986 resultados para Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 1525?-1594.


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Hosted in a wide depression within the Berici Hills (Venetian Plain), outside the maximum extent reached by LGM glaciers, Lake Fimon preserves an almost continuous archive of landscape and climate changes from the penultimate glacial maximum onwards. The stratigraphic succession deposited at the lake bottom has been investigated in three deep cores by means of pollen analysis, petrographic composition, magnetic susceptibility, LOI, and geochronology. Tephra layers have been identified and are currently under study.
Pollen data provide the first continuous vegetation record in northern Italy for the last 150 ky. Terrestrial vegetation varied from interglacial warm-temperate broad leaved to oceanic mixed forests, from boreal conifer forests to open forest-steppes of colder climate. Phases of major forest expansion and reduction have been correlated to isotopic events described in ice (NGRIP), stalagmite (Antro del Corchia) and marine records. Persistent afforestation recorded in northern Italy even during cold phases of the full pleniglacial is consistent with mesoscale paleoclimate simulations suggesting that a sharp rainfall gradient across the Alps enabled the survival of woody species in the southern alpine foreland.
Integrating litho- and biostratigraphical data, we identified sedimentation regìmes, accumulation rates, sediment sources and supply both for the Lake Fimon cores and the adjacent Venetian Plain, allowing a direct comparison with major glacial advances in the Alpine area, deglaciation pulses, and glacio-eustatic displacements of the northern Adriatic shoreline.


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INTRODUCTION: Smoking is known to be a major cause of death among middle-aged adults, but evidence on its impact and the benefits of smoking cessation among older adults has remained limited. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the influence of smoking and smoking cessation on all-cause mortality in people aged ≥60 years.

METHODS: Relative mortality and mortality rate advancement periods (RAPs) were estimated by Cox proportional hazards models for the population-based prospective cohort studies from Europe and the U.S. (CHANCES [Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the U.S.]), and subsequently pooled by individual participant meta-analysis. Statistical analyses were performed from June 2013 to March 2014.

RESULTS: A total of 489,056 participants aged ≥60 years at baseline from 22 population-based cohort studies were included. Overall, 99,298 deaths were recorded. Current smokers had 2-fold and former smokers had 1.3-fold increased mortality compared with never smokers. These increases in mortality translated to RAPs of 6.4 (95% CI=4.8, 7.9) and 2.4 (95% CI=1.5, 3.4) years, respectively. A clear positive dose-response relationship was observed between number of currently smoked cigarettes and mortality. For former smokers, excess mortality and RAPs decreased with time since cessation, with RAPs of 3.9 (95% CI=3.0, 4.7), 2.7 (95% CI=1.8, 3.6), and 0.7 (95% CI=0.2, 1.1) for those who had quit <10, 10 to 19, and ≥20 years ago, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Smoking remains as a strong risk factor for premature mortality in older individuals and cessation remains beneficial even at advanced ages. Efforts to support smoking abstinence at all ages should be a public health priority.


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Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is a common method to retrofit existing columns with poor structural performance. It can be applied in two different ways: if the continuity of the jacket is ensured, the axial load of the column can be transferred to the jacket, which will be directly loaded; conversely, if no continuity is provided, the jacket induces only confinement action. In both cases the strength and ductility evaluation is rather complex, due to the different physical phenomena included, such as confinement, composite action core-jacket, preload, buckling of longitudinal bars.
Although different theoretical studies have been carried out to calculate the confinement effects, a practical approach to evaluate the flexural capacity and ductility is still missing. The calculation of these quantities is often related to the use of commercial computer programs, taking advantage of numerical methods such as fiber method or finite element method.
This paper presents a simplified approach to calculate the flexural strength and ductility of square RC jacketed sections subjected to axial load and bending moment. In particular the proposed approach is based on the calibration of the stress-block parameters including the confinement effect. Equilibrium equations are determined and buckling of longitudinal bars is modeled with a suitable stress-strain law. Moment-curvature curves are derived with simple calculations. Finally, comparisons are made with numerical analyses carried out with the code OpenSees and with experimental data available in the literature, showing good agreement.


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This study introduces an inexact, but ultra-low power, computing architecture devoted to the embedded analysis of bio-signals. The platform operates at extremely low voltage supply levels to minimise energy consumption. In this scenario, the reliability of static RAM (SRAM) memories cannot be guaranteed when using conventional 6-transistor implementations. While error correction codes and dedicated SRAM implementations can ensure correct operations in this near-threshold regime, they incur in significant area and energy overheads, and should therefore be employed judiciously. Herein, the authors propose a novel scheme to design inexact computing architectures that selectively protects memory regions based on their significance, i.e. their impact on the end-to-end quality of service, as dictated by the bio-signal application characteristics. The authors illustrate their scheme on an industrial benchmark application performing the power spectrum analysis of electrocardiograms. Experimental evidence showcases that a significance-based memory protection approach leads to a small degradation in the output quality with respect to an exact implementation, while resulting in substantial energy gains, both in the memory and the processing subsystem.


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Wearable devices performing advanced bio-signal analysis algorithms are aimed to foster a revolution in healthcare provision of chronic cardiac diseases. In this context, energy efficiency is of paramount importance, as long-term monitoring must be ensured while relying on a tiny power source. Operating at a scaled supply voltage, just above the threshold voltage, effectively helps in saving substantial energy, but it makes circuits, and especially memories, more prone to errors, threatening the correct execution of algorithms. The use of error detection and correction codes may help to protect the entire memory content, however it incurs in large area and energy overheads which may not be compatible with the tight energy budgets of wearable systems. To cope with this challenge, in this paper we propose to limit the overhead of traditional schemes by selectively detecting and correcting errors only in data highly impacting the end-to-end quality of service of ultra-low power wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) devices. This partition adopts the protection of either significant words or significant bits of each data element, according to the application characteristics (statistical properties of the data in the application buffers), and its impact in determining the output. The proposed heterogeneous error protection scheme in real ECG signals allows substantial energy savings (11% in wearable devices) compared to state-of-the-art approaches, like ECC, in which the whole memory is protected against errors. At the same time, it also results in negligible output quality degradation in the evaluated power spectrum analysis application of ECG signals.


