982 resultados para Proteïnes ras


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Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.


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La tesi ha avuto ad oggetto l'evoluzione dell’onda di piena del fiume Fiora nella mattinata del 12/11/2012, a monte dello sbarramento di Vulci (Enel S.p.a.), la quale ha determinato il superamento della quota di massimo invaso dell’impianto e ha messo in evidenza come le equazioni descrittive, presenti all’interno del Foglio di Condizione e Manutenzione dell’Impianto (F.C.E.M), non siano rappresentative della reale capacità di scarico della diga. Sulle base di queste osservazioni è stato adottato un modello matematico sfruttando il codice di calcolo HEC-RAS per la valutazione della massima portata scaricabile dagli scarichi dell’impianto in occasione di eventi di piena particolarmente intensi. Dallo studio si è ricavato che la portata massima scaricata della diga durante l’evento suddetto è risultata circa 1430 m3/s, mentre la massima portata affluita all’impianto è risultata circa 1450 m3/s, valore potenzialmente sfruttabile per una revisione della sicurezza idraulica dello sbarramento.


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Hintergund: HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine) sind klinisch etablierte Cholesterinsenker. Über die Inhibition der intrinsischen Cholesterinbiosynthese hinaus zeigen sie sogenannte pleiotrope biologische Effekte. Ein Großteil dieser Wirkungen wird auf die Inhibition kleiner Ras homologer GTPasen (Rho GTPasen) zurückgeführt. In vitro schützt das Statinderivat Lovastatin (Lova) primäre humane Endothelzellen vor der Zytotoxizität von ionisierender Strahlung (IR) und dem Krebsmedikament Doxorubicin (Doxo). Zielsetzung: Die Relevanz dieser Befunde für ein in vivo Mausmodell sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit überprüft werden. Dafür wurden BALB/c-Mäuse mit IR oder Doxo behandelt und der Einfluss einer Kobehandlung mit Lova auf verschiedene Toxizitätsendpunkte untersucht (24 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis IR (i), 14 Tage nach zwei geringen Dosen IR (ii), 48 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis Doxo (iii), sowie 8 Tage nach drei niedrigen Dosen Doxo (iv)). Eine mögliche gleichzeitige Protektion von Tumorzellen durch die Statingabe wurde in einem Xenotransplantationsexperiment überprüft (v), in dem das gleiche Behandlungsschema wie bei iv angewendet wurde. Ergebnisse: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Statinbehandlung Normalgewebe vor Doxo- und IR-induzierter Toxizität schützt, ohne gleichzeitig protektiv auf transformierte Zellen zu wirken. Dieser Effekt ist wahrscheinlich von einer Inhibition der kleinen GTPasen Rac1 und RhoA abhängig und einer daraus folgenden Modifizierung der DNA-Schadensantwort. i: Die Statinvorbehandlung der Mäuse hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Bildung von initialen IR-induzierten DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) in der Leber. Die Lova-Behandlung wirkte sich jedoch auf IR-induzierte Stressantworten aus, was sich in einer Minderung der Expression von Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern in Leber und Darm widerspiegelte. ii: In der Lunge der Tiere wurde ein Anstieg von molekularen Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern detektiert, der bei Statinkobehandlung ausblieb. Zudem verhinderte die Kobehandlung mit Lova eine IR-induzierte Abnahme der Thrombozytenzahl, ohne sich auf die durch IR verringerte Leukozytenzahl im Blut auszuwirken. iii: Die Verabreichung einer hohen Dosis Doxo induzierte DSB-Formation in der Leber. Die Statinvorbehandlung reduzierte deren Menge um ca. 50 %. Dieser genoprotektive Effekt war unabhängig von der Entstehung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sowie einer Änderung des Doxo-Imports oder Exports. Die Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen fiel besonders in der Leber und im Herzen durch die Lova-Kobehandlung geringer aus, als in der nur mit Doxo behandelten Gruppe. Zudem verringerte Lova die durch Doxo induzierte Hochregulation von für den AP1-Komplex kodierenden Genen sowie von Zellzykluskontrollfaktoren. Die Lova-Vorbehandlung führte darüber hinaus im Herzen zu einem reduzierten mRNA-Spiegel der Topoisomerasen II α und β. iv: Es konnten schwere Herz- und Leberschäden detektiert werden (gemessen an Gldh-, Gpt- sowie cTn-I-Serumkonzentrationen), die bei einer Kobehandlung mit dem Statin nicht auftraten. Die Lova-Kobehandlung verhinderte außerdem eine durch die Doxo-Behandlung verringerte Leukozytenzahl. Molekulare Marker für frühe fibrotische Ereignisse, sowie für Inflammation und Hypertrophie waren in der Leber und im Herzen nach der Doxo-Behandlung erhöht. Das Statin war auch hier in der Lage, diese toxischen Wirkungen des Anthrazyklins zu mindern. Auch die Doxo-induzierte Expression von Surrogatmarkern für Zellantworten auf oxidativen Stress wurde in der Leber abgeschwächt. In der Leber und im Herzen wiesen die mit Doxo behandelten Tiere höhere mRNA Spiegel von an Zellzykluskontrolle beteiligten Faktoren sowie von DNA-Reparatur und Fremdstoffmetabolismus assoziierten Genen auf. Am stärksten wurde die Expression von Topoisomerase II alpha - ein molekularer Marker für Zellproliferation und bedeutsame Zielstruktur von Doxo - in der Leber hochreguliert. Die Statin-Kobehandlung verhinderte all diese Doxo-induzierten Expressionsänderungen. Im Gegensatz zur Leber wurde die Top2a-mRNA Menge im Herzen durch die Doxo-Applikation reduziert. Auch hier bewirkte die Kobehandlung mit dem Statin, dass die Expression nahe dem Kontrollniveau blieb. v: Die Kobehandlung mit Lova führte zu keinem Schutz der Tumorzellen vor Doxo, sondern erhöhte sogar dessen antineoplastisches Potential.rnFazit: Die Erkenntnisse aus vorhergegangenen in vitro Versuchen konnten zum großen Teil auf die in vivo Situation im Mausmodell übertragen werden. Sie stehen im Einklang mit Ergebnissen anderer Gruppen, welche die Inhibition kleiner GTPasen mit einer geringeren, durch zytotoxische Substanzen induzierten, Inflammation und Fibrose korrelieren konnten. Eine Kobehandlung mit Lova während einer Krebstherapie erscheint somit als vielversprechende Möglichkeit Doxo- oder IR-induzierte Nebenwirkungen auf Normalgewebe zu mildern.


