969 resultados para Polymeric binders


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聚合物膜离子选择性电极具有选择性高、使用简便、价格低廉等优点,在环境监测中日益受到人们的关注。这类电极的响应特性主要取决于聚合物膜相中起分子识别作用的离子载体的选择性。本文设计合成了一系列对重金属离子具有高选择性的有机配体,并将其作为电中性离子载体应用于银、汞、锌、铬等离子选择性电极中,实现了对重金属离子的高选择性测定。此外,我们对海水中有机物质的紫外线消解进行了研究,优化了消解条件,采用离子选择性电极技术实现了对海水中重金属污染物的快速检测。具体内容如下: 1、以硫氮杂冠醚为离子载体的银离子选择性电极制备及性能研究。 合成了一系列硫氮杂冠醚配体,通过优化反应条件,提高了反应产率,简化了产物处理过程。将此类冠醚作为离子载体用于银离子选择性电极的制备,并讨论了冠醚环大小、冠醚环的韧性以及硫原子个数对电极选择性的影响。在此研究基础上,利用沉淀-溶解平衡法调节内充液主离子浓度,采用冠醚9,10,12,13,24,25-六氢-5H,15H,23H-二苯[b,q][1,7,10,13,19,4,16]五硫二氮二十三环-6,16 (7H,17H)-二酮环作为低检出限银离子选择性电极载体,通过优化电极的内充液和聚合物膜组份,测得最低检出限为2.2×10-10 M,电极电位响应斜率为54.5 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-9-1.0×10-5 M,电极使用寿命为一个月。采用标准加入法,成功实现了自来水中银离子浓度的测试,并以该电极作为指示电极,以硝酸银溶液为滴定剂,成功滴定了I-、Br-和Cl-离子的混合液。 2、以1,2,4-三唑衍生物为离子载体的汞离子选择性电极的制备及性能表征。 设计合成了一种基于1,2,4-三唑的希夫碱结构化合物,3,5-二(二硫代甲酸苄酯肼基-2-亚甲胺基苯氧甲基)-1-(四氢-2H-吡喃)-1H-1,2,4-三唑,并成功用作中性载体实现对汞离子的测定。在最佳膜组分条件下,以该化合物作为载体的汞离子选择性电极的检出限为2.6×10-7 M Hg2+,电极电位响应斜率为29.3±0.3 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-6-3.0×10-4 M。该电极使用寿命为2个月,在pH 2.6-5.2范围内测试不受酸度影响。以该电极为指示电极,以EDTA为滴定剂,可准确滴定溶液中汞离子的浓度。 3、以希夫碱结构化合物为离子载体的锌离子选择性电极的制备及性能研究。 本文设计了一种含吡啶杂环的希夫碱结构化合物(E)-N'-(吡啶-2-亚甲胺基)-2-((E)-吡啶-2-亚甲胺基)苯甲酰肼,并成功用作离子载体实现对锌离子的测定。在最佳膜组分条件下,以该化合物为载体的锌离子选择性电极的检出限为7.4×10-7M Zn2+,电极电位响应斜率为25.9 mV/dec.,线性范围为1.0×10-6-1.0×10-3 M。该电极使用寿命为3个月,在pH 3.4-5.8范围内测试不受酸度影响。以该电极为指示电极,以EDTA为滴定剂,可准确滴定溶液中锌离子的浓度。 4、紫外光在线消解技术用于离子选择性电极测试海水中重金属离子的研究。 海水中重金属离子大多以络合物形式存在,而离子选择性电极只对游离态金属离子响应,因此要实现离子选择性电极测试海水中的重金属,首先必须使金属离子从络合物中游离出来。紫外光消解方法相对于其它海水预处理手段是一种清洁的样品预处理方法。我们以模拟海水为考察对象,考察了盐度、酸度、有机物浓度对消解效率的影响,并在优化消解条件的基础上对实际海水进行消解,利用离子选择性电极成功实现了海水中铜离子浓度的测试,测试值与ICP-MS数值一致。 5、合成希夫碱结构罗丹明B衍生物作为载体和分子探针用于Cr3+离子的检测。 设计合成了希夫碱结构罗丹明B衍生物2-亚甲胺基-8-乙酯基喹啉-罗丹明。荧光法显示,在化合物对铬离子(III)有较好的选择性,进而我们将该化合物作为分子探针进行了详细的研究。结果表明,分子探针与铬离子配位比为1:1,铬离子响应的线性范围是8.0×10-7-8.0×10-5 M,检测下限为1.9×10-7 M。电化学测试结果显示,基于该化合物为载体的离子选择性电极对铬离子(III)的选择性较差。


