991 resultados para Potentiel de Lennard-Jones


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Nitrogen (N) is the largest agricultural input in many Australian cropping systems and applying the right amount of N in the right place at the right physiological stage is a significant challenge for wheat growers. Optimizing N uptake could reduce input costs and minimize potential off-site movement. Since N uptake is dependent on soil and plant water status, ideally, N should be applied only to areas within paddocks with sufficient plant available water. To quantify N and water stress, spectral and thermal crop stress detection methods were explored using hyperspectral, multispectral and thermal remote sensing data collected at a research field site in Victoria, Australia. Wheat was grown over two seasons with two levels of water inputs (rainfall/irrigation) and either four levels (in 2004; 0, 17, 39 and 163 kg/ha) or two levels (in 2005; 0 and 39 kg/ha N) of nitrogen. The Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index (CCCI) and modified Spectral Ratio planar index (mSRpi), two indices designed to measure canopy-level N, were calculated from canopy-level hyperspectral data in 2005. They accounted for 76% and 74% of the variability of crop N status, respectively, just prior to stem elongation (Zadoks 24). The Normalised Difference Red Edge (NDRE) index and CCCI, calculated from airborne multispectral imagery, accounted for 41% and 37% of variability in crop N status, respectively. Greater scatter in the airborne data was attributable to the difference in scale of the ground and aerial measurements (i.e., small area plant samples against whole-plot means from imagery). Nevertheless, the analysis demonstrated that canopy-level theory can be transferred to airborne data, which could ultimately be of more use to growers. Thermal imagery showed that mean plot temperatures of rainfed treatments were 2.7 °C warmer than irrigated treatments (P < 0.001) at full cover. For partially vegetated fields, the two-Dimensional Crop Water Stress Index (2D CWSI) was calculated using the Vegetation Index-Temperature (VIT) trapezoid method to reduce the contribution of soil background to image temperature. Results showed rainfed plots were consistently more stressed than irrigated plots. Future work is needed to improve the ability of the CCCI and VIT methods to detect N and water stress and apply both indices simultaneously at the paddock scale to test whether N can be targeted based on water status. Use of these technologies has significant potential for maximising the spatial and temporal efficiency of N applications for wheat growers. ‘Ground–breaking Stuff’- Proceedings of the 13th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 10-14 September 2006, Perth, Western Australia.


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The tomato I-3 gene introgressed from the Lycopersicon pennellii accession LA716 confers resistance to race 3 of the fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. We have improved the high-resolution map of the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 with the development and mapping of 31 new PCR-based markers. Recombinants recovered from L. esculentum cv. M82 × IL7-2 F2 and (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping populations, together with recombinants recovered from a previous M82 × IL7-3 F2 mapping population, were used to position these markers. A significantly higher recombination frequency was observed in the (IL7-2 × IL7-4) × M82 TC1F2 mapping population based on a reconstituted L. pennellii chromosome 7 compared to the other two mapping populations based on smaller segments of L. pennellii chromosome 7. A BAC contig consisting of L. esculentum cv. Heinz 1706 BACs covering the I-3 region has also been established. The new high-resolution map places the I-3 gene within a 0.38 cM interval between the molecular markers RGA332 and bP23/gPT with an estimated physical size of 50-60 kb. The I-3 region was found to display almost continuous microsynteny with grape chromosome 12 but interspersed microsynteny with Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes 1, 2 and 3. An S-receptor-like kinase gene family present in the I-3 region of tomato chromosome 7 was found to be present in the microsyntenous region of grape chromosome 12 but was absent altogether from the A. thaliana genome.


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The isolation frequency of Microsphaeropsis sp. in spring in association with necrotic lesions on leaves in Tasmanian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) fields has increased substantially since first identification in 2001. Examination of morphological features and sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) resulted in the identification of a new species, herein described as Microsphaeropsis tanaceti sp. nov. The pathogenicity of three M. tanaceti isolates to two pyrethrum cultivars was confirmed by inoculating glasshouse-grown plants in three experiments. No significant differences in the susceptibility of the two cultivars to infection by M. tanaceti were found. Symptoms were tan-coloured spots which coalesced around the margins of the leaves. Therefore, the name 'tan spot' is proposed for this new disease of pyrethrum. The sensitivity of seven M. tanaceti isolates to difenoconazole and azoxystrobin, commonly used fungicides for the management of foliar diseases in spring, was assessed under in vitro conditions. Sensitivity testing for difenoconazole was conducted using a mycelial growth assay on potato dextrose agar, whilst testing for sensitivity to azoxystrobin used a conidial germination assay on water agar. Microsphaeropsis tanaceti was found to be more sensitive to azoxystrobin than difenoconazole, with complete inhibition of conidial germination at concentrations above 0.625 µg a.i. mL-1. By comparison, concentrations of 50 µg a.i. difenoconazole mL-1 or greater were required for significant inhibition of mycelial growth. It therefore appears likely that there is currently some control of tan spot as a result of the use of azoxystrobin and to a lesser extent, difenoconazole, for the control of other diseases.


