982 resultados para Pneus - Tração


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Materiais estruturais utilizados no projeto de equipamentos e instalações industriais podem apresentar mudança de seu comportamento à fratura quando se varia a temperatura. Este tipo de comportamento caracteriza-se pela existência de uma curva de transição, onde 3 regiões ficam bem definidas: os patamares inferior e superior e a região de transição. Na região de transição, os resultados experimentais apresentam alto espalhamento e são bastante dependentes da geometria ensaiada. Para solucionar este problema, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico experimental, que resultou na edição da norma ASTM E1921-97. O trabalho inclui um estudo da influência de diversas rotas de tratamentos térmicos aplicadas em um aço 4130 utilizado pela indústria aeronáutica, um aço de qualidade API utilizado pela indústria petrolífera e um aço da classe A516 atualmente utilizado pela indústria nacional de vasos de pressão, na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas de tração e tenacidade à fratura. Os resultados mostraram que o aço 4130 A450, apresentou a melhor correlação entre resistência e tenacidade entre as microestruturas pesquisadas. Este comportamento deve estar associado a rota de tratamento térmico aplicada a esta condição. O tratamento de austêmpera possibilita a formação de bainita que, tradicionalmente é conhecida por apresentar elevados valores de tenacidade. O método proposto pela ASTM pode ser considerado viável para as diversas microestruturas pesquisadas ampliando a aplicação da metodologia que recomenda o ensaio apenas para aços ferríticos. No entanto, a metodologia da Curva Mestra em materiais tratados termicamente deve ser conduzida de forma a se estabelecer parâmetros que considerem as modificações microestruturais sofridas pelo material.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a influência da pressão intrapulpar e da profundidade dentinária sobre o desempenho adesivo de dois agentes de união à dentina, Single Bond (3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, EUA) e Clearfil SE Bond (Kuraray, Tokyo, Japão), aplicados in vitro e in vivo. Quarenta e oito prémolares superiores hígidos foram selecionados e os pares pertencentes aos mesmos pacientes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em 4 grupos experimentais de acordo com o sistema adesivo e a pressão intrapulpar, presente ou ausente. Dos dentes pertencentes ao mesmo par, um foi tratado in vivo e o outro in vitro. A ausência ou presença de pressão intra-pulpar foi determinada in vivo pelo uso de anestésicos locais com ou sem vasoconstritor, respectivamente. In vitro, os dentes foram mantidos sob pressão hidrostática de 15 cm de água por 24 horas. Cavidades de classe I foram preparadas e os sistemas adesivos aplicados de acordo com a recomendação dos fabricantes, seguidos da restauração incremental em resina composta. Para os dentes tratados in vitro, os mesmos procedimentos restauradores foram realizados após 6 meses de armazenagem em solução contendo timol 0,1%. Espécimes com área de secção transversal de 1 mm2 foram obtidos e submetidos ao ensaio mecânico de microtração. In vivo, ambos os sistemas adesivos apresentaram desempenho adesivo comparável, enquanto in vitro, o sistema Single Bond foi superior ao sistema Clearfil SE Bond. Esse último não foi influenciado por nenhuma das variáveis estabelecidas no estudo, ou seja, aplicação in vitro ou in vitro, presença de pressão intrapulpar e profundidade em dentina. O sistema Single Bond aplicado sob pressão intrapulpar positiva sofreu variação significante de resistência de união em função da profundidade da dentina, ou seja, em dentina profunda seu desempenho adesivo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research project focused primarily on assessing the impact toughness of the weld and the base material of a steel pipe API 5L X70 submerged arc welded, used to conduct remote oil and gas (linepipes). The analysis followed strictly the Specification for Line Pipe - API 5L Standard, regarding the removal of the specimens of regions-of-proof-long section of the pipe, at 90o and 180o from the welded joint, and mechanical properties of toughness and Charpy-V, both the joint welded as the base material. Specimens of steel tube supplied by Tenaris Confab-SA were sized for tensile and Charpy-V, according to ASTM E 8M and ASTM E23, respectively. The result obtained showed that the API X70 steel tube has high Charpy-V toughness, near to each other at both 90o and 180o from the welded joint of the tube, and both higher than the weld metal. Microstructural and microhardness analysis complemented the present study


