953 resultados para PREDATOR-PREY


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Although the Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) is one of the most common dolphins off New England, little has been documented about its diet in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Current federal protection of marine mammals limits the supply of animals for investigation to those incidentally caught in the nets of commercial fishermen with observers aboard. Stomachs of 62 L. acutus were examined; of these 62 individuals, 28 of them were caught by net and 34 were animals stranded on Cape Cod. Most of the net-caught L. acutus were from the deeper waters of the Gulf of Maine. A single stomach was from the continental slope south of Georges Bank. At least twenty-six fish species and three cephalopod species were eaten. The predominant prey were silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis), spoonarm octopus (Bathypolypus bairdii), and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). The stomach from a net-caught L. acutus on the continental slope contained 7750 otoliths of the Madeira lanternfish (Ceratoscopelus maderensis). Sand lances (Ammodytes spp.) were the most abundant (541 otoliths) species in the stomachs of stranded L. acutus. Seasonal variation in diet was indicated; pelagic Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) was the most important prey in summer, but was rare in winter. The average length of fish prey was approximately 200 mm, and the average mantle length of cephalopod prey was approximately 50 mm.


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The diet and daily ration of the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the northwest Atlantic were re-examined to determine whether fluctuations in prey abundance and availability are reflected in these two biological variables. During the summers of 2001 and 2002, stomach content data were collected from fishing tournaments along the northeast coast of the United States. These data were quantified by using four diet indices and were compared to index calculations from historical diet data collected from 1972 through 1983. Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) were the predominant prey in the 1972–83 and 2001–02 diets, accounting for 92.6% of the current diet by weight and 86.9% of the historical diet by volume. From the 2001– 02 diet data, daily ration was estimated and it indicated that shortfin makos must consume roughly 4.6% of their body weight per day to fulfill energetic demands. The daily energetic requirement was broken down by using a calculated energy content for the current diet of 4909 KJ/kg. Based on the proportional energy of bluefish in the diet by weight, an average shortfin mako consumes roughly 500 kg of bluefish per year off the northeast coast of the United States. The results are discussed in relation to the potential effect of intense shortfin mako predation on bluefish abundance in the region.


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Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) is hexagrammid fish that inhabits the temperate and subarctic North Pacific Ocean and neighboring seas (Fig. 1). This highly abundant fish is a critically important prey species (Sinclair and Zeppelin, 2002; Zenger, 2004) that supports a directed commercial trawl fishery (Lowe et al., 2006). Atka mackerel is a demersal spawner and males provide parental care to eggs (Zolotov, 1993). During breeding periods, sexually mature males aggregate on the bottom at nesting sites where they establish territories (Lauth et al., in press). Sexually mature females periodically visit male nesting territories from July to October to spawn batches of demersal egg masses (McDermott and Lowe, 1997; McDermott et al., 2007). Individual nests may consist of multiple egg masses deposited by different females, and males defend nesting territories for a protracted period lasting from the time territories are being established until all eggs within the territory are completely hatched (Lauth et al., 2007). Knowledge about the timing of the reproductive cycle and the use of spawning habitat are important for understanding population structure and the dynamics of stock recruitment, which in turn are important factors in the management of Atka mackerel populations.


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Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are regularly seen off the U.S. West Coast, where they forage on jellyfish (Scyphomedusae) during summer and fall. Aerial line-transect surveys were conducted in neritic waters (<92 m depth) off central and northern California during 1990−2003, providing the first foraging population estimates for Pacific leatherback turtles. Males and females of about 1.1 to 2.1 m length were observed. Estimated abundance was linked to the Northern Oscillation Index and ranged from 12 (coefficient of variation [CV] =0.75) in 1995 to 379 (CV= 0.23) in 1990, averaging 178 (CV= 0.15). Greatest densities were found off central California, where oceanographic retention areas or upwelling shadows created favorable habitat for leatherback turtle prey. Results from independent telemetry studies have linked leatherback turtles off the U.S. West Coast to one of the two largest remaining Pacific breeding populations, at Jamursba Medi, Indonesia. Nearshore waters off California thus represent an important foraging region for the critically endangered Pacific leatherback turtle.


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The diet of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) was determined from 1494 scats (feces) collected at breeding (rookeries) and nonbreeding (haulout) sites in Southeast Alaska from 1993 to 1999. The most common prey of 61 species identified were walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), Pacific salmon (Salmonidae), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), rockfish (Sebastes spp.), skates (Rajidae), and cephalopods (squid and octopus). Steller sea lion diets at the three Southeast Alaska rookeries differed significantly from one another. The sea lions consumed the most diverse range of prey categories during summer, and the least diverse during fall. Diet was more diverse in Southeast Alaska during the 1990s than in any other region of Alaska (Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands). Dietary differences between increasing and declining populations of Steller sea lions in Alaska correlate with rates of population change, and add credence to the view that diet may have played a role in the decline of sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands.


