949 resultados para Outskirts Cultural Production


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A pitfall is an unapparent source of trouble or danger; a hidden hazard: Today we all face, or will soon be facing ecological pitfalls of many kinds. ‘Pitfall’ is a continually-evolving artwork built from multiple screens, a tabletop landscape mapped with projections, fibre optics, 3D spatial sound and infrared night imagery. It builds upon ideas, recordings and cross-disciplinary processes developed during my 2012-13 ANAT Synapse Art-Science residency, with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), Australia’s largest private-sector conservation organisation.


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This paper gives an overview of an ongoing project endeavouring to advance theory-based production and project management, and the rationale for this approach is briefly justified. The status of the theoretical foundation of production management, project management and allied disciplines is discussed, with emphasis on metaphysical grounding of theories, as well as the nature of the heuristic solution method commonly used in these disciplines. Then, on-going work related to different aspects of production and project management is reviewed from both theoretical and practical orientation. Next, information systems agile project management is explored with a view to its re-use in generic project management. In production management, the consequences and implementation of a new, wider theoretical basis are analyzed. The theoretical implications and negative symptoms of the peculiarities of the construction industry for supply chains and supply chain management in construction are observed. Theoretical paths for improvements of inter-organisational relationships in construction which are fundamental for improvement of construction supply chains are described. To conclude, the observations made in this paper vis-à-vis production, project and supply chain management are related again to the theoretical basis of this paper, and finally directions for theory development and future research are given and discussed.


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Brisbane City Hall (BCH) is arguably one of Brisbane’s most notable and iconic buildings. Serving as the public’s central civic and municipal building since 1930, the importance of this heritage listed building to cultural significance and identity is unquestionable. This attribute is reflected within the local government, with a simplified image of the halls main portico entrance supplying Brisbane City Council with its insignia and trademark signifier. Regardless of these qualities, this building has been neglected in a number of ways, primarily in the physical sense with built materials, but also, and just as importantly, through inaccurate and undocumented works. Numerous restoration and renovation works have been undertaken throughout BCH’s lifetime, however the records of these amendments are far and few between. Between 2010 and 2013, BCH underwent major restoration works, the largest production project undertaken on the building since its initial construction. Just prior to this conservation process, the full extent of the buildings deterioration was identified, much of which there was little to no original documentation of. This has led to a number of issues pertaining to what investigators expected to find within the building, versus what was uncovered (the unexpected), which have resulted directly from this lack of data. This absence of record keeping is the key factor that has contributed to the decay and unknown deficiencies that had amassed within BCH. Accordingly, this raises a debate about the methods of record keeping, and the need for a more advanced process that is able to be integrated within architectural and engineering programs, whilst still maintaining the ability to act as a standalone database. The immediate objective of this research is to investigate the restoration process of BCH, with focus on the auditorium, to evaluate possible strategies to record and manage data connected to building pathology so that a framework can be developed for a digital heritage management system. The framework produced for this digital tool will enable dynamic uses of a centralised database and aims to reduce the significant data loss. Following an in-depth analysis of this framework, it can be concluded that the implementation of the suggested digital tool would directly benefit BCH, and could ultimately be incorporated into a number of heritage related built form.


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There have now been two decades of rhetoric on the need for culturally and contextually appropriate perspectives in international education. However, the extent to which courses, provision and pedagogy have truly reflected differences in cultural characteristics and learning preferences is still open to question. Little attention has been paid to these matters in quality assurance frameworks. This chapter discusses these issues and draws upon Hofstede’s cultural dimensions framework and studies into Asian pedagogy and uses of educational technology. It proposes a benchmark and performance indicators for assuring cultural, contextual, educational and technological appropriateness in the provision of transnational distance education in Asia by Australian universities.


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The term ‘two cultures’ was coined more than 50 years ago by scientist and novelist C.P. Snow to describe the divergence in the world views and methods of scientists and the creative sector. This divergence has meant that innovation systems and policies have focused for decades on science, engineering, technology and medicine and the industries that depend on them. The humanities, arts and social sciences have been bit players at best; their contributions hidden from research agendas, policy and program initiatives, and the public mind. But structural changes to advanced economies and societies have brought services industries and the creative sector to greater prominence as key contributors to innovation. Hidden Innovation peels back the veil, tracing the way innovation occurs through new forms of screen production enabled by social media platforms as well as in public broadcasting. It shows that creative workers are contributing fresh ideas across the economy and how creative cities debates need reframing. It traces how policies globally are beginning to catch up with the changing social and economic realities. In his new book, Cunningham argues that the innovation framework offers the best opportunity in decades to reassess and refresh the case for the public role of the humanities, particularly the media, cultural and communication studies disciplines.


