955 resultados para Ospizio di San Michele (Rome, Italy)
PROBLEM In the last few years farm tourism or agritourism as it is also referred to has enjoyed increasing success because of its generally acknowledged role as a promoter of economic and social development of rural areas. As a consequence, a plethora of studies have been dedicated to this tourist sector, focusing on a variety of issues. Nevertheless, despite the difficulties of many farmers to orient their business towards potential customers, the contribution of the marketing literature has been moderate. PURPOSE This dissertation builds upon studies which advocate the necessity of farm tourism to innovate itself according to the increasingly demanding needs of customers. Henceforth, the purpose of this dissertation is to critically evaluate the level of professionalism reached in the farm tourism market within a marketing approach. METHODOLOGY This dissertation is a cross-country perspective incorporating the marketing of farm tourism studied in Germany and Italy. Hence, the marketing channels of this tourist sector are examined both from the supply and the demand side by means of five exploratory studies. The data collection has been conducted in the timeframe of 2006 to 2009 in manifold ways (online survey, catalogues of industry associations, face-to-face interviews, etc.) according to the purpose of the research of each study project. The data have been analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis. FINDINGS A comprehensive literature review provides the state of the art of the main differences and similarities of farm tourism in the two countries of study. The main findings contained in the empirical chapters provide insights on many aspects of agritourism including how the expectations of farm operators and customers differ, which development scenarios of farm tourism are more likely to meet individuals’ needs, how new technologies can impact the demand for farm tourism, etc. ORIGINALITY/VALUE The value of this study is in the investigation of the process by which farmers’ participation in the development of this sector intersects with consumer consumption patterns. Focusing on this process should allow farm operators and others including related businesses to more efficiently allocate resources.
Presentiamo alcune proposte di modifica alle superfici di suddivisione di Catmull-Clark, per garantire la continuità del secondo ordine anche nei vertici straordinari e una buona qualità di forma. La ricerca di questi miglioramenti è motivata dal tentativo di integrazione delle superfici di suddivisione in un sistema di modellazione geometrica in contesto CAD/CAGD, il quale richiede che certi requisiti di regolarità e qualità siano soddisfatti. Illustriamo due approcci differenti per la modifica della superficie limite. Il primo prevede il blending tra la superficie originale e una superficie polinomiale approssimante, definita opportunamente, in modo tale da ottenere la regolarità desiderata. Il secondo metodo consiste nella sostituzione della superficie di Catmull-Clark con un complesso di patch di Gregory bicubici e adeguatamente raccordati. Insieme all’attività di analisi, riformulazione ed estensione di queste proposte, abbiamo realizzato una implementazione in codice C/C++ e OpenGL (con programmi accessori scritti in MATLAB e Mathematica), finalizzata alla sperimentazione e alla verifica delle caratteristiche dei metodi presentati.
In the whole of Europe the most important composer of concertos for two violins is indubitably Vivaldi (1678-1741), who produced almost thirty works of this type during almost the full length of his creative career. The dissertation examines this particular side of Vivaldi’s activity, starting with an examination of the concerto in Rome, Bologna, and Venice at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The aspects investigated include the ‘conceptual’ origins of the double concerto for two violins in Vivaldi, the nature, distribution and interrelationship of their sources (particular attention being given to compositional revisions in the autograph manuscripts) and an analysis of the works themselves that takes in form, tonal structure, technical-instrumental character and performance practice. The concertos that have come down in particularly problematic non-autograph sources are discussed in detail and presented in critical editions. A reconstruction is offered of the two works (RV 520 and 526) that have survived only in incomplete form, lacking the part of the first soloist. The concertos for two violins composed in Germany by Telemann and J. S. Bach, the contemporaries of Vivaldi who paid greatest attention to the double concerto genre, are then described and analysed. The thesis ends with a complete list of modern editions of Vivaldi’s concertos for two violins and a select discography.