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Tuna larvae (at flexion, postflexion, and transformation stages) were collected by dip net and light traps at night in the northwestern Panama Bight during the season of reduced upwelling (June−September) of 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1997. The larvae were identified as yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) by mtDNA analysis. Ichthyoplankton data from bongo and Tucker trawl tows were used to examine the potential prey abundance in relation to the mean size-at-age and growth rates of the yellowfin tuna larvae and their otoliths. The most rapid growth rates occurred during June 1990 when plankton volumes were at their highest levels. The lowest plankton volumes coincided with the lowest growth rates and mean sizes-at-age during the August−September 1991 period. High densities of larval fish were prevalent in the ichthyoplankton tows during the 1991 period; therefore intra- and interspecific competition for limited food resources may have been the cause of slower growth (density-dependent growth) in yellowfin tuna larvae The highest mean seasurface temperature and the lowest mean wind stress occurred during an El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event during the 1997 period. There appeared to be no clear association between these environmental factors and larval growth rates, but the higher temperatures may have caused an increase in the short-term growth of otoliths in relat


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From 2001 to 2004 in the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska, killer whales (Orcinus orca) were encountered 250 times during 421 days of surveys that covered a total of 22,491 miles. Three killer whale groups (resident, transient, and offshore) were identified acoustically and genetically. Resident killer whales were found 12 times more frequently than transient killer whales, and offshore killer whales were encountered only once. A minimum of 901 photographically identified resident whales used the region during our study. A total of 165 mammal-eating transient killer whales were identified, and the majority (70%) were encountered during spring (May and June). The diet of transient killer whales in spring was primarily gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus), and in summer primarily northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus). Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) did not appear to be a preferred prey or major prey item during spring and summer. The majority of killer whales in the eastern Aleutian Islands are the resident ecotype, which does not consume marine mammals.


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The eastern Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) population comprises animals that breed along the west coast of North America between California and southeastern Alaska. There are currently 13 major rookeries (>50 pups): five in southeastern Alaska, three in British Columbia, two in Oregon, and three in California. Overall abundance has increased at an average annual rate of 3.1% since the 1970s. These increases can largely be attributed to population recovery from predator-control kills and commercial harvests, and abundance is now probably as high as it has been in the last century. The number of rookeries has remained fairly constant (n=11 to 13) over the past 80 years, but there has been a northward shift in distribution of both rookeries and numbers of animals. Based on the number of pups counted in a population-wide survey in 2002, total pup production was estimated to be about 11,000 (82% in southeastern Alaska and British Columbia), representing a total population size as approximately 46,000−58,000 animal


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Using a bioenergetics model, we estimated daily ration and seasonal prey consumption rates for six age classes of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in the lower Chesapeake Bay summer nursery area. The model, incorporating habitat and species-specific data on growth rates, metabolic rate, diet composition, water temperature (range 16.8−27.9°C), and population structure, predicted mean daily rations between 2.17 ±0.03 (age-0) and 1.30 ±0.02 (age-5) % body mass/day. These daily rations are higher than earlier predictions for sandbar sharks but are comparable to those for ecologically similar shark species. The total nursery population of sandbar sharks was predicted to consume ~124,000 kg of prey during their 4.5 month stay in the Chesapeake Bay nursery. The predicted consumption rates support the conclusion that juvenile sandbar sharks exert a lesser top-down effect on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem than do teleost piscivores and hu


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Behavior of young (8−18 mm SL) giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis), a large coral-reef−associated predator, was observed in the laboratory and the ocean. Size was a better predictor of swimming speed and endurance than was age. Critical speed increased with size from 12 to 40 cm/s at 2.7 cm/s for each mm increase in size. Mean scaled critical speed was 19 body lengths/s and was not size related. Swimming speed in the ocean was 4 to 20 cm/s (about half of critical speed) and varied among areas, but within each area, it increased at 2 cm/s for each mm increase in size. Swimming endurance in the laboratory increased from 5 to 40 km at 5 km for each mm increase in size. Vertical distribution changed ontogenetically: larvae swam shallower, but more variably, and then deeper with growth. Two-thirds of individuals swam directionally with no ontogenetic increase in orientation precision. Larvae swam offshore off open coasts, but not in a bay. In situ observations of C. ignobilis feeding, interacting with pelagic animals, and reacting to reefs are reported. Manusc


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Data storage tags (DSTs) were applied to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts during their seaward migration in the spring of 2002 at a fish counting fence on Campbellton River, Newfoundland. Our objectives were to discover whether or not salmon smolts could carry DSTs and survive, whether or not useful data on thermal habitat could be obtained and interpreted, and whether or not salmon smolts moved vertically in the water column. Data were downloaded from 15 of the recovered tags and revealed the hourly water temperatures experienced by the fish for periods of 3 to 71 days. The data on the DSTs were analyzed for temperature patterns in relation to migration behavior and diurnal movement of the fish. While in the sea, the DSTs recorded night temperatures of 12.5°C, which were higher than day temperatures of 11.6°C; the record from moored recorders, however, indicated that sea temperatures actually declined at night. It is hypothesized that posts-molts avoid avian predators during daylight hours by positioning themselves deeper in the water column and that they were pursuing prey during the deeper vertical descents or ascents noted during the periods of more rapid changes in temperature.