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Each September since 1983 in the rural Shire of Ravensthorpe, Western Australia, volunteers collect samples of up to 700 wildfl ower species which are then displayed in the Ravensthorpe Senior Citizens Centre from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm daily over a two-week period. This chapter offers an ethnographic interpretation of this enduring annual event focusing on the 25th show held in 2007. The study contributes to understanding the complex and nuanced role of local wildflower shows in shaping and supporting rural senses of place and of community. Importantly, this particular type of festival, and more specifically this local instance, foregrounds a less-remarked aspect of festivals, namely the (re)production and celebration of place-specific knowledge through validations of, and interconnections between, scientific flower classification and emotive experience. This feature, encapsulated in Laurel Lamperd’s poem above, invites consideration of the ways in which local place knowledge and the simultaneous (re)production of ‘place’ are constituted by a complex layering of rational, objective ways of knowing and those which emphasize emotions, aesthetics and memories. This rural wildflower show not only mobilises both the rational and the emotional in ‘making sense of the world’ for local residents and for tourists, but also offers insights into the production of place as constituted in and through relations between humans and non-human life forms (Cloke & Jones, 2001; Conradson, 2005; see also Chapter 6).


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In policy terms, community media are known as the “third sector” of the media. The description reflects the historical expectation that community media can fulfill a need not met by the commercial and public service broadcasters. A defining element of this “need” has been the means to production for nonprofessionals, particularly groups not represented in the mainstream media. The historical construction of community media reveals production to be a guiding principle; both a means and an end in itself. This chapter examines the various rationales underpinning community media production, including empowerment, media diversity, and the independent producer movement. Using case studies from youth media, the chapter critiques producer-centric models of community media. In the contemporary media environment, production alone cannot meet the social needs that community media were established to address. Instead, I propose a rationale that combines both production and consumption ethics.


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The Medics “Foundations” is a full-length album of popular music completed over a 13-month period and released in 2012, with work taking place in Byron Bay’s 301 studios and Brisbane’s Airlock studios. “Foundations” contributes to studies in the field of music production, as well as furthering research into the place of Indigenous youth culture within contemporary rock music. The music draws on elements of folk, post rock and hardcore to create a dynamic and cinematic sound, framed by lyrics that focus on spirituality, nature and a connection to the land. Artists such as At the Drive In and Mars Volta were referenced in the production of the record. Scholars such as Joe Bennett have argued that the relationship between songwriting practice and song product is an under-explored area in popular musicology, and, by using a practice-led research methodology, the production of “Foundations” extends these creative inquiries. “Foundations” was produced with the assistance of a competitive grant, the Cultural Minister’s Council Breakthrough initiative, which assists emerging Indigenous contemporary musicians. The album was well received and positively reviewed, resulting in the band signing a record deal with Warner Music and a publishing deal with Albert’s Music. It was album of the week on Triple J and several singles were placed on high rotation. A review on Themusic.com.au highlighted the production work: “Producer Yanto Browning has captured the impassioned live intent the band have built their reputation on and bottled it into 11 impeccable tracks, the album maintaining their onstage vigour while polishing it just enough to allow it to burn brightly through the speakers.” As a result of the record, The Medics were invited to play Splendour in the Grass, the national Big Day Out tour and a series of shows in South America.


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It is well established that there are inherent difficulties involved in communicating across cultural boundaries. When these difficulties are encountered within the justice system the innocent can be convicted and witnesses undermined. A large amount of research has been undertaken regarding the implications of miscommunication within the courtroom but far less has been carried out on language and interactions between police and Indigenous Australians. It is necessary that officers of the law be made aware of linguistic issues to ensure they conduct their investigations in a fair, effective and therefore ethical manner. This paper draws on Cultural Schema Theory to illustrate how this could be achieved. The justice system is reliant upon the skills and knowledge of the police, therefore, this paper highlights the need for research to focus on the linguistic and non‐verbal differences between Australian Aboriginal English and Australian Standard English in order to develop techniques to facilitate effective communication.


