999 resultados para Pomeroy, Thaddeus, 1782-1858.
[Vente. Art. 1858-12-23 - 1858-12-24. Paris]
The difficult mission of monitoring environmental health requires that public authorities react by making decisions that safeguard public health. A health report is a tool developed by professionals who give technical advice and provide specialized knowledge to decision-making power bodies to support the management of environmental health risks. This article pays special attention to the main features that characterize the work of this type of administrative document and its functional value and describes some of the problems related to the use of the health report in public management in order to improve the effects of the administrative action. We provide an overview of the fields of intervention requiring the issuance of health reports in the environmental health sphere within the Andalusian public administration in order to present the most recent advances in environmental health protection.
Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada (PAFAE). Publicado en la página Web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales : www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Vida sana / Alimentación equilibrada y actividad física / Materiales para la promoción del ejercicio físico y alimentación saludables / Más materiales)
A partir d'un terrain ethnographique réalisé dans une unité d'urgences psychiatriques, cet article s'intéresse en particulier à la prise de décision concernant le suivi des patients ayant des comportements ou des idées suicidaires. Face à l'imprévisibilité du suicide, l'évaluation du potentiel suicidaire permet de donner une assise formelle et scientifique au travail thérapeutique des soignants. Le choix du suivi (hospitalisation ou accompagnement ambulatoire) dépend toutefois de deux dimensions moins explicites : l'autonomie du patient et son adhésion au dispositif psychiatrique. L'analyse des discours des soignants permet ainsi de relever les logiques contradictoires qui sous-tendent cette décision : d'une part la nécessité de garder le lien avec le patient (en privilégiant un accompagnement) et d'autre part l'exigence de protéger sa vie (en optant pour une hospitalisation).
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was initially described to be rapidly regulated by endocrine cells in response to nutrient ingestion, with stimulatory effects on insulin synthesis and release. Previously, we demonstrated a significant up-regulation of GIP mRNA in the rat subiculum after fornix injury. To gain more insight into the lesion-induced expression of GIP and its receptor (GIPR), expression profiles of the mRNAs were studied after rat sciatic nerve crush injury in 1) affected lumbar dorsal root ganglia (DRG), 2) spinal cord segments, and 3) proximal and distal nerve fragments by means of quantitative RT-PCR. Our results clearly identified lesion-induced as well as tissue type-specific mRNA regulation of GIP and its receptor. Furthermore, comprehensive immunohistochemical stainings not only confirmed and exceeded the previous observation of neuronal GIP expression but also revealed corresponding GIPR expression, implying putative modulatory functions of GIP/GIPR signaling in adult neurons. In complement, we also observed expression of GIP and its receptor in myelinating Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes. Polarized localization of GIPR in the abaxonal Schwann cell membranes, plasma membrane-associated GIPR expression of satellite cells, and ependymal GIPR expression strongly suggests complex cell type-specific functions of GIP and GIPR in the adult nervous system that are presumably mediated by autocrine and paracrine interactions, respectively. Notably, in vivo analyses with GIPR-deficient mice suggest a critical role of GIP/GIPR signal transduction in promoting spontaneous recovery after nerve crush, insofar as traumatic injury of GIPR-deficient mouse sciatic nerve revealed impaired axonal regeneration compared with wild-type mice.
Ferran Rahola i Auguet va néixer a Girona el 14 de maig de 1914, fill primogènit de l'escriptor Carles Rahola i Llorens i de Rosa Auguet i Farró. Va viure i estudiar a la ciutat durant la seva infantesa i joventut, i després de cursar el batxillerat a l'institut va ingressar a estudiar magisteri a l'Escola Normal de Girona. Va iniciar els seus estudis el curs 1932-33 amb l'anomenat Pla Professional de 1931, el qual ha estat, en opinió deis estudiosos, el millor que han tingut les escoles normals d'Espanya, i responia al projecte global educatiu republicà, un dels pilars bàsics de la formació inicial de mestres. Es tractava d'uns estudis de magisteri professionals, amb un entroncament directe amb les escoles
[Vente. Art. 1858-04-15 - 1858-04-16. Paris]
[Vente. Art. 1858-03-11 - 1858-03-12. Paris]
Collection : Bibliothèque elzévirienne ; 65, 1-2
Collection : Bibliothèque elzévirienne ; 65, 1-2
Collection : Bibliothèque elzévirienne ; 65, 1-2
Collection : Bibliothèque elzévirienne ; 65, 1-2