941 resultados para PETROLEUM
The Aquidauana Formation is characterized by sandstones of variable granulation, mudstones and diamectites abundant in clay, typical colors like brick red (vermelho tijolo) of glacial, fluvial and lacustrine origin. It’s chronostratigraphic equivalent to the Itarará group from the Neo Carboniferous age, that under the exploratory view, such units represent important intervals in the basin, occurring together with them minerals as well as energy resources as petroleum, underground water and coal – what requires a great paleogeography and stratigraphy knowledge for its exploration. By gathering information from the columnar sections of the area, it was possible to characterize the sedimentary facies, the stacking pattern as well as the association. It was also made an attempt of stratigraphic correlation, which showed great difficulties since glacial environments present a great lateral discontinuity of the facies besides the complex relationship process of formation. As a result, it was obtained 8 sedimentary facies, the lateral and vertical relations and genesis process. It is proposed that the sedimentary environment in the study area is the fluvio glacial, characterized by alluvial systems formed by defrosted water which transport the sediments that are deposited in plains in front of the glacier (distal outwash). Petrographic thin section analysis showed that the transportation process was ineffective. The grains present punctual to lobular contacts, characterizing good porosity and permeability to the rock, varying these qualities according to more or less existence of matrix. The presence of Iron Oxide deposited between the recrystallization border and feldspathic mineral indicates that this rock has possibly presented a primary rubefaction, intensified by alkaline fluid percolation
The State of São Paulo is responsible for the largest sugar cane production in Brazil, as well as the largest production of ethanol made of this raw material – which is widely used as fuel for automobiles. This utilization began in the 1970’s, with the institution by the Brazilian government of the National Alcohol Program (PRO-ÁLCOOL), as a consequence of the petroleum crisis, rising again five years ago, with the development of flex fuel cars. The obtaining process of ethanol originates residues; amongst them, vinasse is the one that’s generated in the largest amount (an average of 10 to 13 litres/litre of ethanol produced). The disposal of this residue in waters was only forbidden in 1978, but before that, researchers had already been investigating its utilization as raw material. This paper had the objective of accompany the biodegradation of vinasse by evaluating the oxygen comsumption during it until the ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (uBOD), performed in twenty days; another objective was to analyse the biomass production of Saccharomyces cerevisae in this residue. Physical and chemical analyses of the residue were also performed, as well as acute toxicity essays using Daphnia similis and Dugesia tigrina, before and after its biodegradation. The physical and chemical analyses pointed elevated acidness (pH = 3,98), conductivity (8,30 mS/cm) and COD (25.693,43 mg O2/L) and mean quantity of suspended solids (5.246 mg/L). The toxicity essays indicated absence of toxic potential in vinasse after biodegradation for both species. The uBOD degradated until 88,22% of the COD, demonstrating the possibility of biodegradation of most of the residue’s organic load in a relatively short period of time. S. cerevisae caused a 37,03% COD diminution in vinasse, diminished its conductivity and promoted a slight elevation of the pH; it obtained low biomass...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Hydrocarbon accumulations occur in marine carbonate reservoirs of Quissamã Formation (early to midlle Albian), southwest Campos Basin. We investigated Pampo, Bicudo and Bonito fields, in order to understand the tectono-structural framework of oncolite/bioclast coarse-grained calcarenite reservoir and the calcilutite-marl-shale sealing interval (Late Albian to Turonian). The database of eleven wells from those fields allowed to elaborate structural sections correlating the Macaé Group – both Quissamã reservoir and Outeiro seal, the latter corresponding to the tectonic deepening phase of basin evolution. Based on density and electric logs, it was prepared structural sections of the carbonate reservoirs with consequent identification of porous zones and oil-water contacts. An extensive 3-D seismic database (~300 Km2) allowed to map three reflectors which represent the limiting units of Macaé Group
In a combustion process involving fossil fuels, there is the formation of species Chemiluminescent, especially CH*, C2* and OH*, whose spontaneous emission can be used as a diagnostic tool. In the present work, mapping and determination of the rotational temperature of the species CH* produced in flames on a burner fueled by Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) was carried out. This study is part of a project involving the characterization of supersonic combustion in scramjets engines, whose study has been conducted in the hypersonic shock tunnel IEAv laboratories. The technique used was the natural emission spectroscopy, which has as main advantage of being non-intrusive. The rotational temperature determination was made using the Boltzmann method, whose principle is to relate the emission intensity of the species to the temperature by means of spectroscopic constants established.The temperature values were determined from the analysis of electronic bands AX and BX of the radical CH*. In order to confirm the results of flame temperatures obtained by the natural emission technique, was also used the technique of line reversal sodium. The results of both techniques showed that the temperature of the flames investigated is about 2500K a 2700K