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L’analisi morfologia e delle dinamiche evolutive di un alveo fluviale rappresenta una componente fondamentale per la gestione e riqualificazione dei corsi d’acqua naturali. Il presente elaborato tratta i principali aspetti dell’analisi geomorfologica fluviale e della modellazione numerico-idraulica per ciò che riguarda la gestione fluviale e la difesa del suolo, in relazione ad un tratto del torrente Ghiaia nei pressi dell’abitato di Monteveglio, seguendo una linea concettuale conforme alle norme regionali e territoriali. La prima fase del lavoro ha messo in evidenza le dinamiche evolutive del corso d’acqua in riferimento ad una scala temporale di circa 30 anni. È stata effettuata un’accurata indagine geomorfologica, confrontando diversi tipi di materiale disponibile: ortofoto e rilievi topografici relativi alla planimetria dell’alveo, alle sezioni trasversali e ai profili longitudinali. La seconda fase del lavoro ha messo in evidenza lo stato di fatto dell’area in studio, avvalendosi di un modello idraulico generato con l’utilizzo del software HEC – RAS 4.2.0. Sono stati simulati differenti scenari di analisi in moto permanente, i quali hanno permesso di verificare l’officiosità idraulica delle sezioni, il conseguente rischio idraulico, quindi di stimare quei valori di portata associati al Tempo di Ritorno che mettono in crisi il sistema, esponendo il centro abitato a situazioni di potenziale allagamento. Lo studio così effettuato ha permesso di ottenere un quadro preliminare delle condizioni idrauliche dell’area in esame, potendo indicare alcune ipotesi di intervento per mettere in sicurezza il territorio ed in particolare il centro abitato di Monteveglio. Gli interventi proposti sono stati mirati al contenimento almeno della piena trentennale e consistono nel risezionamento del tratto in studio e nella gestione della vegetazione, entrambi volti a migliorare il deflusso idrico e garantire l’officiosità idraulica del tratto in studio.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and independent predictors of significant atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (RAS) in unselected hypertensive patients undergoing coronary angiography and to assess the 6-month outcome of those patients with a significant RAS. METHODS: One thousand, four hundred and three consecutive hypertensive patients undergoing drive-by renal arteriography were analyzed retrospectively. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of RAS. In patients with significant RAS (>or=50% luminal narrowing), 6-month follow-up was assessed and outcome was compared between patients with or without renal revascularization. RESULTS: The prevalence of significant RAS was 8%. After multivariate analysis, coronary [odds ratio 5.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.7-10.3; P < 0.0001], peripheral (odds ratio 3.3; 95% CI 2.0-5.5; P < 0.0001), and cerebral artery (odds ratio 2.8; 95% CI 1.5-5.3; P = 0.001) diseases, and impaired renal function (odds ratio 2.9; 95% CI 1.8-4.5; P < 0.0001) were found as independent predictors. At least one of these predictors was present in 96% of patients with RAS. In 74 patients (66%) with significant RAS, an ad hoc revascularization was performed. At follow-up, creatinine clearance was significantly higher in revascularized than in nonrevascularized patients (69.2 vs. 55.5 ml/min per 1.73 m, P = 0.029). By contrast, blood pressure was comparable between both groups, but nonrevascularized patients were taking significantly more antihypertensive drugs as compared with baseline (2.7 vs. 2.1, follow-up vs. baseline; P = 0.0066). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of atherosclerotic RAS in unselected hypertensive patients undergoing coronary angiography was low. Coronary, peripheral, and cerebral artery diseases, and impaired renal function were independent predictors of RAS. Ad hoc renal revascularization was associated with better renal function and fewer intake of antihypertensive drugs at follow-up.


