970 resultados para Productive routines


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Diplomityön tarkoituksena on selvittää hitsauksen robotisointimahdollisuudet vakiintuneelle piensarjatuotteelle. Tarkastelun kohteeksi valittiin maanpäällisen porausyksikön runkopari, joka rakentuu ylä- ja alarungosta. Hitsaus on nykytilanteessa käsinhitsausta ja tuotetta tehdään noin 300 kpl / vuosi. Hitsauksen robotisoinnilla halutaan aikaansaada kustannussäästöä hitsauksen osalta ja tuotantokapasiteetin nousua. Työn teoriaosa voidaan jakaa neljään osaan: hitsaustekniikka, robottihitsattava tuote, robotisoituhitsaus ja investointilaskelmat. Hitsaustekniikassa lähdetään liikkeelle hitsauksen kannalta oleellisimmista perusasioista, jolloin lukijalle syntyy laajempi kokonaiskuva asiasta. Hitsauksen robotisointia suunniteltaessa korostuu tuotteen hitsattavuus. Hyvin suunniteltu tuote mahdollistaa robotisoidun hitsauksen ja luo edellytykset laadukkaalle, taloudelliselle ja tuottavalle hitsaukselle. Robotisoidun hitsauksen osassa rakennetaan kokonaisuus, jolloin lopputuloksena on tehokas robottijärjestelmä. Samalla käsitellään sekä varsinaista hitsausteknistä toteutusta että robottijärjestelmän komponentteja. Investointilaskelmien avulla varmistetaan robottijärjestelmän ja koko tuotantoketjun kannattavuus. Käytännön osuudessa selvitetään robotisoidun hitsauksen mahdollisuudet valitulle tuotteelle ja robotisoinnin aikaansaamat kustannussäästöt. Tuotteen ylärungosta valitaan etuosa tarkempaa CASE tyylistä tarkastelua varten. CASE:ssa käydään läpi etuosan valmistettavuus ja selvitetään robotisoinnista aikaansaamat säästöt. Investointilaskelmien avulla selvitetään käytännön osuudessa robotisoidun hitsauksen kannattavuus tietyille robottijärjestelmille.


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Despite the advent of devices to track seabird movements, the extent to which productive areas and oceanic winds influence foraging strategies is still not fully understood. We investigated the main environmental determinants of foraging strategies in Cory"s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea by combining satellite-tracking information from 14 birds breeding on the Canary Islands with concurrent data on chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations and oceanic winds. Additionally, we took blood samples at the end of each foraging trip and analysed carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stable isotopes to examine the use of trophic resources. All birds showed commuting trips, concentrating foraging activity exclusively on the African continental shelf. Foraging locations showed a strong association with chl a concentrations, suggesting birds select foraging areas according to prey availability. In contrast with other breeding colonies where Cory"s shearwaters use a dual-foraging method, birds showed a unimodal strategy and did not show differences in C and N isotope signatures in plasma, confirming that close proximity to highly productive areas strongly influences foraging strategies. In addition, birds tracked during 2 consecutive trips foraged in the same area, suggesting that high resource availability promotes fidelity to feeding grounds also at coarse scales. Persistent northeast trade winds blew during the study period, and commuting trips followed a consistent clockwise movement with a southwest heading while the birds foraged along the continental shelf, suggesting that birds used tail winds to reduce their flying costs. Our results corroborate that oceanographic conditions in the vicinity of the breeding colony have a strong effect on foraging strategies of pelagic seabirds.


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In spite of the availability of large databases of chromatographic data on several standardized systems, one major task in systematic toxicological analysis remains, namely how to handle the experimental data and retrieve data from the large available databases in a meaningful and productive way. To achieve this purpose, our group proposed an Internet-based tool using previously published STA databases, which interlaboratorial reproducibility tests have already evaluated. The developed software has the capability to calculate corrected chromatographic parameters, after the input of data obtained with standard mixtures of calibrators, and search the databases, currently incorporating TLC, color reactions, GC and HPLC data. At the end of the process, a list with candidate substances and their similarity indexes is presented.


