996 resultados para Ortega, Rafael (Ortega Gómez)


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We characterize the Schatten class membership of the canonical solution operator to $\overline{\partial}$ acting on $L^2(e^{-2\phi})$, where $\phi$ is a subharmonic function with $\Delta\phi$ a doubling measure. The obtained characterization is in terms of $\Delta\phi$. As part of our approach, we study Hankel operators with anti-analytic symbols acting on the corresponding Fock space of entire functions in $L^2(e^{-2\phi})$


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Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.


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Multiobjective matrix games have been traditionally analyzed from two different points of view: equiibrium concepts and security strategies. This paper is based upon the idea that both players try to reach equilibrium points playing pairs of security strategies, as it happens in scalar matrix games. We show conditions guaranteeing the existence of equilibria in security strategies, named security equilibria


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To assess the diagnostic usefulness of temporal artery biopsy in temporal arteritis (TA) and establish clinical features capable of predicting its positivity we have retrospectively studied the biopsy specimens and the clinical features of 103 patients who had undergone temporal artery biopsy. Temporal artery biopsy reached a positive predictive value of 90.2% with respect to the final diagnosis based on the criteria proposed by Ellis and Ralston and the clinical course. The simultaneous presence of recent onset headache, jaw claudication, and abnormalities of the temporal arteries on physical examination had a specificity of 94.8% with respect to the histological diagnosis and of 100% with respect to final diagnosis. The presence of any of these clinical features, though of little specificity (34.4%), had a sensitivity of 100% with respect to histological diagnosis, selecting a group of patients in whom temporal artery biopsy has more discriminative value.


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90Y-labelled radiopharmaceuticals offer promising prospects for radionuclide therapies of tumours, e.g. radioimmunotherapies (RIT), (EANM, 2007), peptide receptor radiotherapies (PRRT), (Otte et al., 1998), and selective internal radiotherapies (SIRT), (Salem and Thurston, 2006). 90Y, an almost pure high-energy beta radiation emitter (Eβ,max = 2.28 MeV), is a favourable radionuclide for therapeutic purposes. However, when preparing and performing these therapies, high activities of 90Y (>1 GBq) are to be manipulated and technicians, physicians and nurses may receive high skin exposures to the hands. If radiation protection standards are low, the exposure of staff can exceed the annual skin dose limit of 500 mSv. Within a particular work package (WP4) of the ORAMED project, comprehensive measurements in nuclear medicine departments of several hospitals in 6 European countries were carried out. The study focussed on 90Y-labelled substances such as Zevalin® and DOTATOC to achieve a representative database on staff exposure. This paper summarises the most important results and conclusions for individual monitoring of skin exposure of staff.


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For several years, the lack of consensus on definition, nomenclature, natural history, and biology of serrated polyps (SPs) of the colon has created considerable confusion among pathologists. According to the latest WHO classification, the family of SPs comprises hyperplastic polyps (HPs), sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps), and traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs). The term SSA/P with dysplasia has replaced the category of mixed hyperplastic/adenomatous polyps (MPs). The present study aimed to evaluate the reproducibility of the diagnosis of SPs based on currently available diagnostic criteria and interactive consensus development. In an initial round, H&E slides of 70 cases of SPs were circulated among participating pathologists across Europe. This round was followed by a consensus discussion on diagnostic criteria. A second round was performed on the same 70 cases using the revised criteria and definitions according to the recent WHO classification. Data were evaluated for inter-observer agreement using Kappa statistics. In the initial round, for the total of 70 cases, a fair overall kappa value of 0.318 was reached, while in the second round overall kappa value improved to moderate (kappa = 0.557; p < 0.001). Overall kappa values for each diagnostic category also significantly improved in the final round, reaching 0.977 for HP, 0.912 for SSA/P, and 0.845 for TSA (p < 0.001). The diagnostic reproducibility of SPs improves when strictly defined, standardized diagnostic criteria adopted by consensus are applied.


