999 resultados para Processos fonológicos


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Na produção de álcool por fermentação com leveduras, a floculação manifesta-se como um mecanismo natural de agregação de células. Essa condição pode ser induzida por vários fatores, entre eles, a interação entre bactérias floculentas como Lactobacillus fermentum e as leveduras. Esse fato torna-se prejudicial para o processo, pois tanto nas unidades que se utilizam do sistema de recuperação de células por centrifugação, como nas que não o utilizam, ocorrem perdas excessivas de fermento, em conseqüência dos problemas operacionais decorrentes da floculação, comprometendo seriamente o desempenho industrial. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se a floculação em vinho proveniente de fermentação experimental, sob duas condições de pH de fermento tratado utilizadas como inóculo e temperaturas de fermentação, não se observando diferenças significativas entre elas. Com este estudo, pôde-se ainda avaliar a capacidade de dispersão dos flocos em três condições de pH no tratamento do fermento em fase industrial, mostrando diferenças altamente significativas entre elas. A maior capacidade de dispersão no tratamento do fermento é desejável para o controle da floculação industrial, permitindo a sua centrifugação, com conseqüente separação das bactérias contaminantes do fermento. Essas constatações tornaram-se possíveis pelo emprego da técnica usual de determinação da floculação por espectrofotometria, modificada pela desfloculação prévia das amostras de vinho e fermento, o que conferiu maior estabilidade nas leituras.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar duas formas de hidrólise do bagaço de cana (com [17kgf/cm²]e sem [4kgf/cm²] rápida descompressão pós-hidrólise) e dois níveis de concentrado (25 e 45% MS) no desempenho e na composição corporal de novilhas em crescimento sob regime confinado durante 112 dias. Vinte e quatro novilhas Nelore e 12 Canchim foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos casualizados em arranjo fatorial 2x2. Os resultados demonstraram que a omissão da explosão pós-hidrólise e o uso de níveis mais elevados de concentrado aumentaram o ganho de peso e o consumo de alimentos. Os resultados para ganho de peso e consumo de matéria seca, respectivamente, para tratamento sem vs com descompressão e 45 vs 25% de concentrado, foram 0,76 vs 0,67 e 0,76 vs 0,66 kg/d e 6,7 vs 5,8 e 6,8 vs 5,7 kg/dia. Entretanto, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para conversão alimentar. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os tratamentos quanto à composição corporal determinada por meio do espaço de deutério ao final do período de confinamento, embora a taxa estimada de deposição de lipídios tenha sido maior para o tratamento sem explosão (216 vs 175 g/d) e o tratamento com 45% de concentrado (225 vs 166 g/d). Não foram observadas vantagens na descompressão rápida pós-hidrólise em alta pressão na eficiência de conversão de alimentos. Os resultados demonstram que animais alimentados com bagaço hidrolisado em níveis altos de ingestão (2,9% PV) e proporções baixas de concentrado apresentaram eficiência de utilização da dieta semelhante a dietas com níveis mais altos de concentrado.


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Zoology laboratories at institutions of research and education have shown great demand for anatomical parts for practical lessons. However, although the bibliography is not necessarily scarce, analyses of the cost/benefit relations of such processes are rare, considering aspects such as preparation time, quality of the anatomical parts, and material and human resources. In addition to the common techniques already used, new low-cost products, not cited in literature and easily found in the market, were also tested. The main objective of this work was to elaborate and organize information on techniques of bone parts maceration for study collections, making comparative analyses on the cost/benefit relations of each technique. Twelve products were tested, evaluating experimental conditions such as: concentration and combination of reagents, temperature, pH and time of exposure of the parts to the reagents. The results indicated that the products recommended for the use in the maceration processes were: water, hydrogen peroxide and papaya juice (Carica papaya).


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The development of linear erosion processes is directly related with the environment natural characteristics or with modifications that have occurred on them by the anthropic action. In this context, the present article has as a general objective to evaluate the dynamic of the linear erosion processes and their relations with the evolution of the land use and with the lito-pedologic characteristics of the Cavalheiro hydrographic basin - Analândia, SP. In order to reach such objective, maps of erosive features and land use of several settings were elaborated, besides cartographic representations of the geological and pedological data of the study area. The obtained data were analyzed starting from the principles that concern to the General Systems Theory. Such analysis evidenced the intrinsic bond of the development of linear erosion processes with the several forms of land use and with the natural attributes of the studied area. Therefore, the methodological procedure adopted in this research has been considered as fundamental tool to understand the linear erosion processes dynamic, making it possible to take data of extreme relevance for the planning of the use and occupation of the land.


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This article summarizes the implementation of an online process management, analysis, and optimization tool at Lwarcel Celulose e Papel, within the PIMS and MES philosophy, for process indicator implementation, understanding of variables, and their cause-effect relationship in the process, as well as the achievement of operational benchmarking. The process analysis, by means of statistical tools, allied to mathematical modeling algorithms used in Wedge, makes it possible to identify the relevant information for process and quality improvement with regard to efficiency, equipment maintenance, productivity, and uniformity of the end product quality, reduction of unwanted shutdowns, and quicker resolution of process problems.


