963 resultados para Non-normal process


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A torsional upset forging process is analysed on the basis of plasticity theory for powder metal forging. Torsional upset forging is a process to be performed by rotating a lower die with a punch travelling along the longitudinal direction of a work-piece. In this study, an upper bound analysis considering bulging effect, finite element method simulation (DEFORM3D), and experimental research have been performed for the process. A simple kinematically admissible velocity field for a three dimensional deformation is presented for the torsional upset forging of a cylindrical billet. Distributions of stress, strain, and forging load in the process have been obtained, and compared with those in conventional upset forging. In the process, an increase in a friction factor and rotation speed results in a decrease in magnitude of upset force, dead metal zone, and non-homogeneous deformation. This process can reduce forming load, which leads to improvement of die life, and also reduce bulging effect. In addition, the initial sintered-structure and density distribution is improved by the process and surface defect due to high deformation is decreased.


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In the car body stamping process, trim/blank die cutting edges are subjected to very high tribological loads that result in loss of tool material from both the punch and die cutting edges. According to Archard’s wear model, normal contact force and sliding distance directly affects the wear. Therefore, knowledge of the acting forces on local contact areas has a pivotal role towards the prediction of tool wear. This paper presents a finite element modelling approach to determining the contact pressure distribution on the tool cutting edges during a trimming/blanking process. Characteristic areas on sheared edge profile, variation of punch force and high contact pressures affected areas have also been analysed.


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In this paper we examine whether or not G7 per capita income can be classified as a stationary process using data for over a century. The unit root null hypothesis is tested using the recently developed Lagrange multiplier test which allows for at most two structural breaks. We are able to reject the unit root null hypothesis for all the countries at the 5 percent level or better, except for Italy and Germany.


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Electrospinning is a very useful technique to produce polymeric nanofibers. It involves fast-drawing a polymer fluid into nanofibers under a strong electric filed, and depositing randomly on an electrode collector to form non-woven nanofiber mat in most cases [1]. The fibre stretching during electrospinning is a fast and incessant process which can be divided into three consecutive stages: jet initiation, whipping instability and fibre deposition. From the initial jet to dry fibres, the fibre stretching takes place in milliseconds, so it has been hardly so far to observe fiber morphology changes by any normal methods, such as high speed photography [2-5]. In this study, we used a facile and practical approach to realize the observation of nanofiber morphology changes during electrospinning. Through a special collection device with coagulation bath, newly electrospun nanofibers can be solidified at different electro spinning distances, and by associating the fiber morphology with the electrospinning distance (d), the morphological evolution of nanofibers can be established. We used polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polystyrene (PS) as two model polymers to demonstrate this method in present research. From experimental results, we found the massive jet-thinning happens at the initial stage of the process. The formation of uniform PAN nanofibers (7%) and the beads structure changes on beads-on-string PAN nanofibers (5%) have also been successful observed. Using the same method, we also observed PS nanofiber (10%) morphology changes to understand the beads formation 011 nanofibers during electrospinning process, and how the beads was eliminated when ionic surfactant is added into the PS solution for electrospinning.


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This thesis is based on fieldwork I carried out between December 1987 and June 1989 while living with the residents of a small Warlpiri Outstation Community situated ca. 75 km north-west of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory of Australia. Colonialism is a process whereby incommensurate gender regimes impact differently on women and men and this is reflected in the indigenous response which affects the socialization of Western things. The notion of the indigenous KIRDA-KURDUNGURLU reciprocity is shown to be consistent with a gender system and to articulate all exchange relations as pro-creative social relationships. This contrasts with the Western capitalist system of production and social reproduction of gendered individuals in that it does not ascribe gender to biological differences between women and men but is derived from a land based social division between Sister-Brother. Social relationships are put under great strain in an effort to socialize Western things for Warlpiri internal use, I argue that the colonization of Aboriginal societies is an ongoing process. Despite the historical shift from a physical all-male frontier to the present day cross-cultural negotiations between Aborigines and Non-Aborigines, men still privilege men. The negotiation process for ownership of a Community Toyota is the most recent phenomenon where this can be observed. Male privilege is established by linking control over the access to the Community Toyota with traditional rights to land. However, the Toyota as Western object has a Western gender identity as well. By pitting women against men it engages people in social conflict which is brought into existence through an organisation of Western concepts based on an alien gender regime. But Western things, especially the Community Toyota, resist socialization because the Warlpiri do not produce these things. Warlpiri people know this and, to satisfy their need for Western things, they engage them in a process of social differentiation. By this process they can be seen actively to maintain the Western system in an effort to maintain themselves as Warlpiri and to secure the production of Western things. This investigation of the cultural response to Western influences shows that indigenous gender relations are only maintained through a socially stressful process of socializing Western things.


