970 resultados para PCR-DGGE


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Epidemiological investigations of Clostridium difficile often focus on differences between separate geographical areas. In this investigation, two populations of C. difficile recovered from separate tertiary referral Trusts within the West Midlands, UK, were characterized using both PCR ribotyping and an optimized RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) protocol. The PCR ribotyping and RAPD methodologies identified differences between the two C. difficile populations, in both the prevalence and the diversity of types identified. The use of PCR ribotyping in conjunction with RAPD further categorized different types within defined PCR ribotypes, identifying different types within the same PCR ribotype and therefore providing a greater discriminatory power than either of the methods when used alone. The differences observed in this study between the two Trusts in the distribution of both RAPD 'type' and PCR ribotype demonstrate the diversity that is present amongst isolates of C. difficile within a relatively small geographical area and warrants a need for further investigation into the local epidemiology of C. difficile.


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AIMS: To investigate multiple techniques for the preparation of solid tissue for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, and to identify the most simple techniques for routine use in the laboratory. METHODS: Techniques for the preparation of arterial tissue samples including homogenisation, ultrafiltration, and treatments involving proteinase K, Gene Clean, lectin, and Fe3+ specific chelators were evaluated using the PCR to amplify both Chlamydia pneumoniae and human DNA. RESULTS: Treatment with either Gene-Clean or lectin and the Fe3+ specific chelator deferoxamine mesylate removed PCR inhibitors from tissue homogenates. Homogenisation followed by GeneClean treatment resulted in the amplification of C pneumoniae DNA from within a section of atherosclerotic carotid artery, implying that C pneumoniae elementary bodies had been disrupted. In eight further clinical samples from patients not known to have C pneumoniae infection, human DNA was amplified and no cross contamination was observed between samples. These samples contained no evidence of C pneumoniae by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: A simple preparation of solid tissue for PCR analysis, involving homogenisation followed by GeneClean treatment has been developed, and is effective for the amplification of both C pneumoniae and human DNA.


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PCR with broad-range primers for prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes was used to identify bacterial DNA in tissue from patients undergoing valve replacements following a previous episode of infective endocarditis (IF). Of eight valves investigated, bacterial DNA was detected in three from patients for whom IE had been treated by antibiotic therapy 5, 12 and 18 months previously. The demonstration of bacterial DNA within resected heart valves suggests either recurrence of infection, treatment failure or the persistence of bacterial debris within the cardiac vegetation. There may also be implications for routine use of PCR in the diagnosis of infection. © 2004 Copyright by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.


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Objective. Infective endocarditis (IE) is diagnosed by the Duke criteria, which can be inconclusive particularly when blood cultures are negative. This study investigated the application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify bacterial DNA in excised valvular tissue, and its role in establishing the diagnosis of IE. Methods. Ninety-eight patients undergoing valve replacement surgery were studied. Twenty-eight patients were confirmed as definite for endocarditis by the Duke criteria; nine were considered as possible and 61 had no known or previous microbial infection of the endocardium. A broad-range PCR technique was used to amplify prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes present within homogenised heart valve tissue. Subsequent DNA sequencing of the PCR amplicon allowed identification of the infecting microorganism. Results. PCR results demonstrated the presence of bacterial DNA in the heart valves obtained from 14 out of 20 (70%) definite IE patients with positive blood cultures preoperatively. The causative microorganism for one patient with definite culture negative endocarditis was identified by PCR. Two out of nine (22%) of the valves from possible endocarditis patients also had bacterial DNA present converting them into the definite criteria whereas in the valves of seven out of nine (78%) of these patients no bacterial DNA was detected. Conclusion. The application of PCR to the explanted valves in patients with possible or confirmed diagnosis can augment the Duke criteria thereby improving post-surgical antimicrobial therapeutic options. © 2003 The British Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is an enzyme which catalyses the conversion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3 diphosphoglycerate. It is considered to be constitutively expressed in all cells, and as such the gene for GAPDH (gapd) is commonly used as a benchmark reference in expression studies. However, previous investigations have demonstrated that gapd may show altered gene expression in a number of disease states and under certain experimental conditions, suggesting that results of experiments using gapd as a control should be interpreted with caution. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the potential co-amplification of pseudogenes of gapd during RT-PCR. Here, we describe a method to avoid the amplification of contaminating pseudogenes through the design of primers that bind only to genuine gapd mRNA transcript. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Inverted repeat gene structures designed for silencing functional genes have been widely used both in academic and applied research. The correct orientations of such structures are usually validated with restriction analysis and/or sequencing. We speculated that the inverted repeat nature of such constructs can be shown by a simple PCR reaction with a single forward primer. To test this hypothesis five different constructs were established from grapevine sequences in a hairpin-intron style silencing system. We were able to amplify the appropriate products in each case. Thus a forward-primed PCR alone may be sufficient to prove the inverted repeat nature of the desired constructs.