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The study area comprises the western portion of the Marília Plateau, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The geological substrate encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Bauru Group and local Neocenozoic units like colluvium aprons, fluvial terrace deposits, in situ regoliths, and modern alluvial deposits. In a geomorphologic sense, the study area might be characterized as showing two main pediplanes, viz. P1 Surface (upper) and P2 Surface (lower), both surfaces are presently under dissecation processes. After the 1920's the expansion of the railroad system fostered the removal of the natural vegetation, which in turn was followed by the introduction of coffee, peanut, corn and cotton crops. This intense exploitation was conducted without respect to the soil carrying capacity and its natural susceptibility to erosional processes, including an aggressive form known as voçoroca. As a result, the study shows that the most susceptible material includes colluvium aprons, in situ regoliths, and colluvium-alluvium or alluvium deposits. The most critical situation is in the P2 Surface context, near the bottom of the Marília Plateau scarpment, where surface runoff can be very strong. Another point of active erosion is represented by the exposed walls of gullies and voçorocas, mainly in fluvial reaches subjected to talweg lowering. In a general sense, this study shows current evidence of erosional stability due to the ìntroduction of pastures as a predominant type of land occupation and to a series of erosion control procedures. Among these actions are terrace implantation, construction of small pits for runoff control, natural or induced reforestation by land owners. Despite these efforts, some erosion points remain chiefly in steeper country roads and trail stretches, in areas of concentration of cattle tracks (e.g., near cattle ponds), gullies or voçorocas exposed walls, and badly planned urbanization. The permanence of these erosion points demonstrates the necessity of a continuous monitoring of surface dynamics as well as a rapid and effective intervining measures of erosion and/or silting control.


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This text presents some reflections about the educational and virtual processes of mathematics teachers drawing on research on the theme. Thus, in this text, considering our experiences with the development of online courses, we discuss issues such as collaboration in virtual environments, which contributes to more effective results in collaborative learning and reduces the potential of isolation of student/teacher that can occur in virtual environments. Through collaborative learning in a virtual community, students/teachers have the opportunity to practice and think in-depth about their learning experiences by sharing new ideas with the group and receiving critical and constructive feedback. Moreover, the virtuality formed by the environment of online courses supports educational spaces for teachers who teach mathematics. Thus, collaboration emerges as an essential element for construction of meanings and for sharing experiences on the practice of teaching.


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This study aimed at analyzing the geomorphologic dynamics and its relationship to human interference and ownership of relief, towards a systemic approach, through the interpretation, in an integrated manner, of cartographic documents made from techniques of geomorphologic cartography and of land use. By stereoscopic pairs of aerial photographs, it was prepared the Geomorphological Map and the Land Use Map, respectively based on Tricart's (1965) and Ceron and Diniz's (1966) technical procedures. The unit of the research analysis refers to the basin of Tijuco Preto Streamlet (SP) which is located at the Geomorphological Province of São Paulo state Peripheral Depression between latitudes 22°42'17 and 22°51'36 S, and longitudes 47°30'30 and 47°37'03. In general, it was possible to notice that this basin has been experiencing linear erosion processes, where it was mapped many erosion furrows, grooving and creeping, besides several slope breaks. These processes are associated with a conjunction of circumstances, and the anthropic one is mostly represented by sugarcane monoculture and by urbanization, which are crucial agents in activating erosion processes and in direct interfering on the dynamics of river and rain flow at the basin of Tijuco Preto Streamlet.


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The Pantanal wetland is an extensive depositional tract characterized by the presence of fluvial megafans, from which that of the Taquari River is the most extensive and well known. Located on the northern border of the Pantanal, the São Lourenço megafan is a large distributary fluvial system with an area of 16,000 km2, but poorly known regarding its geomorphological and geological features. The Sao Lourenço and the Taquari are coalescent megafans, having the Piquiri interfan meander river in between them. Based on the interpretation of satellite images and field validation, it was possible to identify channel patterns, to interpret depositional and erosional processes, to recognize the phenomena of river avulsion and to map depositional lobes. Three geomorphological zones were recognized on the São Lourenço megafan: 1) abandoned depositional lobes located in the upper/intermediate fan, composed of Pleistocene fluvial deposits and exhibiting distributary paleochannels on their surfaces, which are currently being dissected by tributary channels; 2) an active Holocene confined meander belt formed by fluvial aggradation in a N65E incised-valley; 3) active depositional lobes placed on the distal part of the system, which are the main site of sedimentation and are characterized by frequent avulsion events, channel bifurcation, distributary drainage pattern and the presence of depositional lobated landforms. The active depositional lobes were formed due to an important event of river avulsion that caused the lower portion of the meander belt to be abandoned.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)