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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Definida pelo autor César Donizetti Pereira Leite como uma pesquisa acadêmica com formato de ensaio esta obra reúne um conjunto de textos instigantes, abertos e experimentais sobre infância e educação, mas que tem neste tema apenas o ponto de partida. A intenção do autor é, mais do que comprovar alguma tese eventualmente sugerida no título da obra, mergulhar no universo infantil e retirar dele as ricas relações cultivadas pela criança com a sua realidade, com todas as suas variáveis e nuances, incluídas suas experiências com o cinema, a literatura, a passagem do tempo, os espaços, a escola. Leite não pensou a infância como algo a ser escrito ou dito, e sim vivenciado. Saborosamente fragmentado, o livro utiliza de maneira aparentemente aleatória as mais diferentes modalidades de escritura - de pequenos ensaios críticos a insights iluminadores, de poemas e citações infantis a trechos de terceiros. E faz a infância emergir com todos os seus contornos, como se ela mesma produzisse uma forma de escrever sobre ela, fabricasse uma escritura que a contornasse. É texto, mas também metatexto, e dos mais bem-sucedidos já escritos sobre o assunto.


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As transformações que o mundo tem experimentado, por meio de inovações tecnologias constantes, mercados em mudança e novas formas de organização comercial e social certamente exigem adaptações das teorias e práticas do design. Se for visto com seriedade e responsabilidade, este poderá se tornar uma das bases da configuração do ambiente tecnológico e contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida no planeta. Neste livro, em que fazem essa previsão, calcados em ampla argumentação, os autores expõem um cenário abrangente do design no Brasil e no mundo, de suas origens históricas aos os dias atuais e do que se espera da área para o futuro. Eles analisam como o design se desenvolveu, de que modo foi sendo moldado ao longo do tempo, suas aplicações e implicações nos campos econômico, tecnológico, social e ambiental, além do papel do designer enquanto profissional criativo e científico. Ainda hoje, as corporações subordinam o designer a áreas técnicas, como a de engenharia. Os autores defendem maior reconhecimento e autonomia desse profissional, na medida em que ele pode estar à frente de diversas atividades nas organizações, como criação de sinalização e uniformes, desenvolvimento de produtos, layout de ambientes e papelaria, estabelecendo identidade comum para esses elementos.


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Introdução:Os resultados alcançados pelos transplantes renais nas últimas décadas têm melhorado progressivamente. Objetivo:A fim de determinar a extensão desse progresso, conduzimos uma análise dos resultados obtidos em nosso programa de transplantes através de três períodos diferentes. Métodos:Avaliamos os 600 transplantes renais realizados no HC FMB-UNESP até dezembro de 2011, subdividindo-os em três eras, de acordo com a imunossupressão vigente. Era 1: de 1987 a 2000 (n = 180); associação de ciclosporina e azatioprina. Era 2: de 2001 a 2006 (n = 120); associação de ciclosporina e micofenolato e Era 3: de 2007 a 2011 (n = 300); associação de tacrolimus e micofenolato. Resultados:Os resultados mostram aumento da idade média do receptor, da prevalência de diabetes e do número de transplantes com doador falecido (60%) na terceira era. O uso de terapia de indução foi de 75% era atual contra 46,6% (Era 2) e 3,9% (Era 1), p < 0,0001. Os dados de sobrevida geral por tipo de doador mostram dados semelhantes à literatura. Houve progressivo aumento da sobrevida do enxerto com doadores falecidos em 5 anos, saindo de 13,7% (Era 1) para 81,9% (Era 3). Conclusão:Houve significativas diferenças ao longo do tempo, culminando com aumento do volume de transplantes na atual era (média de 14 transplantes/ano na Era 1 para 75 transplantes/ano na Era 3). Inverteu-se o perfil de transplantes na era atual com predomínio de doador falecido. A melhor sobrevida com doador falecido da atual era foi atribuída a maior experiência do centro e aos esquemas de imunossupressão baseados na combinação de tacrolimus com micofenolato associados a esquema de indução.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of flushing on the reproductive performance of Morada Nova (MN) and Santa Inês (SI) ewes submitted to fixed time artificial insemination (TAI). Twenty seven SI and 24 MN supplemented with concentrate (1% of live weight, on average), for 75 days during the breeding season. After 30 days of supplementation, ewes were synchronized with the aid of a hormonal protocol (HP) based on progesterone, eCG and cloprostenol. The estrus observation was conducted at 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the end of HP with the aid of two ruffians. TAI was done 55 h after the end of HP. From 20 to 45 days after the beginning of the HP ewes were exposed to rams (natural breeding). The pregnancy diagnosis was evaluated 70 days after TAI. We analyzed the weight, body condition score, estrus rate, pregnancy rate and prolificacy testing the effects of race, week of supplementation and body condition score class. The weight and body conditions of ewes varied according to the week of supplementation, with higher values in the first two weeks following TAI. The estrus rate was 88.2% and 43.2% of the ewes showed estrus up to 24 hours of the end of the HP. The pregnancy rate per TAI was 31.3% and the pregnancy rate after natural breeding was 50.0%. It was observed that body condition score classes interfered in pregnancy rates. There was a higher percentage of multiple births by pregnancy by TAI than by natural breeding. It was concluded that the flushing resulted in weight gain and better body conditions ensuring the standardization of the herd for breeding season, which therefore improved reproductive performance. The HP used advanced the onset of estrus and increased prolificacy, but was inefficient in the synchronization of woolless sheep.