Il progetto nasce dall’esigenza di connettere due parti di città separate dal fascio ferroviario: ad Ovest, il centro storico consolidato e ricco di storia, ad Est la Darsena di città, quartiere dal grande potenziale che si articola attorno al tratto terminale del Canale Candiano, vera e propria arteria di collegamento tra il nucleo di Ravenna e il Mare Adriatico. Il progetto, attraverso rispettivamente un edificio ponte, che scavalca il fascio dei binari sul nodo stazione esistente, e uno spazio pubblico, in forma di giardino lineare, si prefigge di creare una connessione tra il centro storico e la Darsena, mettendo contemporaneamente a sistema diverse possibilità di scambio intermodale (stazione FS, terminal autobus, stazione marittima).
Il progetto propone uno studio per verificare la fattibilita' di un piano territoriale (ideato per il bacino del Po ma di fatto estendibile a tutti i bacini fluviali) per la creazione di una filiera di colture bioenergetiche (biomasse) che, trasportate per mezzo della navigazione fluviale (uno dei mezzi di trasporto a minore emissione di CO2), alimentino una o piu' centrali a nuova tecnologia che associno alla produzione di calore (teleriscaldamento e raffreddamento) e di energia la separazione dei fumi. La CO2 catturata dalla crescita delle biomasse e recuperata dalla combustione, puo' quindi essere segregata nel sottosuolo di aree costiere subsidenti contrastando il fenomeno dellâabbassamento del suolo. Ricavando benefici in tutti i passaggi di attuazione del piano territoriale (lancio dell'agricoltura bioenergetica, rilancio della navigazione a corrente libera, avvio di una economia legata alla logistica del trasporto e dello stoccaggio delle biomasse, generazione di energia pulita, lotta alla subsidenza) il progetto, di fatto, consente di catturare ingenti quantitativi di CO2 dall'atmosfera e di segregarli nel sottosuolo, riducendo l'effetto serra. Nel corso del Dottorato e' stata sviluppata una metodologia di valutazione della sostenibilita' economica ed ambientale del progetto ad un bacino fluviale, che consta di una modulistica di raccolta dei dati di base e di una procedura informatizzata di analisi.
The work undertaken in this PhD thesis is aimed at the development and testing of an innovative methodology for the assessment of the vulnerability of coastal areas to marine catastrophic inundation (tsunami). Different approaches are used at different spatial scales and are applied to three different study areas: 1. The entire western coast of Thailand 2. Two selected coastal suburbs of Sydney – Australia 3. The Aeolian Islands, in the South Tyrrhenian Sea – Italy I have discussed each of these cases study in at least one scientific paper: one paper about the Thailand case study (Dall’Osso et al., in review-b), three papers about the Sydney applications (Dall’Osso et al., 2009a; Dall’Osso et al., 2009b; Dall’Osso and Dominey-Howes, in review) and one last paper about the work at the Aeolian Islands (Dall’Osso et al., in review-a). These publications represent the core of the present PhD thesis. The main topics dealt with are outlined and discussed in a general introduction while the overall conclusions are outlined in the last section.
Negli ultimi decenni il concetto di variabile latente ha riscosso un enorme successo nelle discipline statistiche come attestano i numerosi lavori scientifici presenti in letteratura. In particolare, nelle scienze sociali e in psicometria, l’uso del concetto di variabile latente è stato largamente adottato per far fronte al problema di misurare quantità che, in natura, non possono essere direttamente osservate. La vasta letteratura riguardante questa metodologia si espande, in maniera più limitata, anche al campo della ricerca economica ed econometrica. Nonostante esistano studi di modelli a struttura latente applicati a variabili di tipo economico, molto pochi sono i lavori che considerano variabili finanziarie e, finora, praticamente nessun ricercatore ha messo in connessione la teoria standard di portafoglio con la metodologia dei modelli statistici a variabili latenti. L’obiettivo del lavoro è quello di ricorrere alle potenzialità esplicative ed investigative dei metodi statistici a variabili latenti per l’analisi dei fenomeni finanziari. Si fa riferimento, in particolare, ai modelli a classe