1000 resultados para Paracoccidioidomicose aguda da infância
Retinopatia de Purtscher-like é uma baixa súbita da visão associada à imagem de múltiplas áreas branco-amareladas (manchas algodonosas) e hemorragias no pólo posterior de ambos os olhos. O exato mecanismo da injúria ainda não é claro, mas provavelmente seria de natureza embólica. Tem sido descrita em uma variedade de condições, incluindo pancreatite aguda, síndrome de embolia gordurosa, insuficiência renal,nascimento (parto e pós-parto), desordens do tecido conectivo, entre outras. Serão relatados três casos de pancreatite aguda confirmada pelos exames laboratoriais e história clínica, associadas a alterações no exame do fundo de olho, compatíveis com esta retinopatia
The objectives of this research were to investigate the agrotoxic most used in the Gramorezinho region in the green belt of Natal, and to evaluate the acute toxicity of these, based on the LC50-48h values estimated in tests for Danio rerio, internationally used as test organism. The acute toxicity tests were performed under laboratory conditions, according to standardized methods (ABNT/NBR/15088/04) for this species. The LC50-48h estimated to Tamaron BR was 352.89 mg.L-1, which characterizes that as practically non-toxic, according to toxicological classes cited by Zucker. For Decis 25EC, the LC50-48h estimated was 0.0004156 mg.L-1 (4.156 X 10-4 mg.L-1), which classifies it as highly toxic to this species
Considering their commercial importance, as these are the species of freshwater fish more commercialized in Brazil, their occurence in different kinds of aquatic environments (lakes, rivers and dams) and for being tolerant to a wide range of variation of various physical parameters and chemical water, the fish species Oreochromis niloticus, Cyprinus carpio and Colossoma macropomum were chosen for this study, furthermore, to test the toxicity we used the herbicide Roundup. The fingerlings of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), commun carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were submitted to the herbicide roundup in the following concentrations: 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, 0.0 (control); 13,89; 14,86; 15,83; 16,81 and 17,78 mg.L-1, and 0.0 (control); 18,06; 19,10; 20,14; 21,18 and 22,22 mg.L-1, respectively, three for 96 hours. The LC50 - 96h for O. niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum was 21,63, 15,33 and 20,06 mg.L-1 of the herbicide roundup, respectively. The results show that this herbicide is classified as slightly toxic to the three species. The values of dissolved oxygen, pH and temperature recorded in the aquarium control and aquarium experimental of the three fish species have remained without significant variations during the tests, which reduces the possibility of death caused by sudden variations of these parameters during the 96 hours the experiment. The values of LC50 between different species of fish were observed, noting that the species O.niloticus, C. carpio and C. macropomum showed no expressive differences. The values of environmental risk of Roundup were calculated to obtain more stringent parameters in assessing the dangerousness of those on nontargets. The risk of environmental contamination by Roundup for the Nile tilapia, common carp, and tambaqui are low for the lowest application rate (1 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m). The dilution of 100%, the highest recommended dose (5 L.ha-1) and depths (1.5 and 2.0 m) the risk is moderate for the three species. The values of the Risk Ratio (QR) were greater than 0,1, indicating that the values of the CAE and LC50 are above acceptable levels and there is a need, this study, a refinement in ecotoxicological tests