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Aquest projecte es basa en el modelatge i simulació de sistemes utilitzant un simulador digital, i pretén ser una guia docent com a eina d’ajuda per a una assignatura que, a priori, s’impartirà a la Universitat de Vic. La simulació és una tècnica que permet representar el comportament de processos (físics, productius, de serveis, etc.) sense necessitat d’accedir al sistema real. Per analitzar, estudiar i millorar el comportament d’un sistema mitjançant la tècnica de la simulació digital és necessari primer desenvolupar un model conceptual que descrigui les variables d’interès, i després implementar-lo en un simulador per poder analitzar els resultats. ARENA és el software de simulació que s’estudia en aquest projecte i es presenta com una eina que permet la descripció complerta de l’experiència que una entitat desenvolupa a l’interior del sistema mentre flueix a través d’aquest. En concret s’utilitza la versió ARENA 10.0. Pel que fa a l’estructura del projecte, primerament s’introdueixen conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació, així com avantatges i inconvenients i els camps d’aplicació de la simulació. Seguidament i ja centrats en l’Arena, s’analitza un exemple senzill per començar-ne a veure el funcionament. Posteriorment, es van estudiant varis exemples amb complexitat progressiva. Aquests exemples es desenvolupen pas a pas de manera que es puguin anar provant amb el simulador. En el transcurs del projecte es van estudiant les eines de l’Arena i les seves possibilitats, així com els resultats obtinguts i les interpretacions d’aquests. Aquest projecte pretén, doncs, donar conceptes introductoris en el camp de la simulació en general, i, en particular, descriure eines bàsiques sobre el funcionament de l’Arena.


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Actualment l’exigència i la competitivitat del mercat, obliguen les industries a modernitzar-se i automatitzar tots els seus processos productius. En aquests processos les dades i paràmetres de control són dades fonamentals a verificar. Amb aquest treball final de carrera, es pretén realitzar un mòdul d’entrades digitals, per tal de gestionar les dades rebudes d’un procés automatitzat. L’objectiu d’aquest TFC ha estat dissenyar un mòdul d’entrades digitals capaç de gestionar dades de qualsevol tipus de procés automatitzat i transmetre-les a un mestremitjançant un bus de comunicació Modbus. El projecte però, s’ha centrat en el cas específic d’un procés automatitzat per al tractament de la fusta. El desenvolupament d’aquest sistema, comprèn el disseny del circuit, la realització de la placa, el software de lectura de dades i la implementació del protocol Modbus. Tot el mòdul d’entrades està controlat per un microcontrolador PIC 18F4520. El disseny és un sistema multiplataforma per tal d’adaptar-se a qualsevol procés automàtic i algunes de les seves característiques més rellevants són: entrades aïllades multitensió, control de fugues, sortides a relé, i memòria externa de dades, entre altres. Com a conclusions cal dir que s’han assolit els objectius proposats amb èxit. S’ha aconseguit un disseny robust, fiable, polivalent i altament competitiu en el mercat. A nivell acadèmic, s’han ampliat els coneixements en el camp del disseny i de la programació.