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We have evaluated the potential of a formulated diet as a replacement for live and fresh feeds for 7-day post-hatch Panulirus ornatus phyllosomata and also investigated the effect of conditioning phyllosomata for 14-21 days on live feeds prior to weaning onto a 100% formulated diet. In the first trial, the highest survival (>55%) was consistently shown by phyllosomata fed a diet consisting of a 50% combination of Artemia nauplii and 50% Greenshell mussel, followed by phyllosomata fed 50% Artemia nauplii and 50% formulated diet and, thirdly, by those receiving 100% Artemia nauplii. The second trial assessed the replacement of on-grown Artemia with proportions of formulated diet and Greenshell mussel that differed from those used in trial 1. Phyllosomata fed a 75% combination of formulated diet and 25% on-grown Artemia and 50% on-grown Artemia and 50% Greenshell mussel consistently showed the highest survival (>75%). Combinations of Greenshell mussel and formulated diet resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) reduced survival. In trial 3, phyllosomata were conditioned for 14, 18 or 21 days on Artemia nauplii prior to weaning onto a 100% formulated diet, which resulted in survival rates that were negatively related to the duration of feeding Artemia nauplii. In the final trial, phyllosomata were conditioned for 14 days on live on-grown Artemia prior to weaning onto one of three formulated diets (one diet with 44% CP and two diets with 50%). Phyllosomata fed a 44% CP diet consistently showed the highest survival (>35%) among all treatments, while those fed a 50%-squid CP diet showed a significant (P < 0.05) increase in mortality at day 24. The results of these trials demonstrate that hatcheries can potentially replace 75% of live on-grown Artemia with a formulated diet 7 days after hatch. The poor performance associated with feeding combinations of Greenshell mussel and formulated diet, and 100% formulated diet as well as conditioning phyllosomata for 14-21 days on live feeds prior to weaning onto a formulated diet highlights the importance of providing Artemia to stimulate feeding.


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Including collaboration with industry members as an integral part of research activities is a relatively new approach to fisheries research. Earlier approaches to involving fishers in research usually involved compulsory accommodations of research, such as through compulsory observer programs, in which fishers were seen as subjects of rather than participants in research. This new approach brings with it significant potential benefits but also some unique issues both for the researchers and the participating industry members. In this paper we describe a research project involving the Queensland Coral Reef Finfish Fishery that originated from industry and community concerns about changes in marketing practices in an established commercial line fishery. A key aspect of this project was industry collaboration in all stages of the research, from formulation of objectives to assistance with interpretation of results. We discuss this research as a case study of some of the issues raised by collaboration between industry and research groups in fisheries research and the potential pitfalls and benefits of such collaborations for all parties. A dedicated liaison and extension strategy was a key element in the project to develop and maintain the relationships between fishers and researchers that were fundamental to the success of the collaboration. A major research benefit of the approach was the provision of information not available from other sources: 300 days of direct and unimpeded observation of commercial fishing by researchers; detailed catch and effort records from a further 126 fishing trips; and 53 interviews completed with fishers. Fishers also provided extensive operational information about the fishery as well as ongoing support for subsequent research projects. The time and resources required to complete the research in this consultative framework were greater than for more traditional, researcher-centric fisheries research, but the benefits gained far outweighed the costs.