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El conocimiento de la Meseta Superior en la Antigüedad es muy desigual y obras como la presente, que sintetizan y reúnen aspectos dispersos en multitud de publicaciones, cubren un importante hueco. Por diversas causas la investigación venía atendiendo con mayor interés las etapas de cambio histórico, los pueblos prerromanos y los primeros tiempos de la implantación romana, la crisis del siglo III y su transformación posterior, etc. Se echaba en falta una obra monotemática sobre la maduración romanizadora, que indagara en los motivos de crisis que ya en ella se intuyen, durante ese siglo falsamente "anodino", es decir, el espacio de tiempo comprendido entre los años 96-198.


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Depth-dose curves in LiF detectors of different effective thicknesses, together with their responses, were calculated for typical nuclear medicine radiation fields with 99mTc, 18F and 90Y sources. Responses were analysed in function of the radionuclide, detector effective thickness and irradiation geometry. On the other hand the results of the nuclear medicine measurement campaign of the ORAMED project were presented focussing on the dose distribution across the hand and on the appropriate position to wear the dosimeter.According to the results, thin LiF detectors provide better responses in all cases. Its use is essential for 18F, since thick dosimeters can underestimate Hp(0.07) up to a 50% because of the very inhomogeneous dose deposition on the active layer. The preliminary results of the measurement campaign showed that the index tip of the non-dominant hand is usually the most exposed position among the 22 monitored positions. It was also found that, in average, wrist dosimeters are likely to underestimate the maximum skin dose by a factor of the order of 20. This factor is reduced to around 6 for a ring dosimeter worn on the base of the index of the non-dominant hand. Thus, for typical nuclear medicine procedures, the base of the index of the non-dominant hand is recommended as the best monitoring option.


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The need of a better adaptation of crops to drought is an issue of increasing urgency. However, enhancing the tolerance of maize has, therefore, proved to be somewhat elusive in terms of plant breeding. In that context, proper phenotyping remains as one of the main factors limiting breeding advance. Topics covered by this review include the conceptual framework for identifying secondary traits associated with yield response to drought and how to measure these secondary traits in practice.


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While an adequate supply of food can be achieved at present for the current global population, sustaining this into the future will be difficult in the face of a steadily increasing population, increased wealth and a diminishing availability of fertile land and water for agriculture. This problem will be compounded by the new uses of agricultural products, for example, as biofuels. Wheat alone provides ≥20% of the calories and the protein for the world's population, and the value and need to increase the production is recognized widely. Currently, the world average wheat yield is around 3 t/ha but there is considerable variation between countries, with region-specific factors limiting yield, each requiring individual solutions. Delivering increased yields in any situation is a complex challenge that is unlikely to be solved by single approaches and a multidisciplinary integrated approach to crop improvement is required. There are three specific major challenges: increasing yield potential, protecting yield potential, and increasing resource use efficiency to ensure sustainability. Since the green revolution, yields at the farm gate have stagnated in many countries, or are increasing at less than half the rate required to meet the projected demand. In some countries, large gains can still be achieved by improvements in agronomy, but in many others the yield gains will only be achieved by further genetic improvement. In this overview, the problems and potential solutions for increased wheat yields are discussed, in the context of specific geographic regions, with a particular emphasis on China. The importance and the prospects for improvement of individual traits are presented. It is concluded that there are opportunities for yield increase but a major challenge will be avoiding a simultaneous increase in resource requirements.


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El pie diabético está considerado como un pie de alto riesgo, está demostrado que si aplicáramos una adecuada y correcta educación sanitaria a todos los profesionales de la salud y al propio paciente, se podrían evitar en la mayoría de los casos las tan temidas amputaciones. En el presente trabajo hacemos referencia de las características más importantes de la diabetes, pie diabético y a la actuación profesional del podólogo frente a estos pacientes.


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Las metatarsalgias o dolor localizado en el antepié, representan uno de los cuadros clínicos más frecuentement observados en nuestras consultas de podología. En un 90% de los casos son de origen mecánico, a consecuencia de alteraciones biomecánicas de esta zona, que acaban la mayoría de las veces en procesos degenerativos artrósicos, de difícil tratamiento.


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Los autores exponen la metodología de confección y las indicaciones terapéuticas del soporte plantar ergonómico de Tomás Céspedes. La experiencia en la aplicación de este soporte, alcanza los casi diez años, si bien se han efectuado diversas modificaciones, tanto en el diseño como en la utilización de nuevos materiales.