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通过气体交换、荧光猝灭动力学以及反射光谱等技术研究了两个青稞(Hordeum vulgare L.)品种的光合特性及激发能分配。结果表明,青稞的光饱和点1000 μmol m-2 s-1左右。在0~500 μmol m-2 s-1的光强范围里,青稞叶片的光呼吸(Pr)随着光强升高而增加;光强超过500 μmol m-2 s-1以后,光呼吸变化不明显。光呼吸占总光合的比例(Pr/Pm)随光强增强下降。随着光强增强,PSⅡ有效光化学量子效率(Fv′/Fm′),PSⅡ反应中心的实际光化学量子效率(ΦPSⅡ),光化学猝灭系数(qP)不断降低而青稞叶片的非光化学猝灭(NPQ)不断升高,说明越来越多的光能以热耗散的形式耗散掉。光谱分析表明△PRI 随着青稞叶片暴露于光下的时间迅速增大。因此,我们认为光呼吸不是青稞主要的光破坏防御机制,依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散可能是田间青稞耗散过剩光能的主要途径。 通过气体交换、荧光猝灭动力学等技术研究了四种乔木在拉萨和那曲的光合特性及激发能分配。结果表明,四种乔木藏川杨(Populus szechuanica var. tibetica schneid.),银白杨(Populus alba L.),左旋柳(Salix paraplesia var. subintegra C. Wang et P. Y. Pu),墨竹柳(Salix maizhokunggarensis N. Chao)在拉萨市的光合速率(Pn),叶片气孔导度(Gs),蒸腾速率(Tr)均显著高于那曲。藏川杨和墨竹柳的光下实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)在拉萨显著高于那曲,银白杨和左旋柳的光下实际光化学效率在拉萨和那曲没有显著差异。四种乔木开放反应中心激发能捕获效率(Fv′/Fm′)和天线热耗散(1-Fv′/Fm′)在拉萨和那曲的差异不显著。测量光合时的气温(Tair)拉萨显著高于那曲,除墨竹柳外叶温(Tleaf)也显著高于那曲,墨竹柳的上述两参数在两地间无显著差异。除藏川杨外其余三种乔木在拉萨的胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)显著高于那曲,气孔限制值(Ls)显著低于那曲,藏川杨的上述两指标在两地间无显著差异。除墨竹柳外,其余三种乔木在两地的光合(Pn)与叶温(Tleaf)成显著正相关。对银白杨和左旋柳来说,低叶温通过降低气孔导度(Gs)从而降低胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)是造成那曲光合低的主要因素之一。对于墨竹柳来说,可能有其他非温度的环境条件影响其气孔导度进而造成气孔限制。此外,叶温可能主要通过非气孔限制来影响藏川杨的光合速率。因此,我们认为在西藏地区不同乔木对海拔高度的响应机制可能不同,但具体机制还需要进一步研究。


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以‘早久保’(Prunus persica (L.) Batch.)为试材,在果实最后迅速生长期,通过去果处理降低库力,同时设留果对照,并通过环剥和保留相同数量叶片严格控制库源关系,进行了源叶净光合速率(Pn)、叶绿素荧光、叶黄素循环、抗氧化酶及抗氧化同化物日变化的研究。结果表明,和留果对照相比,去果处理显著降低了源叶Pn、气孔导度(gs)和蒸腾速率(E),但显著增加了胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)、叶面饱和蒸汽压亏缺(VPDl)和叶片温度(Tl)。光系统II光化学效率(ΦPSII)以及羧化速率(CE)与Pn平行降低。中午去果降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。在低库需条件下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。去果处理叶片中依赖于叶黄素循环的热耗散以及抗氧化系统的上调保护叶片免受光氧化破坏。和留果对照相比,去果处理的叶片有更大的叶黄素循环库,更高的脱环氧化状态以及更高的抗氧化酶活性,包括超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、单脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(MDAR)和脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)的活性以及更高的还原型抗坏血酸(AsA)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的含量。但与此同时,去果显著增加了过氧化氢(H2O2)以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量,这意味着在去果处理的叶片中可能会发生光氧化破坏。 以一年生‘皇家嘎拉’苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)组培苗为试材,通过环剥降低库力,进行了源叶Pn、叶绿素荧光、核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/氧化酶(Rubisco)以及光系统II(PSII)复合体关键蛋白PsbA和PsbO含量日变化的研究。和对照相比,环剥显著降低了源叶Pn、gs和E,但是却显著增加了Ci、Tl和淀粉的含量。在低库需下,开放的PSII反应中心捕获能量的降低以及关闭的PSII反应中心的增加导致了ΦPSII的降低。另一方面,环剥降低了光合作用关键酶Rubisco以及PSII复合体PsbA和放氧复合体PsbO的含量。以上结果表明,环剥降低Pn主要归因于非气孔限制。