Methomyl (Lannate®) is an insecticide from the carbamate group, frequently used in pest control in various types of crops. This compound works inhibiting the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The use of physicochemical and ecotoxicological analysis is the most efficient strategy for the correct characterization and control of residues of metomil. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the acute toxicity of methomyl in 96 hours of exposure and, through a sublethal assay of 5 hours, to assess its effect on the activity of acetylcholinesterase present in brain and squeletic dorsal muscle of the Danio rerio fish. The results showed that the LC50-96 found to D. rerio was 3.4 mg/L and it was found through the average of four definitive tests. In vitro assays were used to test the inhibitory action of methomyl directly over soluble AChE, extracted from the squeletic dorsal muscle, with maximum inhibition of 68.57% to the insecticide concentrations of 0.2 mg/L. In sublethal tests with D. rerio, inhibitory effect of methomyl was found over the soluble form of AChE in the squeletic dorsal muscle, both in one and five hours of fish exposure to the insecticide. In both period, the average values of inhibition were around 61%. In the same condition, no significant inhibitory effect of methomyl soluble and membrane AChE of the D. rerio was observed in the 0.42, 0.85, 1.70 and 2.50 mg/L concentrations and in both times of fish exposure
Seeds from legumes including the Glycine max are known to be a rich source of protease inhibitors. The soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI) has been well characterised and has been found to exhibit many biological activities. However its effects on inflammatory diseases have not been studied to date. In this study, SKTI was purified from a commercial soy fraction, enriched with this inhibitor, using anion exchange chromatography Resource Q column. The purified protein was able to inhibit human neutrophil elastase (HNE) and bovine trypsin. . Purified SKTI inhibited HNE with an IC50 value of 8 µg (0.3 nM). At this concentration SKTI showed neither cytotoxic nor haemolytic effects on human blood cell populations. SKTI showed no deleterious effects on organs, blood cells or the hepatic enzymes alanine amine transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in mice model of acute systemic toxicity. Human neutrophils incubated with SKTI released less HNE than control neutrophils when stimulated with PAF or fMLP (83.1% and 70% respectively). These results showed that SKTI affected both pathways of elastase release by PAF and fMLP stimuli, suggesting that SKTI is an antagonist of PAF/fMLP receptors. In an in vivo mouse model of acute lung injury, induced by LPS from E. coli, SKTI significantly suppressed the inflammatory effects caused by elastase in a dose dependent manner. Histological sections stained by hematoxylin/eosin confirmed this reduction in inflammation process. These results showed that SKTI could be used as a potential pharmacological agent for the therapy of many inflammatory diseases
In the last years, heparin has become target of many studies related to inflammation due its ability of biding to proteins involved on immune response. Recently, it was demonstrated, at our laboratory, using a thIoglycollate-induced peritonitis model, heparin s capacity of reduce cellular influx into the peritoneal cavity, 3 hours after the inflammatory stimulus. Once neutrophilic infiltration is highest around 8 hours after the inflammatory stimulus, at the present work, using the same peritonitis model, it was assessed heparin s ability of keeping the interference on leukocyte infiltration, 8 hours after inflammation induction. Moreover, using cellular differential count, it was evaluated how the cellular populations involved in the inflammatory process would be affected by the treatment. Eight hours after the inflammatory stimulus, only heparin dosage of 1 μg/Kg was able to reduce the cellular influx to peritoneum, 62.8% of reduction when compared to positive control (p < 0.001). Furthermore, heparin dosage of 15 μg/Kg presented a pro-inflammatory effect in whole blood verified by the increase of 60.9% (p < 0.001) and 117.8% (p < 0.001) on neutrophils and monocytes proportion, respectively, when compared to positive control. In addition, this dosage also presented a neutrophilic proportion on peritoneal fluid 27.3% higher than positive control (p < 0.05). This duality between anti- and pro-inflammatory effects at different times corroborates studies that attribute a pleiotropic immunomodulator role to heparin.
