916 resultados para Nurse -patient relations


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The Spanish Society of Nursing Emergency (SEEUE) has several lines documentaries that can be consulted on its web page and that have been spread through various publications: Statutes, scientific recommendations, professional recommendations, statements and allegations, grounds for nursing emergency, guarantees and rules, documents of interest and legislation. Set this that composed the regulatory environment, legal and recommendations which society poses to the collective nurse from the area of the emergency, as well as the rest of actors associated with urgent assistance (institutional and administratively) and through what has been the work of conceptualization and definition in our area the past few years. Part of this documentation offer possibilities for scientific endorsement and professional and invites to continue building knowledge and evidence. It is in this sense in which this work can and should be defined from a literature review approach and under the scheme of "review article". The working Group in Primary Care (PC) of the SEEUE, decided to build a Professional Recommendation (PR) in one of the areas of "uncertainty/variability" in the employment context and historical demand of nurses and other emergency care team on security issues: "The uniform and personal protective equipment for professional teams on prehospital emergency areas”.


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The gradual incorporation of the nurses to the extrahospital emergency teams give them a holistic aspect in the field of care. And this is not possible without addressing the possibility of continuity of care and communication with other levels of care. All efforts in this regard and made speeches themselves as nursing, "Refer" (Nic 8100) and "Exchange of information on health care" (Nic 7960), is the conceptual framework of this work, which objetives are to quantify and exposing the proceedings in this line taken by the nurses of emergency team.


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The area of the urgencies and emergencies, assisted from all levels and care settings raises, if possible, patterns of work and ways that collaboration between professionals and teamwork make nurse prescription, often pharmacological, a legislative needs in response to increased scientific evidence and through internationally accepted performance algorithms. Enabling the nurse to act according to these concepts and beyond any "doubt and suspicion" of illegality. Taking a consensus necessary training and development and according to professional specialization and differentiation in this area and as arguments to remove any doubt still remains the subject without enclosing any sense and in many sectors.


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The Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) is considering the last time an attempt urgent process management through triage consultation, both hospital and primary care environment and tables situations in which the nurse responsible for these consultations can carry out a final statement of which only she is directly responsible through their independent intervention and referral (Triage Advanced). Pose, at once and consistently to the idea of teamwork, where they can be the limits to that intervention finalist and the circuits to follow. This paper proposes a definition line of one of those situations through triage concepts universally tested, and takes full advantage of advanced practice profile offered by nurses Device Critical Care (DCCU) of the SSPA and any the emerging legal and regulatory framework in terms of standardized collaborative prescription, us know legitimate receivers. This work stems from the vision of professionals and our contribution to that line of institutional work that must be consensus.


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Fear of achieving higher levels of nurse autonomy must be overcome for a new environment of relationships, change, communication and respect within the multidisciplinary team. The progressive achievement of new skills, the handling of evidence and the implementation of models and ways of working based on the nursing process, through encouraged training courses into the company and by the possibility of resource management in line and technology, foster as the ideal setting for Emergency Nursing, Emergency and Disaster acquires its own identity and development.


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The creation and establishment within the healthcare team of the Primary Healthcare Centre of Baena of a Protocol and Procedures for healthcare that provides a communication tool for nurses enabled the healthcare team to develop a dynamic circuit and at the same time communication with nurses of the Critical Care and Emergency Team (DCCU) assigned to that centre. The created work environment for healthcare included Case Management Nurse, Primary Healthcare Nurse and Critical Care and Emergency Nurse. Thus, nursing assessment and actions for programmed and urgent healthcare, provided the first contact with DCCU nurses and reoriented them for the proposed healthcare plan for the patients, in addition to communicate with the rest of the healthcare team. This article presents the results of continuous nurse healthcare over nine months, applying this protocol.


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There are exceptional situations where emergency services are required Primary Care in the application of material used by drug-dependent patients, being the response to this demand is something that many of the cases, to individual discretion and the randomness and variability every situation leads to an answer. It calls for a response commensurate to public services and preventive health philosophy in most cases will be carried out by the nurse to perform assistance Devices Critical Care (DCCU), often this first contact these patients and slots at the supply of resources diminishes the possibilities of acquisition of such material to them. That is why, and in the absence in this area of patient safety and professional, a workflow model and according to the prevailing philosophy of working in primary care in terms of prevention policies and recruitment of patients concerned, this project raises guidance for the development of a needle exchange program from the triage consultations DCCU.


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The prescription, widely discussed and defined conceptually in recent years in an environment of widening the spectrum of responsibilities nurse, has capacity for integration and definition in the area of accident and emergency care and carried out over the patient urgently, about emergencies and life-long commitment. Be necessary to frame throughout the legal framework, following the amendment of the Twelfth Additional Provision of Law 29/2006 of guarantees and rational use of drugs and medical devices, can be waived and implementation required, provided under model and through the nursing process and method and as an exponent and endorsementn of science and advanced clinical practice, to join the idea of interdisciplinary professional consensus that the law posed by the preparation and implementation of standardized protocols, algorithms and / or clinical practice guidelines in the context of what has come to be called "collaborative standard prescription": Prescription to the nurse in certain clinical situations in terms of a performance protocol, agreed with multidisciplinary team care health of the population (Group Protocols), which can be considered an intermediate step in the evolution towards independent nurse prescribing, providing nurses experience of a prescription under these protocols and demonstrating their capabilities.


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Contact surveillance is a valuable strategy for controlling leprosy. A dynamic cohort study of leprosy contacts was initiated in 1987 at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The objective of this work was to review the data on the major risk factors leading up to the infectious stage of the disease, estimate incidence rates of leprosy in the cohort and characterise the risk factors for the disease among the contacts under surveillance. The incidence rate of leprosy among contacts of leprosy patients was estimated at 0.01694 cases per person-year in the first five years of follow-up. The following factors were associated with acquiring the disease: (i) not receiving the BCG vaccine, (ii) a negative Mitsuda reaction and (iii) contact with a patient with a multibacillary clinical form of leprosy. The contacts of index patients who had high bacilloscopic index scores > 1 were at especially high risk of infection. The following factors were associated with infection, which was defined as a seropositive reaction for anti-phenolic glicolipid-1 IgM: (i) young age (< 20 years), (ii) a low measured Mitsuda reaction (< 5 mm) and (iii) contact with an index patient who had a high bacilloscopic index. BCG vaccination and re-vaccination were shown to be protective among household contacts. The main conclusions of this study indicate an urgent need for additional leprosy control strategies in areas with a high incidence of the disease.


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Complex multimorbid patients are now more common in ambulatory care and the management of their medication more frequently needs interprofessional collaboration. This qualitative study explored health professional's main challenges when introducing, preparing and sharing the use of a pill box for a patient. Another objective of this study was to explore options for improving care in these situations.