939 resultados para Oxide fuel-cells


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Diverse roles in cellular functions have been ascribed to nitric oxide (NO), and its involvement in induction of long-term depression in cerebellar Purkinje cells has been demonstrated. Manipulations of NO concentration or its synthesis in cerebellar tissues therefore provide a means for investigating roles of NO in cerebellar functions at both cellular and behavioral levels. We tested adaptive control of locomotion to perturbation in cats, and found that this form of motor learning was abolished by application of either an inhibitor of NO synthase or a scavenger of NO to the cerebellar cortical locomotion area. This finding supports the view that NO in the cerebellum plays a key role in motor learning.


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The mechanisms that permit adult tissues to regenerate when injured are not well understood. Initiation of liver regeneration requires the injury-related cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and interleukin (IL) 6, and involves the activation of cytokine-regulated transcription factors such as NF-κβ and STAT3. During regeneration, TNFα and IL-6 promote hepatocyte viability, as well as proliferation, because interventions that inhibit either cytokine not only block hepatocyte DNA synthesis, but also increase liver cell death. These observations suggest that the cytokines induce hepatoprotective factors in the regenerating liver. Given evidence that nitric oxide can prevent TNF-mediated activation of the pro-apoptotic protease caspase 3 and protect hepatocytes from cytokine-mediated death, cytokine-inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) may be an important hepatoprotective factor in the regenerating liver. In support of this hypothesis we report that the hepatocyte proliferative response to partial liver resection is severely inhibited in transgenic mice with targeted disruption of the iNOS gene. Instead, partial hepatectomy is followed by increased caspase 3 activity, hepatocyte death, and liver failure, despite preserved induction of TNFα, IL-6, NF-κβ, and STAT3. These results suggest that during successful tissue regeneration, injury-related cytokines induce factors, such as iNOS and its product, NO, that protect surviving cells from cytokine-mediated death.


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Although nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is widely considered as the major source of NO in biological cells and tissues, direct evidence demonstrating NO formation from the purified enzyme has been lacking. It was recently reported that NOS does not synthesize NO, but rather generates nitroxyl anion (NO−) that is subsequently converted to NO by superoxide dismutase (SOD). To determine if NOS synthesizes NO, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was applied to directly measure NO formation from purified neuronal NOS. In the presence of the NO trap Fe2+-N-methyl-d-glucamine dithiocarbamate, NO gives rise to characteristic EPR signals with g = 2.04 and aN = 12.7 G, whereas NO− is undetectable. In the presence of l-arginine (l-Arg) and cofactors, NOS generated prominent NO signals. This NO generation did not require SOD, and it was blocked by the specific NOS inhibitor N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester. Isotope-labeling experiments with l-[15N]Arg further demonstrated that NOS-catalyzed NO arose from the guanidino nitrogen of l-Arg. Measurement of the time course of NO formation demonstrated that it paralleled that of l-citrulline. The conditions used in the prior study were shown to result in potent superoxide generation, and this may explain the failure to measure NO formation in the absence of SOD. These experiments provide unequivocal evidence that NOS does directly synthesize NO from l-Arg.


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Nitric oxide (NO) has diverse roles in intercellular communication and (at higher levels) in immune-mediated cell killing. NO reacts with many cellular targets, with cell-killing effects correlated to inactivation of key enzymes through nitrosylation of their iron-sulfur centers. SoxR protein, a redox-sensitive transcription activator dependent on the oxidation state of its binuclear iron-sulfur ([2Fe-2S]) centers, is also activated in Escherichia coli on exposure to macrophage-generated NO. We show here that SoxR activation by NO occurs through direct modification of the [2Fe-2S] centers to form protein-bound dinitrosyl-iron-dithiol adducts, which we have observed both in intact bacterial cells and in purified SoxR after NO treatment. Functional activation through nitrosylation of iron-sulfur centers contrasts with the inactivation typically caused by this modification. Purified, nitrosylated SoxR has transcriptional activity similar to that of oxidized SoxR and is relatively stable. In contrast, nitrosylated SoxR is short-lived in intact cells, indicative of mechanisms that actively dispose of nitrosylated iron-sulfur centers.