This paper deals with a case study of assessing risk to human health, with the study area of an industrial site in the city of Paulinia (SP) contaminated by oil, which is disturbing situation that occurs in the state of Sao Paulo, which represents risks for human health, as toxic and carcinogenic potential of petroleum products. As an essential foundation for risk assessment, a Geo-environmental diagnosis of the region was made, posing as historical information of the area and accidents, regional geology and hydrogeology, characterization of contaminants and affected media, contaminant transport and data on potential receptors and pathways. Because of the detection of contaminants above the intervention values CETESB (2005) it was possible to proceeded to quantify risks to human health and the determination of maximum acceptable concentrations for no damage to health, using the methodology and software RBCA Tier 2 (ASTM , 1998) and Spreadsheet Risk Assessment recently published by CETESB. The results showed the risk to the health of industrial workers and regular employees of civil works (both on site) for ingestion of groundwater and inhalation of vapors indoors.
The need to know and to preserve the coastal ecosystems is justified by the whole importance that those ecosystems have for our society. Then, it is big the concern in guaranteeing that those places stay free from contaminations. Among the several types of potentials pollutants that can affect the coastal systems, the petroleum-derived are the ones that cause the worst impacts, given the frequency of these accidents. Rapid actions are necessary in order to minimize the oil negative effects . This answer is faster when the most sensitive areas are known and when it presents characteristics of larger importance, as for instance, the presence of sea harvesting or the habitat of an endemic specie. Besides, it is necessary to know which cleanup methods are recommended and which are not recommended for the reached areas, so, the corrected emergency plans for each coastal environment can be applied. It is in this context that this project was developed, implementing a geographical database for the different coastal environment of São Sebastião municipality, SP, and also the data about the best cleanup techniques for each segment of the coast. This database was made available by the internet, enabling the access for several types of users.
This study aimed to perform the analysis and characterization of environmental sensitivity to oil from Baixada Santista in the State of São Paulo. The work was done by integrating data of physical environmet, socio-economic activities and the biological / ecological provided by the Research Group on Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Spill in the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences of UNESP “Julio de Mesquita Filho” wich works in the conjunction with the Program of Human Resources Training in Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Applied to the Oil and Gas (PRH-05) of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). Were also performed descriptive statistical analysis, based on dispersion and trend parameters, which allowed to answer questions related to environmental sensitivity index (ISL) prevalence, the predominance of the ISL by environment and the predominance of the environments of the area, thus providing an overview of Baixada Santista’s main towns about sensitivity to oil. Analyses performed in this study may also help mitigate the environmental and socioeconomic impacts and contribute to contingency plans development for Baixada Santista
This research aims to discuss the division of royalties from a legal perspective and its substitute role towards the non-taxation at source, in other words the taxation of destiny at the Brazilian petroleum industry. The analysis aims to deal with the historical evolution in relation to the aspect of royalties’ payment and its deviation of compensatory character in order to supply the ICMS function. There are some specific study objects in this research: 1. how the transformation of royalties’ payment led to financial compensation; 2. to whom the transference of mineral rent belongs – to the UNIÃO or to the fortunate regions which the oil is extracted; 3. would a tax reform be enough to minimize the competition of States and Cities towards the royalties? The research aims to clarify the real expectation that States have on the royalties’ payment. There is no compensation for damage to the environment as it is stated by the initial characteristic of the Constitution, and, by the contrast, from a compensatory character, there is a lacking of taxation from the sector mentioned before, this fact damages the producing states checked out by this research
