964 resultados para Orchid mature seeds
The potential of swamp arum ( Lasimorpha senegalensis ) seeds as a low-cost adsorbent for the removal of Hg (II) ions from aqueous solution was investigated in this study. The influence of initial metal concentration on the percent adsorption of Hg (II) ions onto powdered swamp arum seeds was studied in a batch system and the filtrate was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The percent adsorbed for 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg/L of the aqueous solution were 97.7, 98.9, 99.3, 99.7, and 96.5% respectively. Three isotherms; Langmuir, Freundlich, and BET were used to model the equilibrium sorption of Hg (II) ions onto powdered swamp arum seeds, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998, 0.784 and0.842 respectively. The Langmuir model fitted the equilibrium data best, with a correlation coefficient of 0.998 and a maximum adsorption capacity qm, of 5.917 mg/g. Thus, indicating monolayer coverage on the adsorbent. The results showed that swamp arum seed have the potential to be applied as alternative lowcost biosorbent in the remediation of heavy metal contamination in waste water.
Published originally as a supplement to the author's Orchid guide. cf. Naturae novitates, 28. Jahrg., 1906, p. 377.
The nutritional and amino acid analysis of raw and fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa were carried out. Parameters investigated include moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, crude fibre and mineral contents; and the effect of the degree of fermentation on these parameters was also investigated. The amino acid compositions of all the samples were evaluated and amino acid quality determined by calculating amino acid scores and the predicted protein efficiency ratio (P-PER). Results showed that the proximate composition was significantly affected by fermentation, although there was little difference between the parameters for the partially fermented and completely fermented samples. Based on dry matter percentage, protein content was in the 39.77 – 43.74 % range while crude fibre ranged between 5.55 – 7.42 %. The ash content was lowest in the raw sample (2.34 %), while the fermented samples had ash contents between 4.27 and 8.33 % for the fully fermented and the partially fermented seeds, respectively. The fat content increased from 8.65 % in the raw seed to 24.4 % and 27.6 % for the partially and completely fermented samples, respectively. Results of the amino acid analysis showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest quantities of all amino acids determined and had lysine as the limiting amino acid, whereas the raw and completely fermented samples had very similar amino acid profile with amino acid scores of 100, indicating that there are no limiting amino acids. All the samples were rich in essential amino acids. The P-PER also showed that the partially fermented sample had the lowest protein efficiency while the raw seed had the highest. Mineral contents generally increased from the raw, through the partially fermented, to the completely fermented seeds and results showed the samples to be good sources of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu) in addition to being complementary sources of other metals. Locust bean seed does not accumulate lead and is, therefore, safe for consumption without the potential of food poisoning.
Las orquídeas producen abundantes semillas pequeñas, careciendo de endospermo, cotiledones y sustancias de reserva para llevar a cabo su germinación. Es por esto que estratégicamente las semillas establecen una relación simbiótica con un hongo micorrízico que favorece a su germinación y desarrollo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la especificidad del hongo micorrízico (Rhizoctonia sp.) en la germinación de cinco géneros de orquídeas. Se usaron dos medios de cultivo: 1) PhytamaxTM y 2) avena-agar+Rhizoctonia sp. Los resultados evaluados a los 45 y 75 días demuestran que no existe especificidad entre el hongo Rhizoctonia sp. y Trichoceros antenifer, especie de la cual se aisló el hongo. La germinación en tres de los cinco géneros evaluados fue mayor en el tratamiento avena-agar+Rhizoctonia sp., evidenciando también mayor tamaño y vigor las plantas que se desarrollaron en este tratamiento, aunque estos datos no fueron evaluados. Los resultados sugieren también que la planta hospedera del hongo inoculado podría tener una ventaja en cuanto al tiempo requerido para su germinación; sin embargo otras, especies también se ven favorecidas con el inóculo, aunque éste sea obtenido de otra fuente.
Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, estimar a correlação genética entre idades de seleção (juvenil-adulta) e eficiência da seleção precoce para as características altura, diâmetro e volume de indivíduos de famílias de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática. O estudo foi realizado por meio de análise genético-estatística pelo procedimento de estimação de componentes de variância (Reml) e de predição de valores genéticos (Blup), usando-se o software Selegen-Reml/Blup. As correlações genéticas entre idades juvenis e idade de rotação foram realizadas aplicando o modelo linear desenvolvido por Lambeth (1980). Segundo os resultados do modelo estabelecido, a seleção precoce pode ser realizada em clones de Pinus taeda com alta eficiência de seleção. As idades de 4 a 6 anos são suficientes para selecionar clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática para colheita aos 8 e 12 anos e, as idades de 6 a 10 anos são suficientes para selecionar para colheita aos 20 anos. De acordo com as estimativas de correlação genotípicaa partir dos ambientes, a seleção de clones de Pinus taeda propagados via embriogênese somática deve ser praticada de forma específica para cada ambiente. Pode-se realizar a seleção de clones considerando o diâmetro, visto a alta correlação observada entre volume e diâmetro.