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Examination of hard parts recovered from scats (feces) is currently the most common method for determining the diet of pinnipeds. However, large or sharp prey remains may be spewed (regurgitated) biasing prey composition and size estimations in diet studies based on scats. Percent frequency of occurrence (FO%) and age or size of selected prey remains recovered from northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) scat (n=3444) and spew samples (n=267) collected from rookeries on St. George Island and St. Paul Island, Alaska, between 1990 and 2000 were compared to determine if a bias in prey composition and age or size estimations existed between scats and spews. Overall prey composition was similar between sample type and location, but the relative FO% of primary prey (≥5%) varied by sample type and location. Age or size estimates of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and of two species of gonatid squids (Gonatopsis borealis and Berryteuthis magister) were significantly larger in spews than in scats. Observed differences in FO% and estimated age or size of prey species whose remains were found in scats and spews likely result from size-selective digestion of prey remains. Scats were biased toward smaller prey remains, whereas spews were biased toward larger prey remains and cephalopod beaks. The percent overlap between age classes of walleye pollock caught by the commercial trawl fishery and age classes of walleye pollock consumed by northern fur seals varied noticeably between sample types for both islands (scats: St. George=15. 5%; St. Paul=4.1%; spews: St. George=94.6%; St. Paul=89.6%). These results demonstrate that the inclusion of multiple sampling methods allows for a more accurate assessment of northern fur seal prey occurrence and prey age and size.


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The number of pelagic fish eggs (cod and cunner) found in stomachs of capelin (Mallotus villosus) sampled in coastal Newfoundland was used to estimate the encounter rates between capelin and prey, and thus the effective volume swept by capelin. Fish eggs were found in 4−8% of capelin stomachs, represented an average of 1% of prey by numbers, and their abundance increased as relative stomach fullness decreased. The average number of eggs per stomach doubled for each 5-cm increase in length of capelin. The effective volume swept for eggs by capelin ranged from 0.04 to 0.84 m3/h—a rate that implies either very slow capelin swimming speeds (<1 cm/s) or that fish eggs are not strongly selected as prey. The predation rate estimated from stomach contents was higher than that predicted from laboratory studies of feeding pelagic fish and lower than that predicted by a simple foraging model. It remains uncertain whether capelin play an important regulatory role in the dynamics of early life stages of other fish.


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Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are significant marine consumers. To examine the potential effect of predation by humpback whales, consumption (kg of prey daily) and prey removal (kg of prey annually) were modeled for a current and historic feeding aggregation of humpback whales off northeastern Kodiak Island, Alaska. A current prey biomass removal rate was modeled by using an estimate of the 2002 humpback whale abundance. A historic rate of removal was modeled from a prewhaling abundance estimate (population size prior to 1926). Two provisional humpback whale diets were simulated in order to model consumption rate. One diet was based on the stomach contents of whales that were commercially harvested from Port Hobron whaling station in Kodiak, Alaska, between 1926 and 1937, and the second diet, based on local prey availability as determined by fish surveys conducted within the study area, was used to model consumption rate by the historic population. The latter diet was also used to model consumption by the current population and to project a consumption rate if the current population were to grow to reach the historic population size. Models of these simulated diets showed that the current population likely removes nearly 8.83


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[ES] Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto en el que se estudian dos poblaciones de cárabo común (Strix aluco); una en Durango (Bizkaia) y otra en Burceña (Burgos). Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo en Burceña y en él se muestran los primeros resultados del uso del espacio de estas rapaces nocturnas y su disponibilidad de alimento en los bosques de esta zona. Para ello hemos obtenido localizaciones de diez cárabos durante un año para conocer los territorios de cada uno y hemos capturado en vivo la dieta principal de esta ave, micromamíferos. Estos resultados los hemos relacionado entre sí para saber si influye el uso del espacio en las capturas de micromamíferos. Estas dos variables también las hemos relacionado con el tipo y la edad de los bosques muestreados. Según los resultados obtenidos podemos afirmar que sí existe una influencia del uso en las capturas, demostrando una relación negativa; es decir, donde se han capturado más micromamíferos es en los bosques que menos frecuentan los cárabos, que a su vez, son los bosques menos accesibles para estas rapaces. ABSTRACT This investigation is part of a work project whereby two Tawny owl (Strix aluco) populations are studied. One of them lives in Durango, Biscay and the other one in Burceña, Burgos. This specific work took place in Burceña and lasted one year. It shows the first results of the study on the use of the space of the Tawny owls and the food availability in their woodland range area. We spotted and traced the home range of ten different tawny owls, and also trapped small mammals which are the staple diet of these owls. We compared both the results obtained in order to know if the use of the area is related to the capture of small mammals. These two variables (space-capture) were also related to the type and age of the sampled forests. The results obtained show that it is true there is an influence of the use of space upon the captures proving to be a negative relation, that is, the largest numbers of micromammals were captured in the woodlands where there are fewer owls, because they are the least accessible forests for these birds of prey.