950 resultados para Problem solving Graphic methods


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The focus of our research project was the question Can children‘s creativity be enhanced by including a period of non-conscious cognitive process (NCCP) time? During this non-thinking time the brain makes connections between independent ideas, forgets inappropriate responses, and makes available more relevant responses for problem solving. The research generated cases of several primary school classrooms as the teachers incorporated NCCP time in their design technology sessions. Children were observed and teachers interviewed about their perceptions of children‘s creativity as the children designed and produced recycling devices. The cases revealed an optimum time frame of several days for nonconscious cognitive processing. These findings have implications for teachers of technology who assign the same day and time each week for technology learning. During the non-task time, which included the NCCP time, children were able to discuss their ideas with family members. As children learn in socio-cultural contexts, these discussions can be fruitful. The teachers indicated that peer discussions also played an important role after the generation of designs.


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Creative problem solving is essential to technology education. In our research project we explored the suggestion that creativity may need to include a time of ‘non-thinking’ during which innovative responses to problem tasks are generated. The period of non-conscious cognitive process (NCCP) time is considered to be when the brain makes connections between independent ideas and when inappropriate responses can be forgotten, allowing more relevant responses to be made available for problem solving. Our research provided an opportunity for several primary school teachers to focus on enhancing creativity in technology education and to explore the notion of the NCCP time for creative problem solving. In this chapter we review the current literature on enhancing creativity and comment on how the teachers fostered creativity as they implemented a design, make and appraise technological task to produce recycling devices in their classrooms. Classes and children were observed and teachers interviewed about their perception of children’s creativity and the NCCP time. In this study, a time frame of only several days appears to be ideal for non-conscious cognitive processing to occur and more time may hinder creativity. These findings have implications for teachers of technology who assign the same day and time each week for technology learning.
During the non-task time, which included the NCCP time, children were able to discuss their ideas with family members. As children learn in social and cultural contexts, these discussions can be fruitful. The teachers indicated that peer discussions also played an important role after the generation of designs.


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With the current introduction of new national and state Early Years Frameworks and the increased interest and activity in educating early childhood educators, it was timely to investigate what knowledge, if any, early childhood educators had when it came to design technology. Although not prescriptive around technological understanding, the new Framework highlights children's learning related to "creativity", "exploration", "collaboration", and "problem-solving", in the context of connecting with people and technologies. This small pilot project asked 20 pre-service educators a number of questions designed to elicit both their understanding and their practices relating to technology. Responses were recorded and from those given, it was apparent that the Early childhood educators not only included technological activities in their daily practices with children, but generally had a basic understanding of technology, differentiated from other forms of learning activities.


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When children are involved in design and technology activities, they are able to create solutions to problems, often in new and innovative ways. There have been few studies which have investigated how children work when undertaking technological activities and even fewer which have focused on children's thinking or knowledge while they have been involved in the production of a technological artifact. This paper reports on a research project involving 3 school, 4 classes and 80 children. The project focused on children's language, thinking and creativity while they designed and constructed a recycling device using recycled materials. Using children's written responses to key questions, we can highlight some of their thinking, knowledge and problem-solving strategies. It was clear from the children's responses that aspects of investigation, design, producation and evaluation were evident across all three sites. Findings on children's creativity and language were presented at previous Technology Education Research Conferences (TERC). 


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Birds in the infraorder Corvida [1] (ravens, jays, bowerbirds) are renowned for their cognitive abilities [2–4], which include advanced problem solving with spatial inference [4–8], tool use and complex constructions [7–10], and bowerbird cognitive ability is associated with mating success [11]. Great bowerbird males construct bowers with a long avenue from within which females view the male displaying over his bower court [10]. This predictable audience viewpoint is a prerequisite for forced (altered) visual perspective [12–14]. Males make courts with gray and white objects that increase in size with distance from the avenue entrance. This gradient creates forced visual perspective for the audience; court object visual angles subtended on the female viewer’s eye are more uniform than if the objects were placed at random. Forced perspective can yield false perception of size and distance [12, 15]. After experimental reversal of their size-distance gradient, males recovered their gradients within 3 days, and there was little difference from the original after 2 wks. Variation among males in their forced-perspective quality as seen by their female audience indicates that visual perspective is available for use in mate choice, perhaps as an indicator of cognitive ability. Regardless of function, the creation and maintenance of forced visual perspective is clearly important to great bowerbirds and suggests the possibility of a previously unknown dimension of bird cognition.