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Background: Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), the 72-kd type IV collagenase/gelatinase, by cancer cells has been implicated in metastasis through cancer cell invasion of basement membranes mediated by degradation of collagen IV. However, the abundance of this latent proenzyme in normal tissues and fluids suggests that MMP-2 proenzyme utilization is limited by its physiological activation rather than expression alone. We previously reported activation of this proenzyme by normal and malignant fibroblastoid cells cultured on collagen I (vitrogen) gels. Purpose: Our purposes in this study were 1) to determine whether MMP-2 activation is restricted to the more invasive human breast cancer cell lines and 2) to localize the activating mechanism. Methods: Zymography was used to monitor MMP-2 activation through detection of latent MMP-2 (72 kd) and mature species of smaller molecular weight (59 or 62 kd). Human breast cancer cell lines cultured on plastic, vitrogen, and other matrices were thus screened for MMP- 2 activation. Collagen I-cultured cells were exposed to cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, or to protease inhibitors to determine the nature of the MMP-2-activating mechanism. Triton X-114 (TX-114) detergent extracts from cells cultured on collagen I or plastic were incubated with latent MMP-2 and analyzed by zymography to localize the MMP-2 activator. Results: MMP-2 activation was only induced by collagen I culture in the more aggressive, highly invasive estrogen receptor-negative, vimentin-positive human breast cancer cell lines (Hs578T, MDA-MB-436, BT549, MDA-MB-231, MDA- MB-435, MCF-7(ADR)) and was independent of MMP-2 production. MMP-2 activation was detected in cells cultured on collagen I gels but not in those cultured on gelatin gels, Matrigel, or thin layers of collagen I or IV, gelatin, or fibronectin. Collagen-induced activation was specific for the enzyme species MMP-2, since MMP-9, the 92-kd type IV collagenase/gelatinase, was not activatable under similar conditions. MMP-2 activation was inhibited by cycloheximide and was sensitive to a metalloproteinase inhibitor but not to aspartyl, serine, or cysteinyl protease inhibitors. MMP-2 activation was detected in the hydrophobic, plasma membrane-enriched, TX-114 extracts from invasive collagen I-cultured cells. Conclusion: Collagen I-induced MMP-2 activation is restricted to highly invasive estrogen receptor-negative, vimentin-positive human breast cancer cell lines, is independent of MMP-2 production, and is associated with metastatic potential. Our findings are consistent with plasma membrane localization of the activator. Implications: The MMP-2 activation mechanism may represent a new target for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of human breast cancer.


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Lignocellulosics represent a renewable resource for producing fuels and chemicals as an alternative to fossil resources. This study utilised an organic acid catalyst and a co-solvent to develop an environmentally friendly processing technology for the production of levulinic acid and furfural from a waste material, sugarcane fibre.


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In Altmann v Ioff of Victoria Friendly Society [2004] QDC 005 McGill DCJ considered the practical question in relation to disclosure of documents as to whether a party disclosing bundles of documents under UCPR r 217 was obliged to number or otherwise individually identify the documents


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The paradigm that mangroves are critical for sustaining production in coastal fisheries is widely accepted, but empirical evidence has been tenuous. This study showed that links between mangrove extent and coastal fisheries production could be detected for some species at a broad regional scale (1000s of kilometres) on the east coast of Queensland, Australia. The relationships between catch-per-unit-effort for different commercially caught species in four fisheries (trawl, line, net and pot fisheries) and mangrove characteristics, estimated from Landsat images were examined using multiple regression analyses. The species were categorised into three groups based on information on their life history characteristics, namely mangrove-related species (banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis, mud crabs Scylla serrata and barramundi Lates calcarifer), estuarine species (tiger prawns Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus, blue swimmer crabs Portunus pelagicus and blue threadfin Eleutheronema tetradactylum) and offshore species (coral trout Plectropomus spp.). For the mangrove-related species, mangrove characteristics such as area and perimeter accounted for most of the variation in the model; for the non-mangrove estuarine species, latitude was the dominant parameter but some mangrove characteristics (e.g. mangrove perimeter) also made significant contributions to the models. In contrast, for the offshore species, latitude was the dominant variable, with no contribution from mangrove characteristics. This study also identified that finer scale spatial data for the fisheries, to enable catch information to be attributed to a particular catchment, would help to improve our understanding of relationships between mangroves and fisheries production.


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This paper reports the results of a mixed method approach to answer: To what extent do cultural values impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia, and if so how? This paper will firstly, introduce the importance of culture and define the aspects of Saudi culture with focus on our scope: the need for Service Oriented Culture. It will then, briefly, describe the method used and present the qualitative and quantitative findings related to the need for Service Oriented Culture. This research aims to cover a gap in the literature by investigating to what extent the presence of Service Oriented Culture, as one of Saudi Arabia’s cultural values, impacts on e-service use in Saudi Arabia. Surprisingly, the tested hypothesis was rejected: the presence of Service Oriented Culture is not a positive predictor of Intention to Use e-services in Saudi Arabia. It is evidenced that consideration of the impact of the cultural values will mainly contribute to the enhancement of ICTs implementation and use.