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Microfabricated cantilevers have recently attracted considerable attention as novel label-free chemical and biological biosensors which translate surface reactions into nanomechanical bending motion. However these studies have primarily focused on commercially available silicon cantilevers and relatively little work has been performed on cantilevers fabricated from other materials. Polymeric materials, offer significant advantages over silicon by virtue of the low Young's modulus, ease of microfabrication and reduced cost. In this paper, we report a non-vacuum fabrication process to produce arrays of SU8 cantilevers and demonstrate their application as chemical sensors using in situ reference cantilevers. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In concentrated contacts the behaviour of lubricants is much modified by the high local pressures: changes can arise both from molecular ordering within the very thin film lubricant layers present at the interface as well as from the deposition on the component surfaces of more solid-like polymeric boundary layers. These 'third bodies' separating the solid surfaces may have rheological or mechanical properties very different from those observed in the bulk. Classical elasto-hydrodynamic theory considers the entrapped lubricant to exhibit a piezo-viscous behaviour while the conventional picture of more solid boundary lubricant layers views their shear strength r as being linearly dependent on local pressure p, so that T = TO + ap where TO and a are constants. If TO is relatively small, then the coefficient of friction \i = T Ip ~ a and so Amonton's laws are recovered. However, the properties of adsorbed or deposited surface films, or indeed other third bodies such as debris layers, may be more complex than this. A preliminary study has looked quantitatively at the influence of the pressure dependence of the shear strength of any surface layer on the overall friction coefficient of a contact which is made up of an array of asperities whose height varies in a Gaussian manner. Individual contact points may be elastic or plastic. The analysis results in plots of coefficient of friction versus the service or load parameter PIH&NRa where P is the nominal pressure on the contact, HS the hardness of the deforming surface, N the asperity density, R the mean radius of curvature of the asperities, and a is the standard deviation of their height distribution. In principle, any variation oft withp can be incorporated into the model; however, in this initial study we have used data on colloidal suspensions from the group at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon as well as examining the effect of functional relationships of somewhat greater complexity than a simple linear form. Results of the analysis indicate that variations in fj. are possible as the load is varied which depend on the statistical spread of behaviour at individual asperity contacts. The value of this analysis is that it attempts to combine the behaviour of films on the molecular scale with the topography of real engineering surfaces and so give an indication of the effects at the full-size or macro-scale that can be achieved by chemical or molecular surface engineering.


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Following the global stringent legislations regulating the wastes generated from the drilling process of oil exploration and production activities, the management of hazardous drill cuttings has become one of the pressing needs confronting the petroleum industry. Most of the prevalent treatment techniques adopted by oil companies are extremely expensive and/or the treated product has to be landfilled without any potential end-use; thereby rendering these solutions unsustainable. The technique of stabilisation/solidification is being investigated in this research to treat drill cuttings prior to landfilling or for potential re-use in construction products. Two case studies were explored namely North Sea and Red Sea. Given the known difficulties with stabilising/solidifying oils and chlorides, this research made use of model drill cutting mixes based on typical drill cutting from the two case studies, which contained 4.2% and 10.95% average concentrations of hydrocarbons; and 2.03% and 2.13% of chlorides, by weight respectively. A number of different binders, including a range of conventional viz. Portland cement (PC) as well as less-conventional viz. zeolite, or waste binders viz. cement kiln dust (CKD), fly ash and compost were tested to assess their ability to treat the North Sea and Red Sea model drill cuttings. The dry binder content by weight was 10%, 20% and 30%. In addition, raw drill cuttings from one of the North Sea offshore rigs were stabilised/solidified using 30% PC. The characteristics of the final stabilised/solidified product were finally compared to those of thermally treated cuttings. The effectiveness of the treatment using the different binder systems was compared in the light of the aforementioned two contaminants only. A set of physical tests (unconfined compressive strength (UCS)), chemical tests (NRA leachability) and micro-structural examinations (using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD)) were used to evaluate the relative performance of the different binder mixes in treating the drill cuttings. The results showed that the observed UCS covered a wide range of values indicating various feasible end-use scenarios for the treated cuttings within the construction industry. The teachability results showed the reduction of the model drill cuttings to a stable non-reactive hazardous waste, compliant with the UK acceptance criteria for non-hazardous landfills: (a) by most of the 30% and 20% binders for chloride concentrations, and (b) by the 20% and 30% of compost-PC and CKD-PC binders for the Red Sea cuttings. The 20% and 30% compost-PC and CKD-PC binders successfully reduced the leached oil concentration of the North Sea cuttings to inert levels. Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers.


