994 resultados para Pascucci, Silvana


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This study examines peasant family farming from an agroecological perspective. It intends to analyze the changes resulting from the transition from conventional to agro-ecological agriculture in the daily practices of farmers articulated associated with the Network of Agroecological and Solidarity Farmers of the Curu and Aracatiaçu Valleys Territory, the locus of this empirical research, and a space which has highlighted the social dynamics of agroecological innovation, as well as articulating environmental exchanges and knowledge development. As a way to further that goal, we seek to identify the forms of social organization previously present in the daily lives of these subjects, in addition to grasping the determinants that lead or led them to adopt agroecology, noting the need to verify the forms of resistance, and the strategies adopted by farmers and how they articulate collectively. Through the historical and dialectical methods, we seek to take the implications of technical modernization of agriculture under the conditions of production and reproduction of peasants and thus situate the emergence of agroecology, a focus that is born as a counterpoint to conventional patterns of agricultural development based on the paradigm of the Green Revolution. We structured this study around the trajectory of agroecological farmers that developed and internalized agroecological practices, processes, and organizational forms. For the analysis, we used theoretical and methodological frameworks from literature related to field research. The systematization and analysis of experiments revealed that agroecological transition is a broad process of change, not restricted to technical matters. We observed changes in production practices, diversification of production and feeding practices, ecological awareness, production autonomy, and organizations formed to face the challenges resulting from the imposition of the dominant agricultural development model that combines environmental degradation, land ownership concentration, and wealth concentration


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A dissertação versa sobre a Política de Assistência Estudantil e o processo de luta pela democratização do acesso à universidade, no contexto de expansão do ensino superior em tempos de crise estrutural do capital. Apresenta como unidade de análise as particularidades da pós-graduação em Serviço Social da UFRN e tem como objetivo principal apreender e analisar as condições de permanência disponibilizadas pela UFRN aos discentes de pós-graduação no contexto de expansão do Ensino Superior. O percurso teórico-metodológico de análise adotado na pesquisa se fundamentou numa perspectiva crítica do objeto de estudo a partir de uma concepção de totalidade, que pressupõe apreender as determinações socioeconômicas e políticas que incidem sobre a política de ensino superior e as condições de vida dos discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social (PPGSS). As análises fundamentaram-se em pesquisa bibliográfica como base teórico-metodológica da investigação, articulada com as reflexões que resultaram dos dados empíricos da pesquisa de campo na perspectiva de apreensão do objeto, em sua densidade histórica e num quadro de múltiplas determinações. Do ponto de vista metodológico foram entrevistados 26 discentes e realizada análise documental referentes a leis e documentos da política educacional em nível federal e dos organismos internacionais. A luta por ampliação do acesso à universidade está na agenda dos movimentos sociais no âmbito da educação, no entanto na conjuntura dos governos de Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (2003 a 2010) e Dilma Rousseff (2011 a 2012) a tendência tem sido seguir as orientações dos organismos internacionais e promover expansão de vagas sem assegurar estratégias de permanência compatíveis com as exigências de excelência acadêmica postas, por exemplo, na pós-graduação. Discentes entrevistados acessam o ensino superior e os cursos de pós-graduação e vivenciam dificuldades diárias para atender com qualidade às exigências acadêmicas em face de suas condições materiais de vida e de trabalho e dos limites da política de assistência estudantil que tem um perfil de programas e ações localizadas


