902 resultados para Permanent magnet synchronous machines
by Israel Abrahams
Aim: To evaluate the effects of salivary contamination and decontamination on bond strength of two one-step adhesives to primary and permanent dentin. Methods: Dentin specimens were prepared from extracted primary and permanent molars (210 of each) and were distributed to seven groups (n=15/group/molar type) for each adhesive (Xeno V+ and Scotchbond Universal): no saliva contamination (control); saliva contamination before or after light-curing of the adhesives followed either by air-drying, by rinsing with water and air-drying, or by rinsing with water, air-drying and reapplication of the adhesives. Resin composite was applied and the specimens were stored for 24h (37°C, 100% humidity). Then, shear bond strength (SBS) was measured and data analyzed with nonparametric ANOVA and Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Results: Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, the reduction being more pronounced when contamination occurred before light-curing than after. In both situations, decontamination involving reapplication of the adhesive restored SBS. Saliva contamination had no significant effect on Scotchbond Universal. There were no differences in SBS between primary and permanent teeth. Conclusion: Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, but not of Scotchbond Universal. SBS was restored when contaminated dentin was rinsed with water and air-dried followed by reapplication of the adhesive.
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of human saliva contamination and two decontamination procedures at different stages of the bonding procedure on the bond strength of two one-step self-etching adhesives to primary and permanent dentin. Materials and Methods: Extracted human primary and permanent molars (210 of each) were ground to mid-coronal dentin. The dentin specimens were randomly divided into 7 groups (n = 15/group/molar type) for each adhesive (Xeno V+ and Scotchbond Universal): no saliva contamination (control); saliva contamination before or after light curing of the adhesives followed by air drying, rinsing with water spray/air drying, or by rinsing with water spray/air drying/reapplication of the adhesives. Resin composite (Filtek Z250) was applied on the treated dentin surfaces. The specimens were stored at 37°C and 100% humidity for 24 h. After storage, shear bond strength (SBS) was measured and data analyzed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Results: Xeno V+ generated significantly higher SBS than Scotchbond Universal when no saliva contamination occurred. Saliva contamination reduced SBS of Xeno V+, with the reduction being more pronounced when contamination occurred before light curing than after. In both situations, decontamination involving reapplication of the adhesive restored SBS. Saliva contamination had no significant effect on Scotchbond Universal. There were no differences in SBS between primary and permanent teeth. Conclusion: Rinsing with water and air drying followed by reapplication of the adhesive restored bond strength to saliva-contaminated dentin.
PURPOSE Metastatic renal cell carcinoma can be clinically diverse in terms of the pattern of metastatic disease and response to treatment. We studied the impact of metastasis and location on cancer specific survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS The records of 2,017 patients with renal cell cancer and tumor thrombus who underwent radical nephrectomy and tumor thrombectomy from 1971 to 2012 at 22 centers in the United States and Europe were analyzed. Number and location of synchronous metastases were compared with respect to patient cancer specific survival. Multivariable Cox regression models were used to quantify the impact of covariates. RESULTS Lymph node metastasis (155) or distant metastasis (725) was present in 880 (44%) patients. Of the patients with distant disease 385 (53%) had an isolated metastasis. The 5-year cancer specific survival was 51.3% (95% CI 48.6-53.9) for the entire group. On univariable analysis patients with isolated lymph node metastasis had a significantly worse cancer specific survival than those with a solitary distant metastasis. The location of distant metastasis did not have any significant effect on cancer specific survival. On multivariable analysis the presence of lymph node metastasis, isolated distant metastasis and multiple distant metastases were independently associated with cancer specific survival. Moreover higher tumor thrombus level, papillary histology and the use of postoperative systemic therapy were independently associated with worse cancer specific survival. CONCLUSIONS In our multi-institutional series of patients with renal cell cancer who underwent radical nephrectomy and tumor thrombectomy, almost half of the patients had synchronous lymph node or distant organ metastasis. Survival was superior in patients with solitary distant metastasis compared to isolated lymph node disease.