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The process of electric arc welding with shielding gas (GMAW) is being increasingly used in various industrial applications. This process occurs by which an electric arc is established between the work piece and a consumable in the form of wire, the arc melts the wire continuously as it is fed to the weld pool. The weld metal is protected from the atmosphere by flowing a gas (or gas mixture) inert or active. This paper presents a study of the welding process GMAW - MIG on aluminum tubes, alloy 6101 - T6, used in the manufacture of armored busbar, intended for driving electric power plants. 5(five) were welded specimens, changing certain welding parameters at each time was monitored welding joint as well as the interpass temperature. Tests were performed bending, tensile and macrographical analysis of body-of-evidence and through its results was possible to reach a better welding condition, which minimizes the appearance of pores, since the porosity has great influence on the mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of welded pipes


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The properties of the hot melt adhesive pressure sensitive (HMPSA) using an elastomer as a base polymer a copolymer of styrene and butadiene (SBS) and variation of tackifiers resins such as hydrocarbon resins and hydrogenated hydrocarbon were investigated. The formulations were prepared by mixing process within shear. The adhesives prepared were evaluated in test Brookfield viscosity and softening point Ring and Ball to compare the formulations and the influence of variations in raw materials. Infrared analyzes were performed to detect the reactions between the inputs and investigate the chemical interactions of the same properties of the adhesive. In thermal analysis, the assay was performed thermogravimetry (TG) and diferencial exploratory calorimetry (DSC). Were investigated the parameters of the tensile test on each of the formulations. Finally, were analysed comparatively the basic formulations of adhesives with their respective raw materials


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This paper presents the communication as a major part in construction of a reality symbolized by the individual, his close relationship with politics and how political leaders use it to build a positive image that gives them credibility, membership of the intended audience, the assumption and maintenance of the power to represent the collective body. In the light of sociological, anthropological and discourse theories, understands communication as a social phenomenon indispensable to building democracy while, paradoxically, becomes part of the political problem when it’s used to override individual interests to collective interests. It concludes by examining the documentary Entreatos to demonstrate how the theory presented is applicable in political campaigns and their use in promoting the political leader as a formatted product to be “consumed” by the voter


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This work was developed to evalute the physical and mechanical properties of a panel of three particle layers from the test specification of NBR 14810-3 (2006), using wood of Eucalyptus sp. and Eucalyptus saligna and Eucalyptus urograndis bark. The mechanical properties were evaluated to obtain the bending modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Internal bond. The physical properties were obtained thickness sweeling, water absorption, moisture content and board density. Were evaluated four different compositions of panels containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% in the inner layer of bark. The results were compared with the Brazilian standard NBR 14810-2 (2006) and also with studies in the literature. The panels produced were adequate to all the optimal values suggested by the standard only in the composition with 5% skin in the inner layer. The other treatments showed satisfactory results in all tests except for moisture content


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In this work, we analyze a measurement system that will be implanted in a wheels production line, in order to use those wheels for buses and trucks. The measurement device has to be approved according to the MSA study, due to the fact that the mentioned industry is an automobilistic supplier, so that it has to be conform with the ISO/TS 16949 standards. We showed the MSA studies, as well as some concepts for the work understanding. The airlock wheels systematic production is also broached, that is to say, wheels that use airlock tyres, with a better attention given to the rim production, where the device must be implanted. We analyze and assess the data’s acceptance according to the guidelines showed in this study, along with this, improvement proposals are elaborated and their analysis is made, in order to check the obtained results. Finally, we survey the analyzed measurement system, and new studies are suggested, with the intention of improving it


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This work intends to perform the dimensioning of the Guaratinguetá’s Engineering College Baja SAE vehicle suspension system. To do so, concepts of suspension systems, human comfort limits to vibrations and automotive models for suspension vibration analyses are reviewed. On the development of this work descriptions of considerations specific for the vehicle object of this work are made as well as descriptions of the experiment made to determine the stiffness of the tire used. These concepts are applied through a computational routine that allows the dimensioning of springs and shock absorbers of both front and rear axles of a vehicle in a way to respect all the criteria showed during this work and visualize the system’s behavior when excited on different frequencies


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT P110, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the welded joint


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In engineering, for correct designing the structural components required for cyclical stresses, it is necessary to determine a limit of resistance to fatigue, which is the maximum amplitude of the applied tension under which the fatigue failure does not occurs after a certain number cycles. The marine environment is hostile, not only by the high pressure, corrosion, but also by low temperatures. Petrol Production units, composed of the risers (pipelines connecting the oil well to the ship), are dimensioned to remain installed for periods of 20 up to 30 years, and must therefore be prepared to support various efforts, such as tidal, wind currents and everything that is related. This paper focuses on a study on the fatigue behavior of microalloyed steel, API 5L Grade X70, used to transport oil and gas by pipelines. For analysis, we obtained the curves S-N (stress vs. number of cycles) using laboratory data collected from cylindrical longitudinal and transverse specimens used in axial fatigue test in accordance with ASTM E466. The tensile tests and microhardness were performed to characterize the mechanical properties of the samples, and it was found that the values meet the specifications of the standard API 5L. To characterize microstructurally the material, it was also made a metallographic analysis of the steel under study, and the origin of the fatigue crack was investigated with the support of a scanning electron microscope (SEM).