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Bone is an anisotropic material, and its mechanical properties are determined by its microstructure as well as its composition. Mechanical properties of bone are a consequence of the proportions of, and the interactions between, mineral, collagen and water. Water plays an important role in maintaining the mechanical integrity of the composite, but the manner in which water interacts within the ultrastructure is unclear. Dentine being an isotropic two-dimensional structure presents a homogenous composite to examine the dehydration effects. Nanoindentation methods for determining the viscoelastic properties have recently been developed and are a subject of great interest. Here, one method based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence for 'ramp and hold' creep testing (Oyen, J. Mater. Res., 2005) has been used to analyze viscoelastic behavior of polymeric and biological materials. The method of 'ramp and hold' allows the shear modulus at time zero to be determined from fitting of the displacement during the maximum load hold. Changes in the viscoelastic properties of bone and dentine were examined as the material was systematically dehydrated in a series of water:solvent mixes. Samples of equine dentine were sectioned and cryo-polished. Shear modulus was obtained by nanoindentation using spherical indenters with a maximum load hold of 120s. Samples were tested in different solvent concentrations sequentially, 70% ethanol to 50% ethanol, 70 % ethanol to 100% ethanol, 70% ethanol to 70% methanol to 100% methanol, and 70% ethanol to 100% acetone, after storage in each condition for 24h. By selectively removing and then replacing water from the composite, insights in to the ultrastructure of the tissue can be gained from the corresponding changes in the experimentally determined moduli, as well as an understanding of the complete reversibility of the dehydration process. © 2006 Materials Research Society.


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Indentation techniques are employed for the measurement of mechanical properties of a wide range of materials. In particular, techniques focused at small length-scales, such as nanoindentation and AFM indentation, allow for local characterization of material properties in heterogeneous materials including natural tissues and biomimetic materials. Typical elastic analysis for spherical indentation is applicable in the absence of time-dependent deformation, but is inappropriate for materials with time-dependent responses. Recent analyses for the viscoelastic indentation problem, based on elastic-viscoelastic correspondence, have begun to address the issue of time-dependent deformation during an indentation test. The viscoelastic analysis has been shown to fit experimental indentation data well, and has been demonstrated as useful for characterization of viscoelasticity in polymeric materials and in hydrated mineralized tissues. However, a viscoelastic analysis is not necessarily sufficient for multi-phase materials with fluid flow. In the current work, a poroelastic analysis-based on fluid motion through a porous elastic network-is used to examine spherical indentation creep responses of hydrated biological materials. Both analytical and finite element approaches are considered for the poroelastic Hertzian indentation problem. Modeling results are compared with experimental data from nanoindentation of hydrated bone immersed in water and polar solvents (ethanol, methanol, acetone). Baseline (water-immersed) bone responses are characterized using the poroelastic model and numerical results are compared with altered hydration states due to polar solvents. © 2007 Materials Research Society.


