966 resultados para Próteses e implantes


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For some time, oral surgeons have tried several surgical procedures to improve the alveolar ridge for prosthetic appliance construction. The techniques used for this purpose are divided into four groups: submucosal vestibuloplasty; secondary epithelization; soft tissue grafting and transpositional flaps. Twenty patients who had problems to wear dentures due to unsatisfactory retention and stability were selected at the Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery and Traumatology Clinic of Dental School of São José dos Campos. They were divided in two groups and operated by submucosal vestibuloplasty using stents and secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty by Clark's technique and were evaluated twelve months after operations in relationship of the sulcus depth. The results were obtained by clinical and radiological examination before and after surgery, and they are similar to those found in the literature reaching satisfactory functional judgement


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The technique proposed aims at reducing the weight of individualized ample ocular prostheses using acrylic resins as well as simplifying laboratory procedure. For that, prefabricated hollow spheres made of plastic material, were inserted in the sclera. The average weights of the solid conventional sclera (5.30g) and those of the respective prefabricated plastic ones (3.91g) were compared. The weight reduction was significative with a confidence interval of 95% by the Student t test. ln addition, for illustration purpose, the technique was applied to patients in the ward of the Maxillofacial Prostheses Dicipline of the Dentistry School in the Campus of São José dos Campos - UNESP, having each patient received a solid prosthesis and a hollow prefabricated one made of plastic material. It has been concluded that the prostheses material spheres were inserted are lighter than the ones which received solid spheres; furthermore, thr technique is viable for ample anophtalmic cavities and requires few sessions


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar experimentalmente a biocompatibilidade de cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico em cavidades evisceradas de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 45 coelhos albinos submetidos à cirurgia de evisceração do olho direito, seguida da inclusão de cones de biovidro e dois tipos de biovitrocerâmicos (chamados de FI e FII) na cavidade escleral. Os animais foram sacrificados em três momentos (7, 90 e 180 dias). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso, exame clínico diário, exames bioquímicos, avaliação histológica, exame morfométrico. RESULTADOS: Os animais mantiveram-se saudáveis durante o experimento, não tendo ocorrido extrusão do implante em nenhum animal. O exame morfológico mostrou que houve a formação de pseudocápsula ao redor dos cones, com superioridade dos cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico FI, os quais apresentaram menor reação inflamatória e menor formação da pseudocápsula ao redor dos cones que os demais. A reação inflamatória foi mais intensa após 7 dias da colocação dos cones, diminuindo em direção aos 180 dias, sendo menos intensa nos coelhos que receberam cones de biovidro. CONCLUSÃO: Os cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico FI e FII podem ser úteis para a reparação da cavidade anoftálmica, com melhor resposta quando se usa cones de biovidro e de biovitrocerâmico FI.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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Introduction: Recent studies have evaluated the relationship between the width of keratinized mucosa and peri-implant tissue health. Insufficiently wide keratinized tissue can be increased surgically, for example by free gingival grafting. The presence or reconstruction of keratinized tissue around the implant can facilitate restorative procedures, promote aesthetics and allow the maintenance of an oral hygiene routine without irritation or discomfort to the patient. Objective: To describe a patient who underwent free gingival graft surgery to increase the width of keratinized tissue in the region of previously implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol. Case report: A patient who had received dental implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol presented with inflamed peri-implant mucosa, but with no keratinized tissue. Free gingival tissue was obtained from the palate and grafted into the anterior maxilla. Sixty days after muco-gingival surgery, we observed that the free gingival graft favored peri-implant health and prosthetic casting. Conclusion: The free gingival graft technique is both easy to perform and effective in increasing the width of keratinized mucosa following implantation.


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This work aimed to analyze clinically and histologically the allogen bone graft behavior at 6 and 9 months. A leukoderm, female, 55 years old patient sought dental care for oral rehabilitation with dental implants and implant supported fixed prosthesis in the maxilla. Bilateral sinus lifting procedure were performed in a same patient, the analysis were made after 6 and 9 months, respectively. At 6 months, there was lack of a better bone remodeling in the region, associated to the presence of fibrous connective tissue within the collected tissue, showing us that this is not the best stage of tissue maturation to place dental implants. The 9 months period showed an improvement, with a more organized bone tissue surrounding particles of homogenous bone, what possibly had increased implant stability at the time of surgery. There is no doubt about the increase of clinical applications of FFBA, but there are no studies available regarding the standardization of time to load implants inserted in allografts. So papers with long-term monitoring are necessary to eliminate questions that still remain to be answered.


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Alveolar wall fenestrations are common during implant placement. The aim of this paper is to report a case where a peri-implant bone fenestration was reconstructed immediately after implant placement by an autogenous mandibular bone block. A male patient was referred to the Department of Surgical and Integrated Clinics to substitute his Kennedy´s Class IV removable partial denture for an implantsupported fixed prosthesis. A peri-implant bone fenestration at the buccal wall was seen at the region of 12, being reconstructed by a mandibular bone block secured by a bicortical screw. Six months later the surgical procedures, an implant-supported complete fixed partial prosthesis was developed. The autogenous bone block harvested from the mandibular ramus was a safe alternative to reconstruct the peri-implant bone defect such as fenestration types.