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通过利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术,研究110 个不同基因型(包括3 个种和5 个种间杂种)葡萄品种的花色苷含量和成分特点。在所有品种中,最多鉴定出29 种花色苷。对葡萄的花色苷总量来说,一般情况下,欧亚种和欧美杂交种的花色苷含量较低,而野生种和砧木品种显著高于其它的种间杂种;在同一个种内,酿酒品种高于鲜食品种;在大多数高花色苷含量的种质中,二甲基花翠素类花色苷是主要的花色苷,而在低总花色苷量的品种,花青素类和花翠素类花色苷是主要的成分。此外,在欧亚种葡萄中,仅检测到单糖苷类花色苷,而在其它葡萄种质中,既有单糖苷花色苷又有双糖苷花色苷。在欧亚鲜食葡萄中,Pn-3-glucoside 是主要的花色苷,而在欧亚酿酒葡萄中,Mv-3-glucoside 是主要的花色苷。通过主成分分析,最终根据花色苷总量的不同和单、双糖苷含量的不同,110 个品种在散点图中被明显的分成3 部分。 通过连续两年调查3 个欧亚鲜食葡萄杂交组合的亲本和后代的花色苷含量来分析花色苷的遗传特点。共鉴定出16 种花色苷,且均为单糖苷类。母本中各花色苷的比例决定了后代中花色苷含量的比例,但是后代中花色苷的绝对含量不受亲本影响。不论亲本还是后代中,Peonidin 3-O-glucoside 和Malvidin3-O-glucoside 都是含量最高的花色苷。花色苷的有或无是寡基因控制的质量性状,而含量的多少是多基因控制的数量性状。通过主成分分析可以得知:在杂交后代中, peonidin 3-O-glucoside, malvidin 3-O-glucoside, delphinidin3-O-glucoside, cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, petunidin 3-O-glucoside, peonidin3-O-(6-O-coumaryl)-glucoside 和malvidin 3-O-(6-O-coumaryl)-glucoside 是影响果皮中花色苷总量的主要种类。花色苷的含量是一种高广义遗传力的性状,而且这种性状在两年间是稳定的(0.65-0.98)。 5 个不同基因型葡萄品种在成熟过程中果实品质的变化也被研究。始熟期开始后,果粒重量继续增加,果粒较大的鲜食品种增长很慢,而果粒较小的制汁和酿酒品种增长幅度很大;果实内两种主要的糖(葡萄糖和果糖)开始快速上升,且在整个成熟过程中保持1:1;有机酸的含量开始快速下降,苹果酸下降的幅度大于酒石酸。多酚物质在果实始熟期也发生巨大变化,花色苷快速积累。 ‘北紫’和‘梅鹿辄’中的花色苷在成熟前1-2 周达到最大值,‘黑奥林’、‘康可’和‘北醇’在整个成熟过程中花色苷一直增加;对非花色苷类多酚来说,‘黑奥林’和‘梅鹿辄’在果实成熟过程中一直增加,而在另3 个品种中是下降的;花色苷之间以及与黄酮醇之间成正相关,花色苷和酚酸成负相关关系,酚酸和黄酮醇也成负相关关系,黄烷醇物质之间以及与其它类黄酮物质之间成负相关关系。


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There is a clear and increasing interest in short time annealing processing far below one second, i.e. the lower limit of Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) called spike annealing. This was driven by the need of suppressing the so-called Transient Enhanced Diffusion in advanced boronimplanted shallow pn-junctions in silicon technology. Meanwhile the interest in flash lamp annealing (FLA) in the millisecond range spread out into other fields related to silicon technology and beyond. This paper reports on recent experiments regarding shallow junction engineering in germanium, annealing of ITO layers on glass and plastic foil to form an conductive layer as well as investigations which we did during the last years in the field of wide band gap semiconductor materials (SiC, ZnO). A more common feature evolving from our work was related to the modeling of wafer stress during millisecond thermal processing with flash lamps. Finally recent achievements in the field of silicon-based light emission basing on Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Light Emitting Devices will be reported. © 2007 IEEE.