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The purpose of this study was to establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction enzyme assay for detecting the hereditary hemochromatosis (HHC) mutation, C282Y, in gestational and gestational diabetic subjects in South Florida. DNA samples from 43 gestational subjects were amplified by PCR, digested with RsaI, and analyzed by electrophoresis. An allelic frequency of 2.33%, or 4.65% heterozygosity, was observed. The assay is successful and applicable to future studies on HHC and gestational diabetes. ^


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The relationship between reef corals and endosymbiotic dinoflagellates is fundamental to the existence of coral reefs. To evaluate the fidelity of coral-Symbiodinium mutualisms, corals maintained in aquaria for years were analyzed by denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Comparing Symbiodinium populations of captive aquarium colonies with known associations in nature is a practical way of examining partner flexibility. The finding of "normal" symbiont populations in corals existing under highly variable conditions supports the premise that most coral colonies possess stable associations. High sensitivity real-time PCR (rtPCR) was used to evaluate background populations of the putatively stress-tolerant Symbiodinium D in reef corals of the Caribbean. Analyses of samples collected during periods of environmental stability indicate the ability of Symbiodinium D to associate with a wider diversity of host taxa than previously recognized. To gain a broader perspective with regard to the ecology of Symbiodinium D1a, rtPCR and DGGE were used to evaluate the symbiont populations of reef corals from Barbados before and after the 2005 mass coral bleaching. Background populations were observed in 56% of the host genera prior to observations of bleaching. These findings indicate that 'stress', not 'bleaching', caused the displacement of 'natural' symbiont population and the opportunistic proliferation of D1a in many host taxa. Of the 12 host taxa monitored before and after the bleaching event, there was a 40% increase in colonies hosting Symbiodinium D1a. Together, these studies elucidate the mechanism responsible for recent observations reporting the emergence of Symbiodinium D following thermal disturbances. These observations are now most easily explained as the disproportionate growth of existing in hospite symbiont populations, rather than novel symbiont acquisition subsequent to bleaching. To evaluate the comparative "fitness" of corals able to host multiple symbiont types, rates of calcification were measured in P. verrucosa hosting either Symbiodinium C1b-c or D1 at elevated temperature. Rates of calcification decreased significantly for both host-symbiont combinations, but differences attributable to symbiont composition were not detected. This research improves our knowledge of the symbiosis biology and ecology of reef corals and contributes information necessary to most accurately predict the response of these ecosystems to global climate changes.


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There are situations in which it is very important to quickly and positively identify an individual. Examples include suspects detained in the neighborhood of a bombing or terrorist incident, individuals detained attempting to enter or leave the country, and victims of mass disasters. Systems utilized for these purposes must be fast, portable, and easy to maintain. The goal of this project was to develop an ultra fast, direct PCR method for forensic genotyping of oral swabs. The procedure developed eliminates the need for cellular digestion and extraction of the sample by performing those steps in the PCR tube itself. Then, special high-speed polymerases are added which are capable of amplifying a newly developed 7 loci multiplex in under 16 minutes. Following the amplification, a postage stamp sized microfluidic device equipped with specially designed entangled polymer separation matrix, yields a complete genotype in 80 seconds. The entire process is rapid and reliable, reducing the time from sample to genotype from 1-2 days to under 20 minutes. Operation requires minimal equipment and can be easily performed with a small high-speed thermal-cycler, reagents, and a microfluidic device with a laptop. The system was optimized and validated using a number of test parameters and a small test population. The overall precision was better than 0.17 bp and provided a power of discrimination greater than 1 in 106. The small footprint, and ease of use will permit this system to be an effective tool to quickly screen and identify individuals detained at ports of entry, police stations and remote locations. The system is robust, portable and demonstrates to the forensic community a simple solution to the problem of rapid determination of genetic identity.