965 resultados para Ovarian endometrioma


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work studied the ovarian development of the armored catfish Hypostomus strigaticeps. Between July 2002 and June 2005, 332 females were collected monthly from the Corumbatai River, São Paulo State [long dash] Brazil. The ovaries were processed using routine histological techniques [long dash] paraffin inclusion and 5 pm thick sections stained in hematoxylin-cosin. Six types of oocytes were observed: Chromatin-nucleolus, Perinncleolar, Cortical-alveolus, Vitellogenic, Ripe and Atresic. Four maturity stages were created based on macroscopic and microscopic morphological observations, as well as on analysis of the gonadossomatic index (GSI): Rest, Maturation, Ripe and Spawned.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente as 20 primeiras ovário-histerectomias vídeo-assistidas com único portal (SPVA-OSH), realizadas por um cirurgião não proficiente nessa técnica. Vinte cadelas foram submetidas à laparoscopia para SPVA-OSH, com o auxílio de um endoscópio de 10mm, com canal de trabalho de 5mm, inserido por um trocarte, posicionado na região pré-púbica, e coagulação bipolar. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 22,95±5,17 minutos. Os cinco primeiros procedimentos consumiram mais tempo cirúrgico do que os demais. A abordagem aos pedículos ovarianos direito e esquerdo foram as etapas que apresentaram maior tempo de execução. Houve complicação leve ou moderada em seis (30%) das 20 cadelas operadas. As complicações foram: hemorragia leve ou moderada em um dos pedículos ovarianos em quatro (20%) cadelas e hemorragia grave, devido à punção do baço com agulha de Veress em dois (10%) animais. A SPVA-OSH foi realizada em cadelas por um cirurgião no início da curva de aprendizado, sem complicações maiores.


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We evaluated the relationship between follicle size and oocyte recovery (OR) using ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration. Thirty Holstein cows were subjected to OR without gonadotrophic therapy. Oocytes were recovered two to four times from each cow in a total of 67 aspiration sessions, Ovarian follicles with diameters less than or equal to4 mm and >4 mm were aspirated in separated groups. Recovered oocytes from each group were kept separate and submitted to in vitro maturation, fertilization, and culture to the blastocyst stage. A total of 430 follicles were aspirated, of which 154 (35.8%) were from follicles >4 mm and 276 (64.2%) were from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Seventy-seven oocytes (50%) were recovered from follicles >4 mm and 200 (72.2%) were from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Nineteen blastocysts were obtained from follicles >4 mm, whereas 45 blastocysts were obtained from follicles less than or equal to4 mm. Recovery rate was greater (P < 0.01) in follicles less than or equal to4 mm, Oocyte quality, cleavage rate and blastocyst development did not differ between different follicle sizes. Routine aspiration of small follicles (less than or equal to4 mm) could increase the number of oocytes available for in vitro development. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da ingestão alimentar nas concentrações séricas de hormônios reprodutivos e metabólicos em vacas azebuadas. Dezoito vacas foram divididas em dois grupos: 170% (alta ingestão = A) e 66% (baixa ingestão = B) da dieta de manutenção. Com 21 dias nas dietas experimentais, as vacas tiveram o estro sincronizado. Posteriormente, os ovários foram avaliados por ultra-sonografia transretal e sangue foi coletado diariamente até o dia 7 do ciclo (ovulação = dia 1). Na análise estatística, utilizou-se o teste t. As vacas ganharam 1,1 kg por dia no grupo A e perderam 1,5 kg por dia de PV no grupo B. Apesar de não ter havido diferença entre os grupos no diâmetro máximo do folículo ovulatório, o grupo A apresentou pico pré-ovulatório de estradiol sérico menor. Não foi observada diferença entre os grupos quanto ao volume luteal e concentração sérica de progesterona no dia 7 do ciclo e de FSH, IGF-I e insulina séricos no período peri-ovulatório. As dietas experimentais não alteraram a função ovariana e as concentrações séricas de hormônios reprodutivos e metabólicos, com exceção do estradiol, sugerindo que, no grupo de alta ingestão, ocorreu maior metabolismo desse hormônio.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do diluidor do sêmen no desenvolvimento in vitro de ovócitos bovinos após a maturação e fecundação in vitro. Ejaculado de um reprodutor foi fracionado e submetido a três diluidores: Lactose/gema de ovo (LG), Citrato/gema de ovo (CG) e Tris/gema de ovo (TG). Amostras deste material foram envasadas, congeladas e estocadas em N² e, posteriormente, descongeladas; a fração móvel foi separada por gradiente descontínuo de Percoll. A concentração espermática foi ajustada para 10 x 10(6)/mL e a capacitação espermática, induzida com 10 µg/mL de heparina. Após 24 horas de cultura para maturação in vitro, os ovócitos, aspirados de folículos ovarianos, foram inseminados com sêmen diluído em meio TALP e, após 48 horas de cultura, os zigotos foram transferidos para gotas de meio TCM 199, com 5% de soro fetal bovino, 5% de soro de vaca em estro e suspensão de células epiteliais do oviduto bovino, cobertas com óleo de silicone, e mantidos em cultura por nove dias. Todas as culturas foram realizadas a 38,5ºC em atmosfera com 5% de CO2. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado e houve diferença com relação à taxa de clivagem (TC), sendo as médias de 66,0; 69,3; e 54,4% para LG, CG e TG, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre tratamentos com relação às taxas de mórulas/blastocistos ou de eclosão. O diluidor do sêmen não teve efeito sobre o desenvolvimento in vitro de embriões bovinos, embora a TC tenha sido afetada.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study was undertaken to compare cryotolerance, in terms of viability and resumption of meiosis after warming and culture (24 and 48 h), of ex situ (isolated) and in situ (enclosed in the ovarian tissue) feline cumulusoocyte complexes (COCs) vitrified with DAP 213 (2 M DMSO, 1 M acetamide, 3 M propylene glycol) in cryotubes or Cryotop method. Ovaries were harvested from 49 pubertal queens. of each pair of ovaries, one was dissected to release COCs randomly divided into three groups: fresh COCs (control), ex situ COCs vitrified with DAP 213 and Cryotop. The cortex of the other ovary was sectioned into small fragments (approximately 1.5 mm3) and randomly assigned to be vitrified by DAP 213 or Cryotop. After warming, ex situ and in situ (retrieved form vitrified ovarian tissue) COCs were matured in vitro. Viability of oocytes was highly preserved after warming and culture in all treatments. Proportions of oocytes surrounded by complete layers of viable cumulus cells were remarkably decreased (p < 0.00001) in both vitrification procedures compared to fresh oocytes. Resumption of meiosis occurred in all treatments. After 24 h of culture, results were similar in ex situ and in situ vitrified oocytes regardless of the vitrification protocol used (range 29-40%), albeit lower (p < 0.05) than those of fresh oocytes (65.8%). After 48 h of culture, ex situ oocytes vitrified with Cryotop achieved the rates of meiosis resumption similar to fresh oocytes (53.8% vs 67.5%; p > 0.05) and ex situ and in situ oocytes vitrified with DAP 213 showed similar rates of resumption of meiosis. These findings demonstrated that DAP 213 and Cryotop preserve the viability of ex situ and in situ oocytes, but cumulus cells are highly susceptible to vitrification. However, the capability to resume meiosis evidences that feline immature oocytes vitrified as isolated or enclosed in the ovarian cortex have comparable cryotolerance.