949 resultados para Ontoloy capture
After controlling Triatoma infestans in Brazil, other species of triatomine that were considered minor in the transmission of Chagas disease became important. The persistence of Triatoma brasiliensis in Northeastern Brazil, associated with reinfection of domestic environments recently sprayed with pyrethroids, may be a signal of susceptibility alteration of this species to this insecticide. Specimens of T. brasiliensis from the municipality of Tauá, state of Ceará, were captured before and one year after spraying. They were submitted to bioassays using deltamethrin. The LD50 ranged from 0.19-0.33 ng of deltamethrin/nymph. The resistance ratio among samples from Tauá varied from 1.16-1.79 in the samples captured before the spraying and 1.00-1.74 in the samples captured one year after spraying, demonstrating that the two populations were equally susceptible to deltamethrin. The small difference in susceptibility between the two captures suggests that T. brasiliensis obtained in the second capture are from new invasions of the domestic environment and that the insecticide did not select resistant individuals. Therefore, it is suggested that T. brasiliensis control be carried out supplementing the regular use of pyrethroids with complementary measures, such as improvement of the dwellings and health education.
CONTEXTE: Les sélectines sont une famille de trois protéines qui règlent la capture et le roulement des leucocytes et qui initient la cascade d'adhésion. Elles contrôlent également la migration des leucocytes en réponse à un stimulus physiologique ou inflammatoire pour atteindre un organe cible. Le rôle des sélectines et des leurs ligands est bien connu dans l'adhésion des leucocytes normaux à l'endothélium; en revanche, la nature des ligands des sélectines exprimés par les cellules leucémiques et le myélome multiple est peu connue. La récente découverte que la E- et la P-sélectine sont exprimées par les cellules endothéliales et du stroma de la moelle osseuse, nous a incité à examiner leur rôle dans les interactions des cellules malignes avec leur environnement médullaire. RÉSULTATS: Les analyses ont été conduites sur les cellules du sang ou de la moelle osseuse prélevées à des patients atteints de leucémie aiguë ou de myélome multiple et sur des lignées cellulaires. Les ligands des sélectines qui ont été identifiés sur les blastes leucémiques ou les plasmocytes, sont « P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 » (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 et l'endoglycan (EGC), ainsi que les saccharides fucosylés sLex et CLA. Nous avons vérifié dans des expériences d'adhésion cellulaire effectuées dans des conditions de flux que ces ligands sont fonctionnels, étant porteurs des sucres mentionnés, et qu'ils sont capables de supporter le roulement cellulaire dépendant des sélectines. De plus, nous avons montré que la liaison de ces ligands génère des signaux intracellulaires favorisant la prolifération et la survie des cellules de myélome. CONCLUSION. Les données présentées ici montrent que la E- et la P- sélectine du microenvironnement médullaire interagissent avec les cellules leucémiques et de myélome multiple, et que ces interactions activent des voies de signalisation contrôlant la prolifération et la survie cellulaire. Ces effets protecteurs sont impliqués dans la persistance de clones cellulaires malins résistant aux traitements et peuvent conduire à la récidive de la maladie. L'inhibition de ces interactions pourrait fournir de nouvelles options thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies de mauvais pronostic. - BACKGROUND: Selectins are a family of glycoproteins involved in the first steps of the adhesion cascade, tethering and rolling, during which leukocytes sense tissue specific signals and commit the cells to enter in a particular organ or inflammation site. While the role of selectins and their ligands is well established in supporting normal leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium, our knowledge of selectin ligands in two hematological malignancies, acute leukemia and multiple myeloma, is incomplete. The recent discovery that E- and P- selectin are also expressed on bone marrow (BM) endothelial and stromal cells, prompted us to investigate a potential role in selectin-mediated interaction of malignant cells with its protective BM microenvironment. RESULTS. Using cells obtained from blood or BM of patients affected by acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia, or multiple myeloma, as well as cell lines, we characterized the expression of selectin ligands on blasts and plasma cells and identified P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 and endoglycan (EGC), as well as sLex/CLA determinants. Rolling assays under flow conditions allowed us to verify that these ligands are functional, i.e. correctly glycosylated and able to support selectin-mediated rolling. Moreover, we demonstrated that these ligands trigger proliferation and pro-survival signals upon engagement on myeloma cells. CONCLUSIONS. Data presented here demonstrate that E- and P-selectin in the BM microenvironment interact with leukemia and myeloma cells, and suggest that they have an impact on proliferation and survival of malignant plasma cells. These protective effects may induce drug resistance in malignant clones, leading to disease relapse. Interfering with these interactions could provide new therapeutic options. - Le corps humain dépend du système immunitaire pour sa protection face aux agressions, notamment des bactéries ou des virus, ou face à une dysfonction de l'organisme. Ce système est composé de plusieurs types cellulaires, regroupés sous le nom de leucocytes, qui participent à son fonctionnement. Ces cellules se développent à partir d'une cellule souche hématopo'iétique commune qui réside dans la moelle osseuse. Comme c'est le cas dans les autres tissus, les cellules du système immunitaire peuvent aussi développer des cancers, appelés tumeurs hématopoïétiques ou tumeurs du sang. Bien que ces maladies puissent être traitées avec succès grâce à de fortes doses de chimiothérapies ou à d'autres moyens comme les greffes, les patients connaissent un fort taux de rechute. La raison de ces récidives est la survie d'une partie des cellules malignes dans la moelle osseuse, où elles reçoivent une protection au traitement par le biais de l'interaction avec d'autres cellules. Les sélectines (E-, P- et L-sélectine) régulent l'interaction des leucocytes avec l'endothélium (la paroi des vaisseaux sanguins), d'autres leucocytes et les plaquettes ; ces interactions surviennent quand les leucocytes atteignent un site d'inflammation ou un organe cible. Dans la moelle osseuse, la E- et la P-sélectine se trouvent sur les cellules de l'endothélium et sur les macrophages, qui sont d'autres leucocytes faisant partie du stroma de la moelle. Elles pourraient être impliquées dans la protection des cellules cancéreuses évoquée plus haut. Les molécules d'adhésion avec lesquelles les sélectines s'associent, autrement dit les ligands des sélectines, sont des glycoprotéines. Ces protéines ont besoin de sucres spécifiques pour acquérir une telle capacité d'adhésion. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié deux types de cellules extraites du sang et de la moelle osseuse des patients atteints d'une leucémie aiguë (les blastes) ou de myélome multiple (les plasmocytes), et leur capacité à se lier aux sélectines. Nous avons démontré une interaction entre ces cellules malignes et la E- et/ou la P-sélectine, à condition que les ligands soient correctement décorés. De plus, lors que les plasmocytes se lient aux sélectines, une cascade de signaux à l'intérieur des cellules stimule leur prolifération et leur survie. L'ensemble de ces résultats permet l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles de ces hémopathies de mauvais pronostic.
BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pacemakers is a relative contraindication because of the risks to the patient from potentially hazardous interactions between the MRI and the pacemaker system. Chest scans (ie, cardiac magnetic resonance scans) are of particular importance and higher risk. The previously Food and Drug Administration-approved magnetic resonance conditional system includes positioning restrictions, limiting the powerful utility of MRI. OBJECTIVE: To confirm the safety and effectiveness of a pacemaker system designed for safe whole body MRI without MRI scan positioning restrictions. METHODS: Primary eligibility criteria included standard dual-chamber pacing indications. Patients (n = 263) were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to undergo 16 chest and head scans at 1.5 T between 9 and 12 weeks postimplant (n = 177) or to not undergo MRI (n = 86) post-implant. Evaluation of the pacemaker system occurred immediately before, during (monitoring), and after MRI, 1-week post-MRI, and 1-month post-MRI, and similarly for controls. Primary end points measured the MRI-related complication-free rate for safety and compared pacing capture threshold between MRI and control subjects for effectiveness. RESULTS: There were no MRI-related complications during or after MRI in subjects undergoing MRI (n = 148). Differences in pacing capture threshold values from pre-MRI to 1-month post-MRI were minimal and similar between the MRI and control groups. CONCLUSIONS: This randomized trial demonstrates that the Advisa MRI pulse generator and CapSureFix MRI 5086MRI lead system is safe and effective in the 1.5 T MRI environment without positioning restrictions for MRI scans or limitations of body parts scanned.