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Unveiling the link between the Social Services and the Judiciary is the object of this work, since the judiciary is constituted as one of the socio-occupational areas of the profession in the sphere of the state, seize the demands placed on professionals which work becomes relevant , considering that these are embody the multiple expressions of social issues, constituting a challenge to social work, while influencing the contributions that the profession has engendered in the defense and expansion rights. It constitutes an analysis from the standpoint of theoretical and methodological basis Qualiquantitative taking for granted the rights violations against children and adolescents in their social, legal and historical guide to the topic. For this we used a theoretical Marxist Behring (2009), Colman (2008), Faleiros (2205), Faria (1999, 2001), Fávaro (2007, 2008), Iamamoto (1985, 1992, 2002, 2006, 2007) Yazbek, Marx (1983), Netto (1994), Nicholas (1984), Pequeno (2009), Rizinni (1997, 2008), Santos (2009), Sales (2006), Telles (1999), Tonet (2009), among others. Besides literature, empirical research conducted through semi-structured interviews using a script and written records and systematic observation / free during interviews. The subjects were 06 social workers from the area of the judiciary to act on Justice for Children and Youth, Family Court and NOADE in Natal / RN. The research aims to analyze the demands and challenges of Social Services and their contribution in ensuring and enforcing rights in courts nowadays. The route established between knowledge and method involves conceptual analysis on the Judiciary, Social Services, and Child and Adolescent Rights. Seize-up in this study the existing contradictions in confronting the multiple expressions of social issues in the context of the judiciary. The research allowed us to identify relevant aspects regarding the challenges and demands placed Social Service; limits on defense and expansion of their rights and contradictions within sociojurídico. For being one of the judiciary institutions that comprise the system warranty rights, social workers also face difficulties in implementing the professional doing since the ills posed by current sociability capital focus in everyday spaces socio-occupational presented here. On the other hand, is commendable acting those protagonists who believe, defend and contribute to the defense and expansion rights


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Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a concretização da reforma psiquiátrica em natal, partindo de um dos serviços substitutivos que compõe a rede psicossocial deste município. A política de saúde mental tem passado por mudanças paradigmáticas, definindo como objetivo maior o processo de desistitucionalização. Redirecionando sua ação para os serviços substitutivos e não, mas o hospital psiquiátrico tradicional. Nesse cenário os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) se mostram estratégicos para materialização dos objetivos pretendidos pela reforma psiquiátrica. O estudo transcorre dentro da perspectiva materialista dialética. A presente pesquisa teve como lócus de investigação empírica o primeiro Centros de Atenção Psicossocial implantado em Natal/RN. A escolha por um serviço extra-hospitalar vai ao encontro de uma postura defendida pelo movimento de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Considerando o CAPS um serviço substitutivo estratégico em saúde mental para a efetivação da Reforma Psiquiátrica, neste sentido objetivamos apreender as contradições que marcam o processo de concretização da Reforma Psiquiátrica através da vivência dos usuários e de suas famílias, no interior de uma unidade integrante do novo modelo de atenção em saúde mental. Partimos do pressuposto de que os usuários e seus familiares são sujeitoschave no processo de reforma psiquiátrica, por vivenciarem em seu cotidiano as mudanças concretas realizadas, que acenam para um processo de re-inserção social, mas também, contraditoriamente, os limites e entraves desse processo


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The present study is about the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs associated with the ABONG in Natal city, state of Rio Grande do Norte, referring to the work conditions, claims and professional responses in front of the capital restructuration circumstances. The group of socio-historical transformations, as a result of the after-1970 dynamic capitalism, conducts a process of new configurations in the relationship between State and society that directly affect the social question nowadays, destroying social rights historically conquered for the workers. In this context, the ONGs assume a strategical social function of the social question, contributing with the change of responsibilities with the social from the State to the third sector. This social movement causes changes to the Social Work since this is one of the professions that act on the immediate expressions of the social question. After a qualitative research based on a theoricalmethodological critical and dialectical perspective, it was possible to discover some contradictions, details and tendencies of the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs. Summarizing, the results of the research show that: a) it was detected a tendency of precarization, instability, insecurity, no-articulation, no-profissionalization of the professionals in the work conditions; b) demands are associated with a moment of the capital re-ordering, where new professional exigencies and responsibilities are related with capital necessities in the period of structural crisis; c) limits and contradictions are present in a professional daily work mainly in function of the characteristics of gestation and functioning of the ONGs; d) the professionals that were interviewed show significant difficulties in a articulation between the professional daily work in organizations and the totality of the social processes, limiting the capability of doing critics to the requisitions imposed by the capital