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study investigated how the timing of the administration of estradiol benzoate (EB) impacted the synchronization of ovulation in fixed-time artificial insemination protocols of cattle. To accomplish this, two experiments were conducted, with EB injection occurring at different times: at withdrawal of the progesterone-releasing (N) intravaginal device or 24 h later. The effectiveness of these times was compared by examining ovarian follicular dynamics (Experiment 1, n = 30) and conception rates (Experiment 2, n = 504). In Experiment 1, follicular dynamics was performed in 30 Nelore cows (Bos indicus) allocated into two groups. on a random day of the estrous cycle (Day 0), both groups received 2 mg of EB i.m. and a P4-releasing intravaginal device, which was removed on Day 8, when 400 IU of eCG and 150 mu g of PGF were administered. The control group (G-EB9; n = 15) received 1 mg of EB on Day 9, while Group EB8 (G-EB8; n = 15) received the same dose a day earlier. Ovarian ultrasonographic evaluations were performed every 8 h after device removal until ovulation. The timing of EB administration (Day 8 compared with Day 9) did affect the interval between P4 device removal to ovulation (59.4 +/- 2.0 h compared with 69.3 +/- 1.7 h) and maximum diameter of dominant (1.54 +/- 0.06 a cm compared with 1.71 +/- 0.05 b cm, P = 0.03) and ovulatory (1.46 +/- 0.05 a cm compared with 1.58 +/- 0.04 b cm, P < 0.01) follicles. In Experiment 2,504 suckling cows received the same treatment described in Experiment 1, but insemination was performed as follows: Group EB8-AI48h (G-EB8-AI48h; n = 119) and Group EB8-AI54h (G-EB8-AI54h; n = 134) received 1 mg of EB on Day 8 and FrAI was performed, respectively, 48 or 54 h after P4 device removal. Group EB9-AI48h (G-EB9-AI48h; n = 126) and Group EB9-AI54h (G-EB9-AI54h n = 125) received the same treatments and underwent the same FTAI protocols as G-EB8-AI48h and G-EB8-AI54h, respectively; however, EB was administered on Day 9. Conception rates were greater (P < 0.05) in G-EB9-AI54h 163.2% (79/125) a], G-EB9-AI48h [58.7% (74/126) a] and G-EB8-AI48h [58.8% (70/119) a] than in G-EB8-AI54h [34.3% (46/134) b]. We concluded that when EB administration occurred at device withdrawal (D8), the interval to ovulation shortened and dominant and ovulatory follicle diameters decreased. Furthermore, when EB treatment was performed 24 h after device removal, FTAI conducted at either 48 or 54 h resulted in similar conception rates. However, EB treatment on the same day as device withdrawal resulted in a lesser conception rate when FTAI was conducted 54 h after device removal. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study was designed to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplementation offered during the pre- and postpartum periods on serum cholesterol, triglycerides and total lipids of Canchim beef cows and their relationship with folliculogenesis. Thirty cows with predicted calving date between September and October, kept in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu together with their calves, were randomly distributed into three experimental groups: the first received only a mineral mixture (Control Group, CG); the second group received a concentrate with 16% crude protein/kg dry matter (DM) and 3000 kcal digestible energy/kg DM offered for 45 days prepartum and 120 days postpartum (PREG); the third group received the concentrate from parturition until the 120th day postpartum (POSG). Consumption was estimated at 1% of body weight, and each cow received approximately 4.0 kg/day (fresh weight) of supplement. Blood samples were taken and an ultrasound examination of the ovaries was performed twice a week until the 60th day postpartum. The body condition score (BCS) and the weight of the cows were recorded at 15-day intervals from calving until the 60th day postpartum. Data are presented as mean +/- SEM. Mean weight and BCS at calving were, respectively, 448 +/- 54.9 kg and 6.2 +/- 0.25 (PREG); 432 +/- 71.1 kg and 5.5 +/- 0.69 (POSG); and 434 +/- 66.4 kg and 5.5 +/- 0.69 (CG). Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TRIG) and total lipids (TLIP) were measured using colorimetry until the 60th day postpartum. TC averages were PREG 186 +/- 62.6 mg/dL, POSG 159 +/- 43.1 mg/dL and CG 133 +/- 35.1 mg/dL (P < 0.05). For TRIG, the means were PREG 29 +/- 11.3 mg/dL (P < 0.05), POSG 24 +/- 8.1 mg/dL and CG 26 +/- 12.1 mg/dL (P > 0.05). Serum concentrations of TLIP were PREG 588 +/- 145.6 mg/dL, POSG 512 +/- 137.6 mg/dL and CG 452 +/- 122.4 mg/dL (P < 0.05). The first dominant follicle (DF) was identified on Day 21 +/- 10.3 (PREG), 36 +/- 28.5 (POSG) and 51 +/- 32.8 (CG) after calving. The difference between PREG and CG was significant (P < 0.05). TC was positively correlated with the calving to first estrus interval (P < 0.05). Results showed that nutritional supplementation before parturition assured good body condition at calving and suggested that it was effective at increasing cholesterol availability to maintain ovarian follicle function and to favor earlier resumption of ovarian activity. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Neonatal maternal separation (NMS) is a form of stress that interferes with the regulation of the stress response, an effect that predisposes to the emergence of panic and anxiety related disorders. We previously showed that at adulthood, awake female (but not male) rats subjected to NMS show a hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR; 5% CO(2)) that is 63% greater than controls (Genest et al., 2007). To understand the mechanisms underlying the sex-specific effects of NMS on the ventilatory response to CO(2), we used two different anesthetized female rat preparations to assess central CO(2) chemosensitivity and contribution of sensory afferents (stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors) that influence the HCVR. Data show that anesthesia eliminated the respiratory phenotype observed previously in awake females and CO(2) chemosensitivity did not differ between groups. Finally, the assessment of the ovarian hormone levels across the oestrus cycle failed to reveal significant differences between groups. Since anesthesia did not affect the manifestation of NMS-related respiratory dysfunction in males (including the hypercapnic ventilatory response) (Kinkead et al., 2005; Dumont and Kinkead, 2010), we propose that the panic or anxiety induced by CO(2) during wakefulness is responsible for enhancement of the HCVR in NMS females. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bovine somatotropin (bST) on ovarian follicular population in buffalo heifers and its influence on oocyte quality, recovery rates and in vitro embryo production. We tested the hypothesis that bST treatment in buffalo females submitted to an ovum pick-up (OPU) program Would improve the number of follicles recruited, oocyte quality and in vitro embryo production. A total of 10 heifers were assigned into two treatment groups: group bST (n = 5; receiving 500 mg of bST in regular intervals) and control group (n = 5; without additional treatment). Both groups were subjected to OPU sessions twice a week (every 3 or 4 days), for a total of 10 sessions per female, although due to procedural problems, only the first five OPU sessions produced embryos. The number of follicles and the diameters were recorded at all OPU sessions. The harvested oocytes were counted and classified according to their quality as either A, B, C, D or E, with A and B considered good quality. Cleavage and blastocyst production rates were evaluated 2 and 7 days after in vitro fertilization, respectively. The bST treatment increased the total number of antral follicles (> 3 mm in diameter; 12.2 compared with 8.7: p, < 0.05) and of small antral follicles (< 5 mm; 9.1 compared with 6.5; p < 0.05) per OPU session. The bST also tended to increase the number of oocytes recovered per session (5.2 compared with 4.1; p = 0.07), and enhanced the percentage of good quality oocytes (48.8% compared with 40.6%; p = 0.07), bST showed no effect on cleavage and blastocyst production rates (p > 0.05). The significant effects of performing repeated OPU sessions were decreasing the follicular population (p < 0.001) as well as the number of follicles aspirated (p < 0.001), and oocytes recovered (p < 0.02). In conclusion, bST treatment improves the follicular population, demonstrating its possible application in buffalo donors submitted to OPU programs. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.