In this study, a genotypification of Leishmaniawas performed using polimerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorfism (PCR-RFLP) and sequencing techniques to identify species of Leishmaniaparasites in phlebotomine sand flies and dogs naturally infected. Between January-February of 2009, CDC light traps were used to collect insect samples from 13 capture sites in the municipality of Posadas, which is located in the province of Misiones of Argentina. Sand flies identified as Lutzomyia longipalpiswere grouped into 28 separate pools for molecular biological analysis. Canine samples were taken from lymph node aspirates of two symptomatic stray animals that had been positively diagnosed with canine visceral leishmaniasis. One vector pool of 10 sand flies (1 out of the 28 pools tested) and both of the canine samples tested positively for Leishmania infantumby PCR and RFLP analysis. PCR products were confirmed by sequencing and showed a maximum identity with L. infantum. Given that infection was detected in one out of the 28 pools and that at least one infected insect was infected, it was possible to infer an infection rate at least of 0.47% for Lu. longipalpisamong the analyzed samples. These results contribute to incriminate Lu. longipalpis as the vector of L. infantumin the municipality of Posadas, where cases of the disease in humans and dogs have been reported since 2005.
Thanks to decades of research, gait analysis has become an efficient tool. However, mainly due to the price of the motion capture systems, standard gait laboratories have the capability to measure only a few consecutive steps of ground walking. Recently, wearable systems were proposed to measure human motion without volume limitation. Although accurate, these systems are incompatible with most of existing calibration procedures and several years of research will be necessary for their validation. A new approach consisting of using a stationary system with a small capture volume for the calibration procedure and then to measure gait using a wearable system could be very advantageous. It could benefit from the knowledge related to stationary systems, allow long distance monitoring and provide new descriptive parameters. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the potential of this approach. Thus, a combined system was proposed to measure the 3D lower body joints angles and segmental angular velocities. It was then assessed in terms of reliability towards the calibration procedure, repeatability and concurrent validity. The dispersion of the joint angles across calibrations was comparable to those of stationary systems and good reliability was obtained for the angular velocities. The repeatability results confirmed that mean cycle kinematics of long distance walks could be used for subjects' comparison and pointed out an interest for the variability between cycles. Finally, kinematics differences were observed between participants with different ankle conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential of a mixed approach for human movement analysis.
We studied the ectoparasitic bat flies of three phyllostomid vampire bat species. Bats were collected monthly from April 2004-March 2005 in caves within the Cafuringa Environmental Protection Area in the Federal District of Brazil. A total of 1,259 specimens from six species in the Streblidae family were collected from 332 bats. High host affinity from the sampled bat fly species and high prevalence of bat flies confirms the primary fly-host associations (Strebla wiedemanni, Trichobius parasiticus and Trichobius furmani with Desmodus, Trichobius diaemi and Strebla diaemi with Diaemus and T. furmani with Diphylla). Male flies outnumbered females in several associations. Some of the observed associations (e.g., Strebla mirabilis with Desmodus and S. mirabilis, Trichobius uniformis and S. wiedemanni with Diphylla) were inconclusive and the causes of the associations were unclear. There are several explanations for these associations, including (i) accidental contamination during sampling, (ii) simultaneous capture of several host species in the same net or (iii) genuine, but rare, ecological associations. Although various species of vampire bats share roosts, have similar feeding habits and are close phylogenetic relatives, they generally do not share ectoparasitic streblid bat flies. T. diaemi and S. diaemi associations with Diaemus youngi have not been previously reported in this region.