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Studies have reported that alcohol may lead to imbalance in bone formation and resorption, however, its effects on osseointegration of titanium implants continues to be an inconclusive subject. In this context, the aim of this study was to make a biomechanical evaluation of the effect of abusive alcohol consumption on the removal torque of osseointegrated titanium implants. Male Wistar rats (n=30) were divided into two experimental groups (15 each) receiving only water (Control) or 36% alcohol solution oral administration. Thirty days later, all animals were submitted to titanium implant (2.2 mm x 4 mm) placement in the right and left tibiae. The surgical alveoli were prepared with a 2 mm drill mounted in a counter-angle hand-piece (20:1 ratio, 35 Ncm torque at 1200 rpm) under abundant cooling. Five animals from each group were euthanized at 15, 30, and 60 days. Tibiae were submitted to reverse torque analysis. Data obtained were submitted to statistical analysis by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn Tests (p < 0.05). Animals in the alcohol group presented lower removal torque values when compared with control group animals for all periods tested (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that abusive alcohol consumption can reduce the removal torque of titanium implants placed in rat tibiae, suggesting that alcohol may interfere in the osseointegration process of titanium implants.


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Risk of mechanical injuries contraindicate brushing and elect chemical agents as appropriate for daily cleaning of dentures relined with resilient materials. It was evaluated the effect of denture cleansers on the wettability of denture relining material (Dentusoft, Dental Medrano). We used 20 discs of acrylic resin thermoactivated VipiCril ® with 30mm diameter and 4mm thick, covered by 2mm Dentusoft ®. Divided into 4grupos were stored in artificial saliva at 37 +1 º C for 30 days, immersed daily for 15minutes in distilled water (GI), Corega ® Tabs (GII), a solution of sodium bicarbonate (GIII) or solution of sodium hypochlorite (GIV) after which, on the soft liner were poured 2 ml of type IV gypsum (Durone IV, Dentsply). Reached the final setting of the gypsum specimens were sectioned vertically and medially, settled water with sandpaper No. 400 and mounted on suitable device for reading (in the right and left) of the contact angle Carl Zeiss microscope (precision, 001). The results were submitted to analysis, showed non-normal distribution, opting for non-parametric test. Kruskal Wallis test performed at 5% significance, there was statistical difference between the groups with lower average contact angle for GII. It was concluded that the chemical cleaning Corega Tabs ® allowed a better adaptation of relining the gypsum studied.


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One of the complications that concern prosthetists is bone loss peri-implant, because the success of dental implant treatment requires long-term maintenance of hard and soft tissues around the implant. Whereby the dental implants have not only the goal of restoring function, but also the aesthetics of the patient, the bone loss peri-implant can dramatically compromise the aesthetics of rehabilitation, particularly in anterior regions. The aim of this study was to analyze and reason, through literature review, the main factors that can cause bone loss in peri-implant and possible ways to prevent it.


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With the advances of osseointegration principles, the use of implant-supported prosthesis has become a routine treatment option. The success of an implant is initially associated to the surgical technique, primary stability and absence of bacterial contamination on the implant site. Subsequently, the absence of mechanical trauma (overload) and peri-implantitis are sine qua non conditions to the longitudinal success of implant treatment. Therefore, the strict maintenance of oral hygiene is highly important to avoid biofilm accumulation around the implant and consequently to provide last-long implant-supported dentures. The clinician has the responsibility to supply a favorable prognosis to the patient so that the rehabilitation succeed. For this reason, during prosthesis fabrication the clinician should observe the design and emergency profile of the prosthesis, the peri-implant sulcus depth as well as the presence of motor or psychological impairment by the patient. Subjects with missing teeth and that will be submitted to the implant treatment should be motivated and adequate instructed regarding oral hygiene and its importance since the best option to obtain treatment longevity and consequently patient’s satisfaction is the prevention. Therefore, this study aimed to perform a literature review about the hygiene of implant-supported prosthesis.


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The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. Materials and Methods: A literature search of Medline-PubMed for articles published, describing the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry was performed and articles were critically reviewed. Results: The literature review reveals clinical trials and experimental studies with regard to the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. This material consists of 2 components: highly purified, freeze-dried human fibrinogen with factor XIII and a starter solution containing human thrombin. Clotting factor XIII is admitted for reinforcement of the fibrin network. The components are reconstituted before use and when mixed form a clot by mimicking the terminal phase of the physiological clotting cascade. Several studies showed that fibrin tissue adhesive is fully absorbed by macrophages within 2 weeks of application. Adhesive fibrin tissue may be used for to prevent bone loss, to create contour in the periimplant soft tissue and osseous tissue, to sculpt emergence profile for prosthetic components and to mimic tissue architecture. In the last years fibrin tissue adhesive also find use as material for the controlled delivery of drugs and biologics. Conclusions: The fibrin tissue adhesive presents good properties such as biocompatibility, hemostatic properties and ability to break down like the physiologic clot. This material, alone or associated with other materials, can be used with the implants immediately after extraction. In this condition it brings the necessary anchoring and efficient maintenance of osseous/mucosal contour, which it is important for the clinical success.


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The increased prevalence of diabetic individuals has become a public health problem. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in plasma glucose levels. It impairs the physiological equilibrium in utilization of carbohydrate by tissues. The persistent hyperglycemia can produce deleterious effects on bone formation due the microvascular complication. The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the impact of glycemic control at complications associated at diabetes mellitus on osseointegration. In experimental models of diabetes it was observed a reduced level of bone-implant contact. This failure can be reduced by means of hyperglycemia control. Also, several studies point the beneficial effect of coated implant on osseointegration process. It is necessary to take special care into account for the placement of implants in diabetic patient and improve the percentages of implant survival. A rigorous control of plasma glycaemia, together with other measures, like as absence of chronic complications, good oral hygiene and regular medical follow-up has been related to rising the percentages of successful in diabetic patients.