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Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum was highly prevalent in Hainan, China, in the 1970s. Twenty-five years after cessation of chloroquine therapy, the prevalence of P. falciparum wild-type Pfcrt alleles has risen to 36% (95% confidence interval, 22.1 to 52.4%). The diverse origins of wild-type alleles indicate that there was no genetic bottleneck caused by high chloroquine resistance.


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Background Animal and human infection with multiple parasite species is the norm rather than the exception, and empirical studies and animal models have provided evidence for a diverse range of interactions among parasites. We demonstrate how an optimal control strategy should be tailored to the pathogen community and tempered by species-level knowledge of drug sensitivity with use of a simple epidemiological model of gastro-intestinal nematodes. Methods We construct a fully mechanistic model of macroparasite co-infection and use it to explore a range of control scenarios involving chemotherapy as well as improvements to sanitation. Results Scenarios are presented whereby control not only releases a more resistant parasite from antagonistic interactions, but risks increasing co-infection rates, exacerbating the burden of disease. In contrast, synergisms between species result in their becoming epidemiologically slaved within hosts, presenting a novel opportunity for controlling drug resistant parasites by targeting co-circulating species. Conclusions Understanding the effects on control of multi-parasite species interactions, and vice versa, is of increasing urgency in the advent of integrated mass intervention programmes.


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Background: The transmission of soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) is associated with poverty, poor hygiene behaviour, lack of clean water and inadequate waste disposal and sanitation. Periodic administration of benzimidazole drugs is the mainstay for global STH control but it does not prevent re-infection, and is unlikely to interrupt transmission as a stand-alone intervention. Findings: We reported recently on the development and successful testing in Hunan province, PR China, of a health education package to prevent STH infections in Han Chinese primary school students. We have recently commenced a new trial of the package in the ethnically diverse Xishuangbanna autonomous prefecture in Yunnan province and the approach is also being tested in West Africa, with further expansion into the Philippines in 2015. Conclusions: The work in China illustrates well the direct impact that health education can have in improving knowledge and awareness, and in changing hygiene behaviour. Further, it can provide insight into the public health outcomes of a multi-component integrated control program, where health education prevents re-infection and periodic drug treatment reduces prevalence and morbidity.


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The painted apple moth (PAM), Teia anartoides (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) made a recent incursion into New Zealand. A nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV), Orgyia anartoides NPV (OranNPV), originally isolated from PAM in Australia, was tested for its pathogenicity to PAM and a range of non-target insect species found in New Zealand, to evaluate its suitability as a microbial control for this insect invader. Dosage-mortality tests showed that OranNPV was highly pathogenic to PAM larvae; mean LT50 values for third instars ranged from 17.9 to 8.1 days for doses from 102 to 105 polyhedral inclusion bodies/larva, respectively. The cause of death in infected insects was confirmed as OranNPV. Molecular analysis established that OranNPV can be identified by PCR and restriction digestion, and this process complemented microscopic examination of infected larvae. No lymantriid species occur in New Zealand; however, the virus had no significant effects on species from five other lepidopteran families (Noctuidae, Tortricidae, Geometridae, Nymphalidae and Plutellidae) or on adult honeybees. Thus, all indications from this initial investigation are that OranNPV would be an important tool in the control of PAM in a future incursion of this species into New Zealand.


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Background. Escherichia coli O25b:H4-ST131 represents a predominant clone of multidrug-resistant uropathogens currently circulating worldwide in hospitals and the community. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by E. coli ST131 are typically associated with limited treatment options and are often recurrent. Methods. Using established mouse models of acute and chronic UTI, we mapped the pathogenic trajectory of the reference E. coli ST131 UTI isolate, strain EC958. Results. We demonstrated that E. coli EC958 can invade bladder epithelial cells and form intracellular bacterial communities early during acute UTI. Moreover, E. coli EC958 persisted in the bladder and established chronic UTI. Prophylactic antibiotic administration failed to prevent E. coli EC958–mediated UTI. However, 1 oral dose of a small-molecular-weight compound that inhibits FimH, the type 1 fimbriae adhesin, significantly reduced bacterial colonization of the bladder and prevented acute UTI. Treatment of chronically infected mice with the same FimH inhibitor lowered their bladder bacterial burden by >1000-fold. Conclusions. In this study, we provide novel insight into the pathogenic mechanisms used by the globally disseminated E. coli ST131 clone during acute and chronic UTI and establish the potential of FimH inhibitors as an alternative treatment against multidrug-resistant E. coli.