Phlebotomine captures were performed in February 2010 in Salto (Salto department) and Bella Unión-Cuarein (Artigas department), Uruguay. Bella Unión is located across the Paraná River from Monte Caseros, Argentina, where a focus of canine visceral leishmaniasis (VL) was reported in 2009. No VL cases have ever been recorded in Uruguay and the last reported capture of Phlebotominae was in 1932 (Lutzomyia cortelezzii and Lutzomyia gaminarai). Light traps were placed in peridomestic environments, and Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis, was found in Salto and Bella Unión. This is a first report of an area of potential VL transmission in Uruguay. Active and coordinated surveillance is required immediately the Uruguay-Argentina-Brazil border area.
Field optimisation of MosquiTRAP sampling for monitoring Aedes aegypti Linnaeus (Diptera: Culicidae)
A sticky trap designed to capture gravid Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti mosquitoes, MosquiTRAP, has been evaluated for monitoring this species in Brazil. However, the effects of trap densities on the capture rate of Ae. aegypti females and the sensitivity of vector detection are still unknown. After a preliminary study has identified areas of high and low female mosquito abundance, a set of experiments was conducted in four neighbourhoods of Belo Horizonte (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil) using densities of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 traps per block. Trap sensitivity (positive MosquiTRAP index) increased significantly when 1-8 MosquiTRAPs were installed per block in both high and low abundance areas. A strong fit was obtained for the total number of mosquitoes captured with increasing trap densities through a non-linear function (Box-Lucas) (r² = 0,994), which likely exhibits saturation towards an equilibrium level. The capacity of the Mean Female Aedes Index to distinguish between areas of high and low Ae. aegypti abundance was also investigated; the achieved differentiation was shown to be dependent on the MosquiTRAP density.
The detection of anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibody levels by diagnostic kits in the convalescent period of disease generally use immunoglobulin G (IgG), which is expensive. An alternative to IgG is immunoglobulin Y (IgY), an immunoglobulin antibody encountered in birds and reptiles. The aim of this study was to develop a competitive immunoenzymatic assay to measure total anti-HAV antibody levels using anti-HAV IgY as the capture and conjugated immunoglobulins. For this purpose, anti-HAV IgY was conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and the optimal dilution of HRP-conjugated antibodies was evaluated to establish the competitive immuneenzymatic assay. The results obtained from our "in-house" assay were plotted on a receiver operator curve, which showed a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 98.8%, demonstrating that a competitive anti-HAV IgY immunoenzymatic assay developed "in house" could be used as an alternative to commercial assays that utilise IgG.
L’ús de metal·lacarborans en la síntesi de compostos polianiònics amb un alt contingut en bor i amb bons rendiments és un tema d’alt interès i estudi al grup de Síntesi Inorgànica i Catàlisi de l’ICMAB. Els metal·lacarborans presenten diverses aplicacions innovadores com la BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy),1 tractament d’aigües residuals,2 activitats catalítiques3 i com a agents dopants de membranes polimèriques conductores.4 Amb la perspectiva d’emprar clústers de bor per materials moleculars funcionalitzats, hem iniciat una investigació que busca la síntesi de productes híbrids amb múltiples elements electroactius (metal·lacarborans) i el grup funcional carbonil, que gràcies a la seva reactivitat coneguda ens permetrà aplicar les molècules sintetitzades a futures reaccions i aplicacions. Una de les condicions inicials plantejades en aquesta investigació és l’ús de productes químics assequibles i de gran disponibilitat, per tal de poder assegurar l’obtenció de precursors per a futures aplicacions amb bons rendiments i ràpids de sintetitzar. Per assolir aquest objectiu es van iniciar les investigacions amb la cetona més simple coneguda, l’acetona (CH3-CO-CH3) (pKa = 19.3) com a producte de partida. A partir de la reacció d’aquesta amb una base forta no nucleòfila es genera CH3-COCH2 (-). Si s’aconsegueix prevenir o minimitzar la reacció d’addició aldòlica, l’anió CH3- CO-CH2 (-) pot atacar nucleofílicament al carboni contigu al catió oxoni5 de la molècula de cobaltabisdicarballur dioxanat (cosà dioxanat), [3,3’-Co(8-(OCH2CH2)2-1,2- C2B9H10)(1’,2’-C2B9H11)], generant un derivat del cosà dioxanat que conté un grup carbonil. Aquest procediment pot ser repetit per introduir diverses unitats de metal·lacarborans (cosà, fesà, etc.), tot i que aquest procés presenta una gran dispersió de subproductes, fet que fa baixar el rendiment global i li resta interès. Un procediment molt més efectiu i que dóna un control de la regioselectivitat molt major dels centres electroactius incorporats és la síntesi acetoacètica (pKa H intercarbonílic = 10.7). Múltiples molècules homo i hetero polianiòniques amb metal·lacarborans han estat sintetitzades amb èxit en aquest treball, amb un control regioselectiu molt precís mitjançant aquest mètode sintètic, i caracteritzades per mètodes electroquímics.