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Alloy Al-7%Si-0,3Mg (AA356), having an excellent combination of properties such as low solidification shrinkage and good fluidity, good weldability, high wear resistance, high strength to weight particularly in the automotive and aerospace engineering. The refinement of the structure aluminum silicon eutectic alloy is a fairly common practice in the casting, through the treatment knows as modification. You can get the modification for the addition of chemicals and rare earths, these have the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce a strong action modifier when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of silicon grain turns into a fibrous form branched and enveloped by the metal matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. This work will be obtained AA356 alloy ingots using two different types of molds: metal mold and sand mold. Macrographs will be made in ingots obtained for observation of the macrostructures obtained in both types of ingots. Will be sampled at strategic locations of the ingots to correlate microstructure and cooling rate. The results showed that the material of the ingot has a strong influence on the resulting micro-andmacrostructure


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A proposta deste trabalho foi contribuir na continuação e no aprimoramento da rotina do Método de Traços de Fissão, MTF, em zircão e apatita no Grupo de Pesquisa de Detectores de traços nucleares em estados sólidos, DETRANES, DFQB/FCT- UNESP, campus Presidente Prudente. Para isto foram datadas, analisadas e determinadas as idades via o Método de Traços de Fissão, MTF, de amostras de zircão e apatita coletadas na Formação Presidente Prudente pertencente ao Grupo Bauru, Bacia do Paraná. Além de estudos na aplicação geológica, também foram realizados estudos na parte metodológica tais como experimentos para determinar a razão das eficiências de detecção dos traços fósseis e induzidos no zircão e experimentos de annealing (encurtamento do traço em função da temperatura e do tempo) para determinar um valor de L0 com amostras pertencentes ao Grupo Bauru, e compará-lo com a literatura. Quanto às idades obtidas para a formação Presidente temos como intervalo principal 100 e 600 Ma no zircão que pode indicar relação da fonte com três eventos orogênicos específicos: Orogenia Gondwânica (230 – 290 Ma), Orogenia Devoniana (330 – 390 Ma) e Orogenia Brasiliana (400 – 600 Ma). Na apatita temos uma distribuição de idades entre 10 e 70 Ma que, juntamente com os dados de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Currently one of the great concerns of the aeronautical industry is in relation to the security and integrity of the aircraft and its equipments / components when under critical flight maneuvers such as during landing / takeoff and emergency maneuvers. The engineers, technicians and scientists are constantly developing new techniques and theories to reduce the design time and testing, ir order to minimize costs. More and more the Finite Element Method is used in the structural analysis of a project as well as theories based on experimental results. This work aimed to estimate the critical load to failure for tensile, compression and buckling of the Tie-Rod, a fixture aircraft widely used on commercial aircrafts. The analysis was performed by finite element method with the assistance of software and by analytical calculations. The results showed that the Finite Element Method provides relative accuracy and convenience in the calculations, indicating critical load values slightly lower than those found analytically for tension and compression. For buckling, the Finite Element Method indicates a critical load very similar to that found analytically following empirical theories, while Euler's theory results in a slightly higher value. The highest risk is to fail by buckling, but the geometric irregularity of Tie-Rod pieces makes difficult the calculations, therefore a practical test must be done before validation of the results


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In recent years the aeronautic industries has increased investment in areas of technological research aiming at materials that offer better performance, safety, weight reduction and fuel consumption. For this reason the most studied materials are polymeric materials, due to their higher mechanical strength and higher stiffness. This work evaluated characteristics of two composite laminates produced from the same process, but they differed only in regions where the resin was injected and the vacuum position. The composite laminates were SC-79 resin reinforced with glass fiber fabric (plain weave) processed via VARTM. For this reason the material was subjected to mechanical tests such as: tensile, and fatigue following standards ASTM D 3039 and ASTM D 3479, respectively. The latter was observed the S-N curve. It was performed the ultrassonic C-scan analysis to check impregnation of the fiber. Considering that the process was the same for the two laminates, with small variations in the injection and in vacum ports, it was expected to find similar characteristics