst distraction to the driver is reduced (compared to Visual-Manual) by enabling adaptation of fixation behaviour.


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Myopia (short-sightedness) is a common ocular disorder of children and young adults. Studies primarily using animal models have shown that the retina controls eye growth and the outer retina is likely to have a key role. One theory is that the proportion of L (long-wavelength-sensitive) and M (medium-wavelength-sensitive) cones is related to myopia development; with a high L/M cone ratio predisposing individuals to myopia. However, not all dichromats (persons with red-green colour vision deficiency) with extreme L/M cone ratios have high refractive errors. We predict that the L/M cone ratio will vary in individuals with normal trichromatic colour vision but not show a systematic difference simply due to refractive error. The aim of this study was to determine if L/M cone ratios in the central 30° are different between myopic and emmetropic young, colour normal adults. Information about L/M cone ratios was determined using the multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP). The mfVEP can be used to measure the response of visual cortex to different visual stimuli. The visual stimuli were generated and measurements performed using the Visual Evoked Response Imaging System (VERIS 5.1). The mfVEP was measured when the L and M cone systems were separately stimulated using the method of silent substitution. The method of silent substitution alters the output of three primary lights, each with physically different spectral distributions to control the excitation of one or more photoreceptor classes without changing the excitation of the unmodulated photoreceptor classes. The stimulus was a dartboard array subtending 30° horizontally and 30° vertically on a calibrated LCD screen. The m-sequence of the stimulus was 215-1. The N1-P1 amplitude ratio of the mfVEP was used to estimate the L/M cone ratio. Data were collected for 30 young adults (22 to 33 years of age), consisting of 10 emmetropes (+0.3±0.4 D) and 20 myopes (–3.4±1.7 D). The stimulus and analysis techniques were confirmed using responses of two dichromats. For the entire participant group, the estimated central L/M cone ratios ranged from 0.56 to 1.80 in the central 3°-13° diameter ring and from 0.94 to 1.91 in the more peripheral 13°-30° diameter ring. Within 3°-13°, the mean L/M cone ratio of the emmetropic group was 1.20±0.33 and the mean was similar, 1.20±0.26, for the myopic group. For the 13°-30° ring, the mean L/M cone ratio of the emmetropic group was 1.48±0.27 and it was slightly lower in the myopic group, 1.30±0.27. Independent-samples t-test indicated no significant difference between the L/M cone ratios of the emmetropic and myopic group for either the central 3°-13° ring (p=0.986) or the more peripheral 13°-30° ring (p=0.108). The similar distributions of estimated L/M cone ratios in the sample of emmetropes and myopes indicates that there is likely to be no association between the L/M cone ratio and refractive error in humans.


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In this study, we have demonstrated that the preproghrelin derived hormones, ghrelin and obestatin, may play a role in ovarian cancer. Ghrelin and obestatin stimulated an increase in cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines and may play a role in cancer progression. Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death among gynaecological cancers and is the sixth most common cause of cancer-related deaths in women in developed countries. As ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose at a low tumour grade, two thirds of ovarian cancers are not diagnosed until the late stages of cancer development resulting in a poor prognosis for the patient. As a result, current treatment methods are limited and not ideal. There is an urgent need for improved diagnostic markers, as well better therapeutic approaches and adjunctive therapies for this disease. Ghrelin has a number of important physiological effects, including roles in appetite regulation and the stimulation of growth hormone release. It is also involved in regulating the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems and regulates sleep, memory and anxiety, and energy metabolism. Over the last decade, the ghrelin axis, (which includes the hormones ghrelin and obestatin and their receptors), has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many human diseases and it may t may also play an important role in the development of cancer. Ghrelin is a 28 amino acid peptide hormone that exists in two forms. Acyl ghrelin (usually referred to as ghrelin), has a unique n-octanoic acid post-translational modification (which is catalysed by ghrelin O-acyltransferase, GOAT), and desacyl ghrelin, which is a non-octanoylated form. Octanoylated ghrelin acts through the growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a (GHSR1a). GHSR1b, an alternatively spliced isoform of GHSR, is C-terminally truncated and does not bind ghrelin. Ghrelin has been implicated in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases Obestatin is a 23 amino acid, C-terminally amidated peptide which is derived from preproghrelin. Although GPR39 was originally thought to be the obestatin receptor this has been disproven, and its receptor remains unknown. Obestatin may have as diverse range of roles as ghrelin. Obestatin improves memory, inhibits thirst and anxiety, increases pancreatic juice secretion and has cardioprotective effects. Obestatin also has been shown to regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in some cell types. Prior to this study, little was known regarding the functions and mechanisms of action ghrelin and obestatin in ovarian cancer. In this study it was demonstrated that the full length ghrelin, GHSR1b and GOAT mRNA transcripts were expressed in all of the ovarian-derived cell lines examined (SKOV3, OV-MZ-6 