994 resultados para OSCAR
1889 (A2).
1892 (A5).
1908 (A21).
1904 (A17).
1901 (A14).
1898 (A11).
1905 (A18).
1895 (A8).
1893 (A6).
1890 (A3).
OBJETIVO: Apresentar um software que permita uma análise detalhada da dinâmica da deglutição. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo dez indivíduos após acidente vascular encefálico, sendo seis do gênero masculino, com idade média de 57,6 anos. Foi realizada videofluoroscopia da deglutição e as imagens foram digitalizadas em microcomputador, com posterior análise do tempo do trânsito faríngeo da deglutição, por meio de um cronômetro e do software. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio do trânsito faríngeo da deglutição apresentou-se diferente quando comparados os métodos utilizados (cronômetro e software). CONCLUSÃO: Este software é um instrumento de análise dos parâmetros tempo e velocidade da deglutição, propiciando melhor compreensão da dinâmica da deglutição, com reflexos tanto na abordagem clínica dos pacientes com disfagia como para fins de pesquisa científica.
The fusion of bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic cells with hepatocytes to generate BM derived hepatocytes (BMDH) is a natural process, which is enhanced in damaged tissues. However, the reprogramming needed to generate BMDH and the identity of the resultant cells is essentially unknown. In a mouse model of chronic liver damage, here we identify a modification in the chromatin structure of the hematopoietic nucleus during BMDH formation, accompanied by the loss of the key hematopoietic transcription factor PU.1/Sfpi1 (SFFV proviral integration 1) and gain of the key hepatic transcriptional regulator HNF-1A homeobox A (HNF-1A/Hnf1a). Through genome-wide expression analysis of laser captured BMDH, a differential gene expression pattern was detected and the chromatin changes observed were confirmed at the level of chromatin regulator genes. Similarly, Tranforming Growth Factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and neurotransmitter (e.g. Prostaglandin E Receptor 4 [Ptger4]) pathway genes were over-expressed. In summary, in vivo BMDH generation is a process in which the hematopoietic cell nucleus changes its identity and acquires hepatic features. These BMDHs have their own cell identity characterized by an expression pattern different from hematopoietic cells or hepatocytes. The role of these BMDHs in the liver requires further investigation.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of readiness of change for physical activity (PA), sociodemographic factors, lifestyle and physical activity status (PAS) on perceived barriers among Spanish university students. Participants: Seven hundred and seventy two (n = 772) men and women ages 17 - 39 at a north-west regional university in Spain participated in the study. Methods: The International Physical Activity Questionnaire, the States of Change for Physical Activity Behaviour Questionnaire and the Self-perceived Barriers for Physical Activity Questionnaire were used. Description, correlation and multiple regression analyses were completed. Results: Participants self-perceived low average-score barriers (2.6 ± 1.4 over 10.0). The 3-higher scores barriers corresponded to “too much work”; “lack of time for exercise” and “laziness”. Gender, PAS and self-perceived health were shown to be associated with perceived barriers. Conclusions: University institutions should consider those factors that predict barriers to PA to develop effective intervention programs.
Aquest projecte està encarat a avaluar un protocol de prevenció de luxacions i subluxacions d’espatlla en el judo. L’objectiu principal és el de reduir el nombre de luxacions i subluxacions d’espatlla en judokes de categories compreses entre les categories cadet i absoluta millorant paràmetres com la força, la elasticitat muscular, la propiocepció, l’alimentació i la condició física dels esportistes. Aquest serà un estudi experimental amb dos grups, on el Centre de Tecnificació del Bages un realitzarà el protocol objecte d’estudi i el grup de la Federació Catalana de Judo i D.A seguiran amb la seva activitat habitual. Cada grup estarà format per 37 esportistes amb un risc alfa de 0.05 i un risc beta inferior al 0.2, amb una taxa de pèrdua de seguiment d’un 10%. Aquest protocol de prevenció pot ser útil en la nostre comunitat, però no té perquè ser-ho en altres països o regions depenent del tipus de judo que es realitza a cada lloc. Abans de començar amb l’actuació del protocol es realitzaran avaluacions biomecàniques per conèixer l’estat dels esportistes i poder actuar analíticament on més ho necessiti cada integrant de l’estudi.
Connectivity analysis on diffusion MRI data of the whole- brain suffers from distortions caused by the standard echo- planar imaging acquisition strategies. These images show characteristic geometrical deformations and signal destruction that are an important drawback limiting the success of tractography algorithms. Several retrospective correction techniques are readily available. In this work, we use a digital phantom designed for the evaluation of connectivity pipelines. We subject the phantom to a âeurooetheoretically correctâeuro and plausible deformation that resembles the artifact under investigation. We correct data back, with three standard methodologies (namely fieldmap-based, reversed encoding-based, and registration- based). Finally, we rank the methods based on their geometrical accuracy, the dropout compensation, and their impact on the resulting connectivity matrices.