In recent years the heparin has been the subject of several studies that aim to expand its use as a therapeutic agent, due to its ability to modulate the activity of various proteins that play important roles in the regulation of pathophysiological processes. In several experiments and preclinical trials, heparin has demonstrated an anti-inflammatory role. However, its clinical use is limited, due to its strong anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic complications. For this reason, considerable efforts have been employed in discovery of heparin analogous (heparinoid) with reduced side effects, that retain the anti-inflammatory properties of heparin. In this context, a heparinoid obtained from the head of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, which presents a structural similarity to heparin, showed, in previous studies, anti-inflammatory activity in a model of acute peritonitis with reduced anticoagulant effect in vitro and low hemorrhagic activity. Thus, the present work had as objective to evaluate the effect the heparinoid of the cephalothorax of gray shrimp on the acute inflammatory response in different times (3 or 6 hours after the induction of inflammatory stimulus), using the model of acute peritonitis induced in mice. It was also analyzed the HL effect over the activity of elastase, an enzyme involved in leukocyte recruitment. Furthermore to check if the different doses of heparin and heparinoid change the hemostatic balance in vivo, was assessed the effect of these compounds on the plasma clotting time in animals submitted to inflammation. The results show that in 3 hours, all doses of heparinoid were able to prevent efficiently in the acute inflammatory process without any anticoagulant effects, unlike the extrapolation dose of heparin, which has induced a large hemorrhage due its high anticoagulant activity. However, 6 hours after induction of inflammation, only the dosages of 0.1 and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparin and 1.0 μg/Kg of heparinoid kept anti-migratory effect, without changing of the hemostatic balance. These results indicate that the anti-migratory effect of theses compounds depends on the dosage and time of inflammatory stimulus. The HL and heparin were also able to inhibit the activity of the enzyme elastase. The discovery of this bioactive compound in the cephalothorax of shrimps can arouse great interest in biotechnology, since this compound could be useful as a structural model interesting for the development of new therapeutic agents for peritonitis
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
There was a significant decline in hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in children younger than 1 year of age in Brazil between 1992 to 2001. The less economically developed state of Rio Grande do Norte is a case example of the national trend. In this work, we show a significant association between improvements in socioeconomic variables as well as increased access to sanitation and the decreased rate of hospitalization. Additionally, we observed a positive, seasonal correlation between rainfall and hospitalizations. Most notably, however, we show that improvements in income and inflation were positively correlated with a decline in hospitalizations. Improvements in public health infrastructure, socioeconomic variables like education and literacy, and increased investment in health services were important in reducing severe early childhood diarrheas. However, the data suggests that increased buying power and reductions in poverty played an equally crucial role in reducing hospitalizations for acute diarrhea in infants in Brazil. The work includes elements of the demography of the period for the age groups involved, children under one year, women in fertile age and fertility rate
No Brasil, as macrófitas aquáticas submersas, Egeria densa e Egeria najas, têm causado prejuízos aos usos múltiplos da água. Hydrilla verticillata foi recentemente introduzida, mas tem histórico como planta problemática nos EUA, no México e na Austrália. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as suscetibilidades relativas dessas três macrófitas aquáticas ao diquat e os riscos da utilização desse herbicida para o guaru (Phallocerus caudimaculatus). Para isso, foram instalados ensaios em condições de laboratório, a fim de avaliar a suscetibilidade relativa das três macrófitas por meio da manutenção de ponteiros dessas plantas em soluções contendo 0,0; 0,2; 0,4; 0,8; e 1,6 mg L-1 de diquat (Reward®) por 14 dias. A avaliação foi realizada pela variação do acúmulo de matéria fresca e do comprimento dos ponteiros no período de exposição ao herbicida. H. verticillata mostrou maior sensibilidade ao diquat em comparação com as duas macrófitas do gênero Egeria, mesmo em baixas concentrações do herbicida. Nas maiores concentrações, E. densa mostrou maior sensibilidade que E. najas. O risco da aplicação do diquat para P. caudimaculatus foi estimado pela toxicidade aguda. Alevinos de P. caudimaculatus de 0,4 ± 0,2 mg foram expostos a soluções de 0,0; 1,0; 5,0; 10,0; 15,0; 20,0; 25,0; e 30,0 mg L-1 de diquat. A concentração letal de 50% (CL(I) (50;96h)) do diquat estimada para P. caudimaculatus foi de 7,17 mg L-1. Para P. caudimaculatus, a toxicidade aguda foi superior à concentração recomendada para o controle de macrófitas aquáticas submersas, indicando risco muito baixo para esse peixe.