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RhoH is a member of the Rho (ras homologous) GTPase family, yet it lacks GTPase activity and thus remains in its active conformation. Unlike other Rho GTPases, the RhoH gene transcript is restricted to hematopoietic cells and RhoH was shown to be required for adequate T-cell activation through the TCR. Here, we demonstrate that both blood T and B cells, but not neutrophils or monocytes, express RhoH protein under physiological conditions. Upon TCR complex activation, RhoH was degraded in lysosomes of primary and Jurkat T cells. Pharmacologic activation of T cells distal to the TCR complex had no effect on RhoH protein levels suggesting that early events during T-cell activation are required for RhoH protein degradation. In contrast to T cells, activation of the BCR in blood B cells was not associated with changes in RhoH levels. These data suggest that RhoH function might be regulated by lysosomal degradation of RhoH protein following TCR complex but not BCR activation. This newly discovered regulatory pathway of RhoH expression might limit TCR signaling and subsequent T-cell activation upon Ag contact.


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Zweifelsohne war und ist das Prinzip der Chancengleichheit – gleiches Recht auf Entfaltung ungleicher Anlagen – eine Maxime für die Bildungspolitik und Gestal-tung von Bildungssystemen (vgl. Müller 1998; Friedeburg 1992; Baumert 1991: 333). Diese Prämisse wird nicht zuletzt durch Artikel 3, Absatz 3 des Grundgeset-zes, wonach niemand wegen seines Geschlechts, seiner Abstammung, seiner Ras-se, seiner Sprache, seiner Heimat und Herkunft, seines Glaubens, seiner religiösen oder politischen Anschauungen benachteiligt oder bevorzugt werden darf, inhalt-lich vorgegeben. So lag ein Hauptteil der Zielsetzungen von Bildungsreformen seit den 1960er Jahren darin, die Rahmenbedingungen für den Bildungszugang – für die Chancennutzung – in der Weise zu setzen, dass weder das strukturelle Angebot an Bildungsgelegenheiten noch sozialstrukturelle Eigenschaften von Schulkindern und ihres Elternhauses systematische Einflüsse auf den Bildungsweg und den Erwerb von Bildungszertifikaten haben (Friedeburg 1992). Mit dem Ausbau des Schul- und Hochschulwesens und den institutionellen Reformen seit den 1960er Jahren ist das Ziel auch größtenteils erreicht worden, dass neben institutionellen Barrieren auch ökonomische und geografische Barrieren beim Bildungszugang weitgehend an Bedeutung verloren haben (Müller 1998; Krais 1996). Bildungs-disparitäten nach sozialstrukturellen Merkmalen wie etwa Klassenlage des Eltern-hauses haben sich ebenfalls bis zu einem bestimmten Grad abgeschwächt (Müller und Haun 1994; Schimpl-Neimanns 2000). Insbesondere konnten Mädchen ihre Bildungsdefizite gegenüber den Jungen mehr als ausgleichen (Rodax und Rodax 1996; Rodax 1995), sodass nunmehr von einer Bildungsungleichheit zu Unguns-ten von Jungen auszugehen ist (Diefenbach und Klein 2002; Becker 2007). Einige der beabsichtigten wie unbeabsichtigten Folgen dieser Reformbemühungen kön-nen am Wandel der Bildungsbeteiligung, insbesondere beim Übergang von der Grundschule auf das Gymnasium, abgelesen werden (Becker 2006).


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In 2000, fishermen reported the appearance of deformed reproductive organs in whitefish (Coregonus spp.) from Lake Thun, Switzerland. Despite intensive investigations, the causes of these abnormalities remain unknown. Using gene expression profiling, we sought to identify candidate genes and physiological processes possibly associated with the observed gonadal deformations, in order to gain insights into potential causes. Using in situ-synthesized oligonucleotide arrays, we compared the expression levels at 21,492 unique transcript probes in liver and head kidney tissue of male whitefish with deformed and normally developed gonads, respectively. The fish had been collected on spawning sites of two genetically distinct whitefish forms of Lake Thun. We contrasted the gene expression profiles of 56 individuals, i.e., 14 individuals of each phenotype and of each population. Gene-by-gene analysis revealed weak expression differences between normal and deformed fish, and only one gene, ictacalcin, was found to be up-regulated in head kidney tissue of deformed fish from both whitefish forms, However, this difference could not be confirmed with quantitative real-time qPCR. Enrichment analysis on the level of physiological processes revealed (i) the involvement of immune response genes in both tissues, particularly those linked to complement activation in the liver, (ii) proteolysis in the liver and (iii) GTPase activity and Ras protein signal transduction in the head kidney. In comparison with current literature, this gene expression pattern signals a chronic autoimmune disease in the testes. Based on the recent observations that gonad deformations are induced through feeding of zooplankton from Lake Thun we hypothesize that a xenobiotic accumulated in whitefish via the plankton triggering autoimmunity as the likely cause of gonad deformations. We propose several experimental strategies to verify or reject this hypothesis.