We integrated research on the dimensionality of career success into social-cognitive career theory and explored the positive feedback loop between occupational self-efficacy and objective and subjective career success over time (self-efficacy → objective success → subjective success → self-efficacy). Furthermore, we theoretically accounted for synchronous and time-lagged effects, as well as indirect reciprocity between the variables. We tested the proposed model by means of longitudinal structural equation modeling in a 9-year four-wave panel design, by applying a model comparison approach and indirect effect analyses (N = 608 professionals). The findings supported the proposed positive feedback loop between occupational self-efficacy and career success. Supporting our time-based reasoning, the findings showed that unfolding effects between occupational self-efficacy and objective career success take more time (i.e., time-lagged or over time) than unfolding effects between objective and subjective career success, as well as between subjective career success and occupational self-efficacy (i.e., synchronous or concurrently). Indirect effects of past on future occupational self-efficacy via objective and subjective career success were significant, providing support for an indirect reciprocity model. Results are discussed with respect to extensions of social-cognitive career theory and occupational self-efficacy development over time.
Falling on the outstretched hand is a common trauma mechanism. In contrast to fractures of the distal radius, which usually are diagnosed on plain film radiographs, identifying wrist injuries requires further diagnostic methods, e.g., MRI or CT. This article provides a review of the use of MRI in the most common traumatic wrist injuries, including scaphoid fractures, TFCC lesions, and tears of the scapholunate ligament. Early and selective use of MRI as a further diagnostic method in cases of adequate clinical suspicion helps to initiate the correct treatment and, thus, prevents long-term arthrotic injuries and reduces unnecessary absence due to illness. MRI shows a high reliability in the diagnosis of scaphoid fractures and the America College of Radiology recommends MRI as method of choice after X-ray images have been made. In the diagnosis of ligament and discoid lesions, MR arthrography (MRA) using intraarticular contrast agent has considerably higher accuracy than i.v.-enhanced and especially unenhanced MRI.
AIM To evaluate the performance of a pen‑type laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent 2190; LFpen, KaVo, Germany) and bitewing radiographs (BW) for approximal caries detection in permanent and primary teeth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 246 anterior approximal surfaces (102 permanent and 144 primary) were selected. Contact points were simulated using sound teeth. Two examiners assessed all approximal surfaces using LFpen and BW. The teeth were histologically assessed for the reference standard. Optimal cut‑off limits were calculated for LFpen for primary and permanent teeth. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (Az) were calculated for D1 (enamel and dentin lesions) and D3 (dentin lesions) thresholds. The reproducibility was assessed by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cohen's weighted kappa values. RESULTS For permanent teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0- 27 (sound), 28- 33 (enamel caries) and >33 (dentin caries). For primary teeth, the LFpen cut‑off were 0- 7 (sound), 8- 32 (enamelcaries) and >32 (dentin caries). The LFpen presented higher sensitivity values than BW for primary teeth (0.58 vs. 0.32 at D1 and 0.80 vs. 0.47 at D3) and permanent teeth (0.80 vs. 0.57 at D1 and 0.94 vs. 0.51 at D3). Specificity did not show a significant difference between the methods. Rank correlations with histology were 0.59 and 0.83 (LFpen) and 0.36 and 0.70 (BW) for primary and permanent teeth, respectively, considering all lesions. ICC values for LFpen were 0.71 (inter) and 0.86 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.94 (inter) and 0.90/0.99 for primary teeth. Kappa values for BW were 0.69 (inter) and 0.68/0.90 (intra) for permanent teeth and 0.64 (inter) and 0.89/0.89 for primary teeth. CONCLUSION LFpen presented better reproducibility for primary and permanent teeth and higher accuracy in detecting caries lesions at D1 threshold than BW for permanent teeth. LFpen should be used as an adjunct method for approximal caries detection.