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Chaperone-usher (CU) fimbriae are adhesive surface organelles common to many Gram-negative bacteria. Escherichia coli genomes contain a large variety of characterised and putative CU fimbrial operons, however, the classification and annotation of individual loci remains problematic. Here we describe a classification model based on usher phylogeny and genomic locus position to categorise the CU fimbrial types of E. coli. Using the BLASTp algorithm, an iterative usher protein search was performed to identify CU fimbrial operons from 35 E. coli (and one Escherichia fergusonnii) genomes representing different pathogenic and phylogenic lineages, as well as 132 Escherichia spp. plasmids. A total of 458 CU fimbrial operons were identified, which represent 38 distinct fimbrial types based on genomic locus position and usher phylogeny. The majority of fimbrial operon types occupied a specific locus position on the E. coli chromosome; exceptions were associated with mobile genetic elements. A group of core-associated E. coli CU fimbriae were defined and include the Type 1, Yad, Yeh, Yfc, Mat, F9 and Ybg fimbriae. These genes were present as intact or disrupted operons at the same genetic locus in almost all genomes examined. Evaluation of the distribution and prevalence of CU fimbrial types among different pathogenic and phylogenic groups provides an overview of group specific fimbrial profiles and insight into the ancestry and evolution of CU fimbriae in E. coli.


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Escherichia coli strains causing urinary tract infection (UTI) are increasingly recognized as belonging to specific clones. E. coli clone O25b:H4-ST131 has recently emerged globally as a leading multi-drug resistant pathogen causing urinary tract and bloodstream infections in hospitals and the community. While most molecular studies to date examine the mechanisms conferring multi-drug resistance in E. coli ST131, relatively little is known about their virulence potential. Here we examined E. coli ST131 clinical isolates from two geographically diverse collections, one representing the major pathogenic lineages causing UTI across the United Kingdom and a second representing UTI isolates from patients presenting at two large hospitals in Australia. We determined a draft genome sequence for one representative isolate, E. coli EC958, which produced CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum β-lactamase, CMY-23 type AmpC cephalosporinase and was resistant to ciprofloxacin. Comparative genome analysis indicated that EC958 encodes virulence genes commonly associated with uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). The genome sequence of EC958 revealed a transposon insertion in the fimB gene encoding the activator of type 1 fimbriae, an important UPEC bladder colonization factor. We identified the same fimB transposon insertion in 59% of the ST131 UK isolates, as well as 71% of ST131 isolates from Australia, suggesting this mutation is common among E. coli ST131 strains. Insertional inactivation of fimB resulted in a phenotype resembling a slower off-to-on switching for type 1 fimbriae. Type 1 fimbriae expression could still be induced in fimB-null isolates; this correlated strongly with adherence to and invasion of human bladder cells and bladder colonisation in a mouse UTI model. We conclude that E. coli ST131 is a geographically widespread, antibiotic resistant clone that has the capacity to produce numerous virulence factors associated with UTI.


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Pathogens require protein-folding enzymes to produce functional virulence determinants. These foldases include the Dsb family of proteins, which catalyze oxidative folding in bacteria. Bacterial disulfide catalytic processes have been well characterized in Escherichia coli K-12 and these mechanisms have been extrapolated to other organisms. However, recent research indicates that the K-12 complement of Dsb proteins is not common to all bacteria. Importantly, many pathogenic bacteria have an extended arsenal of Dsb catalysts that is linked to their virulence. To help to elucidate the process of oxidative folding in pathogens containing a wide repertoire of Dsb proteins, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium has been focused on. This Gram-negative bacterium contains three DsbA proteins: SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary diffraction analysis of these three proteins are reported. SeDsbA, SeDsbL and SeSrgA crystals diffracted to resolution limits of 1.55, 1.57 and 2.6 Å and belonged to space groups P21, P21212 and C2, respectively.