Chagas disease control requires an innovative approach to strengthen community participation in vector surveillance. This paper presents a case study of a community-based bug-hunting campaign in Guatemala. The campaign was implemented in 2007 in the following three stages: (i) a four week preparation stage to promote bug-hunting, (ii) a one week bug-hunting stage to capture and collect bugs and (iii) a 10 week follow-up stage to analyse the bugs and spray insecticide. A total of 2,845 bugs were reported, of which 7% were Triatominae vectors, such as Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata. The bug-hunting campaign detected a five-six-fold higher amount of vectors in one week than traditional community-based surveillance detects in one year. The bug-hunting campaign effectively detected vectors during a short period, provided information to update the vector infestation map and increased community and political awareness regarding Chagas disease. This approach could be recommended as an effective and feasible strategy to strengthen vector surveillance on a larger scale.
The high proportion of cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis reported amongst residents in the city of Bandeirantes, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, led the authors to investigate the phlebotomine fauna in both urban and rural environments. The sandflies were captured with automatic light traps from 07:00 pm-07:00 am fortnightly in 11 urban peridomiciles from April 2008-March 2009 and monthly in three ecotopes within four rural localities from April 2009-March 2010. In one of these latter localities, sandfly capture was conducted with white/black Shannon traps during each of three seasons: spring, summer and fall. A total of 5,729 sandflies of 17 species were captured. Nyssomyia neivai (46.7%) and Nyssomyia whitmani (35.3%) were the predominant species. In this study, 3,865 specimens were captured with automatic light traps: 22 (0.083 sandflies/trap) in the urban areas and 3,843 (26.69 sandflies/trap) in the rural areas. Ny. neivai was predominant in urban (68.2%) and rural (42.8%) areas. A total of 1,864 specimens were captured with the white/black Shannon traps and Ny. neivai (54.5%) and Ny. whitmani (31.4%) were the predominant species captured. The small numbers of sandflies captured in the urban areas suggest that the transmission of Leishmania has occurred in the rural area due to Ny. neivai and Ny. whitmani as the probable vectors.
Uncertainty quantification of petroleum reservoir models is one of the present challenges, which is usually approached with a wide range of geostatistical tools linked with statistical optimisation or/and inference algorithms. Recent advances in machine learning offer a novel approach to model spatial distribution of petrophysical properties in complex reservoirs alternative to geostatistics. The approach is based of semisupervised learning, which handles both ?labelled? observed data and ?unlabelled? data, which have no measured value but describe prior knowledge and other relevant data in forms of manifolds in the input space where the modelled property is continuous. Proposed semi-supervised Support Vector Regression (SVR) model has demonstrated its capability to represent realistic geological features and describe stochastic variability and non-uniqueness of spatial properties. On the other hand, it is able to capture and preserve key spatial dependencies such as connectivity of high permeability geo-bodies, which is often difficult in contemporary petroleum reservoir studies. Semi-supervised SVR as a data driven algorithm is designed to integrate various kind of conditioning information and learn dependences from it. The semi-supervised SVR model is able to balance signal/noise levels and control the prior belief in available data. In this work, stochastic semi-supervised SVR geomodel is integrated into Bayesian framework to quantify uncertainty of reservoir production with multiple models fitted to past dynamic observations (production history). Multiple history matched models are obtained using stochastic sampling and/or MCMC-based inference algorithms, which evaluate posterior probability distribution. Uncertainty of the model is described by posterior probability of the model parameters that represent key geological properties: spatial correlation size, continuity strength, smoothness/variability of spatial property distribution. The developed approach is illustrated with a fluvial reservoir case. The resulting probabilistic production forecasts are described by uncertainty envelopes. The paper compares the performance of the models with different combinations of unknown parameters and discusses sensitivity issues.
