991 resultados para Novel asphalt mixtures


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Iowa's first sprinkle treatment in 1974 was applied to a short section of old US 30 west of Ames. A roll type seal coat spreader was used to apply several types of sprinkle aggregates. The following year a spinner type tailgate spreader was used for sprinkle application of an Iowa 7 project in Webster County. Uniform spreading and tire marks were problems in these early projects. A special spinner spreader was built in 1976 and mounted on a truck specially equipped with smooth tires. This special unit was tested in early 1977 on a project that had been scheduled for 1976. Spinner type spreaders proved unacceptable due to non-uniformity of spreading.


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The present research project was designed to identify the typical Iowa material input values that are required by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) for the Level 3 concrete pavement design. It was also designed to investigate the existing equations that might be used to predict Iowa pavement concrete for the Level 2 pavement design. In this project, over 20,000 data were collected from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and other sources. These data, most of which were concrete compressive strength, slump, air content, and unit weight data, were synthesized and their statistical parameters (such as the mean values and standard variations) were analyzed. Based on the analyses, the typical input values of Iowa pavement concrete, such as 28-day compressive strength (f’c), splitting tensile strength (fsp), elastic modulus (Ec), and modulus of rupture (MOR), were evaluated. The study indicates that the 28-day MOR of Iowa concrete is 646 + 51 psi, very close to the MEPDG default value (650 psi). The 28-day Ec of Iowa concrete (based only on two available data of the Iowa Curling and Warping project) is 4.82 + 0.28x106 psi, which is quite different from the MEPDG default value (3.93 x106 psi); therefore, the researchers recommend re-evaluating after more Iowa test data become available. The drying shrinkage (εc) of a typical Iowa concrete (C-3WR-C20 mix) was tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory (CTL). The test results show that the ultimate shrinkage of the concrete is about 454 microstrain and the time for the concrete to reach 50% of ultimate shrinkage is at 32 days; both of these values are very close to the MEPDG default values. The comparison of the Iowa test data and the MEPDG default values, as well as the recommendations on the input values to be used in MEPDG for Iowa PCC pavement design, are summarized in Table 20 of this report. The available equations for predicting the above-mentioned concrete properties were also assembled. The validity of these equations for Iowa concrete materials was examined. Multiple-parameters nonlinear regression analyses, along with the artificial neural network (ANN) method, were employed to investigate the relationships among Iowa concrete material properties and to modify the existing equations so as to be suitable for Iowa concrete materials. However, due to lack of necessary data sets, the relationships between Iowa concrete properties were established based on the limited data from CP Tech Center’s projects and ISU classes only. The researchers suggest that the resulting relationships be used by Iowa pavement design engineers as references only. The present study furthermore indicates that appropriately documenting concrete properties, including flexural strength, elastic modulus, and information on concrete mix design, is essential for updating the typical Iowa material input values and providing rational prediction equations for concrete pavement design in the future.


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Fly ash was used to replace 15% of the cement in C3WR and C6WR concrete paving mixes containing ASTM C494 Type A water reducin9 admixtures. Two Class C ashes and one Class F ash from Iowa approved sources were examined in each mix. When Class C ashes were used they were substituted on the basis of 1 pound of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. When Class F was used it was substituted on the basis of 1.25 pounds of ash added for each pound of cement deleted. Compressive strengths of the water reduced mixes, with and without fly ash, were determined at 7, 28, and 56 days of age. In every case except one the mixes containing the fly ash exhibited higher strengths than the same concrete mix without the fly ash. An excellent correlation existed between the C3WR and C6WR mixes both with and without fly ash substitutions. The freeze-thaw durability of the concrete studied was not affected by presence or absence of fly ash. The data gathered suggests that the present Class C water reduced concrete paving mixes can be modified to allow the substitution of 15% of the cement with an approved fly ash.