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Pathogenic bacteria have a large repertoire of surface organelles involved in adherence, motility and protein export, but how individual bacteria co-ordinate surface organelle expression to prevent interference and excessive immune stimulation is unclear. Phase variation is a mechanism by which expression of surface factors is limited to a fraction of the bacterial population; however, the presence of multiple homologous surface structures controlled by related mechanisms and regulators antagonizes the independent expression achieved by phase variation. To investigate whether other mechanisms have evolved to sort out the bacterial cell surface, we examined regulatory cross-talk between multiple phase-variable pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap) operons in Escherichia coli isolates associated with urinary tract infections. Allelic variation identified in the regulatory regions and regulators acts synergistically to limit coexpression of homologous fimbrial operons. In particular, there is evidence that papI is under positive selection and PapI variants displayed differences in their capacity to activate related pap operons. Alleles of the high-affinity binding site for PapB were shown to contain a variable number of (T/A)3 repeats occurring every 9 bp that altered the sensitivity of pap operon activation. Taken together with other examples of surface organelle cross-talk, we illustrate how this regulation could promote sequential expression.


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The chlamydiae are obligate intracellular parasites that have evolved specific interactions with their various hosts and host cell types to ensure their successful survival and consequential pathogenesis. The species Chlamydia pneumoniae is ubiquitous, with serological studies showing that most humans are infected at some stage in their lifetime. While most human infections are asymptomatic, C. pneumoniae can cause more-severe respiratory disease and pneumonia and has been linked to chronic diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, and even Alzheimer's disease. The widely dispersed animal-adapted C. pneumoniae strains cause an equally wide range of diseases in their hosts. It is emerging that the ability of C. pneumoniae to survive inside its target cells, including evasion of the host's immune attack mechanisms, is linked to the acquisition of key metabolites. Tryptophan and arginine are key checkpoint compounds in this host-parasite battle. Interestingly, the animal strains of C. pneumoniae have a slightly larger genome, enabling them to cope better with metabolite restrictions. It therefore appears that as the evolutionarily more ancient animal strains have evolved to infect humans, they have selectively become more "susceptible" to the levels of key metabolites, such as tryptophan. While this might initially appear to be a weakness, it allows these human C. pneumoniae strains to exquisitely sense host immune attack and respond by rapidly reverting to a persistent phase. During persistence, they reduce their metabolic levels, halting progression of their developmental cycle, waiting until the hostile external conditions have passed before they reemerge.


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Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a potentially important tool in the rapid and accurate detection of pathogenic bacteria in biological fluids. However, for diagnostic application of this technique, it is necessary to develop a highly sensitive, stable, biocompatible and reproducible SERS-active substrate. In this work, we have developed a silver–gold bimetallic SERS surface by a simple potentiostatic electrodeposition of a thin gold layer on an electrochemically roughened nanoscopic silver substrate. The resultant substrate was very stable under atmospheric conditions and exhibited the strong Raman enhancement with the high reproducibility of the recorded SERS spectra of bacteria (E. coli, S. enterica, S. epidermidis, and B. megaterium). The coating of the antibiotic over the SERS substrate selectively captured bacteria from blood samples and also increased the Raman signal in contrast to the bare surface. Finally, we have utilized the antibiotic-coated hybrid surface to selectively identify different pathogenic bacteria, namely E. coli, S. enterica and S. epidermidis from blood samples.


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Background The analysis of cellular networks and pathways involved in oncogenesis has increased our knowledge about the pathogenic mechanisms that underlie tumour biology and has unmasked new molecular targets that may lead to the design of better anti-cancer therapies. Recently, using a high resolution loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis, we identified a number of potential tumour suppressor genes (TSGs) within common LOH regions across cases suffering from two of the most common forms of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), Follicular Lymphoma (FL) and Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). From these studies LOH of the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type J (PTPRJ) gene was identified as a common event in the lymphomagenesis of these B-cell lymphomas. The present study aimed to determine the cellular pathways affected by the inactivation of these TSGs including PTPRJ in FL and DLBCL tumourigenesis. Results Pathway analytical approaches identified that candidate TSGs located within common LOH regions participate within cellular pathways, which may play a crucial role in FL and DLBCL lymphomagenesis (i.e., metabolic pathways). These analyses also identified genes within the interactome of PTPRJ (i.e. PTPN11 and B2M) that when inactivated in NHL may play an important role in tumourigenesis. We also detected genes that are differentially expressed in cases with and without LOH of PTPRJ, such as NFATC3 (nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 3). Moreover, upregulation of the VEGF, MAPK and ERBB signalling pathways was also observed in NHL cases with LOH of PTPRJ, indicating that LOH-driving events causing inactivation of PTPRJ, apart from possibly inducing a constitutive activation of these pathways by reduction or abrogation of its dephosphorylation activity, may also induce upregulation of these pathways when inactivated. This finding implicates these pathways in the lymphomagenesis and progression of FL and DLBCL. Conclusions The evidence obtained in this research supports findings suggesting that FL and DLBCL share common pathogenic mechanisms. Also, it indicates that PTPRJ can play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of these B-cell tumours and suggests that activation of PTPRJ might be an interesting novel chemotherapeutic target for the treatment of these B-cell tumours.