latente che consentono di sviluppare soluzioni metodologicamente corrette per importanti problemi ancora aperti in campo finanziario. In primo luogo, la natura stessa delle variabili finanziarie è riconducibile al paradigma delle variabili latenti. Infatti, variabili come il rischio ed il rendimento atteso non possono essere misurate direttamente e necessitano di approssimazioni per valutarne l’entità. Tuttavia, trascurare la natura non osservabile delle variabili finanziarie può portare a decisioni di investimento inopportune o, talvolta, addirittura disastrose. Secondariamente, vengono prese in considerazione le capacità dei modelli a classi latenti nel contesto della classificazione. Per i prodotti finanziari, infatti, una corretta classificazione sulla base del profilo (latente) di rischio e rendimento rappresenta il presupposto indispensabile per poter sviluppare efficaci strategie di investimento. Ci si propone, inoltre, di sviluppare un collegamento, finora mancante, tra uno dei principali riferimenti della finanza moderna, la teoria classica del portafoglio di Markowitz, e la metodologia statistica dei modelli a variabili latenti. In questo contesto, si vogliono investigare, in particolare, i benefici che i modelli a variabili latenti possono dare allo studio di ottimizzazione del profilo rischio - rendimento atteso di un portafoglio di attività finanziarie. Lo sviluppo di numeri indici dei prezzi delle attività finanziarie caratterizzati da una solida base metodologica rappresenta un ulteriore aspetto nel quale i modelli a classe latente possono svolgere un ruolo di fondamentale importanza. In particolare, si propone di analizzare il contesto dei numeri indici dei prezzi settoriali, che costituiscono uno dei riferimenti più importanti nelle strategie di diversificazione del rischio. Infine, il passaggio da una specificazione statica ad una analisi dinamica coglie aspetti metodologici di frontiera che possono essere investigati nell’ambito dei modelli markoviani a classi latenti. Il profilo latente di rischio – rendimento può essere, così, investigato in riferimento alle diverse fasi dei mercati finanziari, per le quali le probabilità di transizione consentono valutazioni di tipo previsivo di forte interesse.
In this PhD-thesis new synthetic approaches towards new azetidinone derivatives are described. In particular, 4-alkyliden-β-lactams were used as starting materials for the preparation of new biologically active compounds. The carbapenem Thienamycin has got a broad spectrum of activity as antibiotic. It has got 3 stereocenters and apart of one epimer, all isomers have been synthesized. Using the 4-alkyliden-β-lactam benzilyc ester as precursor, we developed a synthesis for this missing epimer, which is described in chapter II. Biological tests in order to establish its biological activity are under way. The Hunsdiecker-Borodine reaction was extensively studied for the preparation of the mono halogenated and – surprisingly – the dihalogenated derivative from the 4-alkyliden-azetidinone carboxylic acid. The herein described synthetic procedures allowed the preparation of chloro-, bromo- and iodo derivatives in good to excellent yield. Furthermore, the reaction mechanism was investigated by NMR-experiments and is described in detail in chapter III. In chapter IV, synthetic approaches towards new β-lactam derivatives for inhibition of the histone deacetylase enzymes (HDACs) are reported. In collaboration with the company Sigma-Tau (Rome), 14 new β-lactams were synthesized. The new β-lactams were evaluated for the activity showing a promising activityparticulary, 10 of the β-lactams synthesized were evaluated for the in vitro inhibitory activity against the 11 human HDACs isoforms and they showed a selective inhibition of HDAC6 or HDAC8 in micromolar range. Finally, preliminary studies were conducted for the employment of 4-alkyliden-β-lactams as precursors for the synthesis of chiral β-amino acids by an opening of the β-lactam ring. In chapter V is described the ring opening reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lipase Cal-B. Preliminary results have shown that the enzyme not only catalyzes the ring opening of the β-lactam precursor, moreover, it leads to the formation of a cyclic dimer by the reaction of two molecules of β-amino acid obtained.
