969 resultados para Placas ósseas


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, tomographic, and histological similarity within the use of HA+β-TCP (Boneceramic) alone or associated with enamel matrix derived (EMD) proteins in sinus lifting procedures with subsequent dental implant placement. We selected two patients with residual bony ridges between 3 mm and 5 mm in height in need of bone grafts. Six months later, eight implants were installed (two implants at each site). Biopsies were made, and the tissue was processed and stained with HE solution. Tomographic evaluation showed bone height gain up to 10.0 mm on average. Histology showed new bone formation for both groups, with similar bone density and trabecular interconnectivity. It can be concluded that the HA+β-TCP graft isolated or associated to EMD provided bone height gain in sinus lifting procedures, with similar clinical, tomographic and histological characteristics.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the remodeling of autologous and homologous bone grafts in humans, using tomographic images. For this, CT images from 10 patients (5 treated with autologous bone grafts and 5 treated with homologous bone grafts), made previously to the grafting procedures, and 14 and 180 days post operatory were evaluated regarding to bone height, width, and density, in a total of 19 bone blocks, 10 homologous and 9 autologous. Results showed similarities between the two tested materials regarding bone width and density. It can be concluded that the homologous bone presented, in a tomographic approach, after 180 days of follow-up, characteristics which can corroborate its use as a bone graft material, providing and sustaining a good bone volume for oral rehabilitation with dental implants.


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This case report presents details of a new surgical technique for mandibular ridge sagittal osteotomy and expansion associated to immediate dental implants in atrophic ridges. The bone atrophies represents a challenge for the surgeons that intends to modify this situation. In the past, the only viable option was the onlay bone graft. However, the bone graft requests a second surgical site that certainly increases the postoperative morbidity, without mentioning the longer treatment time required. The sagittal osteotomy of the alveolar crest represents a faster option, because it eliminates the time requested for bone graft integration, providing rehabilitation of edentulous areas with thin alveolar crests that otherwise would need additi onal surgical procedures for a satisfactory result. The authors report a clinical case in which this technique was used with the installation of a Bicon dental implant in the same surgical time, showing all the steps for this single-tooth rehabilitation.


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Osteodistraction is a clinical reality, available in the last decades for the resolution of large bone deficiencies, in cases that there are pre-existing, but misplaced implants and teeth. The aims of thearticle is to present a case report in which a new possibility for bone distraction, based on tooth-implant bone distractors, made from standard orthodontic expansion-screws, was used in an area where there was an extensive need of alveolar bone and aesthetical recovery, allied to teeth and dental implant misplacement. This technique presented good clinical results, associated to effective simplicity and low cost, becoming viable clinical solution for bone tissue augmentation and aesthetical optimization. In resume, it is possible to say that the suggested technique achieved its objectives, improving the hard and soft tissue profile, whilst allowing completion of oral rehabilitation.


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Introduction: The study of graft donor sites, whether from the anatomical, physiological or morphological point of view, has become a topic of current interest, due to the increasing number of patients needing facial bone reconstruction for various reasons. Purpose: In view of the need to constantly improve surgical techniques for autogenous bone graft harvesting, still considered the best choice for facial bone reconstruction, this paper describes an anatomical study on dry skulls in order to evaluate the average thickness of the parietal bone. Material and Methods: Measurements of this bone were taken with a goniometer, at four previously defined points, in the region that is often used as a donor site, in 49 dry skulls (98 parietal bones). The results were evaluated using the T test. Results: Thickness was measured at four predetermined points. The mean values (Point A = 4898mm, B = 4517mm, C = 6185mm, D = 4280mm) show that the bone can be even thinner than previously reported in the literature in other studies of the same nature. The largest bone thickness is in the medial and posterior region. Conclusion: A knowledge of these anatomical characteristics is helpful in preventing possible surgical complications, as well as making it safer for the surgeon to remove this graft and providing more information on whether or not to indicate this region as a bone graft donor site.


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The use of different methods and materials should be considered during the planning of implant-supported prostheses. Complications such as fractures of the acrylic resin base, wear and fracture of teeth can occur frequently, creating the need for careful planning for each patient, which can make the selection of the type of treatment more complex. Thus, this article describes the oral rehabilitation of a completely edentulous patient with bimaxillary fixed implant-supported prosthesis, with complaints on aesthetics, loss of vertical dimension and fracture of acrylic resin teeth of the upper arch. After the restoration of vertical dimension, his dentures were replaced with new bimaxillary implant-supported fixed prostheses, ceramic and acrylic resin were used as veneering material for maxilla and mandible, respectively. At the end of the treatment, the patient received bimaxillary flat occlusal splints to protect the teeth and implants of possible parafunctional habits. The approach for the treatment allowed a quick and effective resolution, with aesthetic and functional outcomes very favorable for the patient.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of alcohol-free mouthwashes on Candida albicans. Twenty clinical isolates of C. albicans and one reference strain (ATCC 18804) were evaluated after exposure to two 0.12% chlorhexidine-based and alcohol-free (“Ca” and “Or”) in comparison to gluconate chlorhexidine with ethanol (positive control). The maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) and maximum fugal dilution (MFD) were determined by the microdilution method. Twelve serial dilutions (from 50 to 0.02%) were prepared in duplicate. Then, 100 µL of C. albicans suspension (106 cells.mL–1) were added to the wells. After incubation (37 °C/24 hours), MID was determined by reading the optical density. For MFD determination, the content of the wells were plated on Saouraud agar. For MID, there were no differences between groups Or and control, but Ca group showed a MID statistically higher (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.0012). For MFD, there were no differences between Ca and control (Mann-Whitney test, p = 0.1631). It can be concluded that Ca group showed a fungicid activity against C. albicans similar to the control, but lower fungistatic activity when compared to the control. Group Or showed only a fungistatic action similar to control.