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RESUME Pour favoriser sa croissance en condition limitante de fer, le pathogène opportunistePseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 sécrète un sidérophore nommé pyochéline. Celui-ci estproduit par un mécanisme de "thiotemplate", à partir de l'acide salicylique et de deuxmolécules de cystéine, et existe sous forme d'une paire de diastéréoisomèresinterconvertibles: pyochéline I (4'R, 2?R, 4?R) et pyochéline II (4'R, 2?S, 4?R). Deprécédentes études ont montré que la pyochéline induit l'expression de ses propres gènes debiosynthèse via le régulateur transcriptionnel PchR qui appartient à la famille AraC/XylS. Lapyochéline est donc non seulement un sidérophore mais également une molécule signale.Nous avons découvert que Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 sécrète une pyochélinestéréochimiquement distincte de celle produite par P. aeruginosa. Ce nouveau sidérophorefavorise la croissance de P. fluorescens en condition limitante en fer et induit l'expression deses propres gènes de biosynthèse. Cependant, cette molécule n'est pas reconnue commesidérophore ou molécule signale par P. aeruginosa. Réciproquement, la pyochéline estincapable de stimuler la croissance et la signalisation chez P. fluorescens. La structure dusiderophore de P. fluorescens CHA0 a été déterminée comme étant un antipode optique de lapyochéline et nommé énantio-pyochéline.La stéréospécificité de l'induction des gènes de biosynthèse de la pyochéline/énantiopyochélineest basée sur la stéréospécificité des protéines PchR de P. aeruginosa et P.fluorescens envers leur sidérophores-ligands respectifs. PchR est fonctionnel chez l'espècehétérologue, mais uniquement en présence de son propre ligand. Les récepteurs spécifiquesdes sidérophores pyochéline/enantio-pyochéline ne sont pas indispensables à la signalisationmais sont essentiels à l'incorporation du fer et à la croissance en carence de fer. Laconstruction de protéines hybrides et tronquées a révélé que le domaine N-terminal de PchRest l'élément déterminant pour la spécificité de la protéine vis-à-vis de son ligand. SUMMARY : The siderophore pyochelin is produced by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and promotes growth under iron limitation. Pyochelin is made by a thiotemplate mechanism from salicylate and two molecules of cysteine and exists as a pair of interconvertible diastereoisomers: pyochelin I (4'R, 2"R, 4"R) and pyochelin II (4'R, 2"S, 4"R). Pyochelin induces the expression of its biosynthesis and uptake genes via the transcriptional AraC/Xy1S family regulator PchR in a process termed pyochelin signaling. Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO was found to make a stereochemically distinct pyochelin to P. aeruginosa. This siderophore promoted the growth of P. fluorescens under iron limitation and induced the expression of its biosynthesis genes but was not recognised as a siderophore or signaling molecule by P. aeruginosa. Reciprocally, pyochelin was unable to promote growth or signaling in P. fluorescens. The structure of the P. fluorescens CHAO siderophore was determined and found to be enantio-pyochelin, the optical antipode of pyochelin. Stereospecificity in induction of pyochelin/enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was found to be due to stereospecificity of the homologous PchR proteins of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens towards their respective siderophore ligands. PchR was able to function in the heterologous species, but only if supplied with its native ligand. The pyochelin/enantiopyochelin receptors were not essential for signaling although both receptors are essential for iron uptake and growth under iron limitation. Construction of hybrid and truncated PchR proteins revealed that the N-terminal domain of PchR is responsible for siderophore recognition/stereospecificity.


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This research investigated the effects of changing the cementitious content required at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c) on workability, strength, and durability of a concrete mixture. An experimental program was conducted in which 64 concrete mixtures with w/c ranging between 0.35 and 0.50, cementitious content ranging from 400 to 700 per cubic yard (pcy), and containing four different supplementary cementitious material (SCM) combinations were tested. The fine-aggregate to total-aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42 and the void content of combined aggregates was held constant for all the mixtures. Fresh (i.e., slump, unit weight, air content, and setting time) and hardened properties (i.e., compressive strength, chloride penetrability, and air permeability) were determined. The hypothesis behind this study is that when other parameters are kept constant, concrete properties such as strength, chloride penetration, and air permeability will not be improved significantly by increasing the cement after a minimum cement content is used. The study found that about 1.5 times more paste is required than voids between the aggregates to obtain a minimum workability. Below this value, water-reducing admixtures are of no benefit. Increasing paste thereafter increased workability. In addition, for a given w/c, increasing cementitious content does not significantly improve compressive strength once the critical minimum has been provided. The critical value is about twice the voids content of the aggregate system. Finally, for a given w/c, increasing paste content increases chloride penetrability and air permeability.