Data coming out from various researches carried out over the last years in Italy on the problem of school dispersion in secondary school show that difficulty in studying mathematics is one of the most frequent reasons of discomfort reported by students. Nevertheless, it is definitely unrealistic to think we can do without such knowledge in today society: mathematics is largely taught in secondary school and it is not confined within technical-scientific courses only. It is reasonable to say that, although students may choose academic courses that are, apparently, far away from mathematics, all students will have to come to terms, sooner or later in their life, with this subject. Among the reasons of discomfort given by the study of mathematics, some mention the very nature of this subject and in particular the complex symbolic language through which it is expressed. In fact, mathematics is a multimodal system composed by oral and written verbal texts, symbol expressions, such as formulae and equations, figures and graphs. For this, the study of mathematics represents a real challenge to those who suffer from dyslexia: this is a constitutional condition limiting people performances in relation to the activities of reading and writing and, in particular, to the study of mathematical contents. Here the difficulties in working with verbal and symbolic codes entail, in turn, difficulties in the comprehension of texts from which to deduce operations that, once combined together, would lead to the problem final solution. Information technologies may support this learning disorder effectively. However, these tools have some implementation limits, restricting their use in the study of scientific subjects. Vocal synthesis word processors are currently used to compensate difficulties in reading within the area of classical studies, but they are not used within the area of mathematics. This is because the vocal synthesis (or we should say the screen reader supporting it) is not able to interpret all that is not textual, such as symbols, images and graphs. The DISMATH software, which is the subject of this project, would allow dyslexic users to read technical-scientific documents with the help of a vocal synthesis, to understand the spatial structure of formulae and matrixes, to write documents with a technical-scientific content in a format that is compatible with main scientific editors. The system uses LaTex, a text mathematic language, as mediation system. It is set up as LaTex editor, whose graphic interface, in line with main commercial products, offers some additional specific functions with the capability to support the needs of users who are not able to manage verbal and symbolic codes on their own. LaTex is translated in real time into a standard symbolic language and it is read by vocal synthesis in natural language, in order to increase, through the bimodal representation, the ability to process information. The understanding of the mathematic formula through its reading is made possible by the deconstruction of the formula itself and its “tree” representation, so allowing to identify the logical elements composing it. Users, even without knowing LaTex language, are able to write whatever scientific document they need: in fact the symbolic elements are recalled by proper menus and automatically translated by the software managing the correct syntax. The final aim of the project, therefore, is to implement an editor enabling dyslexic people (but not only them) to manage mathematic formulae effectively, through the integration of different software tools, so allowing a better teacher/learner interaction too.
The emergency of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) subtype H5N1 has focused the attention of the world scientific community, requiring the prompt provision of effective control systems for early detection of the circulation of low pathogenic influenza H5 viruses (LPAI) in populations of wild birds to prevent outbreaks of highly pathogenic (HPAI) in populations of domestic birds with possible transmission to humans. The project stems from the aim to provide, through a preliminary analysis of data obtained from surveillance in Italy and Europe, a preliminary study about the virus detection rates and the development of mathematical models, an objective assessment of the effectiveness of avian influenza surveillance systems in wild bird populations, and to point out guidelines to support the planning process of the sampling activities. The results obtained from the statistical processing quantify the sampling effort in terms of time and sample size required, and simulating different epidemiological scenarios identify active surveillance as the most suitable for endemic LPAI infection monitoring in wild waterfowl, and passive surveillance as the only really effective tool in early detecting HPAI H5N1 circulation in wild populations. Given the lack of relevant information on H5N1 epidemiology, and the actual finantial and logistic constraints, an approach that makes use of statistical tools to evaluate and predict monitoring activities effectiveness proves to be of primary importance to direct decision-making and make the best use of available resources.