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There is growing worldwide interest in Japanese Lesson Study as a form of professional development, with adaptations of Lesson Study taking place in hundreds of schools clusters in USA, large-scale adoption in the UK, and smaller scale implementation in Australia, and many other countries, including Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. This presentation will use classroom video to illustrate the typical Japanese structured-problem-solving research lessons that form the basis for Lesson Study, and discuss how they are planned, the role of the teacher, and the use of Lesson Study as a means of professional


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The ethics of care acknowledges the importance of establishing and maintaining practices that help people to meet their needs, develop and protect basic capabilities for problem solving, emotional functioning, and social interaction, and avoid pain and suffering. In this article, we explore the contribution an ethics of care perspective can make to work with sex offenders. First, we briefly describe five classes of ethical problems evident in work with sex offenders. Second, the concept of care is defined and a justification for a version of care theory provided. Third, we apply the care ethical theory to ethical issues with sex offenders and demonstrate its value in responding to the five classes of problems outlined earlier.


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Games are enjoyable, and research shows that learning to play games can boost learning. Many games use mathematical processes and strategies; this book outlines the context for using mathematics games in classrooms to promote active mathematics learning, curiosity and engaged thinking. There are suggestions for suitable commercially available games and explanations of the rules for card games, dominoes, alphabet games, dice games, drawing games and others. Ways of making a new game, or modifying an existing game are explored, and there are scores of ideas for using games to support mathematical concepts while having fun.


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Aim. To identify life transitions likely to impact diabetes self-care among young adults with Type 1 diabetes and their coping strategies during transition events.
Background. Relationships among psychosocial stress, adjustment, coping and metabolic control affect clinical outcomes and mental health. Life transitions represent major change and are associated with stress that temporarily affects individuals’ problem-solving, coping abilities and blood glucose levels.
Design. A qualitative interpretive inquiry.
Method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 young adults with Type 1 diabetes and a constant comparative analysis method. Data and analysis was managed using QSR NVIVO 7 software.
Results. Participants identified two significant transition groups: life development associated with adolescence, going through the education system, entering new relationships, motherhood and the workforce and relocating. Diabetes-related transitions included being diagnosed, developing diabetes complications, commencing insulin pump treatment and going on diabetes camps. Participants managed transitions using ‘strategic thinking and planning’ with strategies of ‘self-negotiation to minimise risks’; ‘managing diabetes using previous experiences’; ‘connecting with others with diabetes’; ‘actively seeing information to ‘patch’ knowledge gaps’; and ‘putting diabetes into perspective’.
Conclusions. Several strategies are used to manage diabetes during transitions. Thinking and planning strategically was integral to glycaemic control and managing transitions. The impact of transitions on diabetes needs to be explored in larger and longitudinal studies to identify concrete strategies that assist diabetes care during life transitions.
Relevance to clinical practice. It is important for health professionals to understand the emotional, social and cognitive factors operating during transitions to assist young adults with Type 1 diabetes to achieve good health outcomes by prioritising goals and plan flexible, timely, individualised and collaborative treatment.


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This paper reports on a qualitative study aimed at investigating whether Australian Information Systems (IS) students undertaking a team-based capstone subject with real clients believed the subject had enhanced their employability skills. This research is important because UK and Australian governments and industry are increasingly pressuring universities to focus more on developing employability skills. The paper makes a contribution to the literature since there are few empirical studies examining students’ perceptions of capstone subjects and none, to our knowledge, focusing on employability skills. Our study suggests that students believed the capstone subject did improve a broad range of employability skills and it also demonstrates the interrelated nature of these skills. We conjecture that the team-based, real-client model of capstone is particularly useful, compared to other capstone models, because it is especially effective at integrating the range of employability skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving and self-management.