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This research investigated the effects of changing the cementitious content required at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c) on workability, strength, and durability of a concrete mixture. An experimental program was conducted in which 64 concrete mixtures with w/c ranging between 0.35 and 0.50, cementitious content ranging from 400 to 700 per cubic yard (pcy), and containing four different supplementary cementitious material (SCM) combinations were tested. The fine-aggregate to total-aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42 and the void content of combined aggregates was held constant for all the mixtures. Fresh (i.e., slump, unit weight, air content, and setting time) and hardened properties (i.e., compressive strength, chloride penetrability, and air permeability) were determined. The hypothesis behind this study is that when other parameters are kept constant, concrete properties such as strength, chloride penetration, and air permeability will not be improved significantly by increasing the cement after a minimum cement content is used. The study found that about 1.5 times more paste is required than voids between the aggregates to obtain a minimum workability. Below this value, water-reducing admixtures are of no benefit. Increasing paste thereafter increased workability. In addition, for a given w/c, increasing cementitious content does not significantly improve compressive strength once the critical minimum has been provided. The critical value is about twice the voids content of the aggregate system. Finally, for a given w/c, increasing paste content increases chloride penetrability and air permeability.


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Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS-h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.


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The implementation of warm-mix asphalt (WMA) is becoming more widespread with a growing number of contractors utilizing various WMA technologies. Early research suggests WMA may be more susceptible to moisture damage than traditional hot-mix asphalt (HMA) mixes. The objectives of this study are to test the binder and mix properties of WMA technologies for both field- and laboratory-produced mixes to determine the performance of WMA compared to traditional HMA. Field- and laboratory-produced mixes were studied. The laboratory-produced mixes compared HMA control mixes with WMA mixes that had the same mix design. The WMA technologies used for the laboratory study were Advera, Sasobit, and Evotherm. The field study tested four WMA field-produced mixes. Each of the four mixes had a corresponding control HMA mix. The WMA technologies used in the field study included: Evotherm 3G/Revix, Sasobit, and Double Barrel Green Foaming. The three main factors for this study were WMA/HMA, moisture-conditioned/not moisture-conditioned, and reheated/not reheated. Mixes were evaluated based on performance tests. Binder testing was performed to determine the rheological differences between HMA and WMA binders to determine if binder grade requirements change with the addition of WMA additives. The conclusions of this study are as follows:  Reduced mixing and compaction temperatures were achieved.  Statistical differences were found when comparing tensile strength ratio (TSR) values for both laboratory- and field-produced mixes. In the laboratory, none of the WMA additives performed as well as the HMA. For the field mixes, all TSR values passed Iowa’s minimum specification of 0.8 but, on average, WMA is lower compared to HMA TSR values.  Dynamic modulus results show that, on average, HMA will have higher dynamic modulus values. This means the HMA exhibits stiffer material properties compared to WMA; this may not necessarily mean superior performance in all cases.  Flow number results show that WMA has reduced flow number values compared to HMA. The only exception was the fourth field mix and weather delayed production of the control mix by nine days. The laboratory mixes showed that flow number values increased significantly with the addition of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP).  In the laboratory study, Advera reduced TSR values. Given that Advera is a foaming agent, the increase in moisture susceptibility is likely attributed to the release of water necessary for the improvement of the workability of the asphalt mixture.


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Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.


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Cervical cancer results from infection with high-risk type human papillomaviruses (HPV). Therapeutic vaccines aiming at controlling existing genital HPV infections and associated lesions are usually tested in mice with HPV-expressing tumor cells subcutaneously implanted into their flank. However, effective vaccine-induced regression of these ectopic tumors strongly contrasts with the poor clinical results of these vaccines produced in patients with HPV-associated genital neoplasia. To assess HPV therapeutic vaccines in a more relevant setting, we have, here, established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the genital mucosa (GM) develop after an intravaginal instillation of HPV16 E6/E7-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase-encoding lentiviral vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Tumor take was 80-90% after nonoxynol-9 induced damage of the epithelium. Tumors remained localized in the genital tract, and histological analysis showed that most tumors grew within the squamous epithelium of the vaginal wall. Those tumors induced (i) E7-specific CD8 T cells restricted to the GM and draining lymph nodes, in agreement with their mucosal location and (ii) high Foxp3+ CD4+ infiltrates, similarly to those found in natural non-regressing HPV lesions. This novel genital HPV-tumor model by requiring GM homing of vaccine-induced immune responses able to overcome local immuno-suppression may be more representative of the situation occurring in patients upon therapeutic vaccination.