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To facilitate marketing and export, the Australian macadamia industry requires accurate crop forecasts. Each year, two levels of crop predictions are produced for this industry. The first is an overall longer-term forecast based on tree census data of growers in the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS). This data set currently accounts for around 70% of total production, and is supplemented by our best estimates of non-AMS orchards. Given these total tree numbers, average yields per tree are needed to complete the long-term forecasts. Yields from regional variety trials were initially used, but were found to be consistently higher than the average yields that growers were obtaining. Hence, a statistical model was developed using growers' historical yields, also taken from the AMS database. This model accounted for the effects of tree age, variety, year, region and tree spacing, and explained 65% of the total variation in the yield per tree data. The second level of crop prediction is an annual climate adjustment of these overall long-term estimates, taking into account the expected effects on production of the previous year's climate. This adjustment is based on relative historical yields, measured as the percentage deviance between expected and actual production. The dominant climatic variables are observed temperature, evaporation, solar radiation and modelled water stress. Initially, a number of alternate statistical models showed good agreement within the historical data, with jack-knife cross-validation R2 values of 96% or better. However, forecasts varied quite widely between these alternate models. Exploratory multivariate analyses and nearest-neighbour methods were used to investigate these differences. For 2001-2003, the overall forecasts were in the right direction (when compared with the long-term expected values), but were over-estimates. In 2004 the forecast was well under the observed production, and in 2005 the revised models produced a forecast within 5.1% of the actual production. Over the first five years of forecasting, the absolute deviance for the climate-adjustment models averaged 10.1%, just outside the targeted objective of 10%.


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Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) was detected in field grown Capsicum annuum from Kununurra in northeast Western Australia. Identification of the Kununurra isolate (WA-99) was confirmed using sap transmission to indicator hosts, positive reactions with tospovirus serogroup IV-specific antibodies and CaCV-specific primers, and amino acid sequence comparisons that showed >97% identity with published CaCV nucleocapsid gene sequences. The reactions of indicator hosts to infection with WA-99 often differed from those of the type isolate from Queensland. The virus multiplied best when test plants were grown at warm temperatures. CaCV was not detected in samples collected in a survey of C. annuum crops planted in the Perth Metropolitan area.


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Cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati, a major environmental weed in coastal and sub-coastal areas of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia is a target for classical biological control. Host specificity of Hypocosmia pyrochroma Jones (Lep., Pyralidae), as a potential biological control agent was evaluated on the basis of no-choice and choice larval feeding and survival, and adult oviposition preference tests, involving 38 plant species in 10 families. In no-choice tests, larval feeding and development occurred only on cat's claw creeper. In choice tests, oviposition and larval development was evident only on cat's claw creeper. The results support the host-specificity tests conducted in South Africa, and suggest that H. pyrochroma is a highly specific biological control agent that does not pose any risk to non-target plants tested in Australia. This agent has been approved for field release by relevant regulatory authorities in Australia.


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The crystal structure of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyltriostin A), a synthetic analogue of the quinoxaline antibiotic triostin A, has been determined independently at -135 and 7 'C and refined to R values of 0.088 and 0.147, respectively. The molecule has approximate 2-fold symmetry, with the quinoxaline chromophores and the disulfide cross-bridge projecting from opposite sides of the peptide ring. The quinoxaline groups are nearly parallel to each other and separated by about 6.5 A. The peptide backbone resembles a distorted antiparallel 13 ribbon joined by intramolecular hydrogen bonds N-H(LVal)--O(L-Ala). At low temperatures, the TANDEM molecule is surrounded by a regular first- and second-order hydration sphere containing 14 independent water molecules. At room temperature, only the first-order hydration shell is maintained. Calculations of the interplanar separation of the quinoxaline groups as a function of their orientation with respect to the peptide ring support the viability of TANDEM to intercalate bifunctionally into DNA.


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Commercial aquaculture of marine lobsters is an attractive proposition, as most species are high value with established market demand, and fishery production is static or diminishing. Nevertheless, achievement of commercial success will necessitate resolution of technical difficulties associated with on-growing of aggressive species (clawed lobsters) or with rearing the larvae, which for spiny and slipper lobsters is generally a painstaking and protracted process. Notwithstanding these technical challenges, increasing market demand for the product is driving a substantial research and development effort around the world to develop commercial lobster farming technology. This chapter reports on the status of that effort, the successes and obstacles.


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Much research in understanding plant diseases has been undertaken, but there has been insufficient attention given to dealing with coordinated approaches to preventing and managing diseases. A global management approach is essential to the long-term sustainability of banana production. This approach would involve coordinated surveys, capacity building in developing countries, development of disease outbreak contingency plans and coordinated quarantine awareness, including on-line training in impact risk assessment and web-based diagnostic software. Free movement of banana plants and products between some banana-producing countries is causing significant pressure on the ability to manage diseases in banana. The rapid spread of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense 'tropical race 4' in Asia, bacterial wilts in Africa and Asia and black leaf streak [Mycosphaerella fijiensis] in Brazil and elsewhere are cases in point. The impact of these diseases is devastating, severely cutting family incomes and jeopardising food security around the globe. Agreements urgently need to be reached between governments to halt the movement of banana plants and products between banana-producing countries before it is too late and global food security is irreparably harmed. Black leaf streak, arguably the most serious banana disease, has become extremely difficult to control in commercial plantations in various parts of the world. Sometimes in excess of 50 fungicide sprays have to be applied each year. Disease eradication and effective disease control is not possible because there is no control of disease inoculum in non-commercial plantings in these locations. Additionally, there have been enormous sums of money invested in international banana breeding programmes over many years only to see the value of hybrid products lost too soon. 'Goldfinger' (AAAB, syn. 'FHIA-01'), for example, has recently been observed severely affected by black leaf streak in Samoa. Resistant cultivars alone cannot be relied upon in the fight against this disease. Real progress in control may only come when the local communities are engaged and become actively involved in regional programmes. Global recommendations are long overdue and urgently needed to help ensure the long-term sustainable utilisation of the products of the breeding programmes.