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Apoptosis triggered by death receptors proceeds after defined signal-transduction pathways. Whether signaling at the receptor level is regulated by intracellular messengers is still unknown. We have investigated the role of two messengers, ceramide and nitric oxide (NO), on the apoptotic pathway activated in human monocytic U937 cells by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) working at its p55 receptor. Two transduction events, the receptor recruitment of the adapter protein, TRADD, and the activation of the initiator caspase, caspase 8, were investigated. When administered alone, neither of the messengers had any effect on these events. In combination with TNF-α, however, ceramide potentiated, whereas NO inhibited, TNF-α-induced TRADD recruitment and caspase 8 activity. The effect of NO, which was cGMP-dependent, was due to inhibition of the TNF-α-induced generation of ceramide. Our results identify a mechanism of regulation of a signal-transduction pathway activated by death receptors.


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Peroxynitrite activates the cyclooxygenase activities of constitutive and inducible prostaglandin endoperoxide synthases by serving as a substrate for the enzymes’ peroxidase activities. Activation of purified enzyme is induced by direct addition of peroxynitrite or by in situ generation of peroxynitrite from NO coupling to superoxide anion. Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase completely inhibits cyclooxygenase activation in systems where peroxynitrite is generated in situ from superoxide. In the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, the lipophilic superoxide dismutase-mimetic agents, Cu(II) (3,5-diisopropylsalicylic acid)2, and Mn(III) tetrakis(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin dose-dependently decrease the synthesis of prostaglandins without affecting the levels of NO synthase or prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase or by inhibiting the release of arachidonic acid. These findings support the hypothesis that peroxynitrite is an important modulator of cyclooxygenase activity in inflammatory cells and establish that superoxide anion serves as a biochemical link between NO and prostaglandin biosynthesis.


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We recently reported development of an experimental model for the study of nitric oxide (NO·) toxicology in vivo. SJL mice were injected with superantigen-bearing RcsX (pre-B-cell lymphoma) cells, which migrated to the spleen and lymph nodes, where their rapid growth induced activation of macrophages to produce large amounts of NO· over a period of several weeks. In the experiments described here, we used this model to investigate mutagenesis in splenocytes exposed to NO· during RcsX cell growth. Transgenic mice were produced by crossbreeding animals of the pUR288 transgenic C57BL/6 and SJL strains. RcsX cells were injected into F1 mice and NO· production was confirmed by quantification of urinary nitrate, the ultimate metabolite of NO·. Mutant frequency in the lacZ gene of the pUR288 plasmid was determined in DNA isolated from spleen (target) and kidney (nontarget) tissues. A significant elevation in mutant frequency was found in the spleen, but not in the kidney, of tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, increases in mutant frequency in the spleen as well as NO· production were abrogated by administration of N-methylarginine, a NO· inhibitor, to mice following injection of RcsX cells. These results indicate that NO· had mutagenic activity in RcsX tumor-bearing mice and thus support a possible role for its involvement in the carcinogenic process.


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Potent and selective inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (EC were identified in an encoded combinatorial chemical library that blocked human iNOS dimerization, and thereby NO production. In a cell-based iNOS assay (A-172 astrocytoma cells) the inhibitors had low-nanomolar IC50 values and thus were >1,000-fold more potent than the substrate-based direct iNOS inhibitors 1400W and N-methyl-l-arginine. Biochemical studies confirmed that inhibitors caused accumulation of iNOS monomers in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. High affinity (Kd ≈ 3 nM) of inhibitors for isolated iNOS monomers was confirmed by using a radioligand binding assay. Inhibitors were >1,000-fold selective for iNOS versus endothelial NOS dimerization in a cell-based assay. The crystal structure of inhibitor bound to the monomeric iNOS oxygenase domain revealed inhibitor–heme coordination and substantial perturbation of the substrate binding site and the dimerization interface, indicating that this small molecule acts by allosterically disrupting protein–protein interactions at the dimer interface. These results provide a mechanism-based approach to highly selective iNOS inhibition. Inhibitors were active in vivo, with ED50 values of <2 mg/kg in a rat model of endotoxin-induced systemic iNOS induction. Thus, this class of dimerization inhibitors has broad therapeutic potential in iNOS-mediated pathologies.