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Neural development and plasticity are regulated by neural adhesion proteins, including the polysialylated form of NCAM (PSA-NCAM). Podocalyxin (PC) is a renal PSA-containing protein that has been reported to function as an anti-adhesin in kidney podocytes. Here we show that PC is widely expressed in neurons during neural development. Neural PC interacts with the ERM protein family, and with NHERF1/2 and RhoA/G. Experiments in vitro and phenotypic analyses of podxl-deficient mice indicate that PC is involved in neurite growth, branching and axonal fasciculation, and that PC loss-of-function reduces the number of synapses in the CNS and in the neuromuscular system. We also show that whereas some of the brain PC functions require PSA, others depend on PC per se. Our results show that PC, the second highly sialylated neural adhesion protein, plays multiple roles in neural development.


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Repeated passaging in conventional cell culture reduces pluripotency and proliferation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We introduce an innovative cell culture method whereby the culture surface is dynamically enlarged during cell proliferation. This approach maintains constantly high cell density while preventing contact inhibition of growth. A highly elastic culture surface was enlarged in steps of 5% over the course of a 20-day culture period to 800% of the initial surface area. Nine weeks of dynamic expansion culture produced 10-fold more MSC compared with conventional culture, with one-third the number of trypsin passages. After 9 weeks, MSC continued to proliferate under dynamic expansion but ceased to grow in conventional culture. Dynamic expansion culture fully retained the multipotent character of MSC, which could be induced to differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic lineages. Development of an undesired fibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype was suppressed. Hence, our novel method can rapidly provide the high number of autologous, multipotent, and nonfibrogenic MSC needed for successful regenerative medicine.


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The phenotypic effect of some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) depends on their parental origin. We present a novel approach to detect parent-of-origin effects (POEs) in genome-wide genotype data of unrelated individuals. The method exploits increased phenotypic variance in the heterozygous genotype group relative to the homozygous groups. We applied the method to >56,000 unrelated individuals to search for POEs influencing body mass index (BMI). Six lead SNPs were carried forward for replication in five family-based studies (of ∼4,000 trios). Two SNPs replicated: the paternal rs2471083-C allele (located near the imprinted KCNK9 gene) and the paternal rs3091869-T allele (located near the SLC2A10 gene) increased BMI equally (beta = 0.11 (SD), P<0.0027) compared to the respective maternal alleles. Real-time PCR experiments of lymphoblastoid cell lines from the CEPH families showed that expression of both genes was dependent on parental origin of the SNPs alleles (P<0.01). Our scheme opens new opportunities to exploit GWAS data of unrelated individuals to identify POEs and demonstrates that they play an important role in adult obesity.


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BACKGROUND: Small RNAs (sRNAs) are widespread among bacteria and have diverse regulatory roles. Most of these sRNAs have been discovered by a combination of computational and experimental methods. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium and opportunistic human pathogen, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the transcription of two sRNAs (RsmY, RsmZ), which are crucial for the expression of genes involved in virulence. In the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, three GacA-controlled sRNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) regulate the response to oxidative stress and the expression of extracellular products including biocontrol factors. RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ contain multiple unpaired GGA motifs and control the expression of target mRNAs at the translational level, by sequestration of translational repressor proteins of the RsmA family. RESULTS: A combined computational and experimental approach enabled us to identify 14 intergenic regions encoding sRNAs in P. aeruginosa. Eight of these regions encode newly identified sRNAs. The intergenic region 1698 was found to specify a novel GacA-controlled sRNA termed RgsA. GacA regulation appeared to be indirect. In P. fluorescens CHA0, an RgsA homolog was also expressed under positive GacA control. This 120-nt sRNA contained a single GGA motif and, unlike RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ, was unable to derepress translation of the hcnA gene (involved in the biosynthesis of the biocontrol factor hydrogen cyanide), but contributed to the bacterium's resistance to hydrogen peroxide. In both P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens the stress sigma factor RpoS was essential for RgsA expression. CONCLUSION: The discovery of an additional sRNA expressed under GacA control in two Pseudomonas species highlights the complexity of this global regulatory system and suggests that the mode of action of GacA control may be more elaborate than previously suspected. Our results also confirm that several GGA motifs are required in an sRNA for sequestration of the RsmA protein.