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Knowledge is instrumental in organisational problem solving and is embedded in organisational processes and routines. We explore the application of IT in breakdowns (forms of interruptions from normal organisational work routines) and illustrate the application of distributed cognition theory (DCT) as a useful lens to explain the exchange of knowledge in breakdowns. DCT also allows for a rich analysis of the role that information technology (IT) can play to foster knowledge exchange in breakdown situations. We use two cases to illustrate that DCT is useful in identifying the matches and mismatches in IT support for exchanging knowledge in breakdowns.


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This paper compares and contrasts the career experiences and development needs of 334 British quality managers compared with Australian quality managers based on two Australian surveys. The quality managers in both countries brought wide functional experience to their roles, with many coming in particular from production and operations and general management. In their current roles major sources of job satisfaction for managers in both countries were improving efficiency and problem solving, whereas aspects of employee relations was a source of least satisfaction. Both groups of quality managers utilised a very limited range of quality tools, the most popular being brainstorming, control charts and Pareto analysis, with virtually no mention of more sophisticated tools like Six sigma, which is in stark contrast to American managers. Also British and Australian managers showed little awareness in terms of their development needs for a broader background in quality, which could disadvantage their companies in global markets.


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This chapter outlines current research profiling students and educators participating in and constructing immersive interfaces in blended e-learning settings. Multi User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) and real world settings augmented with virtual information can generate problem-solving communities where participants gain greater technical knowledge and skills through meaningful and frequent interaction. MUVEs can also generate technical innovation amongst students from diverse disciplinary backgrounds provided students are encouraged to help each other and learn together. After detailing some false assumptions about computer literacy that can stifle meaningful exploration with new technologies in contemporary education, this chapter documents an exemplar involving extensive collaboration between students from different educational backgrounds with diverse technical competencies. The success of this initiative hinges on the willingness of educators to provide a shared learning experience where technology is used to facilitate increased student communication and offers a site for invention, informed critique, industry participation, and a sense of community.


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The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes is of great public health concern. In the state of Victoria, Australia, a group-based lifestyle intervention programme, Life! – Taking Action on Diabetes, was developed for people over the age of 50 years who are at high risk of diabetes. It aims to reduce the risk of diabetes by providing practical skills, including goal setting and problem solving, to encourage participants to adopt a healthy diet and active lifestyle. The programme is delivered by specially trained facilitators who have undergone an accredited three-stage training programme. A quality assurance process is also in place to ensure that it is delivered to a consistently high standard. The Life! program
is a direct progression from the Finnish randomised controlled trial and the Greater Green Triangle Diabetes Prevention Project implementation trial. This paper describes how a diabetes prevention programme was implemented at a state-wide level and the training of facilitators to conduct the group sessions. Future studies are needed to examine the cost effectiveness and development of specific programmes for diverse population groups.


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We propose a probabilistic movement model for controlling ant-like agents foraging between two points. Such agents are all identical, simple, autonomous and can only communicate indirectly through the environment. These agents secrete two types of pheromone, one to mark trails towards the goal and another to mark trails back to the starting point. Three pheromone perception strategies are proposed (Strategy A, B and C). Agents that use strategy A perceive the desirability of a neighbouring location as the difference between levels of attractive and repulsive pheromone in that location. With strategy B, agents perceive the desirability of a location as the quotient of levels of attractive and repulsive pheromone. Agents using strategy C determine the product of the levels of attractive pheromone with the complement of levels of repulsive pheromone. We conduct experiments to confirm directionality as emergent property of trails formed by agents that use each strategy. In addition, we compare path formation speed and the quality of the formed path under changes in the environment. We also investigate each strategy's robustness in environments that contain obstacles. Finally, we investigate how adaptive each strategy is when obstacles are eventually removed from the scene and find that the best strategy of these three is strategy A. Such a strategy provides useful guidelines to researchers in further applications of swarm intelligence metaphors for complex problem solving.