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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) transfers ADP ribose groups from NAD+ to nuclear proteins after activation by DNA strand breaks. PARP overactivation by massive DNA damage causes cell death via NAD+ and ATP depletion. Heretofore, PARP has been thought to be inactive under basal physiologic conditions. We now report high basal levels of PARP activity and DNA strand breaks in discrete neuronal populations of the brain, in ventricular ependymal and subependymal cells and in peripheral tissues. In some peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle, spleen, heart, and kidney, PARP activity is reduced only partially in mice with PARP-1 gene deletion (PARP-1−/−), implicating activity of alternative forms of PARP. Glutamate neurotransmission involving N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) activity in part mediates neuronal DNA strand breaks and PARP activity, which are diminished by NMDA antagonists and NOS inhibitors and also diminished in mice with targeted deletion of nNOS gene (nNOS−/−). An increase in NAD+ levels after treatment with NMDA antagonists or NOS inhibitors, as well as in nNOS−/− mice, indicates that basal glutamate-PARP activity regulates neuronal energy dynamics.


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Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) seem to be neurotransmitters in the brain. The colocalization of their respective biosynthetic enzymes, neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) and heme oxygenase-2 (HO2), in enteric neurons and altered intestinal function in mice with genomic deletion of the enzymes (nNOSΔ/Δ and HO2Δ/Δ) suggest neurotransmitter roles for NO and CO in the enteric nervous system. We now establish that NO and CO are both neurotransmitters that interact as cotransmitters. Small intestinal smooth muscle cells from nNOSΔ/Δ and HO2Δ/Δ mice are depolarized, with apparent additive effects in the double knockouts (HO2Δ/Δ/nNOSΔ/Δ). Muscle relaxation and inhibitory neurotransmission are reduced in the mutant mice. In HO2Δ/Δ preparations, responses to electrical field stimulation are nearly abolished despite persistent nNOS expression, whereas exogenous CO restores normal responses, indicating that the NO system does not function in the absence of CO generation.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) are important participants in signal transduction that could provide the cellular basis for activity-dependent regulation of neuronal excitability. In young rat cortical brain slices and undifferentiated PC12 cells, paired application of depolarization/agonist stimulation and oxidation induces long-lasting potentiation of subsequent Ca2+ signaling that is reversed by hypoxia. This potentiation critically depends on NO production and involves cellular ROS utilization. The ability to develop the Ca2+ signal potentiation is regulated by the developmental stage of nerve tissue, decreasing markedly in adult rat cortical neurons and differentiated PC12 cells.


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Although the function of metallothionein (MT), a 6- to 7-kDa cysteine-rich metal binding protein, remains unclear, it has been suggested from in vitro studies that MT is an important component of intracellular redox signaling, including being a target for nitric oxide (NO). To directly study the interaction between MT and NO in live cells, we generated a fusion protein consisting of MT sandwiched between two mutant green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). In vitro studies with this chimera (FRET-MT) demonstrate that fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to follow conformational changes indicative of metal release from MT. Imaging experiments with live endothelial cells show that agents that increase cytoplasmic Ca2+ act via endogenously generated NO to rapidly and persistently release metal from MT. A role for this interaction in intact tissue is supported by the finding that the myogenic reflex of mesenteric arteries is absent in MT knockout mice (MT−/−) unless endogenous NO synthesis is blocked. These results are the first application of intramolecular green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based FRET in a native protein and demonstrate the utility of FRET-MT as an intracellular surrogate indicator of NO production. In addition, an important role of metal thiolate clusters of MT in NO signaling in vascular tissue is revealed.