Bericht über die EGPA Jahreskonferenz 2014: Permanent Study Group «Justice and Court Administration»
La forêt primaire de la région de Mandraka a été classée par le gouvernement en station forestière pour être conservée et restaurée. Suite à cette décision, tous prélèvements y sont interdits. Pourtant, aucune étude n’a évalué sa viabilité depuis cette restriction. Ce mémoire a ainsi comme objectif l’estimation de cette viabilité par le suivi permanent de l’état actuel de la forêt comprenant la végétation, la biodiversité et les pressions. La collecte de données y afférentes a eu recours à une étude bibliographique, à des enquêtes socio-économiques, à un inventaire des pressions, à un inventaire forestier et à une distance sampling. L’état a été évalué par l’analyse de ces composants. Cette recherche a fait ressortir que la forêt est soumise à des pressions anthropiques et biologiques : coupes illicites, collecte de Dioscorea sp., feux de forêt, envahissement des lianes. Ces pressions ont réduit la superficie de la forêt, modifié sa structure et celle de la faune : les régénérations naturelles sont abondantes, les arbres émergents et de diamètre supérieur à 40 cm sont rares, certaines essences floristiques et les lémuriens risquent de disparaître. Puis, les lianes remplacent successivement la forêt. Malgré ces pressions, la forêt a pu conserver certaines caractéristiques de son état originel : l’abondance élevée des tiges et la réduction de leur taille sur les crêtes, l’allure exponentielle de la structure totale, la présence des genres Tambourissa et Weinmannia. En outre, la forêt est encore riche en avifaune. Après analyse de viabilité, elle est classée comme un écosystème viable. Mais ces potentialités sont insuffisantes : il faut réduire les pressions et reconstituer la forêt pour une meilleure conservation de l’écosystème. A cet effet, la présente étude suggère l’aménagement, en premier lieu de la forêt par des interventions sylvicoles favorisant les régénérations comme l’enrichissement en placeaux, le délianage et en second lieu, celui de ses environs par des vulgarisations d’activités génératrices de revenu autres que l’exploitation des forêts naturelles telles l’agroforesterie, le reboisement, l’apiculture. Des patrouilles fréquentes et une délimitation de la station forestière s’avèrent aussi nécessaires.
Mandraka possède de nombreux écosystèmes, dominés surtout par les forêts. Cette zone est située sur la première falaise orientale malgache et affiche des reliefs accidentés (pentes supérieures à 60%). Elle est exposée à un régime climatique à forte influence orientale se traduisant par une humidité permanente et un régime cyclonique fréquent. Les paramètres stationnels sont ainsi rudes, or ils sont écologiquement très importants car plusieurs caractéristiques physionomiques et comportementales des espèces forestières en dépendent. Cette étude s'intéresse à la station forestière de Mandraka, particulièrement à l'arboretum. Ce dernier fût créé dans les années cinquante et est actuellement géré par le Département des Eaux et Forêts. Ce site est actuellement à vocation pédagogique et écotouristique. Son état écologique est inconnu jusqu'à maintenant, et depuis sa création, aucun système n'a été mis en place pour mesurer et suivre sa viabilité. D'où, l'intitulé de ce travail de mémoire : « Définition d'un état zéro et mise en place d'un système de suivi écologique permanent de l'arboretum de la station forestière de Mandraka ». Les objectifs étant de collecter des données concernant l'état écologique actuel du site, d'identifier des indicateurs de suivi pour mesurer sa viabilité, et d'inclure un système de suivi écologique permanent dans une proposition de plan d'aménagement pour l'arboretum. Le suivi est en effet un outil très important pour l'analyse des ressources forestières. Il permet de cadrer toutes les interventions. Les diverses analyses menées lors de cette étude ont révélé une viabilité moyenne de l'arboretum. Cela est induit par une qualité de peuplement moyennement stable, une mortalité élevée (plus de 14%), et un potentiel d'avenir très faible, voire inexistant (taux de régénération à 0%). L'envahissement de la forêt artificielle par les espèces autochtones constitue la pression la plus importante de cet arboretum vu qu'il se trouve au milieu des forêts naturelles. L'analyse sylvicole effectuée sur les deux types dendrologiques révèle que les peuplements de conifères présentent des caractéristiques sylvicoles plus favorables que les feuillus. Ce niveau moyen de viabilité de l'arboretum implique ainsi la proposition d'un plan d'aménagement pour l'améliorer; le suivi est une activité primordiale, d'où la proposition d'un plan de suivi permanent pour l'arboretum. A noter que malgré la considération du critère de représentativité pour l'échantillonnage, toutes les questions ne pourront être répondues du fait que plusieurs mosaïques de peuplements artificiels de différentes espèces constituent l'arboretum, et que chacune de ces espèces plantées ont leurs propres caractéristiques. La mise en place des plots permanents d'observation ne servira ainsi que de référence (Etat zéro), mais on propose de prévoir un suivi intégral ainsi que diverses interventions pour l'arboretum en général. Ce travail constitue ainsi une base de données pour l'arboretum et pour la station forestière de Mandraka, mais il ne représente qu'une des facettes à prendre en considération dans une finalité d'amélioration de la viabilité. L'élaboration de cartes thématiques et d'évolution spatio-temporelle à l'issue de SIG (Système d'Information Géographique) permettra d'enrichir les informations établies et admettra un suivi plus précis.