El uso de metalacarboranos en la síntesis de compuestos aril-cobaltobis(dicarballuro) ha despertado un nuevo tema de interés y de estudio en el grupo de Síntesi Inorgànica i Catàlisi del ICMAB-CSIC. Los metalacarboranos presentan diversas aplicaciones innovadoras como la BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy), el tratamiento de aguas residuales, actividades catalíticas, como agentes dopantes en membranas poliméricas conductoras, y como integrantes en sensores potenciométricos, entre otros. El principal objetivo de este trabajo de investigación ha consistido en desarrollar un método de acoplamiento B–C sobre el anión sándwich [3,3’-Co-(1,2-C2B9H11)2]- para la formación de nuevos derivados aril-cobalto-bis(dicarballuro); éstos se han sintetizado por su posible capacidad fotoactiva. Este acoplamiento transcurre mediante una reacción de sustitución electrófila aromática (SEAr) sobre el anillo aromático o desde la óptica del metalacarborano, mediante una sustitución nucleófila inducida electrofilicamente (EINS). Dicha reacción requiere el uso de un ácido de Lewis como catalizador. El hecho que se haya utilizado AlCl3 como catalizador, hace que la reacción que se desarrolla en este trabajo recuerde de alguna manera a una reacción de Friedel-Crafts, pese a que la reacción está dirigida a la formación de un enlace B–C mediado por un ácido de Lewis. El principal problema de las reacciones de Friedel-Crafts es la elevada cantidad de areno que se precisa para llevar a cabo la reacción, debido a que el disolvente empleado puede actuar como fuente de electrófilos. El procedimiento empleado en nuestro caso utiliza el mesitileno como disolvente, el cual posee un gran impedimento estérico y un alto punto de ebullición. De esta manera, se puede realizar esta reacción utilizando entre 1.5 y 10 equivalentes de areno respecto al cobalto-bis(dicarballuro) sin que el disolvente actúe como reactivo. Se han estudiado y optimizado las condiciones experimentales para que el método sintético que genera el enlace B–C sea lo más universal posible para cualquier tipo de anillo aromático. Se han probado una gran diversidad de anillos aromáticos, desde anillos aromáticos fuertemente activados a los más desactivados, así como anillos aromáticos heterocíclicos. Finalmente, las condiciones de síntesis extraídas de este estudio son muy satisfactorias para los anillos activados probados y para los anillos débilmente desactivados. En cambio, para los arenos fuertemente desactivados, los rendimientos de la reacción han sido bajos. Por otro lado, las pruebas realizadas sobre los anillos heterocíclicos no han sido exitosas y no se ha producido el acoplamiento B–C.
In Brazil, the entomological surveillance of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is performed by government-mandated larval surveys. In this study, the sensitivities of an adult sticky trap and traditional surveillance methodologies were compared. The study was performed over a 12-week period in a residential neighbourhood of the municipality of Pedro Leopoldo, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An ovitrap and a MosquiTRAP were placed at opposite ends of each neighbourhood block (60 traps in total) and inspections were performed weekly. The study revealed significant correlations of moderate strength between the larval survey, ovitrap and MosquiTRAP measurements. A positive relationship was observed between temperature, adult capture measurements and egg collections, whereas precipitation and frequency of rainy days exhibited a negative relationship.