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We present a study on a series of dye guest-host mixtures using fluorescent perylene-based molecules as the guest dye in an organosiloxane host. These hosts have temperature-independent switching, at room temperature, through 90° for fields of the order of 10 Vrms/μm. Perylene molecules have been grafted onto the organosiloxane moiety via an alkyl spacer producing novel and rugged fluorescent dyes that are readily miscible in the host. Micro-separation of the low molar mass siloxane groups in the mesophases tend to form smectic phases. These planes produce an effective two-dimensional polymer backbonethat engenders the rugged mechanical properties of polymeric liquid crystals onto these low molar mass ferroelectric liquid crystals. In this study we show how the introduction of the dye molecules affects the electro-optic properties of the organosiloxane host. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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The culture of Penaeus monodon has explicitly defined the need for diet formulations or supplementary feeds that would promote optimum growth and survival of the animal. A total of 28 feed combinations were developed for P. monodon. Fish meal, shrimp head meal, squid head meal, Ascetes spp. rice bran, and soybean cake were used as primary ingredients in these feeds. The commercial vitamin mix No. 22 was added to the dry ingredients. Gelatinized corn starch and wheat flour were used as binders. The pellets were extruded using a portable kitchen grinder with a diameter of 4 mm. The products were either sun-dried for 8 hours or oven-dried overnight at 50 degree C to stabilize moisture at 8-10%. The pellets were then kept in covered glass bottles and stored in the laboratory at room temperature. The cost of the feeds excluding labour were also computed. The pellets were analyzed for protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, ash, and moisture contents using standard procedures. They were also analyzed for water stability. To test the stability of pellets in water, 2-g samples were placed in plankton nets (mesh #40) and suspended in water for two, and six hours. The undissolved samples were then vacuum-dried and the moisture determined. Cost of the feeds ranged from P1.10 to P2.60 per kg depending on the feed ingredient. Squid and Ascetes spp. were rather expensive for use as basic ingredients. Proximate analysis of dry weight showed percentage protein content ranged from 20-63 g; fat, 8-20 g; carbohydrate (by difference), 11-36 g; ash, 8-28 g; moisture, 6-11 g; and crude fiber, 5 . 13 g. Stability tests showed that after two hours, 35-88% of solids remained intact and after 6 hours, 20-55% of the pellets remained undissolved. When a pellet disintegrates easily, pollution of the water occurs. Chances for the shrimp to feed on the pellet is minimized when the pellet is unstable. Thus, the search for a more compact feed pellet has to be continued.


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A study was conducted to determine the comparative effectiveness of purified, semipurified and crude starch of sago as binders for pelleted shrimp diets. The diet containing semipurified sago starch had the highest water stability (79.1%). The values were nearly the same for the pellets bound with purified and crude sago starch. Reasons for the low binding capacity of purified and crude sago could be that the gel of purified sago is weakened due to purification, and that of the crude sago is due to the spongy material present in the product. Thus, semipurified sago starch is a better source of binder and purified crude sago. From the economic viewpoint, the cost of purified sago is prohibitive for use as binder. Both semipurified and crude sago palm starch are acceptable. Composition of shrimp diets containing various sources of sago palm starch, and binder cost and water stability of shrimp diets containing various sources of sago palm starch tested at 3, 6 and 12 hours, are tabulated.


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We report the use of near-field electrospinning (NFES) as a route to fabricate composite electrodes. Electrodes made of composite fibers of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in polyethylene oxide (PEO) are formed via liquid deposition, with precise control over their configuration. The electromechanical properties of free-standing fibers and fibers deposited on elastic substrates are studied in detail. In particular, we examine the elastic deformation limit of the resulting free-standing fibers and find, similarly to bulk PEO composites, that the plastic deformation onset is below 2% of tensile strain. In comparison, the apparent deformation limit is much improved when the fibers are integrated onto a stretchable, elastic substrate. It is hoped that the NFES fabrication protocol presented here can provide a platform to direct-write polymeric electrodes, and to integrate both stiff and soft electrodes onto a variety of polymeric substrates.


