985 resultados para Nonsmooth Calculus


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The Inflation Targeting Regime was adopted in Brazil in 1999 and it aims at maintaining the price level in the interval set by the government. For such reason, the Central Bank makes use of variations in the interest rate, which causes the cost of the credit to be more expensive, reducing the investments, the jobs and, concomitantly, the inflation. Being aware that the country is subject to sudden reversals of the international capital flows which results in exchange rate and price instability, an econometric analysis of the adequation of the targerting regime to the Brazilian economy, especially concerned with the index price that is used as the parameter for the inflation calculus, is proposed


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This work aims to study several diffusive regimes, especially Brownian motion. We deal with problems involving anomalous diffusion using the method of fractional derivatives and fractional integrals. We introduce concepts of fractional calculus and apply it to the generalized Langevin equation. Through the fractional Laplace transform we calculate the values of diffusion coefficients for two super diffusive cases, verifying the validity of the method


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This work aims to determine the first natural frequency of rotation shaft by using a basic software, Excel, and to compare it to the values obtained in laboratory. When an axle is submitted to a rotation, depending on the rotational frequency used, the axle can enter a state of resonance, in which the amplitude of vibration becomes rather high. The frequencies in which the resonance is observed depends on several parameters of the axle, including the number of concentrated masses associated to the axle. Thus, to obtain a computer program of easy use and access, which can preview the frequency of resonance of an axle in rotation with ‘n’ numbers of concentrated masses it has been studied how the frequency varies with each of these parameters. The computer program and the analyses have been made using the Rayleigh Method, which allowed the transformation of a continuous system to discrete through the theory of finite elements, which has proved that, the bigger the number of divisions of the shaft taken into consideration in the calculus of the natural frequency, the more this value gets close to the real value. The results obtained have been considered satisfactory once these have gotten close to the theoretical results expected


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The goal of this work is to perform a historical approach of important results about maxima and minima, on Euclidean geometry, involving perimeters, areas and volumes. As a highlight, we can mention the Dido’s isoperimetric problem and the Papus’s problem about the wit of the bees. In this context, with a concern didactic, we tried to use, whenever possible, the geometry classical formulas to the calculus of areas. On the other hand, in the case of isoperimetric inequality the techniques of differential and integral calculus became more suitable for our purposes.


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Some problems of Calculus of Variations do not have solutions in the class of classic continuous and smooth arcs. This suggests the need of a relaxation or extension of the problem ensuring the existence of a solution in some enlarged class of arcs. This work aims at the development of an extension for a more general optimal control problem with nonlinear control dynamics in which the control function takes values in some closed, but not necessarily bounded, set. To achieve this goal, we exploit the approach of R.V. Gamkrelidze based on the generalized controls, but related to discontinuous arcs. This leads to the notion of generalized impulsive control. The proposed extension links various approaches on the issue of extension found in the literature.


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This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space setting. By making use of a real-valued Lagrangian and the concept of generalized subconvex-like functions, weakly efficient solutions are characterized through saddle point type conditions. The results, jointly with the notion of generalized Hessian (introduced in [Cominetti, R., Correa, R.: A generalized second-order derivative in nonsmooth optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 28, 789–809 (1990)]), are applied to achieve second order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions (without requiring twice differentiability for the objective and constraining functions) for the particular case when the functionals involved are defined on a general Banach space into finite dimensional ones.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study ev aluated oral health indic ators by determining the pr evalence of dental c aries, periodontal diseases, prosthetic conditions and need in pr egnant women; identifi ed self-perceived oral health status and evaluated association bet ween variables. A clinical examination was performed in fi fty pregnant women assisted in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic-FOAr-UNESP using traditional oral health indicators: DMFT, C ommunity Periodontal Index ( CPI) and pr osthetic c onditions. A semi-struc tured questionnair e was applied to identify oral health perception and to collect sociodemographic variables. For data analysis, pregnant women were allocated in three groups according to their oral health perception (good, fair, poor) and compared according to clinical variables by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. DMFT was high, all of them showed periodontal changes, most do not use and do not r equire any type of prosthesis; 36% considered their oral appearance as good. There was signifi cant diff erence between groups for the DMFT index and prosthetic need. It may be concluded that despite dental caries experience of pregnant women was found to be high, the prosthetic need have been detected in most of them and the presence of calculus was observed in all the volunteers, the majority considered their oral health status satisfactory.


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Lasers are widely used tools in many therapeutic modalities in medical lasers and can be divided into low and high intensity. For the treatment of periodontal disease, lowintensity lasers are related to reduce the number of bacteria and to induce inflammatory and analgesic properties. The high intensity lasers can be used in surgical procedures, improving hemostasis, promoting more accurate cuts, removal of dental calculus as well as thermomechanical and photochemical interactions with tissue. The high-intensity laser Erbium impregnated with chromium: YSGG laser has shown satisfactory results when applied in endodontic, restorative denstistry, surgical procedures and non-surgical periodontal treatment. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the studies that investigated the effects of Er, Cr: YSGG laser on the morphology and biocompatibility of titanium and root surfaces irradiated with these lasers, even beyond the effect on the treatment of periodontitis and periimplantitis.


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Destruction of bone and periodontal ligament as a result of periodontal disease can lead to anatomical defects in the furcation area. Treatment of these lesions is a major challenge to the clinician. Periodontal instruments have limited access to this area and plaque and calculus removal from root surfaces are extremely difficult. For proper treatment planning a number of factors must be taken into consideration to achieve immediate and long term success. Surgical therapy associated with bone grafts may be a viable option in the treatment of class II furcation defects, aiming to restore lost tissues. The aim of this paper is to report a clinical case where a simplified surgical approach with the use of autogenous graft was used to treat a class II furcation defect Twelve months after the surgery, an increase in clinical attachment level and pocket depth reduction resulted in a complete closure of the furcation lesion.