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With the focus of ITER on the transport and emission properties of tungsten, generating atomic data for complex species has received much interest. Focusing on impurity influx diagnostics, we discuss recent work on heavy species. Perturbative approaches do not work well for near neutral systems so non-perturbative data are required, presenting a particular challenge for these influx diagnostics. Recent results on Mo+ are given as an illustration of how the diagnostic applications can guide the theoretical calculations for such systems.


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Reinforced concrete (RC) jacketing is a common method for retrofitting existing columns with poor structural performance. It can be applied in two different ways: if the continuity of the jacket is ensured, the axial load of the column can be transferred to the jacket, which will be directly loaded; conversely, if no continuity is provided, the jacket will induce only confinement action. In both cases the strength and ductility evaluation is rather complex, due to the different physical phenomena included, such as confinement, core-jacket composite action, preload and buckling of longitudinal bars.
Although different theoretical studies have been carried out to calculate the confinement effects, a practical approach to evaluate the flexural capacity and ductility is still missing. The calculation of these quantities is often related to the use of commercial software, taking advantage of numerical methods such as fibre method or finite element method.
This paper presents a simplified approach to calculate the flexural strength and ductility of square RC jacketed sections subjected to axial load and bending moment. In particular the proposed approach is based on the calibration of the stress-block parameters including the confinement effect. Equilibrium equations are determined and buckling of longitudinal bars is modelled with a suitable stress-strain law. Moment-curvature curves are derived with simple calculations. Finally, comparisons are made with numerical analyses carried out with the code OpenSees and with experimental data available in the literature, showing good agreement.


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Ancient columns, made with a variety of materials such as marble, granite, stone or masonry are an important part of the
European cultural heritage. In particular columns of ancient temples in Greece and Sicily which support only the architrave are
characterized by small axial load values. This feature together with the slenderness typical of these structural members clearly
highlights as the evaluation of the rocking behaviour is a key aspect of their safety assessment and maintenance. It has to be noted
that the rocking response of rectangular cross-sectional columns modelled as monolithic rigid elements, has been widely investigated
since the first theoretical study carried out by Housner (1963). However, the assumption of monolithic member, although being
widely used and accepted for practical engineering applications, is not valid for more complex systems such as multi-block columns
made of stacked stone blocks, with or without mortar beds. In these cases, in fact, a correct analysis of the system should consider
rocking and sliding phenomena between the individual blocks of the structure. Due to the high non-linearity of the problem, the
evaluation of the dynamic behaviour of multi-block columns has been mostly studied in the literature using a numerical approach
such as the Discrete Element Method (DEM). This paper presents an introductory study about a proposed analytical-numerical
approach for analysing the rocking behaviour of multi-block columns subjected to a sine-pulse type ground motion. Based on the
approach proposed by Spanos (2001) for a system made of two rigid blocks, the Eulero-Lagrange method to obtain the motion
equations of the system is discussed and numerical applications are performed with case studies reported in the literature and with a
real acceleration record. The rocking response of single block and multi-block columns is compared and considerations are made
about the overturning conditions and on the effect of forcing function’s frequency.


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Este estudo parte da hipótese de que os serviços militares, a linhagem e a cultura católica se mantiveram como os referentes centrais do ethos nobiliario em Portugal e em Espanha no século XVII, com pouca diferenças relativamente ao conjunto de valores elaborado pelo próprio grupo desde a época medieval. O estudo de caso incide sobre a família dos Albuquerque Coelho desde o século XVI até finais do XVII, acompanhando o seu multifacetado processo de ascensão social, onde pontuam a sua implantação no Brasil (Pernambuco) e as opções políticas por eles tomadas na sequência do 1º de Dezembro de 1640


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Riassunto: Dedicato «alle scuole e agli amatori della lingua», ai lettori interessati e preoccupati delle sorti della lingua nazionale, il periodico semestrale La Crusca per voi esce per la prima volta nell’ottobre 1990 con una Giustificazione e Un po’ di storia, in cui il fondatore Giovanni Nencioni spiega le ragioni dell’istituzione di un vero e proprio «consultorio linguistico», destinato ad accogliere le richieste, i dubbi, le perplessità sul corretto impiego della lingua italiana proveniente da persone di ogni livello sociale e culturale. Scopo di questo lavoro è studiare la tipologia dei quesiti posti agli accademici della Crusca, con particolare attenzione a fenomeni di carattere lessicale, negli ultimi diciotto numeri del periodico (dal 2005 al 2013, con qualche prelievo da uscite precedenti). Conclude il lavoro una breve indagine a campione sulla diffusione e la traducibilità di alcuni termini stranieri in italiano.


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The challenges of Common Agricultural Policy are driven by internal and external factors, such as the budgetary constraints, the budget reform, the globalization and the world financial crisis. According to this work results, CAP will continue its evolution from a sectorial to a territorial approach, with a slow re-balance of its two pillars. The Portuguese agriculture will slowly adjust itself to the disappearance of prices and markets policy and the reinforcement of rural development policy. As in the past, agriculture will accommodate the reform effects and adjust to a new framework without sudden brakes or disclosers.


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In diesem Artikel werden Management-Einzelstrategien beleuchtet, die gebündelt mit Erfolgsfaktoren zum Erfolg in einem Unternehmen führen.