The research addresses the need for detailed geological and geotechnical investigations in pipeline’s design, given the diversity of geological units crossed by these works along its layout, which often extends for hundreds of miles. For its large size, this type of work often goes through different states and regions with very different characteristics in terms of topography, vegetation, geology and geotechnical conditions. For a better use of these investigations in order to avoid unnecessary costs and inefficient results, some authors recommend that steps be taken to study, seeking a progressive detail of the pipeline’s implantation area. The main objective of the study is to describe, analyze and correlate the proposals for geological and geotechnical’s investigation recommended by the authors selected. Nogueira Junior & Marques (1998) suggest that for better effectiveness of geological and geotechnical investigations associated with the deployment of pipelines, different research methods are applied sequentially in five major stages of the building. Rocha et al (2008) recommend that, for the pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling, investigations are performed in three phases of study, to be developed in coordination with the project stages. For Gelinas & Mathy (2004), when time and budget constraints permit, geotechnical investigations for directional drilling projects for pipelines must be made in four sequential phases. Heinz (2008) suggests that the geotechnical investigations for pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling at crossings of water bodies are carried out in three successive stages. By the development of research, we could see that all the different proposals recommend studies in sequential phases, starting from a more general scale for a more specific, seeking a progressive understanding of the geological model of the area where you intend to deploy the pipeline
The technological advancement in order to improve the methods of obtaining energy sources such as oil and natural gas is mainly motivated by the recent discovery of oil reserves. So, increasingly , there is a need for a thorough knowledge of the materials used in the manufacture of pipelines for transportation and exploration of oil and natural gas. The steels which follow the API standard (American Petroleum Institute), also known as high strenght low alloy (hsla), are used in the manufacture of these pipes, as they have, with their welded joints, mechanical properties to withstand the working conditions to which these ducts will be submitted . The objective of this study is to evaluate the fatigue behavior in microalloyed steel grade API 5L X80 welded by process HF / ERW . For this, axial fatigue tests to obtain S-N curve (stress vs. number of cycles ) were conducted. To complement the study, it was performed metallographic , fractographic , Vickers hardness tests and tensile tests to characterize the mechanical properties of the steel and check whether the values satisfy the specifications of the API 5L standard . From the fatigue tests , it was concluded that the surface finish influences directly on the fatigue life of the material
The current world's need for clean and renewable energy sources aligned with the strong Brazilian growth looking to diversify its electric power generation sources, highly dependent on hydropower and petroleum encourages the implementation of technologies that reach this growth with diversity and cleaning. The sun energy source is considered inexhaustible and can meet the demand for energy through thermo solar plants to generate electricity. Several technologies are being studied and developed in the world and they can be used to generate electricity from the solar concentration, but in Brazil its use is still not found commercially. It is therefore essential to understand these technologies and develop knowledge about them so they can be implemented in Brazil. This work brings an overview of the thermo solar generation in Brazil, showing the different technologies and a thermodynamic simulation of one of such technologies considering a hybrid plant with complementary generation biomass, aiming at the generation of 1 MW in the Brazilian Northeast
The uninterrupted rise in emission of greenhouse gases open way to the use of biofuels, due to politics that focus on fuel safe, clean and renewable. The use of microalgae for biodiesel production has been described as one of the most promising sources of biomass for biofuels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the extraction and lipid profile of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselsim gracilis. The extractions were performed with solvents chloroform /methanol and petroleum ether. The lipid profile was analyzed by gas chromatography after transesterification.The petroleum ether showed more efficiency in the extraction, the best result obtained was in the microalgae D. tertiolecta with 19.52% of lipid. The lipid profile analysis indicated a biodiesel stable to oxidation and elevated viscosity
The Lagoa Feia Group (Early Cretaceous) is widely distributed around the Campos Basin, forming deep prospects in the basin. It has two large coquinas platforms shellfish, and the lower deck constituent important reservoir in the southwestern of this basin, a producer of oil in the trend-Badejo-Linguado-Pampo. Due to the rising national energy demand is necessary to see the incorporation of technical knowledge and training of human resources in the knowledge of petroleum reservoirs. In this sense, the Pampo Field, as well as other fields of the trend, fall as interesting target area for study. Accumulations of hydrocarbons are partitioning structural - stratigraphic only for the three fields. They are mixed origin of traps, with influence of structural, stratigraphic and diagenetic. With the development of catchment areas of the latter condition has manifested itself in such a way to verify parts with nonproducing wells, which are observed in the intervals coquinas are closed, with reduced thickness and / or low quality porous. The understanding of these accumulations, by testing structural, stratigraphic and reservoir and the use of geological and geophysical techniques, will bring a better understanding of the portions relating to economic accumulation or subeconomic development of hydrocarbons in this region, contributing to the scientific knowledge of the Pampo Field.
Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV