952 resultados para O51 - U.S.


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The radioactivity due to 238U and 234U in three aquifer systems occurring within the Paraná sedimentary basin, South America, has been investigated. Uranium is much less dissolved from fractured igneous rocks than from the porous sedimentary rocks as indicated by the U-mobility coefficients between 7. 6 × 10-6 and 1. 2 × 10-3 g cm-3. These values are also compatible with the U preference ratios relative to Na, K, Ca, Mg and SiO2, which showed that U is never preferentially mobilized in the liquid phase during the flow occurring in cracks, fissures, fractures and faults of the igneous basaltic rocks. Experimental dissolution of diabase grains on a time-scale laboratory has demonstrated that the U dissolution appeared to be a two-stage process characterized by linear and second-order kinetics. The U dissolution rate was 8 × 10-16 mol m-2 s-1 that is within the range of 4 × 10-16-3 × 10-14 mol m-2 s-1 estimated for other rock types. The 234U/238U activity ratio of dissolved U in solutions was higher than unity, a typical result expected during the water-rock interactions when preferential 234U-leach from the rock surfaces takes place. Some U-isotopes data allowed estimating 320 ka for the groundwater residence time in a sector of a transect in São Paulo State. A modeling has been also realized considering all U-isotopes data obtained in Bauru (35 samples), Serra Geral (16 samples) and Guarani (29 samples) aquifers. The results indicated that the Bauru aquifer waters may result from the admixture of waters from Guarani (1. 5 %) and Serra Geral (98. 5 %) aquifers. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Zircon samples from the Cenozoic São Paulo and Taubaté Basins and Mantiqueira Mountain Range (southeast Brazil) were concomitantly dated by zircon Fission Track Method (FTM) and in situ U-Pb dating method. While FTM detrital-zircon data are ideally used to provide low-temperature information, U-Pb single detrital grain ages record the time of zircon formation in igneous or high grade metamorphic environments. This methodology may be used to study the possible sources of the basins sediments. The results suggest that the São Paulo Basin is composed of sediments from just one source, the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. On the other hand, the Taubaté Basin presents further sediment sources besides the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We verify that SU(N)TC⊗ - SU(3) L⊗ - U(1)X models, where the gauge symmetry breaking is totally dynamical and promoted by the non-Abelian technicolor group and the strong Abelian interactions, are quite constrained by the LHC data. The theory contains a T quark self-energy involving the mixing between the neutral gauge bosons, which introduces the coupling between the light and heavy composite scalar bosons of the model. We determine the lightest scalar boson mass for these models from an effective action for composite operators, assuming details about the dynamics of the strong interaction theories. Comparing the value of this mass with the ATLAS and CMS observation of a new boson with a mass M∼125 GeV and considering the lower bound determined by the LHC Collaboration on the heavy neutral gauge boson (Z′) present in these models, we can establish constraints on the possible models. For example, if SU(N)TC≡SU(2)TC, with technifermions in the fundamental representation, the model barely survives the confrontation with the LHC data. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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The leaf spot (Mycosphaerella leaf disease = MLD) caused by Teratosphaeria nubilosa has caused damage in eucalypt plantations in southern and southeastern Brazil. The need to assess the disease in the field to evaluate of this damage, efficiency control, evaluation of germplasm induces to the necessity of having a visual scale for evaluation of disease. The objective was to develop a diagrammatic scale for young leaves and one for adult leaves of Eucalyptus globules for MLD. To do so, the leaves collected in the field were scanned for image analysis. The damaged area, the healthy leaf area and the external area of the same scale RGB (Red, Green, Blue) were determined. Subsequently, it was determinate the levels of severity depending on the sample distribution with seven levels for young leaves and six for adult leaves. For the visual acuity test and validate the scale, the leaves were evaluated for severity, with and without scale. With this proposed scales, the assessors showed good accuracy both for young and adult leaves with R2=0,98 and R2=0,80, respectively. The importance of the development of diagrammatic scales for assessing MLD in eucalyptus must to the fact that allows quantification of the symptoms accurately and precisely.


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The area between São Paulo and Porto Alegre in southeastern Brazil plays a key area to understand and quantify the evolution of the South Atlantic passive continental margin (SAPCM) in Brazil. In this contribution, we present new thermochronological data attained by fission-track and (U-Th-Sm)/He analysis on apatites and zircons from metamorphic, sedimentary and intrusive rocks. The zircon fission-track ages range between 108.4 (15.0) and 539.9 (68.4). Ma, the zircon (U-Th-Sm)/He ages between 72.9 (5.8) and 525.1(2.4). Ma, whereas the apatite fission-track ages range between 40.0 (5.3) and 134.7 (8.0). Ma, and the apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He ages between 32.1 (1.5) and 93.0 (2.5). Ma. The spatial distribution of these ages shows three distinct blocks with a different evolution cut by old fracture zones. While the central block exhibits an old stable block, the Northern and especially the Southern block underwent complex post-rift exhumation. The sample of the Northern block shows two distinct cooling phases in the Upper Cretaceous and the Paleogene to Neogene. After sedimentation of the Permian sandstones the samples of the Central block were never heated up over 100. °C with a following moderate to fast cooling phase in Cretaceous to Eocene time and a fast cooling between Oligocene to Miocene. The five thermal models obtained in the Southern block indicate a complex evolution with three cooling phases. The exhumation events of the three blocks correspond with the Paraná-Etendekka event, the alkaline intrusions due to the Trinidad hotspot, and the evolution of the continental rift basins in SE Brazil and are, therefore, most likely to be the major force for the post-rift evolution of the passive continental margin in SE Brazil, which therefore corresponds to the three main phases of the Andean orogeny. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Access to Latin American and Caribbean Exports in the United States market, 2001-2002 is the seventh annual report released by the ECLAC Washington Office, updating information contained in previous reports. Its aim is to compile and make available information on trade inhibiting measures that Latin American and Caribbean exports encounter in the United States market. This report needs to be placed in the context of a trade relationship between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean, which has grown strongly over the years to the benefit of both economies. Moreover, it must be viewed against the background of the commitment to achieve the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), through which barriers to trade and investment will be progressively eliminated. In this regard, it is hoped that this report will further contribute to transparency and the elimination of obstacles to the free flow of trade in the Americas. The classification of trade inhibiting measures follows the definition used in the U.S. Trade Representatives (USTR) yearly publication National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers. Based on this structure, the report focuses on the three areas of greatest relevance for Latin America and the Caribbean: Imports Policies (e.g., tariffs and other import charges, quantitative restrictions, import licensing, customs barriers). Standards, testing, labeling and certification (e.g., unnecessarily restrictive application of phytosanitary standards). Export subsidies (e.g., export financing on preferential terms and agricultural export subsidies that displace other foreign exports in third country markets).


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Access to Latin American and Caribbean Exports in the United States market, 2001-2002 is the eighth annual report released by the ECLAC Washington Office, updating information contained in previous reports. Its aim is to compile and make available information on trade inhibiting measures that Latin American and Caribbean exports encounter in the United States market. This report needs to be placed in the context of a trade relationship between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean, which has grown strongly over the years to the benefit of both economies. Moreover, it must be viewed against the background of the commitment to achieve the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), through which barriers to trade and investment will be progressively eliminated. In this regard, it is hoped that this report will further contribute to transparency and the elimination of obstacles to the free flow of trade in the Americas. The classification of trade inhibiting measures follows the definition used in the U.S. Trade Representatives (USTR) yearly publication National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers. Based on this structure, the report focuses on the three areas of greatest relevance for Latin America and the Caribbean: Imports Policies (e.g., tariffs and other import charges, quantitative restrictions, import licensing, customs barriers). Standards, testing, labeling and certification (e.g., unnecessarily restrictive application of phytosanitary standards). Export subsidies (e.g., export financing on preferential terms and agricultural export subsidies that displace other foreign exports in third country markets).


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Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE


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The genus Uroderma includes two species: U. magnirostrum and U. bilobatum. These species are characterized by their high degree of karyotypic evolution, diverging from most other species of the subfamily Stenodermatinae, which have a lower degree of chromosomic evolution. The present study reports the first banding patterns of U. magnirostrum (G-, C-banding and Ag-NOR) and U. bilobatum (C-banding and Ag-NOR). The chromosomic data in conventional staining of U. magnirostrum (2n = 36, NF = 62) and U. bilobatum (cytotype 2n = 42, NF = 50) are equivalent to that described in the literature. When compared, chromosomal homeologies are found in both karyotypes, as well as differences, confirming that karyotypic evolution in the Uroderma genus is intense. Fission, fusion, inversion or translocation events are required to explain the karyotypic evolution of this genus. The comparison of karyotype, described here, to one of the species of the genus Artibeus (2n = 30/31), suggests that some chromosomic forms are apomorphic and shared between the two species of Uroderma. This confirms the monophyly of the enus, and that U. magnirostrum presents a more primitive karyotype when compared to U. bilobatum


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O presente trabalho estudou o efeito da salinidade na sobrevivência e na duração do desenvolvimento larval do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (do estuário do Rio Caeté, Norte do Brasil), até a fase de megalopa em sete tratamentos de salinidade (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 e 30). A salinidade afetou significativamente a sobrevivência das larvas zoea, no entanto não afetou a duração do desenvolvimento larval (20,77 ± 1,56 dias). Nas salinidades 0, 5 e 10 houve total mortalidade das larvas zoea. Somente a partir da salinidade 15 observou-se um desenvolvimento completo até a fase de megalopa. A taxa de sobrevivência foi maior em salinidade 30 (72%) e menor em 15 (16%). A reduzida taxa de sobrevivência das larvas zoea de U. cordatus, em salinidades baixas, indica a necessidade de dispersão larval do estuário para as águas costeiras onde as condições de salinidade para o desenvolvimento larval são mais favoráveis. Caso contrário se não houvesse a dispersão, a reduzida salinidade das águas estuarinas no período chuvoso, causaria uma elevada mortalidade, afetando desta forma o recrutamento, a manutenção e o crescimento da população de U. cordatus nos manguezais.


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Entre os produtos de origem animal o caranguejo é tido como um dos alimentos mais susceptíveis ao processo de deterioração devido à sua composição química específica, atividades de enzimas autolíticas e ao pH próximo da neutralidade. Além destes fatores intrínsecos relacionados ao crustáceo, o processo de extração de suas carnes é realizado, na grande maioria das vezes, em condição higiênico-sanitária insatisfatória, ocasionando, assim um alto teor de contaminação destas. Com objetivo de analisar a qualidade microbiológica, microscópica e parasitológica da carne de caranguejo comercializada em dois municípios do Estado do Pará (São Caetano de Odivelas e Bragança), foram pesquisadas 30 amostras da carne adquiridas dos catadores, nos seus pontos de catação. Na análise microbiológica, observou-se presença, em níveis elevados, de coliformes fecais e Staphylococcus aureus, em ambos os municípios, entretanto a Salmonella sp (S. panama: sorogrupo D) foi detectada somente em Bragança/Vila de Caratateua. Ressalta-se que grande parte dos pontos de catação apresentou suas amostras fora dos padrões legais vigentes na atual legislação brasileira, seja em relação aos coliformes fecais, Staphylococcus aureus e/ou Salmonella sp. A análise microscópica revelou constante presença de sujidades (lasca de madeira, fibra e semente de origem vegetal, pêlo humano, larva e excremento de inseto). Contudo, a análise parasitológica foi negativa para a detecção de cistos de protozoários (E. histolytica/E. díspar e G. lamblia). Os resultados revelam a precariedade das condições higiênico-sanitárias das amostras pesquisadas, indicando desta forma a necessidade de ser criado, por parte das autoridades competentes, um registro do Ministério da Agricultura e Secretaria da Agricultura do estado, para que o beneficiamento e a comercialização deste produto sejam feitos de acordo com as normas sanitárias vigentes.


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No Estado do Pará, o beneficiamento do caranguejo-uçá ocorre de forma totalmente artesanal, sendo o seu produto frequentemente associado a eventos de intoxicação alimentar. Neste trabalho o autor tem por finalidade propor adequações tecnológicas no processamento deste crustáceo desenvolvido na comunidade de Caratateua, município de Bragança/Pará. Foram realizadas excurses mensais à comunidade de abril/2008 a maio/2009 com aplicação de 120 entrevistas direcionadas aos principais atores sociais envolvidos na atividade, constando de aspectos econômicos, sociais e tecnológicos, além de análises laboratoriais (composição química e microbiologia), observações de campo e revisão de literatura. Constatou-se que a quantidade de caranguejo desembarcada e o tamanho médio dos indivíduos vêm diminuindo nos últimos anos. A captura é realizada exclusivamente por indivíduos do sexo masculino, sendo o gancho o principal apetrecho utilizado. O beneficiamento é praticado principalmente por mulheres e crianças, porém homens eventualmente também o fazem. Não há uma padronização do processamento e as condições higiênico-sanitárias dos locais de beneficiamento são na grande maioria das vezes inadequadas, podendo este ser realizado no interior da residência, em “puxadinhas” ou nos quintais, geralmente na presença de animais domésticos, insetos e sem a adequada assepsia de manipuladores, equipamentos e superfícies de contato. Desta forma, conclui-se que tal realidade é ocasionada principalmente pelo desordenamento da pescaria e falta de preocupação dos catadores quanto à qualidade do produto, sendo de fundamental importância a criação de uma legislação específica para a carne de caranguejo e a adoção de boas práticas de fabricação levando em consideração a realidade local visando agregação de valor ao produto e maior segurança alimentar aos consumidores.