Background: Most studies on anabolic-androgenic steroids abuse have been done in adult rats, but few data are available to immature. Objective: This study was conducted to assay the effect of Nandrolone Decanoate (ND) on the testis and testosterone concentration in male immature rats compare with mature ones in short and long time. Materials and Methods: 40 mature rats were divided into 4 groups: group A (short term) and group B (long-term) received 10 mg/kg/day ND interaperitoneally for 35 and 70 days, respectively. Group C (control) without any treatment, and group D (vehicle) received dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution in two periods 35 and 70 days. 40 immature rats were divided into 4 groups same as mature ones. After surgery body weight, testis size, histomorphometry of testis, and serum testosterone level were evaluated. Results: Our results showed that ND decreased the number of Leydig cells in group B (39.9 ±. 919), group A (43.4 ±. 120), and long term (40.6 ±. 299) immature rats, which could result in a reduction of testosterone concentration significantly in all experimental groups except short term mature group. Number of sertoli cells, testis size, and diameter of seminiferous tubules decreased in the long-term immature group. Eventually, the number of sperm was decreased in mature and immature groups, but a severe depletion of sperm was occurred in both mature and immature in long time in comparison to the control group (p< 0.05). Conclusion: This time course study showed that supraphysiological dose of ND may negatively affect the number of Leydig cells, sperm cell, and testosterone concentration of immature rats in the same matter of mature rats. However, the number of sertoli cell, testis size, and seminferous diameter were decreased only in the long immature rats.
This thesis investigates the rotational behavior of abstracted small-wind-turbine rotors exposed to a sudden increase in oncoming flow velocity, i.e. a gust. These rotors consisted of blades with aspect ratios characteristic of samara seeds, which are known for their ability to maintain autorotation in unsteady wind. The models were tested in a towing tank using a custom-built experimental rig. The setup was designed and constructed to allow for the measurement of instantaneous angular velocity of a rotor model towed at a prescribed kinematic profile along the tank. The conclusions presented in this thesis are based on the observed trends in effective angle-of-attack distribution, tip speed ratio, angular velocity, and time delay in the rotational response for each of rotors over prescribed gust cases. It was found that the blades with the higher aspect ratio had higher tip speed ratios and responded faster than the blades with a lower aspect ratio. The decrease in instantaneous tip speed ratio during the onset of a prescribed gust correlated with the time delay in each rotor model's rotational response. The time delays were found to increase nonlinearly with decreasing durations over which the simulated gusts occurred.
This article assesses how the last-visit features and the socio-demographic profile of tourists moderate repeat-visit patterns to Portugal, a mature destination where the persistence of loyal visitors has made its mark on tourism development. The methodology used is a survival analysis to assess the tourists’ repeat patterns. To test the model, a database of 4612 observations was employed, which was obtained from a survey of international tourists. Only repeat visitors with more than two visits over the years were considered for the purpose of the research. The study finds that a combination of socio-demographic characteristics, expectation/satisfaction, trip purpose, pull motivations and regional destination has a positive effect on repeat patterns, confirming that tourists’ willingness to repeat visits to Portugal is far from ceasing. Based on those tourists to Portugal who declared when they started to visit the country, and the number of years of their repeat visits, the article contributes to the literature by introducing new methods of assessing tourists’ repeat patterns for destinations.
Dry or imbibed seeds of the negatively photoblastic burr burying subterranean clover cv. ‘Seaton Park’ were treated with dark or with red, blue or white light to evaluate the effects of light on seed germination. Dry seeds treated with constant white light, red light or blue light during 8 days and subsequently incubated in dark had final germination and duration of germination reduced, and the distribution of germination changed from highly asymmetric to symmetric respectively. Imbibing seeds incubated under constant blue or white light had final germination strongly reduced seven days after sowing (7.3% and 50.1% of the germination under dark) with significant differences between them. After transferral to dark, true complete recovery of germination of seeds treated with white light was observed 19 days after sowing, but only partial recovery in seeds treated with blue light. Results of dry and imbibed seeds are consistent with no activity of phytochromes, as expected in negatively photoblastic seeds. Results of dry seeds are seemingly contradictory because total germination data imply the inactivity of red and blue light photoreceptors, the opposite being implied by duration and shape of germination. A tentative hypothetical solution for the contradiction is presented. Results of imbibed seeds are fully consistent with cryptochromes but not with phototropins mediation of responses to light of seed germination in ‘Seaton Park’. The ecological and adaptive significance of such responses are discussed in the framework of light attenuation in soil and the requirement and ability of subterranean clover ‘Seaton Park’ to bury seeds.