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FGFRL1 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family. It plays an essential role during branching morphogenesis of the metanephric kidneys, as mice with a targeted deletion of the Fgfrl1 gene show severe kidney dysplasia. Here we used the yeast two-hybrid system to demonstrate that FGFRL1 binds with its C-terminal, histidine-rich domain to Spred1 and to other proteins of the Sprouty/Spred family. Members of this family are known to act as negative regulators of the Ras/Raf/Erk signaling pathway. Truncation experiments further showed that FGFRL1 interacts with the SPR domain of Spred1, a domain that is shared by all members of the Sprouty/Spred family. The interaction could be verified by coprecipitation of the interaction partners from solution and by codistribution at the cell membrane of COS1 and HEK293 cells. Interestingly, Spred1 increased the retention time of FGFRL1 at the plasma membrane where the receptor might interact with ligands. FGFRL1 and members of the Sprouty/Spred family belong to the FGF synexpression group, which also includes FGF3, FGF8, Sef and Isthmin. It is conceivable that FGFRL1, Sef and some Sprouty/Spred proteins work in concert to control growth factor signaling during branching morphogenesis of the kidneys and other organs.


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Brain tumors comprise a wide variety of neoplasia classified according to their cellular origin and their morphological and histological characteristics. The transformed phenotype of brain tumor cells has been extensively studied in the past years, achieving a significant progress in our understanding of the molecular pathways leading to tumorigenesis. It has been reported that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling pathway is frequently altered in grade IV brain tumors resulting in uncontrolled cell growth, survival, proliferation, angiogenesis, and migration. This aberrant activation can be explained by oncogenic mutations in key components of the pathway or through abnormalities in its regulation. These alterations include overexpression and mutations of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), mutations and deletions of the phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) tumor suppressor gene, encoding a lipid kinase that directly antagonized PI3K activity, and alterations in Ras signaling. Due to promising results of preclinical studies investigating the PI3K/AKT pathway in grade IV brain tumors like glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, the components of this pathway have emerged as promising therapeutic targets to treat these malignant brain tumors. Although an arsenal of small molecule inhibitors that target specific components of this signaling pathway is being developed, its successful application in the clinics remains a challenge. In this article we will review the molecular basis of the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway in malignant brain tumors, mainly focusing on glioblastoma and medulloblastoma, and we will further discuss the current status and potential of molecular targeted therapies.


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Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) plays an important role in breast cancer metastasis. Here phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling was found to play an essential role in the enhanced migration capability of fibroblastoid cells (FibRas) derived from normal mammary epithelial cells (EpH4) by transduction of oncogenic Ras (EpRas) and TGFβ1. While expression of the PI3K isoform p110δ was down-regulated in FibRas cells, there was an increase in the expression of p110α and p110β in the fibroblastoid cells. The PI3K isoform p110β was found to specifically contribute to cell migration in FibRas cells, while p110α contributed to the response in EpH4, EpRas and FibRas cells. Akt, a downstream targets of PI3K signalling, had an inhibitory role in the migration of transformed breast cancer cells, while Rac, Cdc42 and the ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K) were necessary for the response. Together our data reveal a novel specific function of the PI3K isoform p110β in the migration of cells transformed by oncogenic H-Ras and TGF-β1.


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Alterations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) can be observed in a significant subset of esophageal adenocarcinomas (EACs), and targeted therapy against EGFR may become an interesting approach for the treatment of these tumors. Mutations of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase catalytic subunit (PIK3CA) and deregulation of PTEN expression influence the responsiveness against anti-EGFR therapy in colorectal carcinomas. We investigated the prevalence of these events in a collection of 117 primary resected EACs, correlated the findings with EGFR expression and amplification, and determined their clinicopathologic impact. KRAS mutations were detected in 4 (3%) of 117 tumors (3× G12D and 1 G12V mutation). One tumor had a PIK3CA E545K mutation. Neither NRAS nor BRAF mutations were detected. Sixteen (14%) of 117 cases were negative for PTEN expression, determined by immunohistochemistry. Loss of PTEN was observed predominantly in advanced tumor stages (P = .004). There was no association between PTEN and EGFR status. Loss of PTEN was associated with shorter overall and disease-free survival (P < .001 each) and also an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis (P = .015). EGFR status had no prognostic impact in this case collection. In summary, loss of PTEN can be detected in a significant subset of EAC and is associated with an aggressive phenotype. Therefore, PTEN may be useful as a prognostic biomarker. In contrast, mutations of RAS/RAF/PIK3CA appear only very rarely, if at all, in EAC. A possible predictive role of PTEN in anti-EGFR treatment warrants further investigations, whereas determination of RAS/RAF/PIK3CA mutations may only have a minor impact in this context.