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Osseointegration involves a cascade of biological events, which can be accelerated by modifying the micro and/or nanometric topography of dental implant surfaces. Considering that different treatment types modify the titanium surface giving it a more pronounced rough topography, and physicochemical changes that appear to positively influence the osseointegration process, a literature review was made on the main types of surface treatments and their influence on the biological and cellular aspects of osseointegration, with publications dating from 1969 until the present moment. Although the precise role of the implant surface on the osseointegration of dental implants is not completely clear, the specific effects of implant surface on bone regeneration, initial kinetics, and evolution of mechanical properties have shown to be quite promising. Thus, based on dental implant surface modifications, osseointegration can be defined as a process by which rigid asymptomatic fixation of an alloplastic material can be achieved and kept in close contact with bone tissue, being resistant to early and late functional loads. This process can be modulated by an appropriate treatment of the alloplastic material surface.


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jObjective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermoplasticity of the gutta-percha cones used for root canal obturation: Dentsply convencional (Dentsply Ind. e Com., Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil), Dentsply 0.04, (Dentsply Ind. e Com., Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil), Antaeos 0.04 (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany), ProTaper (Dentsply Ind. e Com., Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil) and Alfa 0.06 (VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany). Material and method: Specimens of each material (n = 10) were prepared after heating. After 24 hours were again heated to 70 °C and placed between two glass plates and subjected to a compression of 5 kg for 2 minutes. The scanned image of the groups before and after the compression was analyzed with the software Image Tool (UTHSCSA Image Tool for Windows version 3.0, San Antonio, TX, USA). The flow capacity of the different materials was determined by the difference between the initial and final area of each specimen. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test with significance level of 5%. Result: Among the material evaluated, the gutta-percha cones Alpha 0.06 and ProTaper presented more thermoplasticity than other groups (p < 0.05). The Dentsply gutta-percha presented thermoplasticity intermediate. The groups Dentsply 0.04 and 0.04 showed lower thermoplasticity after heating (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The gutta-percha present different property of thermoplasticity, which is important to selection of thermoplastic obturation techniques.


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Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the silver nanoparticles solution in enterococcus faecallis cultures (ATCC 29212), compared with various solutions of sodium hypoclorithe (NaOCl). Material and methods. Five Agar Petri plates were inoculated with E. faecallis and each of them was placed a cellulose dish embedded with silver nanoparticles solution, or a solution of sodium hypochlorite evaluated (Viarzon, Cloralex, Clorox). Chlorhexidine digluconate 2% was used as positive control and sterile saline solution was used as negative control. After 24 hours of incubation at 37ºc, under aerobic conditions, the zones of inhibition of bacterial growth were measured and the results subjected to the statistical t test among the experimental groups (= 5%). Results. The Cloralex showed to be the most effective reflected in the extent of inhibition in relation to other substances (p< 0.05), except that the chlorhexidine digluconate 2% (p> 0.05). The solution of silver nanoparticles provided a greater zone of inhibition than the sodium hypochlorite solution (Clorox) and Viarzon (p< 0.05). Clorox and Viarzon didn't provide zones of inhibition and were similar to each other (p> 0.05). Conclusions. The solution of silver nanoparticles presents antimicrobial activity in cultured E. faecallis, even higher than other commercial forms of sodium hypochlorite. Further studies should be carried out to determine its viability as irrigating solution in endodontics (AU)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de avaliacao qualitativa e quantitativa, com o uso de substancia tracadoras, nos estudos de deposicao em pulverizacao, com a possibilidade de variacao da tensao superficial da calda. Plantas de citros foram pulverizadas com solucao tracadora composta pelo corante Azul Brilhante na concentracao de 0,15% em mistura com o Saturn Yellow tambem a 0,15%, suspenso com o lignosulfonato Vixilperse a 0,015%. A pulverizacao foi realizada com turboatomizador Jacto, na velocidade de deslocamento de 2,8 km/h e volume de calda de 1830 L/ha. A tensao superficial da solucaotracadora pulverizada foi ajustada para 72,6 mN/m, mesma da agua, e com a reducao para 36,5 mN/m. Para as avaliacoes dos depositos, dividiu-se a planta em 12 setores, partes baixa, media e alta, coletando-se amostras nas partes externa e interna e nas posicoes frontal e perpendicular a pulverizacao. Em cada posicao de coleta na planta foram retiradas duas amostras de folhas, uma constituida de 10 folhas para avaliar a distribuicao e o deposito total de ambas as superficies das folhas, e outra com 6 folhas para avaliar a relacao do deposito individual entre as superficies inferior (abaxial) e superior (adaxial) das folhas. O escorrimento de calda para o solo foi avaliado colocando-se placas de petri, distanciadas de 20 cm entre si e linearmente, sob a projecao da copa, nos setores frontal e perpendicular a pulverizacao. Para cada tensao superficial testada coletou-se amostras em 5 plantas, considerando-se cada planta uma repeticao. A avaliacao qualitativa foi feita atraves da visualizacao da distribuicao do deposito sob luz ultravioleta e a determinacao da quantidade depositada atraves da espectrofotometria. A metodologia desenvolvida mostrou-se adequada para avaliacao dos depositos de pulverizacoes no campo, com a solucao tracadora, pela possibilidade de avaliar qualitativa e quantitativa