Schistosomiasis is an ancient disease caused by helminth Schistosoma mansoni and is a public health problem in Brazil. The granulomatous lesion, typical of the disease, associates itself with increase in the oxidative damage through the generation of free radicals. The aim of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of changes in parameters oxidant / antioxidant that are part of the human defense system, and observe whether they would cause oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Moreover, correlating with some biochemical and hematological parameters. Two groups were selected for study, consisting of individuals of both sexes, aged between 16 and 30 years. A control group, formed by individuals without schistosomiasis (n = 30) and a test group, formed by individuals with schistosomiasis (n = 30). The evaluation of lipid peroxidation in plasma was performed by determination of malondialdehyde and antioxidant defense by the quantification of reduced glutathione and catalase activity. For the parameters that assess oxidative stress, the results showed a decrease in the content of reduced glutathione and no change in the activity of catalase, with an increase in the value of malondialdehyde. Therefore, the data found suggest the occurrence of oxidative stress in subjects with schistosomiasis. Of the parameters that assess hepatic function, only levels of aspartate aminotransferase have been high, while there was a decrease of bilirubine. There was a significant change in the lipid profile (p <0.5), however with regard to the renal function of patients, there was a decrease in creatinine. The assessment hematological, made through hemogram and the quantification of hemoglobin, shows increase of eosinophils individuals in the group test, which can be related to the presence of the parasite. The amendments suggest the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of this disease
The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease in which malignant myeloblasts expand, build up and suppress normal hematopoietic activity would represent a major diagnostic challenge. With the advent of immunophenotyping by flow cytometry, the diagnosis of these tumors have become more faithful, facilitating the treatment and monitoring of patients. The objectives of this study: diagnosis and classification of AML based on immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a panel of AcMo specific for acute leukemias, set the frequency of AML in samples from patients with acute leukemias sent to the Department of Hematology Blood Center of Rio Grande do Norte - HEMONORTE, establish standards of antigen expression for different subtypes of acute leukemia and its correlation with the newly diagnosed cases refractory to treatment and recurrence of the disease, standardization of methods for detection and labeling of surface antigens by flow cytometry and intracytoplasmic flow, and observe the frequency of acute leukemia with aberrant phenotypes rare. During the study, 351 were diagnosed acute leukemia, and 179 (51%) classified as AML and 172 (49%) and ALL, which were excluded from the present work. Of the 179 AML, 92 (51.4%) were female and 87 (48.6%) were male, with ages ranging from 3 to 95 years of ag, with higher incidence in individuals in the age group of 41 to 65. Splenomegaly was the clinical finding more present, a total of 147 cases (82.1%), followed by hepatomegaly present in 132 cases (73.7%). The hemorrhagic events were observed in 55 cases (30.7%). Lymphadenopathy in turn was detected in 20 of 179 cases (11.2%). In order to classify subtypes of AML, we used a large panel of monoclonal antibodies, obtaining the following results: AML M0, 02 (1.1%) AML M1, 40 (22.3) AML M2, 60 (33.5) AML M3, 22 (12.3%) AML M4, 10 (5.6) AML M5, 13 (7.3%) AML M6 06 (3.4%) and AML M7 01 (0.6%). We observed some cases with aberrant expression of some antigens such as CD7, CD4, CD19, CD3, CD5 and TdT, CD 7 was present in 30 (16.8%), CD4 in 5 (2.8%), the CD 3 in 5 (2.8%), the CD19 in 3 (1.7%), the CD5 in 3 (1.7%) and TDT was in 7 (3.9%) cases of AML .the CD8 and CD79a was present in only a 1 case.
