898 resultados para Opera di patronato pei liberati dal carcere della provincia di Milano.


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In the last ten years Regulatory Impact Analysis has become the instrument providing groundwork for evidence-based regulatory decisions in most developed countries. However, to an increase in quantity, it did not correspond an increase in quality. In Italy, Regulatory Impact Analysis has been in place for ten years on paper, but in practice it has not been performed consistently. Of particular interest is the case of independent regulatory authorities, which have been required to apply Regulatory Impact Analysis since 2003. This paper explores how Regulatory Impact Analysis is carried out, by examining in depth how an individual case –on the Regulation for Quality of Service- was executed by the Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas. The aim is to provide a picture of the process leading to the final Regulatory Impact Analysis report, rather than just a study of its content. The case illustrates how Regulatory Impact Analysis, when properly employed, can be an important aid to the regulatory decision, not only by assessing ex ante the economic impacts of regulatory proposals in terms of costs, benefits and risks, but also opening the spectrum of policy alternatives and systematically considering stakeholder opinions as part of the decision-making process. This case highlights also several difficulties, analytical and process-related, that emerge in practical applications. Finally, it shows that the experience and expertise built by the regulatory authority over the years had a significant impact on the quality of the analysis.


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La poesia di Amelia Rosselli costituisce uno dei fenomeni linguistico-espressivi più complessi della poesia italiana del secondo Novecento. Percorsa da tensioni stilistiche ed espressive peculiari che l'hanno resa uno dei vertici dello sperimentalismo plurilingue novecentesco, l'opera rosselliana costituisce, nel suo insieme, una poderosa meditazione sull'alienazione e sulle possibilità di esprimere a pieno il proprio disagio esistenziale se non attraverso la creazione di una lingua che sfida, al medesimo tempo, convenzioni sintattiche, grammaticali, e grafiche di ben tre sistemi linguistici, e che impone al lettore, in virtù di un trilinguismo biograficamente motivato, la flessuosità di una logica del senso plurima e simultanea. Scopo del volume è offrire un contributo sistematico alla comprensione di un'opera poetica sulla quale ancora gravano radicati fraintendimenti e pervicaci clichés critici.


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The aims of the present study are to explore the willingness to pay a tax for the abolition of the use of pesticides as well as a premium price per kilo for organically grown fruit. An investigation was carried out in the region of Emilia-Romagna both by means of face to face questionnaires administered randomly in large supermarkets and via the World Wide Web. The results of econometric estimates show that consumers in this region appear to be particularly sensitive to the ban of pesticides and willing to pay higher prices for such products.


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Transcription and analysis on uncovered documents from the State Archives in Venice for the exhibit held at Palazzo Mocenigo in spring 2014.