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The injection molding of automotive parts is a complex process due to the many non-linear and multivariable phenomena that occur simultaneously. Commercial software applications exist for modeling the parameters of polymer injection but can be prohibitively expensive. It is possible to identify these parameters analytically, but applying classical theories of transport phenomena requires accurate information about the injection machine, product geometry, and process parameters. However, neurofuzzy networks, which achieve a synergy by combining the learning capabilities of an artificial neural network with a fuzzy set's inference mechanism, have shown success in this field. The purpose of this paper was to use a multilayer perceptron artificial neural network and a radial basis function artificial neural network combined with fuzzy sets to produce an inference mechanism that could predict injection mold cycle times. The results confirmed neurofuzzy networks as an effective alternative to solving such problems.


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In the past few years several GPS (Global Position System) positioning techniques have been develope and/or improved with the goal of obtaining high accuracy and productivity in real time. The reference station network concept besides to enabling quality and reliability in positioning for scientific and civil GPS community, allows studies concerning tropospheric refraction modeling in the network region. Moreover, among the network corrections transmission methods available to users, there is the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept. In this method, the data of a virtual station are generated near the rover receiver (user). This provides a short baseline and the user has the possibility of using a single frequency receiver to accomplish the relative positioning. In this paper, the methodology applied to generate VRS data, using different tropospheric models is described. Thus, comparative tests were conducted in the four seasons with the NWP/INPE (Numerical Weather Prediction/National Institute for Space Research) and Hopfield tropospheric models. In order to analyse the VRS data quality, it was used the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method, where satisfactory results were found. Mean differences between PNT/INPE and Hopfield models of 9.75% and 24.2% for the hydrostatic and wet days, respectively were obtained.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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PURPOSE: To analyze the time between the first symptom and treatment in patients treated for breast cancer in public hospitals in the Federal District. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analysis. We interviewed 250 women diagnosed with breast cancer treated in six hospitals of the State Department of Health of the Federal District from November 2009 to January 2011. The time intervals studied were the time between the detection of the symptoms and treatment subdivided into intervals until and after the first medical appointment. The variables were: age, menopausal status, color, educational level, average monthly household income, origin, reason for the initial consultation, staging, tumor size, laterality, metastasis to axillary lymph nodes, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and type of surgery. The Mann-Whtney test was used to assess the association of these variables with the time intervals until treatment. RESULTS: The mean age was 52 years, with a predominance of white women (57.6%), from the Federal District (62.4%), with a family income of up to 2 minimum wages (78%), and up to four years of schooling (52.4%). The staging of the disease ranged from II to IV in 78.8% of the women. The time between the first symptom and treatment was 229 days (median). After detection of the first symptom, 52.9% of the women attended a consultation within 30 days and 88.8% took more than 90 days to start treatment. Women with elementary school education had a greater delay to the start of treatment (p=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant delay to start treatment of women with breast cancer in public hospitals of the Federal District, suggesting that efforts should be made to reduce the time needed to schedule medical appointments and to diagnose and treat these patients.


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The main topic of this paper is the Ambiguity Dilution of Precision known as ADOP. Basically, ADOP is defined as a diagnostic measure for assessing the precision of the float scalar ambiguities. Among the several possibilities, the ADOP can provide help in predicting the behavior of a baseline or a network of GNSS receivers, concerning the problem of ambiguity resolution, either in real-time (instantaneous) or in the post-processing mode. The main advantage of using ADOP is possibility of the extraction of a closed analytical expression, considering various factors that affect the ambiguity resolution. Furthermore, the ADOP is related to the success rate of ambiguity resolution. The expressions here used, takes into account several factors, for example, a priori information of the measurement precision of GNSS carrier phase and pseudorange, the number of stations and satellites, the number of available frequencies and the behavior of the atmosphere (ionosphere and troposphere). Several scenarios were established so as to analyze the impact of each factor in ambiguities resolution, within the context of some stations of the São Paulo GNSS network (GNSS-SP).


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS