1000 resultados para Peel, Joseph Alexander.
Power of Attorney granted to Joseph Augustus Woodruff by Thomas Sheppard Smyth of the Township of Stamford, Sept. 2, 1851.
Receipt to Joseph A. Woodruff from E. Cartwright, sheriff from Hamilton, Ont. for doing a search on S. Zimmerman. This includes an envelope postmarked Dec. 4, 1865.
Bond between Alexander Fraser of the Township of Dumphries to the Honourable William Dickson of Galt
Bond (1 page, printed) between Alexander Fraser of the Township of Dumphries to the Honourable William Dickson of Galt for 304 pounds, June 21, 1830.
Questions and answers of W. Joseph Smith, clerk of Grimsby (2 pages, handwritten). These pages are stained and slightly torn. This affects a small portion of the text, 1830.
Examination of W. Joseph Smith, clerk of Grimsby (2 pages, handwritten). The pages are stained and torn. This affects the text slightly, 1830.
Warrant (1 page, handwritten copy) that a complaint was presented to Edmund Riselay, Justice of the Peace in Bertie by Henry Nelles, Justice of the Peace in Niagara against William Wintermute and Benjamin Wright of Bertie by Joseph Lindeberry of Clinton regarding the suspicion of Wintermute and Wright stealing wheat from the Lindeberry barn. Benjamin Wright seemed the guiltier of the two and therefore it is requested that he be brought before a Justice of the Peace to be examined. This document is stained, but this does not affect the text, April 4, 1837.
Marriage Bond between Joseph Bridgeman of Grimsby and Calinda Ann Lounsberry of Grimsby signed by Palmer Buckbee of Grimsby and Robert F. Nelles of Grimsby, July [?] 6, 1837.
Insurance Policy from the Quebec Fire Assurance Company to Mr. Joseph Power Bradley for his household furniture, linen wearing apparels, glass, earthenware and printed books in a house occupied as a dwelling and belonging to Joseph Legare Junt in the town of Quebec, Oct. 10, 1830
Indenture (vellum) of mortgage between the Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway Company and Joseph Augustus Woodruff of Niagara and Gilbert McMicken of the Village of Elgin in Welland. This document was registered Jan.4, 1856 – instrument no. 586, Dec. 29, 1855.
Province of Upper Canada Grant (paper mounted on canvas) to Alexander McDonell. He is granted 400 acres in the Town of York, Lots numbered 12 and 13 in the 3rd Concession and part of Lot no. 16 in the 4th Concession. This was entered in the auditor’s office Dec 31, 1798, Dec. 31, 1798.
Province of Upper Canada Grant (vellum) to Joseph Mills of the township of Grimsby, son of United Empire Loyalist John Mills, United Empire Loyalist. He was granted 200 acres in the 5th Concession in Windham in the County of Norfolk. This was registered in in Liber L, folio 387 on Feb. 14, 1803. The crown land seal is attached, but broken into small pieces, Nov. 25, 1802.
Broadside, 45 cm. x 30 cm. of a requisition to W. Woodruff from William W. Ball, John McBride, Robert N. Ball, W. Servos, Joseph Wynn and 150 other people for Mr. Woodruff to run as a Representative in Parliament. This is followed by a positive, and humble response from Mr. Woodruff, June 3, 1856.