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This thesis explores the chaotic, dynamic, ambiguous, complex and confusing world of the insider researcher. The proliferating species of insider researcher is common in public sector organisations and is particularly prevalent among post-graduate students who have combined study with work. Insider researchers range from the in-house researcher employed to conduct research to those who are conducting research in addition to their normal duties. This thesis, through five illustrative case-studies, discusses, reflects upon, explains, and clarifies the possibilities, limitations and the issues arising from a consideration of the practice of professionals conducting research in the large government education system in Victoria. The central focus of this thesis, that of exploring issues arising from professionals conducting research in their own working environments, has an importance that hitherto has had little direct recognition in the qualitative education research literature. And yet the practice of insider research is common and has a potentially large impact on the nature of the decision making process in public sector organisations. This relative invisibility in the social research literature of a discussion of issues relating to insider research demands to be made more visible. It is both useful and necessary to explore the particular possibilities, conditions and challenges of insiders conducting research in public organisations as the practice of insider research contines to grow. This thesis adds to the literature by locating insider research in a discussion of the wider soial context of ideology, culture, relationships, politics, language and meaning, and the decision-making process.


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Factors which may account for the high frequency of macrovascular disease in diabetics are age, sex, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, lack of exercise, diet, hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaeroia, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, low HDL-cholesterol concentration, elevated free fatty acid concentration and enhanced platelet aggregation. Twenty seven (13 men and 14 women) non-insulin-dependent diabetics and thirty eight age, height and weight matched healthy subjects (10 men and 28 women) were studied. None of the subjects were smokers, or hypertensive. No subject had any clinical evidence of peripheral arterial disease, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease. All had apparently normal peripheral pulses and normal ankle/arm blood pressure indices. Methods for determining arterial compliance in the segment between the left subclavian artery and each common femoral artery, and proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery, have been reviewed and developed. An appropriate food intake methodology for deriving food indices from food records was developed. Biochemical determinants have been made of glucose tolerance, glycosylated haemoglobin, serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, plasma free fatty acid and insulin. A significant decrease in the arterial compliance, and a significant increase in the arterial proximal resistance at the common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery in non-insulin-dependent diabetics, compared with their healthy controls, have been found. Significant negative correlation between arterial compliance and proximal resistance and, a significant positive correlation between the arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery were found. Differences between control (healthy subjects) and non-insulin-dependent diabetic groups indicate that preclinical peripheral arterial disease can be recognised even in mild diabetics by non-invasive measurement of arterial compliance or proximal resistance. There were significant and negative correlations between arterial compliance and each of blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin concentration. There were significant and positive correlations between arterial proximal resistance of common femoral artery and posterior tibial artery and each of blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin and plasma free fatty acid concentration. Multivariate analysis to examine each of the biochemical factors Including blood glucose, blood glycosylated haemoglobin (HbAlC), plasma free fatty acid, plasma Insulin and lipids, showed that the factor which most influenced the arterial compliance and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was the glucose level in the fasting state or the glucose response after a glucose load. In addition, the factors which most influenced proximal resistance of the common femoral artery were free fatty acid -level in the fasting state or glucose response after a glucose load. The factors which most influenced arterial compliance were glucose level in men, and the insulin level in the fasting state or the plasma free fatty acid response after a glucose load in women. These findings indicate that blood glucose, plasma free fatty acid and plasma insulin are risk factors for changes in arterial wall characteristic at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent. Arterial compliance was decreased and the proximal resistance of posterior tibial artery was increased in those with a low intake of protective foods compared with those with a high intake whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Arterial compliance was decreased in non-fish eaters compared with the fish eaters whether healthy subjects or non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Proximal resistance of the posterior tibia! artery in non-fish eaters was increased compared with fish eaters in healthy subjects. Overall, food variety, a protective food score consumption and fish consumption emerge as importance determinants of arterial wall characteristics at a stage when no clinical evidence of macrovascular disease is apparent.


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Beginning with a comparison of process philosophy and Madhyamika Buddhism -focussing in particular on Charles Hartshorne and Nagarjuna - which seeks to find points of similarity and difference, this thesis goes on to ask whether the differences are disagreements or complementary insights that may be integrated by means of a hermeneutical framework which can facilitate the enrichment of both systems. It is argued that process philosophy's method of creative synthesis and Madhyamika's method of negative dialectics are complementary rather than rival methods, because: (1) the Madhyamika bi-negation of symmetrical internal and external relations is complemented by process philosophy's argument that asymmetrical relations have primacy, which can be integrated into a theory of 'asymmetrical interdependence'; (2) the Madhyamika bi-negation of being and non-being is complemented by process philosophy's argument that becoming has primacy; (3) Madhyamika's emptiness (or openness) and process philosophy's creativity are complementary ideas that can be integrated into a ‘creative emptiness’; (4) Madhyamika's deconstruction of theism and acceptance of a conventional (and thus empty) ‘Cosmic Buddha-Bodhisattva’ and process philosophy's panentheism are complementary and can be integrated in the idea of an ‘empty God’; (5) The creative emptiness and the empty God are two different but complementary ultimates - the ultimate activity and the ultimate actuality; (6) Madhyamika’s two truths -conventional (empty world) and ultimate (emptiness) - can be enriched by expanding the conventional to include ultimate actuality (empty God), and not subordinating the conventional to the ultimate; (7) process philosophy can be similarly enriched by meditating on creative emptiness, which reveals the empty God-world, which is not dominant vis-a-vis creative emptiness. An attempt is made to develop a hermeneutical framework for the comparison and integration of Madhyamika and process thought, which can also be used to construct a general theory of worldviews and a theory of interreligious dialogue. Finally, the practical applications of the integration of process thought and Madhyamika Buddhism are explored, focussing on ethical and socio-political issues and how the integration of the two systems can be used to advantage in these contexts.