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To assess whether blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), a recognized strategy to prevent the progression of diabetic nephropathy, affects renal tissue oxygenation in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients.


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BACKGROUND: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a pheochromocytoma-associated syndrome. Because of the low prevalence of pheochromocytoma in NF1, we ascertained subjects by pheochromocytoma that also had NF1 in the hope of describing the germline NF1 mutational spectra of NF1-related pheochromocytoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An international registry for NF1-pheochromocytomas was established. Mutation scanning was performed using denaturing HPLC for intragenic variation and quantitative PCR for large deletions. Loss-of-heterozygosity analysis using markers in and around NF1 was performed. RESULTS: There were 37 eligible subjects (ages 14-70 yr). Of 21 patients with corresponding tumor available, 67% showed somatic loss of the nonmutated allele at the NF1 locus vs. 0 of 12 sporadic tumors (P = 0.0002). Overall, 86% of the 37 patients had exonic or splice site mutations, 14% large deletions or duplications; 79% of the mutations are novel. The cysteine-serine rich domain (CSR) was affected in 35% but the RAS GTPase activating protein domain (RGD) in only 13%. There did not appear to be an association between any clinical features, particularly pheochromocytoma presentation and severity, and NF1 mutation genotype. CONCLUSIONS: The germline NF1 mutational spectra comprise intragenic mutations and deletions in individuals with pheochromocytoma and NF1. NF1 mutations tended to cluster in the CSR over the RAS-GAP domain, suggesting that CSR plays a more prominent role in individuals with NF1-pheochromocytoma than in NF1 individuals without this tumor. Loss-of-heterozygosity of NF1 markers in NF1-related pheochromocytoma was significantly more frequent than in sporadic pheochromocytoma, providing further molecular evidence that pheochromocytoma is a true component of NF1.


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Interactions between follicular epithelial cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) are supposed to play an important role in the development and maintenance of thyroid tissue architecture. In the present study we have therefore investigated the synthesis of ECM components by a feline thyroid cell line which is able to form follicle-like structures in vitro, and also in v-ras-transfected and control-transfected sublines. Transfections were performed by lipofection with pZSR (viral Harvey ras gene; neo) and pSV2-neo (control, neo only) plasmids. We have adapted a semisolid culture system composed exclusively of polymerized alginate and therefore devoid of ECM components. Feline cells embedded in alginate gels as single cells and cultured for up to 90 days formed cell clusters within 10 days. Follicle-like structures were formed in the original cell lines and also in the v-ras- and control-transfected cells. Differences in proliferation rates were observed, the v-ras-transfected cells growing up to two to three times faster than the non-transfected cells. Immunostaining was done using rabbit first antibodies directed against mouse collagen IV, human fibronectin, laminin (tumor Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm laminin), perlecan and other ECM components. For comparison, immunostaining was also performed on cryosections of nodular goiters of six hyperthyroid cats. The cell lines and their transfected clones stained strongly positive for collagen IV and fibronectin, and positively but less strongly for laminin and perlecan. The cat goiter tissue stained positively for collagen IV, laminin, perlecan, and fibronectin, and positive staining for S-laminin (containing the beta2-chain) was seen in blood vessel walls in this tissue. In conclusion, cat cell lines grow three-dimensionally in alginate beads over several weeks, they form follicle-like structures and express the same ECM components as the native cat goiter tissue. Transfection with v-ras does increase proliferation rate, but does not fundamentally alter formation of follicle-like structures and ECM expression. Alginate gel culture is a promising new tool for the study of follicular morphogenesis, polarity, the expression pattern of ECM components and of the interaction between thyrocytes and ECM. It avoids interference caused by gels composed of ECM components.