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Bioversity International is reviewing its moratorium on the distribution of virus-infected Musa germplasm from the International Transit Centre (ITC), and the ProMusa Crop Protection Working Group has been invited to comment on policy changes. This paper was written to form a basis of discussion among the working group members during the ISHS/ProMusa symposium. It argues that the distribution of Musa germplasm should be guided by the International Plant Protection Convention, which states that it is the responsibility of the importing country, not the exporter, to impose the phytosanitary measures. There may be special circumstances where the release of badnavirus-infected germplasm from the ITC could be justified.


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Interest in the development of aquaculture of the tropical spiny lobster, Panulirus ornatus, has increased markedly over the past 10 yr because of strong market demand and high prices. In Australia, economic conditions will necessitate that a semi-intensive approach be taken, possibly involving managed environmental conditions. Identification of optimal temperature and salinity levels will be necessary, and therefore two experiments were performed to examine these two parameters. Juvenile lobsters were grown in tanks at five temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28 and 31 C). Growth was significantly affected by temperature (P < 0.01), and maximal growth occurred at 25-31 C. Examination of the temperature effect on molt increment and intermolt period indicated that 27 C was the optimal temperature, at which molt increment was greatest and intermolt period the least. Temperature also had a significant (P < 0.01) positive effect on apparent feed intake (AFI). Juvenile lobsters were also exposed to four different salinities (20, 25, 30 and 35 ppt) over a period of 91 d. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were apparent for both survival and growth. Lowest survival occurred at 35 ppt which may be attributable to higher cannibalism at that salinity. Growth was highest at 35 ppt and progressively less at lower salinities. Although full marine salinity (35 ppt) will generate best performance of P. ornatus, its capacity to tolerate reduced salinity will provide greater opportunity to develop commercial aquaculture.


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The population dynamics of the palatable, perennial grasses Bothriochloa ewartiana (Domin) C.E.Hubb. (desert Mitchell grass), Chrysopogon fallax S.T.Blake (golden beard grass) and Heteropogon contortus (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. (black speargrass), were studied in an extensive grazing study conducted in a eucalypt woodland within the Aristida-Bothriochloa pasture community in central Queensland between 1994 and 2000. Treatments were three grazing pressures based on light, medium and heavy utilisation of forage available at the end of summer and two timber treatments (trees intact and trees killed). Seasonal rainfall throughout this study was generally favourable for plant growth with no severe drought periods. Grazing pressure had a greater overall impact on plant dynamics than timber treatment, which had minimal impact. Grazing pressure had a large impact on H. contortus dynamics, an intermediate impact on B. ewartiana and no impact on C. fallax. Fluctuations in plant density of both B. ewartiana and C. fallax were small because both species were long lived with low levels of seedling recruitment and plant death, whereas fluctuations in H. contortus density were relatively high because of its relatively short life span and higher levels of both recruitment and death. Heavy grazing pressure increased the recruitment of B. ewartiana and H. contortus in some years but had no impact on that of C. fallax. Heavy grazing pressure reduced the survival of the original plants of both B. ewartiana and H.contortus but not of C. fallax. For H. contortus, the size of the original plants was larger where trees were killed than where trees were left intact and plants of the 1995 seedling cohort were larger in 1998 at heavy compared with those at light and medium grazing pressure. Grazing had a minor negative impact on the soil seed bank of H. contortus. Populations of all three species remained stable throughout this study, although the favourable seasonal rainfall experienced and the short duration of this study relative to the life span of these species may have masked longer term, deleterious impacts of heavy grazing pressure.


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Jumping the Gun is a play written for secondary school audiences. It follows the lives of three senior school students as they navigate moral, ethical and personal choices during the final year of school.