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Considerando a potencialidade apresentada pelas tecnologias de informação e comunicação na atualidade este estudo aponta as formas pelas quais grupos sociais mobilizados em torno de uma vinculação étnica podem se servir do aparato da Internet, em especial do World Wide Web, para divulgar aspectos de sua cultura e modo de vida. Trata-se de grupos dedicados ao ensino, transmissão, preservação e disseminação da tradição gaúcha vinculados aos Centros de Tradições Gaúchas (CTG). Especificamente, este artigo apresenta como os tradicionalistas gaúchos estabelecem suas redes sociais na Internet, constituindo comunidades virtuais em torno do tema cultura e tradição gaúcha, fazendo uso dos serviços da Web 2.0. Abordam-se neste estudo experiências que indicam que o terreno virtual é fértil e possível de transformar e revolucionar o campo das tradições, sua preservação, disseminação e (re)invenção. No contexto de modernidade tardia esse recurso não pode ser descartado. Independente da análise se situar no campo econômico, político ou cultural, entre tantos outros, o fato é que a Internet se constitui num meio eficaz e abrangente de transmitir, ensinar e preservar conteúdos de todos os tipos.


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The development of information and communication technologies, in particular, Internet, and its Web 2.0 information environment has led to significant changes in contemporary society as to the ways of producing informational content. Collaboration and remix, favored by the new services and applications resulting from the development of the Web, are practices which contribute for the exponential growth of information producers. An important part of humanity ceases to be a mere consumer of symbolic goods and becomes a member in a society that sees in the collaboration and remix a new form of creation, use and dissemination of intellectual content. However, as such practices involve the production and use of information intelectual content, and are ruled by a legisltion which determine determines under what conditions the author and the user must produce and use the intellectual work. This legislation established for a context prior to the develompment of the Web has created an imbalance in the context of Web 2.0 which needs to be solved in some way so as to provide the required rebalance for the flow of information. This study explores the collaborative Web environment, the scope of copyright law in Web enviroment and the Creative Commons licenses as an alternative for producers and users of information to create, recreate, share, use, reuse and disseminate legally the intellectual production for the benefit of the construction of knowledge.


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Investigates the relationship between Information Architecture in digital environments with Intellectual Property Rights. The work is justified by the need to better understand the emerging dynamics of Digital Information and Communication Law Technologies and Intellectual Property Rights. Three areas of knowledge are directly related to the study: Information Science, Law and Computer Science. The methodology used in the investigative process is aligned with the qualitative approach. With respect to the technical procedures the research is classified as bibliographic or secondary sources. The results showed that the current Brazilian legislation does not provide the adequate mechanisms necessary to protect the intellectual property rights associated to an Information Architecture project to its holders.


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Foram eviscerados os globos oculares esquerdos de 32 ratos, linhagem Wistar, divididos em quatro grupos (A, B, C, D) constituídos, cada um, de cinco testemunhas e três controles. Nos animais-testemunha introduziu-se, dentro da capa córneo-escleral, uma esfera de resina acrílica (metilmetacrilato), previamente confeccionada e esterilizada por autoclavagem, ao passo que nos controles a cavidade eviscerada foi mantida sem prótese. Os ratos dos grupos A, B, C e D foram sacrificados respectivamente aos 7, 15, 30 e 90 dias de pós-operatório, quando os conteúdos orbitários esquerdos foram exenterados e preparados para o exame histopatológico. Observou-se que os animais-testemunha tiveram resposta inflamatória do tipo tecido de granulação ao redor da prótese de cavidade, com edema inflamatório da córnea especialmente nos grupos A e B, quando se iniciou a regressão da inflamação aguda. A cavidade orbitária manteve o tamanho em todos os grupos nos animais-testemunha e houve contração significativa nos animais-controle. Com estas observações, foi possível concluir que a esfera de resina acrílica é uma opção, de baixo custo e fácil confecção, para correção de defeito estético causado pela perda do globo ocular.