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Inversors però, principalment professionals de l'àmbit agrari, per tal de buscar una diversificació de l'activitat agrícola i ramadera que desenvolupen a les seves finques, sobretot joves emprenedors, poden estar interessats en produccions alternatives com la producció d'ànecs per a foie-gras, per tal de complementar la seva renda agrària. Actualment cal augmentar la competitivitat de les finques agrícoles per tal que aquestes siguin econòmicament viables. L’objectiu de l'estudi és determinar la viabilitat econòmica d’una explotació ramadera d’ànecs per a la producció de foie-gras, en el terme municipal de Fontanals de Cerdanya, analitzant les diverses alternatives en quant a dimensionament i disseny de les instal·lacions, segons el cicle productiu de l’animal. L'alternativa escollida per realitzar l'estudi es la de semi-integració (cria, engreix i embocat), de règim semi-intensiu (durant l'etapa de l'engreix), amb animals mascles de la raça híbrida Mulard. Les instal·lacions tindran una capacitat de 6.500 animals, amb lots de 250 caps. Aquest dimensionament permet, durant la fase d'embocat, en la qual es requereix més dedicació, que la demanda de mà d'obra pugui ser satisfeta per un únic treballador. La principal conclusió que es pot extreure de l'estudi és que la inversió projectada és massa elevada i que aquesta econòmicament no és viable o rendible, ja que la despesa és massa elevada. Es mouen uns fluxos de caixa molt elevats i el marge comercial és molt reduït. Únicament si l'objectiu del promotor és obtenir una remuneració per la seva feina, sempre i quan és produeixi un augment del preu actual de la carn i una disminució del preu del pinso, es podria recomanar que es portés a terme la implantació de l'explotació, intentant, però, reduir la despesa d'execució de construccions i instal·lacions.


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L’objectiu del present TFM és explorar les possibilitats del programa matemàtic MATLAB i la seva eina Entorn de Disseny d’Interfícies Gràfiques d’Usuari (GUIDE), desenvolupant un programa d’anàlisi d’imatges de provetes metal·logràfiques que es pugui utilitzar per a realitzar pràctiques de laboratori de l’assignatura Tecnologia de Materials de la titulació de Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica que s’imparteix a la Universitat de Vic. Les àrees d’interès del treball són la Instrumentació Virtual, la programació MATLAB i les tècniques d’anàlisi d’imatges metal·logràfiques. En la memòria es posa un èmfasi especial en el disseny de la interfície i dels procediments per a efectuar les mesures. El resultat final és un programa que satisfà tots els requeriments que s’havien imposat en la proposta inicial. La interfície del programa és clara i neta, destinant molt espai a la imatge que s’analitza. L’estructura i disposició dels menús i dels comandaments ajuda a que la utilització del programa sigui fàcil i intuïtiva. El programa s’ha estructurat de manera que sigui fàcilment ampliable amb altres rutines de mesura, o amb l’automatització de les rutines existents. Al tractar-se d’un programa que funciona com un instrument de mesura, es dedica un capítol sencer de la memòria a mostrar el procediment de càlcul dels errors que s’ocasionen durant la seva utilització, amb la finalitat de conèixer el seu ordre de magnitud, i de saber-los calcular de nou en cas que variïn les condicions d’utilització. Pel que fa referència a la programació, malgrat que MATLAB no sigui un entorn de programació clàssic, sí que incorpora eines que permeten fer aplicacions no massa complexes, i orientades bàsicament a gràfics o a imatges. L’eina GUIDE simplifica la realització de la interfície d’usuari, malgrat que presenta problemes per tractar dissenys una mica complexos. Per altra banda, el codi generat per GUIDE no és accessible, cosa que no permet modificar manualment la interfície en aquells casos en els que GUIDE té problemes. Malgrat aquests petits problemes, la potència de càlcul de MATLAB compensa sobradament aquestes deficiències.


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The legislative reforms in university matters driven in recent years, beyond the provoked controversies, offer to universities the possibility to develop a new model in line with the European environment, focusing on quality aims and adapting to the socioeconomic current challenges. A new educational model centered on the student, on the formation of specific and transverse competitions, on the improvement of the employability and the access to the labor market, on the attraction and fixation of talent, is an indispensable condition for the effective social mobility and for the homogeneous development of a more responsible and sustainable socioeconomic and productive model


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In this work an analytical methodology for the determination of relevant physicochemical parameters of prato cheese is reported, using infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and partial least squares regression (PLS). Several multivariate models were developed, using different spectral regions and preprocessing routines. In general, good precision and accuracy was observed for all studied parameters (fat, protein, moisture, total solids, ashes and pH) with standard deviations comparable with those provided by the conventional methodologies. The implantation of this multivariate routine involves significant analytical advantages, including reduction of cost and time of analysis, minimization of human errors, and elimination of chemical residues.