Licania rigida Benth., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch, and Couepia impressa Prance (Chrysobalanaceae family) plants have long been used medicinally by the people from Northeastern Brazil. Crude extracts and infusions of these plants have been applied in the treatment of several conditions such as diabetes and rheumatism, degenerative diseases with involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the aqueous, ethanolic, and hydroethanolic leaves extracts antioxidant capacity of these species, using several in vitro assay systems (reducing power, DPPH● scavenging, the β-carotene linoleate model system and lipid peroxidation inhibition in rat brain homogenate, using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS). The oral acute toxicity of aqueous extracts was also evaluated in vivo. Results revealed that these extracts possess a potent reducing power and DPPH scavenging ability, as well as the ability to prevent TBARS formation in rat brain homogenate in a concentration-dependent manner. Regarding in vivo oral acute toxicity of the aqueous species extracts, no toxic effects were observed upon evaluating physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters. The presence of high levels of phenolics and flavonoids was determined mainly in the ethanol extract. However, the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract, fractionated with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate for analysis by NMR 1H, showed more efficient results than the reference antioxidant Carduus marianus. The classes of organics compounds were determined were phenolics in the fraction of ethyl acetate and terpenes in chloroform and hexane fractions. The ethil acetate fraction had the highest content of flavonoids and increased scavenging capacity of DPPH●, possibly by the presence of phenolic compounds. Therefore, a detailed investigation of the phytochemical composition and in vivo study of the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract is suggested to characterize the active compounds of the species
The lethal concentration of 50% (LC (I) and the histopathologic effects of diquat herbicide on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fish were evaluated in three experiments. The fishes were exposed to concentrations of 0, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 rug diquat L-1, and gill and liver histology were evaluated in the surviving fishes. The estimated LC (I) (50-96h) of diquat was 37.28 mg L-1, with lower limits of 33.12 mg L-1 and upper limits of 41.44 mg L-1. In the treatment with 30, 35 and 40 mg L-1, signs of apical fusion of the secondary lamellae were observed; with 45 and 50 mg L-1, congestion of the primary lamellae was observed; in the treatment with 55 mg L-1, congestion of blood vessels on secondary lamellae took place. The livers of fishes in treatments with 0, 25, 30 and 35 mg L-1showed cordonal organization of hepatocytes. In the treatments with 40 and 45 mg L-1, hypertrophy of hepatocytes took place; with 50 and 55 mg L-1, cell fusion and the presence of vacuoles inside hepatocytes were observed. Diquat presented low risk of toxicity for nile tilapia, as the more severe histopathologic alterations occurred only in higher concentrations.
Cette thèse concerne dans une lecture poétique du roman Campo Geral, de Guimarães Rosa, du film Mutum - basé sur le roman mentionné et réalisé par Sandra Kogut, et de l investigation das les villes de Minas Gerais/MG impliqués dans la production du film. Le but de cette lecture est de communiquer l'expérience onirique faite à partir d'une oeuvre cinématographique, à partir d un récit littéraire et la rencontre avec cinq acteurs non-professionnels et de trois membres de l'équipe de Mutum. Pour ça, le rêve poétique, proposé par Gaston Bachelard, il est utilisé comme une ressource cognitive à l'expérience de la réalité de semi-imaginaire l'homme, a partir de l actionnement du double dans le processus de participation affective (MORIN, 1997). Le film choisi abord des impressions d un enfant qui vit avec ses parents, avec ses frères, avec sa grand-mère et avec sa chienne Rebeca, dans un place appelé Mutum. Sous la perspective de l être rêveur, qui medite sur les images de l enfance onirique dans le contexte des régions sèches de la campagne, des régions qui sont transformées et étendues à travers le rêve poétique, nous arrivons à l enfance méditative (BACHELARD, 2006). Tout au long de la narration de cette recherche, Guimarães Rosa, la réalisatrice Sandra Kogut, moi-même comme un individu / chercheur et les interlocuteurs de la famille Mutum que j'ai trouvé dans Minas Gerais, nous sommes tous pris comme Miguilins qui rêvent de La région Cabaça Azul. Incandescents, multiples, primitives, ces Miguilins sont porteurs des papiers colores et avec elle ils comprennent la participation de l'homme dans le Grand Récit (SERRES, 2005)