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Novel filter Palygorskite porous ceramsite (PC) was prepared using Palygorskite clay, poreforming material sawdust, and sodium silicate with a mass ratio of 10:2:1 after sintering at 700°C for 180 min. PC was characterized with X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, elemental, and porosimetry. PC had a total porosity of 67% and specific surface area of 61 m2/g. In order to assess the usefulness of PC as a medium for biological aerated filters (BAF), PC and (commercially available ceramsite) CAC were used to treat wastewater city in two laboratory-scale upflow BAFs. The results showed that the reactor containing PC was more efficient than the reactor containing CAC in terms of total organic carbon (TOC), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), and the removal of total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (P). This system was found to be more efficient at water temperatures ranging from 20 to 26°C, an air–water (A/W) ratio of 3:1, dissolved oxygen concentration >4.00 mg/L, and hydraulic retention time (HRT) ranging from 0.5 to 7 h. The interconnected porous structure produced for PC was suitable for microbial growth, and primarily protozoan and metazoan organisms were found in the biofilm. Microorganism growth also showed that, under the same submerged culture conditions, the biological mass in PC was significantly higher than in CAC (34.1 and 2.2 mg TN/g, respectively). In this way, PC media can be considered suitable for the use as a medium in novel biological aerated filters for the simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus.


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We investigated the ectoparasitic mite loads (Macronyssus: Macronyssidae: Acarina) on 2 species of flat-headed bats, Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in 2 counties of Guangxi Province, southern China, from 2002 to 2005. In Longzhou County both species of bat occur sympatrically, but only T. pachypus occurs in Ningming County. Individuals of the smaller species (T. pachypus) harbored significantly more mites than did those of T. robustula. In both species males harbored more mites than nonreproductive females, pregnant females had more mites than lactating and nonreproductive females, and juveniles harbored more mites than adults. Mite load on both species of bats showed significant seasonal variation, declining from spring to winter. No correlation was found between mite load and size of the host colony. We discuss our findings in relation to the ecology and biology of both hosts and parasites.


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Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide resulting in 4–5 million new cases of Chlamydia annually and an estimated 100 million cases per annum. Infections of the lower female genital tract (FGT) frequently are asymptomatic so they often remain undiagnosed or untreated. If infections are either not resolved, or are left untreated, chlamydia can ascend to the upper FGT and infect the fallopian tubes (FTs) causing salpingitis that may lead to functional damage of the FTs and tubal factor infertility (TFI). Clinical observations and experimental data have indicated a role for antibodies against C. trachomatis proteins such as the 60 kDa heat-shock protein 60 (cHSP60) in the immunopathogenesis of TFI. When released from infected cells cHSP60 can induce pro-inflammatory immune responses that may functionally impair the FTs leading to fibrosis and luminal occlusion. Chlamydial pathogenesis of irreversible and permanent tubal damage is a consequence of innate and adaptive host immune responses to ongoing or repeated infections. The extracellular matrix (ECM) that is regulated by metalloproteinases (MMPs) may also be modified by chlamydial infections of the FGT. This review will highlight protective and pathogenic immune responses to ongoing and repeated chlamydial infections of the FGT. It will also present two recent hypotheses to explain mechanisms that may contribute to FT damage during a C. trachomatis infection. If Chlamydia immunopathology can be controlled it might yield a method of inducing fibrosis and thus provide a means of non-surgical permanent contraception for women.