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Based on Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) indicators, Brazil is a competitive and interesting country from the point of view of technological foreign investment. However, it is still incipient with regard to national investments, production of technological knowledge, inbound mobility of scientists and technology transfer to the productive sector. Among many other factors, global patent production is considered as an important indicator of innovation. Likewise, the balance between revenue and expenses obtained through royalties and licensing fees of technologies is also critical in mapping the diffusion and absorption of knowledge. The understanding of intellectual property and its strategic management brings a significant advantage to the economic and technological development of nations, especially in the field of chemistry, which greatly contributes to biotechnology, new materials and microelectronics - three fundamental areas for innovation in developed countries. Therefore, this article aims to map out competencies in chemistry in Brazil and evaluate science, technology and innovation indicators in the country, comparing this dynamic to the one of other BRIC members (Russia, India and China). Chemistry is the fourth biggest field of interest in Brazil based on the number of researchers registered at the governmental platform for researchers, Plataforma Lattes/CNPq, and is preceded by education, medicine and agronomy. The majority of research groups are registered in the area of materials, followed by macromolecules and polymers, pharmaceutical products and basic materials chemistry. These groups represent approximately 77% of research groups analyzed, therefore, indicating a tendency in the country. The analyses of patents in different sub-areas of chemistry reveal that non-residents file most deposits in the country, a probable reflection of the low internal intellectual property culture. Pharmaceutics and Fine Chemistry are prominent areas in the country, in line with the global trend. Among BRIC countries, China has the highest number of patents and of requests for protection in international offices. On the other hand, Brazil has the lowest number of chemical patents published at USPTO, EPO and JPO. An analysis of the transfer of technology data indicates an increase in this activity in various sub-areas of chemistry in the country. Despite the great efforts made by the country to consolidate its national innovation system, more needs to be done to put Brazil in a competitive position. In a globalized world dominated by large players, Brazil needs a lot of progress on ownership and generation of chemistry technologies to strengthen its national sovereignty. It is essential to strengthen chemical research at all levels, from elementary school to university, as an inexhaustible source of knowledge and technology that, when properly protected, may generate real public achievement and social return.


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The objective of this work was to develop a free access exploratory data analysis software application for academic use that is easy to install and can be handled without user-level programming due to extensive use of chemometrics and its association with applications that require purchased licenses or routines. The developed software, called Chemostat, employs Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), intervals Principal Component Analysis (iPCA), as well as correction methods, data transformation and outlier detection. The data can be imported from the clipboard, text files, ASCII or FT-IR Perkin-Elmer “.sp” files. It generates a variety of charts and tables that allow the analysis of results that can be exported in several formats. The main features of the software were tested using midinfrared and near-infrared spectra in vegetable oils and digital images obtained from different types of commercial diesel. In order to validate the software results, the same sets of data were analyzed using Matlab© and the results in both applications matched in various combinations. In addition to the desktop version, the reuse of algorithms allowed an online version to be provided that offers a unique experience on the web. Both applications are available in English.


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Suomessa rautatiellä käytetään muutamia tuhansia sähköisesti ohjattavia vaihteita, joiden toiminta varmistetaan määräajoin tehtävillä huolloilla. Työssä on tutkittu, onko kehitteillä olevalla vaihteenohjaimella mahdollista mitata ja analysoida vaihteen kunnonvalvontaan liittyviä suureita. Tutkimuksessa on tutustuttu rautatietekniikkaan sekä vaihdetta ohjaavaan vaihteenkääntölaitteeseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella on kehitetty sulautettuun järjestelmään perustuva mittaus- ja analysointijärjestelmäsovellus, joka tekee mittauksia, havaintoja ja johtopäätöksiä vaihteen toiminnasta. Mittaukset on suoritettu moottoria ohjaavista johtimista ja mittaustulokset on tallennettu analysointia ja jatkokäsittelyä varten. Ohjelmiston toimintaa on varmistettu mittauksilla sekä laboratorio-olosuhteissa että oikealla vaihteella testausympäristössä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että kehitetyllä laitteistolla on mahdollista toteuttaa vaihdetta diagnosoivia mittauksia riittävän laadukkaasti ja tarkasti. Työssä kehitetty järjestelmäalusta soveltuu käytettäväksi vaihteen diagnostiikan jatkokehittämiselle.