OBJECTIVE Cochlear implants (CIs) are standard treatment for postlingually deafened individuals and prelingually deafened children. This human cadaver study evaluated diagnostic usefulness, image quality and artifacts in 1.5T and 3T magnetic resonance (MR) brain scans after CI with a removable magnet. METHODS Three criteria (diagnostic usefulness, image quality, artifacts) were assessed at 1.5T and 3T in five cadaver heads with CI. The brain magnetic resonance scans were performed with and without the magnet in situ. The criteria were analyzed by two blinded neuroradiologists, with focus on image distortion and limitation of the diagnostic value of the acquired MR images. RESULTS MR images with the magnet in situ were all compromised by artifacts caused by the CI. After removal of the magnet, MR scans showed an unequivocal artifact reduction with significant improvement of the image quality and diagnostic usefulness, both at 1.5T and 3T. Visibility of the brain stem, cerebellopontine angle, and parieto-occipital lobe ipsilateral to the CI increased significantly after magnet removal. CONCLUSIONS The results indicate the possible advantages for 1.5T and 3T MR scanning of the brain in CI carriers with removable magnets. Our findings support use of CIs with removable magnets, especially in patients with chronic intracranial pathologies.
The deeply eroded West Gondwana Orogen is a major continental collision zone that exposes numerous occurrences of deeply subducted rocks, such as eclogites. The position of these eclogites marks the suture zone between colliding cratons, and the age of metamorphism constrains the transition from subduction-dominated tectonics to continental collision and mountain building. Here we investigate the metamorphic conditions and age of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from Mali, Togo and NE-Brazil and demonstrate that continental subduction occurred within 20 million years over at least a 2,500-km-long section of the orogen during the Ediacaran. We consider this to be the earliest evidence of large-scale deep-continental subduction and consequent appearance of Himalayan-scale mountains in the geological record. The rise and subsequent erosion of such mountains in the Late Ediacaran is perfectly timed to deliver sediments and nutrients that are thought to have been necessary for the subsequent evolution of sustainable life on Earth.
Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: Introduction: Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) could be approached in a combined or a staged fashion. Some crucial studies have shown no significant difference in peri-operative stroke and death rate in combined versus staged CEA/CABG. At present conventional extracorporeal circulation (CECC) is regarded as the gold standard for performing on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. On contrary, the use of minimized extracorporeal circulation (MECC) for CABG diminishes hemodilution, blood-air contact, foreign surface contact and inflammatory response. At the same time, general anaesthesia (GA) is a potential risk factor for higher perioperative stroke rate after isolated CEA, not only for the ipsilateral but also for the contralateral side especially in case of contralateral high-grade stenosis or occlusion. The aim of the study was to analyze if synchronous CEA/CABG using MECC (CEA/CABG group) allows reducing the perioperative stroke risk to the level of isolated CEA performed under GA (CEA-GA group). – Methods: A retrospective analysis of all patients who underwent CEA at our institution between January 2005 and December 2012 was performed. We compared outcomes between all patients undergoing CEA/CABG to all isolated CEA-GA during the same time period. The CEA/CABG group was additionally compared to a reference group consisting of patients undergoing isolated CEA in local anaesthesia. Primary outcome was in-hospital stroke. – Results: A total of 367 CEAs were performed, from which 46 patients were excluded having either off-pump CABG or other cardiac surgery procedures than CABG combined with CEA. Out of 321 patients, 74 were in the CEA/CABG and 64 in the CEA-GA group. There was a significantly higher rate of symptomatic stenoses among patients in the CEA-GA group (p<0.002). Three (4.1%) strokes in the CEA/CABG group were registered, two ipsilateral (2.7%) and one contralateral (1.4%) to the operated side. In the CEA-GA group 2 ipsilateral strokes (3.1%) occurred. No difference was noticed between the groups (p=1.000). One patient with stroke in each group had a symptomatic stenosis preoperatively. – Conclusions: Outcome with regard to mortality and neurologic injury is very good in both -patients undergoing CEA alone as well as patients undergoing synchronous CEA and CABG using the MECC system. Although the CEA/CABG group showed slightly increased risk of stroke, it can be considered as combined treatment in particular clinical situations.