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Alternative promoter usage and alternative splicing enable diversification of the transcriptome. Here we demonstrate that the function of Synaptic GTPase-Activating Protein (SynGAP), a key synaptic protein, is determined by the combination of its amino-terminal sequence with its carboxy-terminal sequence. 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends and primer extension show that different N-terminal protein sequences arise through alternative promoter usage that are regulated by synaptic activity and postnatal age. Heterogeneity in C-terminal protein sequence arises through alternative splicing. Overexpression of SynGAP α1 versus α2 C-termini-containing proteins in hippocampal neurons has opposing effects on synaptic strength, decreasing and increasing miniature excitatory synaptic currents amplitude/frequency, respectively. The magnitude of this C-terminal-dependent effect is modulated by the N-terminal peptide sequence. This is the first demonstration that activity-dependent alternative promoter usage can change the function of a synaptic protein at excitatory synapses. Furthermore, the direction and degree of synaptic modulation exerted by different protein isoforms from a single gene locus is dependent on the combination of differential promoter usage and alternative splicing.


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BACKGROUND: Individuals with osteoporosis are predisposed to hip fracture during trips, stumbles or falls, but half of all hip fractures occur in those without generalised osteoporosis. By analysing ordinary clinical CT scans using a novel cortical thickness mapping technique, we discovered patches of markedly thinner bone at fracture-prone regions in the femurs of women with acute hip fracture compared with controls. METHODS: We analysed CT scans from 75 female volunteers with acute fracture and 75 age- and sex-matched controls. We classified the fracture location as femoral neck or trochanteric before creating bone thickness maps of the outer 'cortical' shell of the intact contra-lateral hip. After registration of each bone to an average femur shape and statistical parametric mapping, we were able to visualise and quantify statistically significant foci of thinner cortical bone associated with each fracture type, assuming good symmetry of bone structure between the intact and fractured hip. The technique allowed us to pinpoint systematic differences and display the results on a 3D average femur shape model. FINDINGS: The cortex was generally thinner in femoral neck fracture cases than controls. More striking were several discrete patches of statistically significant thinner bone of up to 30%, which coincided with common sites of fracture initiation (femoral neck or trochanteric). INTERPRETATION: Femoral neck fracture patients had a thumbnail-sized patch of focal osteoporosis at the upper head-neck junction. This region coincided with a weak part of the femur, prone to both spontaneous 'tensile' fractures of the femoral neck, and as a site of crack initiation when falling sideways. Current hip fracture prevention strategies are based on case finding: they involve clinical risk factor estimation to determine the need for single-plane bone density measurement within a standard region of interest (ROI) of the femoral neck. The precise sites of focal osteoporosis that we have identified are overlooked by current 2D bone densitometry methods.


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初步研究了不同浓度硝基苯对莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)生长和光合作用的影响.结果表明:不同浓度的硝基苯对莱茵衣藻的生长和光合生理有明显抑制作用,主要表现在其明显降低光合色素的含量、光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、电子传递速率(ETR)、净光合速率(Pn)等方面;硝基苯对莱茵衣藻的影响主要是通过影响光合色素合成,降低光合作用电子传递,从而降低藻类的光合作用,引起生长的抑制.


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This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of the performance of two types of magnetic screens assembled from YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) coated conductors. Since effective screening of the axial DC magnetic field requires the unimpeded flow of an azimuthal persistent current, we demonstrate a configuration of a screening shell made out of standard YBCO coated conductor capable to accomplish that. The screen allows the persistent current to flow in the predominantly azimuthal direction at a temperature of 77 K. The persistent screen, incorporating a single layer of superconducting film, can attenuate an external magnetic field of up to 5 mT by more than an order of magnitude. For comparison purposes, another type of screen which incorporates low critical temperature quasi-persistent joints was also built. The shielding technique we describe here appears to be especially promising for the realization of large scale high-Tc superconducting screens.


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