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Having inventory to cover from all possible problems would increase the inventory level indefinitely in accordance with the standard deviation. If the materials in stock are not used, but kept just to be on the safe side, they are waste. The main objective of this study was to find out, how much inventory is required to cover the requirements, without causing delivery problems towards the end-customers, and how the inventory could be controlled efficiently. Several improvements were made in the controlling principles, and the inventory level was quickly decreased by more than 30 %, and kept on the reached level. The suitability of kanban control was investigated, and it was eventually taken into some use. A great advantage was found in the new procedures in securing the supply. The requests for quotations were diversified, and the faulty basis was corrected. Thus, the inventory surplus would later be avoided, and at the same time, a lot of valuable time was saved from daily routines to further improvement projects.


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The author studies seventeen surface level samples of Diatoms and Dinoflagellates collected between June 7 and October 28, 1949, by the São Paulo Oceanographic Institute, on the southern inshore region ol São Paulo State, Brazil. Thirty-two species of diatoms distributed among twenty-four genera were present in the samples collected. Neritic forms of northerly and southerly temperate habitats predominated, varying very little from those found commonly in the open ocean. Coscinodiscus excentricus and C. radiatus were the most prominent species. Chaetoceros curvisetum, Coscinodiscus grani, Thalassionema nitzschioides and Thalassiotrix frauenfeldii occurred in very large numbers in the samples. Certain regions are shown to be consistently more productive than others at the surface level. The species of diatoms represented throughout .the region were cosmopolitan; in character. Dinoflagellate population was represented by 8 species distributed, among 3 genera, but at no time did they occur in large numbers.


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tarkastellaan idea- ja innovaatioportfolion hallintaa, portfoliojohtamista sekä näihin soveltuvia erilaisia menetelmiä yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on luoda yleiskatsaus yleisimpiin käytettyihin menetelmiin ja viitekehyksiin. Lähteinä työssä on käytetty sähköisiä tietokantoja ja alan kirjallisuutta. Käytetyimmät portfolion hallintamenetelmät voidaan jakaa neljään ryhmään: taloudelliset ja rahamääräiset mittarit, liiketoimintastrategiat, portfoliokartat tai kupla-diagrammit, scorecard:it eli pisteytystaulukot sekä tarkistuslistat. Idea- ja innovaatioportfolion hallinnan tavoitteena on luoda yrityksen kannalta mahdollisimman tehokas ja tuottava portfolio, joka on kuitenkin linjassa yrityksen strategian kanssa. Portfolion projekteille jaettavissa olevat resurssit ovat niukat, joten resurssien jakoon ja tehokkaaseen hyödyntämiseen tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Portfolion tasapainottamiseksi on hyvä tarkastella kehitys- ja tutkimusprojektien määrää, kokoa ja riskiä. Teknologiatiekartta on yrityksen strateginen työkalu, jolla se voi suunnata toimintaansa kohti sen visiota. Teknologiatiekartta koostuu yrityksen valitsemista markkinoista, niille suunnatuista tuotteista tai palveluista, sekä näiden vaatimista tuotekehitysprojekteista ja teknologioista. Projektien etenemistä voidaan tarkastella stage-gate -mallin avulla. Stage-gate jakaa projektin porteilla eri vaiheisiin. Jokaisen portin läpäistäkseen projektin tulee täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset. Menetelmät eivät takaa menestystä, vaan yrityksen on valittava itselleen sopivat menetelmät siten, että ne tukevat portfoliojohtamista ja sopivat yhteen yrityskulttuurin kanssa. Pelkkä mittareihin tuijottaminen ei riitä, vaan niiden taakse on myös osattava katsoa ja huomioida yrityksen strategia.