and hOSE 17.1), however, these cell lines did not express GHSR1a. Ovarian cancer tissue of varying stages and normal ovarian tissue expressed the coding region for ghrelin, obestatin, and GOAT, but not GHSR1a, or GHSR1b. No correlations between cancer grade and the level of expression of these transcripts were observed. This study demonstrated for the first time that both ghrelin and obestatin increase cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines. Treatment with ghrelin (for 72 hours) significantly increased cell migration in the SKOV3 and OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell lines. Ghrelin (100 nM) stimulated cell migration in the SKOV3 (2.64 +/- 1.08 fold, p <0.05) and OV-MZ-6 (1.65 +/- 0.31 fold, p <0.05) ovarian cancer cell lines, but not in the representative normal cell line hOSE 17.1. This increase in migration was not accompanied by an increase in cell invasion through Matrigel. In contrast to other cancer types, ghrelin had no effect on proliferation. Ghrelin treatment (10nM) significantly decreased attachment of the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line to collagen IV (24.7 +/- 10.0 %, p <0.05), however, there were no changes in attachment to the other extracellular matrix molecules (ECM) tested (fibronectin, vitronectin and collagen I), and there were no changes in attachment to any of the ECM molecules in the OV-MZ-6 or hOSE 17.1 cell lines. It is, therefore, unclear if ghrelin plays a role in cell attachment in ovarian cancer. As ghrelin has previously been demonstrated to signal through the ERK1/2 pathway in cancer, we investigated ERK1/2 signalling in ovarian cancer cell lines. In the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line, a reduction in ERK1/2 phosphorylation (0.58 fold +/- 0.23, p <0.05) in response to 100 nM ghrelin treatment was observed, while no significant change in ERK1/2 signalling was seen in the OV-MZ-6 cell line with treatment. This suggests that this pathway is unlikely to be involved in mediating the increased migration seen in the ovarian cancer cell lines with ghrelin treatment. In this study ovarian cancer tissue of varying stages and normal ovarian tissue expressed the coding region for obestatin, however, no correlation between cancer grade and level of obestatin transcript expression was observed. In the ovarian-derived cell lines studied (SKOV3, OV-MZ-6 and hOSE 17.1) it was demonstrated that the full length preproghrelin mRNA transcripts were expressed in all cell lines, suggesting they have the ability to produce mature obestatin. This is the first study to demonstrate that obestatin stimulates cell migration and cell invasion. Obestatin induced a significant increase in migration in the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line with 10 nM (2.80 +/- 0.52 fold, p <0.05) and 100 nM treatments (3.12 +/- 0.68 fold, p <0.05) and in the OV-MZ-6 cancer cell line with 10 nM (2.04 +/- 0.10 fold, p <0.01) and 100 nM treatments (2.00 +/- 0.37 fold, p <0.05). Obestatin treatment did no affect cell migration in the hOSE 17.1normal ovarian epithelial cell line. Obestatin treatment (100 nM) also stimulated a significant increase in cell invasion in the OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell line (1.45 fold +/- 0.13, p <0.05) and in the hOSE17.1 normal ovarian cell line cells (1.40 fold +/- 0.04 and 1.55 fold +/- 0.05 respectively, p <0.01) with 10 nM and 100 nM treatments. Obestatin treatment did not stimulate cell invasion in the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line. This lack of obestatin-stimulated invasion in the SKOV3 cell line may be a cell line specific result. In this study, obestatin did not stimulate cell proliferation in the ovarian cell lines and it has previously been shown to have no effect on cell proliferation in the BON-1 pancreatic neuroendocrine and GC rat somatotroph tumour cell lines. In contrast, obestatin has been shown to affect cell proliferation in gastric and thyroid cancer cell lines, and in some normal cell lines. Obestatin also had no effect on attachment of any of the cell lines to any of the ECM components tested (fibronectin, vitronectin, collagen I and collagen IV). The mechanism of action of obestatin was investigated further using a two dimensional-difference in gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) proteomic approach. After treatment with obestating (0, 10 and 100 nM), SKOV3 ovarian cancer and hOSE 17.1 normal ovarian cell lines were collected and 2D-DIGE analysis and mass spectrometry were performed to identify proteins that were differentially expressed in response to treatment. Twenty-six differentially expressed proteins were identified and analysed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA). This linked 16 of these proteins in a network. The analysis suggested that the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway was a major mediator of obestatin action. ERK1/2 has previously been shown to be associated with obestatin-stimulated cell proliferation and with the anti-apoptotic effects of obestatin. Activation of the ERK1/2 signalling pathway by obestatin was, therefore, investigated in the SKOV3 and OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cell lines using anti-active antibodies and Western immunoblots. Obestatin treatment significantly decreased ERK1/2 phosphorylation at higher obestatin concentrations in both the SKOV3 (100 nM and 1000 nM) and OV-MZ-6 (1000 nM) cell lines compared to the untreated controls. Currently, very little is known about obestatin signalling in cancer. This thesis has demonstrated for the first time that the ghrelin axis may play a role in ovarian cancer migration. Ghrelin and obestatin increased cell migration in ovarian cancer cell lines, indicating that they may be a useful target for therapies that reduce ovarian cancer progression. Further studies investigating the role of the ghrelin axis using in vivo ovarian cancer metastasis models are warranted.