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OBJETIVOS: Este estudo visa a analisar os efeitos, a longo prazo, de cinco diferentes tratamentos sobre o controle metabólico de ratos diabéticos aloxânicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7 grupos experimentais, com 50 ratos cada um, sendo: GN o grupo controle normal; GD o grupo controle diabético, sem tratamento; GI, GA e GIA os grupos tratados, respectivamente, com insulina, acarbose e associação insulina + acarbose; GTIL o grupo tratado com transplante de ilhotas de Langerhans; e o GTPD o grupo tratado com transplante pancreatoduodenal heterotópico. Parâmetros clínicos (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e laboratoriais (glicemia, glicose urinária e insulina plasmática) foram avaliados em todos os animais, no início do experimento, e após 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses de seguimento. RESULTADOS: À exceção do GN, mortalidade foi observada em todos os grupos experimentais no seguimento de 12 meses (GD= 50%; GI= 20%; GA= 26%; GIA= 18%; GTIL= 4%; GTPD= 20%). em GD, GI, GA e GIA os óbitos ocorreram por distúrbios metabólicos ou hidroeletrolíticos e/ou pneumonia, diarréia e caquexia; em GTIL e GTPD todos os óbitos ocorreram por falhas técnicas no pós-operatório até 72h. Animais dos grupos GI, GA e GIA tiveram melhora significativa (p < 0,05) de todos os parâmetros clínicos e laboratoriais observados em ratos diabéticos, sem diferença de efetividade entre os tratamentos. Porém, os resultados observados nestes grupos, biologicamente não foram comparáveis aos observados em GTIL e GTPD, onde observou-se correção completa, aos níveis normais, de todas as variáveis analisadas (p<0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os tratamentos convencionais com insulina, acarbose e insulina + acarbose melhoraram o estado diabético grave dos ratos tratados, contudo, a eficácia dos tratamentos foi significativamente inferior à oferecida pelo GTIL e GTPD.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose. The impact of pancreas transplantation (PT) on the progression of eye disease is still controversial. This study evaluated the course of retinopathy in transplanted rats in two different diabetic stages.Methods. Sixty inbred male Lewis rats were assigned to four experimental groups: NC-15 nondiabetic control rats; DC-15 untreated diabetic control rats; PT1-15 diabetic rats that received syngeneic pancreas transplants 2 weeks after alloxan diabetes induction; PT2-15 diabetic rats that received pancreas transplants 12 weeks after diabetes onset. Clinical and laboratory parameters and tens opacity were examined in all rats prior to treatment and at 1-, 6-, and 12-months follow-up. Nucleated eyes from five rats in each group processed for ultrastructural study of the retinal at 6 and 12 months after PT or at follow-up.Results. Cataracts were observed in 20%, 60%, and 100% of DC rats at 1-, 6-, and 12-months follow-up, respectively. Early PT (2 weeks) significantly reduced the prevalence of this complication but not late (12 weeks) PT. PT1 rats also showed improved ultrastructure of the superficial and deep capillary plexuses of the retina, and of Muller cells, compared with DC and PT2. In the last group, retinopathy continued to evolve despite successful PT.Conclusion. Our results suggested that prevention of diabetic ocular lesions by PT was closely dependent on earlier performance of the procedure.