Membrane-based separation processes are acquiring, in the last years, an increasing importance because of their intrinsic energetic and environmental sustainability: some types of polymeric materials, showing adequate perm-selectivity features, appear rather suitable for these applications, because of their relatively low cost and easy processability. In this work have been studied two different types of polymeric membranes, in view of possible applications to the gas separation processes, i.e. Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) and high free volume glassy polymers. Since the early 90’s, it has been understood that the performances of polymeric materials in the field of gas separations show an upper bound in terms of permeability and selectivity: in particular, an increase of permeability is often accompanied by a decrease of selectivity and vice-versa, while several inorganic materials, like zeolites or silica derivates, can overcome this limitation. As a consequence, it has been developed the idea of dispersing inorganic particles in polymeric matrices, in order to obtain membranes with improved perm-selectivity features. In particular, dispersing fumed silica nanoparticles in high free volume glassy polymers improves in all the cases gases and vapours permeability, while the selectivity may either increase or decrease, depending upon material and gas mixture: that effect is due to the capacity of nanoparticles to disrupt the local chain packing, increasing the dimensions of excess free volume elements trapped in the polymer matrix. In this work different kinds of MMMs were fabricated using amorphous Teflon® AF or PTMSP and fumed silica: in all the cases, a considerable increase of solubility, diffusivity and permeability of gases and vapours (n-alkanes, CO2, methanol) was observed, while the selectivity shows a non-monotonous trend with filler fraction. Moreover, the classical models for composites are not able to capture the increase of transport properties due to the silica addition, so it has been necessary to develop and validate an appropriate thermodynamic model that allows to predict correctly the mass transport features of MMMs. In this work, another material, called poly-trimethylsilyl-norbornene (PTMSN) was examined: it is a new generation high free volume glassy polymer that, like PTMSP, shows unusual high permeability and selectivity levels to the more condensable vapours. These two polymer differ each other because PTMSN shows a more pronounced chemical stability, due to its structure double-bond free. For this polymer, a set of Lattice Fluid parameters was estimated, making possible a comparison between experimental and theoretical solubility isotherms for hydrocarbons and alcoholic vapours: the successfully modelling task, based on application of NELF model, offers a reliable alternative to direct sorption measurement, which is extremely time-consuming due to the relevant relaxation phenomena showed by each sorption step. For this material also dilation experiments were performed, in order to quantify its dimensional stability in presence of large size, swelling vapours.
The research for this PhD project consisted in the application of the RFs analysis technique to different data-sets of teleseismic events recorded at temporary and permanent stations located in three distinct study regions: Colli Albani area, Northern Apennines and Southern Apennines. We found some velocity models to interpret the structures in these regions, which possess very different geologic and tectonics characteristics and therefore offer interesting case study to face. In the Colli Albani some of the features evidenced in the RFs are shared by all the analyzed stations: the Moho is almost flat and is located at about 23 km depth, and the presence of a relatively shallow limestone layer is a stable feature; contrariwise there are features which vary from station to station, indicating local complexities. Three seismic stations, close to the central part of the former volcanic edifice, display relevant anisotropic signatures with symmetry axes consistent with the emplacement of the magmatic chamber. Two further anisotropic layers are present at greater depth, in the lower crust and the upper mantle, respectively, with symmetry axes directions related to the evolution of the volcano complex. In Northern Apennines we defined the isotropic structure of the area, finding the depth of the Tyrrhenian (almost 25 km and flat) and Adriatic (40 km and dipping underneath the Apennines crests) Mohos. We determined a zone in which the two Mohos overlap, and identified an anisotropic body in between, involved in the subduction and going down with the Adiratic Moho. We interpreted the downgoing anisotropic layer as generated by post-subduction delamination of the top-slab layer, probably made of metamorphosed crustal rocks caught in the subduction channel and buoyantly rising toward the surface. In the Southern Apennines, we found the Moho depth for 16 seismic stations, and highlighted the presence of an anisotropic layer underneath each station, at about 15-20 km below the whole study area. The moho displays a dome-like geometry, as it is shallow (29 km) in the central part of the study area, whereas it deepens peripherally (down to 45 km); the symmetry axes of anisotropic layer, interpreted as a layer separating the upper and the lower crust, show a moho-related pattern, indicated by the foliation of the layer which is parallel to the Moho trend. Moreover, due to the exceptional seismic event occurred on April 6th next to L’Aquila town, we determined the Vs model for two station located next to the epicenter. An extremely high velocity body is found underneath AQU station at 4-10 km depth, reaching Vs of about 4 km/s, while this body is lacking underneath FAGN station. We compared the presence of this body with other recent works and found an anti-correlation between the high Vs body, the max slip patches and earthquakes distribution. The nature of this body is speculative since such high velocities are consistent with deep crust or upper mantle, but can be interpreted as a as high strength barrier of which the high Vs is a typical connotation.