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Stabilisation, using a wide range of binders including wastes, is most effective for heavy metal soil contamination. Bioremediation techniques, including bioaugmentation to enhance soil microbial population, are most effective for organic contaminants in the soil. For mixed contaminant scenarios a combination of these two techniques is currently being investigated. An essential issue in this combined remediation system is the effect of microbial processes on the leachability of the heavy metals. This paper considers the use of zeolite and compost as binder additives combined with bioaugmentation treatments and their effect on copper leachability in a model contaminated soil. Different leaching test conditions are considered including both NRA and TCLP batch leaching tests as well as flow-through column tests. Two flow rates are applied in the flow-through tests and the two leaching tests are compared. Recommendations are given as to the effectiveness of this combined remediation technique in the immobilisation of copper. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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To understand better the molecular mechanisms of differential migration of antibody-secreting cells (ASCs) into mouse genital tracts, and regulation by sex hormones, surface markers, hormone receptors and adhesion molecules in mouse SG2 and PA4 hybridoma cells, respectively, secreting IgG2b and polymeric IgA antibody were detected by flow cytometry or RT-PCR. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was also used for measuring mRNA expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines (VCAM-1, ICAM-1, P-selectin, JAM-1 and CXCL12) in genital tracts of various adult mouse groups. The mRNAs of androgen receptor, estrogen receptor beta and CXCR4 were expressed in the ASCs. Sex hormones had no effect on expression of these molecules in ASCs. Except for VCAM-1, mRNA of all examined genes was expressed in normal mouse genital tracts. The mean of relative amounts of ICAM-1 and CXCL12 mRNA in all examined organs of females were higher (2.1- and 1.9-fold) than those in males. After orchiectomy or ovariectomy, the expression of ICAM-1, CXCL12 and P-selectin mRNA in the examined organs increased, except JAM-1 in male and CXCL12 in female. Sex hormone treatment recovered the changes to normal levels of mRNA expression in many examined genital tissues. In combination with our previous work, preferential migration of ASCs into female genital tract and regulation of migration by sex hormones are associated with expression patterns of adhesion molecules and chemokines in genital tract rather than in ASCs. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses a laboratory study used to characterize bituminous binders based on their dynamic creep resistance. Laboratory testing using four different loading regimes on asphalt mixes with six different bituminous binders was undertaken. Creep cycles to 2% accumulated strain were used to define the creep resistance of the asphalt mixes with the various binders. Underlying viscosities of the bitumens were derived using the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) Elastometer. Marshall stability was measured on the specimens that were prepared using gyratory compaction. Regression plots were prepared that link creep resistance, underlying viscosity, and Marshall stability. It was found that the ARRB Elastometer is able to measure underlying viscosity, which is a reasonable predictor of dynamic creep resistance. Marshall stability was also shown to be a good indicator of dynamic creep resistance. Therefore, simpler tests such as Marshall stability and Elastometer can be used to rank bituminous materials for asphalt mix design purposes in the laboratory. © 2010 ASCE.


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Optical interconnects are increasingly considered for use in high-performance electronic systems. Multimode polymer waveguides are a promising technology for the formation of optical backplane as they enable cost-effective integration of optical links onto standard printed circuit boards. In this paper, two different types of polymer waveguide-based optical backplanes are presented. The first one implements a passive shuffle architecture enabling non-blocking on-board optical interconnection between different cards/modules, while the second one deploys a regenerative bus architecture allowing the interconnection of an arbitrary number of electrical cards over a common optical bus. The polymer materials and the multimode waveguide components used to form the optical backplanes are presented, while details of the interconnection architectures and design of the backplanes are described. Proof-of-principle demonstrators fabricated onto low-cost FR4 substrates, including a 10-card 1 Tb/s-capacity passive shuffle router and 4-channel 3-card polymeric bus modules, are reported and their optical performance characteristics are presented. Low-loss, low-crosstalk on-board interconnection is achieved and error-free (BER10 12) 10 Gb/s communication between different card/module interfaces is demonstrated in both polymeric backplane systems. © 2012 IEEE.


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We report the use of near-field electrospinning (NFES) as a route to fabricate composite electrodes. Electrodes made of composite fibers of carbon nanotubes in polyethylene oxide (PEO) are formed via liquid deposition, with precise control over their configuration. The electromechanical properties of free-standing fibers and fibers deposited on elastic substrates are studied in detail. We then examine the elastic deformation limit of the resulting free-standing fibers and find, similarly to bulk PEO composites, that the plastic deformation onset is below 2% of tensile strain. In comparison, the apparent deformation limit is much improved when the fibers are integrated onto a stretchable, elastic substrate. It is hoped that the NFES fabrication protocol presented here can provide a platform to direct-write polymeric electrodes, and to integrate both stiff and soft electrodes onto a variety of polymeric substrates. © 2012 IEEE.