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The study consists in an analysis of researches with tourism issues, in Master s and Doctoral level, investigating their epistemological trends, regarding the type of study that is being produced and the methods used. It is characterized as exploratory, documental and bibliographical, having undertaken a cross-sectional study which covers the period from 2007 to 2011. It analyzes the context of academically production in tourism, the nature of these researches, the methodological aspects adopted in these theses and dissertations, the philosophical inclinations and the coherence and contribution of the same. This research uses, the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and the secretariats of the Academic Centers of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as means to collect data. It employs the technique of sampling by judgment and undertakes the research in various Academic Centers in UFRN, using the method of content analysis. It shows that, from the 643 studies analyzed, 43 of them have themes related to tourism, which characterized this study sample. This study realizes that PPGA is the largest producer of researches on tourism issues, ahead of PPGTur, which ranks the third position, in this aspect. Also realizes that all surveys analyzed are crosssectional and the theme further investigated, with 21% of the sample, is related to the marketing aspects of tourism, with the theme Directors of Hotels and Restaurants (DHR) . This research demonstrates that all sample surveys make use of interviews, and these are, mostly, structured. Also realizes that most of these studies, with 21% of the sample, employ the method of content analysis. The references in Portuguese are surveyed about five times more than the ones in other languages. It estimates that more than half of the sample is characterized as positivist, associated with aspects of functionalism. A minority of 21% of these researches seeks to identify and recommend solutions to the tourism issues, or even represent part of them. This research concludes that the studies in tourism are mostly unifocal, being driven by issues related to the touristic trade. PPGTur produces a number still unrepresentative of studies. The theses and dissertations of the sample are limited and/or unable to analyze the changes of the phenomenon caused by the time. The studies from the sample present criteria and make use of other methods and techniques to associate with the interviews and content analysis to obtain more solid and reliable data and results. They use a low number of references in languages other than Portuguese. Most of these studies, characterized as positivist-functionalist, investigate the functioning, planning, coordination and expectations in organizations, leaving aside other issues, also relevant for tourism. The number of studies aimed at identifying solutions to the problems of tourism, or that even represents part of them, is not expressive


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This study analyzed the perception of ethics on the part of students of Post-graduation in Tourism, to develop their academic research. It is characterized as exploratory-descriptive, being considered quantitative with some elements analyzed qualitatively. Data were collected through an electronic questionnaire, originated in google docs and sent via e-mail to 54 students in three graduate programs in Tourism: The Tourism Master of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the Master in Tourism and Hospitality of the University of Vale do Itajai (UNIVALI) and Master of Tourism at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), resulting in 22 responses. The study presents a profile of the dissertation research of post-graduate students, their perception about research ethics, as well as the difficulties encountered in the research process. Notes that research of dissertation are geared mostly for the historical and cultural aspects of tourism and the choice of topics for the essays came in first place, due to the influence of the guiding lines of research and, secondly, due to social relevance. The methods used in post-graduate research are descriptive, the literature and exploratory. It also notes that most students graduate in tourism (81%) attaches great importance to ethics in carrying out their dissertation research, students claim that ethics brings credibility and seriousness to research. Furthermore, it was realized that they have no knowledge about the practice of misconduct by researchers in the field of Tourism. Demonstrate that the major ethical challenge encountered by students is in relationship with the research subject, what happens during data collection. It also notes that none of the respondents sent any project to be evaluated by an Ethics Committee (CEP), moreover, most do not know the resolution 196/96, which has the main guidelines on research ethics at national level. Concludes that the students post-graduate in tourism have little knowledge about the standards and guidelines on research ethics. They demonstrate ignore the benefits of research ethics in regarding the protection and preservation of the participant, as well as the benefits it generates for society


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar as alterações clínicas e laboratoriais do rato portador de Diabetes Mellitus induzido pela administração endovenosa de aloxana. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos, por sorteio, em dois grupos experimentais: Grupo Controle Normal (G1), constituído de 25 animais sadios, e Grupo Diabético (G2), formado por 25 animais diabéticos graves, que foram avaliados em cinco momentos (1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses) de seguimento, tendo sido estudados os seguintes parâmetros: evolução clínica (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e exames bioquímicos (glicemia de jejum, glicose urinária, glicosúria, cetonúria, colesterol total, colesterol HDL, triglicérides e lipídios). RESULTADOS: A injeção de aloxana 2% na via endovenosa do rato acompanhou-se de um índice de mortalidade de 39%, tendo produzido diabetes grave também em 39% dos animais. O diabetes foi caracterizado por queda progressiva do peso corporal, elevação substancial da ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e da diurese, com valores glicêmicos acima de 300 mg/dl, glicosúria 3+ e, eventualmente, cetonúria. O diabetes não altera o perfil de colesterol e lípides de ratos a longo prazo. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos estudos revelam que a aloxana produz, no rato, alterações clínicas e laboratoriais características de diabetes grave, as quais possibilitam estudos a longo prazo do diabetes.