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NO2Tyr (3-Nitrotyrosine) is a modified amino acid that is formed by nitric oxide-derived species and has been implicated in the pathology of diverse human diseases. Nitration of active-site tyrosine residues is known to compromise protein structure and function. Although free NO2Tyr is produced in abundant concentrations under pathological conditions, its capacity to alter protein structure and function at the translational or posttranslational level is unknown. Here, we report that free NO2Tyr is transported into mammalian cells and selectively incorporated into the extreme carboxyl terminus of α-tubulin via a posttranslational mechanism catalyzed by the enzyme tubulin–tyrosine ligase. In contrast to the enzymatically regulated carboxyl-terminal tyrosination/detyrosination cycle of α-tubulin, incorporation of NO2Tyr shows apparent irreversibility. Nitrotyrosination of α-tubulin induces alterations in cell morphology, changes in microtubule organization, loss of epithelial-barrier function, and intracellular redistribution of the motor protein cytoplasmic dynein. These observations imply that posttranslational nitrotyrosination of α-tubulin invokes conformational changes, either directly or via allosteric interactions, in the surface-exposed carboxyl terminus of α-tubulin that compromises the function of this critical domain in regulating microtubule organization and binding of motor- and microtubule-associated proteins. Collectively, these observations illustrate a mechanism whereby free NO2Tyr can impact deleteriously on cell function under pathological conditions encompassing reactive nitrogen species production. The data also yield further insight into the role that the α-tubulin tyrosination/detyrosination cycle plays in microtubule function.


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The gaseous second messenger nitric oxide (NO), which readily diffuses in brain tissue, has been implicated in cerebellar long-term depression (LTD), a form of synaptic plasticity thought to be involved in cerebellar learning. Can NO diffusion facilitate cerebellar learning? The inferior olive (IO) cells, which provide the error signals necessary for modifying the granule cell–Purkinje cell (PC) synapses by LTD, fire at ultra-low firing rates in vivo, rarely more than 2–4 spikes within a second. In this paper, we show that NO diffusion can improve the transmission of sporadic IO error signals to PCs within cerebellar cortical functional units, or microzones. To relate NO diffusion to adaptive behavior, we add NO diffusion and a “volumic” LTD learning rule, i.e., a learning rule that depends both on the synaptic activity and on the NO concentration at the synapse, to a cerebellar model for arm movement control. Our results show that biologically plausible diffusion leads to an increase in information transfer of the error signals to the PCs when the IO firing rate is ultra-low. This, in turn, enhances cerebellar learning as shown by improved performance in an arm-reaching task.


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Cardiac myocytes have been shown to express constitutively endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (nitric oxide synthase 3), the activation of which has been implicated in the regulation of myocyte L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel current (ICa-L) and myocyte contractile responsiveness to parasympathetic nervous system signaling, although this implication remains controversial. Therefore, we examined the effect of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist carbachol (CCh) on ICa-L and contractile amplitude in isoproterenol (ISO)-prestimulated ventricular myocytes isolated from adult mice, designated eNOSnull mice, with targeted disruption of the eNOS gene. Although both eNOSnull and wild-type (WT) ventricular myocytes exhibited similar increases in ICa-L in response to ISO, there was no measurable suppression of ICa-L by CCh in cells from eNOSnull mice, in contrast to cells from WT mice. These results were reflected in the absence of an effect of CCh on the positive inotropic effect of ISO in eNOSnull myocytes. Also, unlike myocytes from WT animals, eNOSnull myocytes failed to exhibit an increase in cGMP content in response to CCh. Nevertheless, the pharmacologic nitric oxide donors 3-morpholino-sydnonimine and S-nitroso-acetyl-cystein increased cGMP generation and suppressed ISO-augmented ICa-L in eNOSnull cells, suggesting that the signal transduction pathway(s) downstream of eNOS remained intact. Of importance, activation of the acetylcholine-activated K+ channel by CCh was unaffected in atrial and ventricular eNOSnull myocytes. These results confirm the obligatory role of eNOS in coupling muscarinic receptor activation to cGMP-dependent control of ICa-L in cardiac myocytes.