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Lactobacillus plantarum and subspecies of Lactobacillus casei were isolated from good quality mature Cheddar cheese and characterized with respect to metabolic functions that would allow their use in cheesemaking. In this way microbiological control of the maturation process with particular emphasis on protein catabolism was achieved. The lactobacilli isolated were selected for low growth rates (and acid production) in milk, and low proteinase activity to allow for their addition in high numbers to cheesemilk together with the normal starter flora (group N streptococci). The growth and acid production of the starter bacteria were unaffected by the presence of the lactobacilli during cheese manufacture and it was found that the added lactobacilli were able to grow and function under the conditions prevalent in Cheddar cheese during maturation. It was also demonstrated that the lactobacilli could be grown in an artificial medium to high numbers under controlled conditions and could be harvested for the preparation of cell concentrates, a necessary characteristic for commercialization. The lactobacilli also metabolized citrate, a potential problem in cheese maturation associated with C02 production but this did not adversely affect the maturation process under the conditions used. Compared to the group N streptococci the non-starter lactobacilli possessed a proteinase system that had a higher temperature optimum and was less affected by heat and sodium chloride. They also possessed a more active peptidase system although both the lactobacilli and the starter organisms possessed a similar range of peptidases. Non-starter lactobacilli were added to normal cheese and cheese made with proteinase negative starter. The added organisms did not adversely affect manufacturing parameters and did not metabolize citrate or lead to the formation of biogenic amines. However protein catabolism rates, particularly with respect to peptide degradation, were increased, as was flavour development and intensity. It was observed that the body and texture of the cheeses was unaffected by the treatment. By controlling both the starter and non-starter microflora in the cheeses a practical system for favourably influencing cheese maturation was possible. The investigation has demonstrated that carefully selected and characterized non-starter lactobacilli can be incorporated into Cheddar cheese manufacture in order to influence flavour development during maturation. Moreover the organisms can be added to the vat stage of manufacture without causing problems to the manufacturing process. This approach is a simple cost effective means of improving the cost of Cheddar cheese production and provides an unique opportunity to improve and control quality of all Cheddar cheese produced.


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Non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia (NKH) is a devastating neurometabolic disorder leading, in its classical form, to early death or severe disability and poor quality of life in survivors. Affected neonates may need ventilatory support during a short period of respiratory depression. The transient dependence on ventilation dictates urgency in decision-making regarding withdrawal of therapy. The occurrence of patients with apparent transient forms of the disease, albeit rare, adds uncertainty to the prediction of clinical outcome and dictates that the current practice of withholding or withdrawing therapy in these neonates be reviewed. Both bioethics and law take the view that treatment decisions should be based on the best interests of the patient. The medical-ethics approach is based on the principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice. The law relating to withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment is complex and varies between jurisdictions. Physicians treating newborns with NKH need to provide families with accurate and complete information regarding the disease and the relative probability of possible outcomes of the neonatal presentation and to explore the extent to which family members are willing to take part in the decision making process. Cultural and religious attitudes, which may potentially clash with bioethical and juridical principles, need to be considered.


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A process for the production of ultrafine powders consisting of individual particles with sizes in the range of 1 nm to 200 nm, which is based on the mechanical milling of two or more non-reacting powders. The process includes subjecting a suitable precursor metal compound and a non-reactant diluent phased to mechanical milling which through the process of mechanical activation reduces the microstructure of the mixture of the form of nano-sized grains of the metal compound uniformly dispersed in the diluent phase. Heat treating the milled powder converts the nano-sized grains of the precursor metal compound into a desired metal oxide phase. Alternatively, the precursor metal compound may itself be an oxide phase which has the requisite milling properties to form nanograins when milled with a diluent. An ultrafine powder is produced by removing the diluent phase such that nano-sized grains of the desired metal oxide phase are left behind. The process facilitates a significant degree of control over the particle size and size distribution of the particles in the ultrafine powder by controlling the parameters of mechanical activation and heat treatment.


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In early 2009, researchers in the English Department of the University of Amsterdam collaborated with researchers in the Drama Department, Deakin University, Australia on a project which brought English as a Second Language students from The Netherlands into the rehearsal studio of Australian students engaged in play-building on Australian themes. The project aims were multiple and interconnected. We extended a language acquisition framework established by the Dutch investigators in previous collaborations with the Universities of Venice and Southampton, and combined this with an investigation of ways to harness technology in order to teach Australian students to communicate with and about their art. The Dutch language students were prompted to develop art-related language literacy (description, interpretation, criticism), through live, video-streamed interaction with drama students in Australia at critical points in the development of a group-devised performance (conception, rehearsal, performance). The Australian student improved their capacity to articulate the aims and processes which drove their art-making by illuminating the art-making process for the Dutch students, and providing them with a real-life context for the use of extended vocabulary whilst making them partners in the process of shaping the work. All participants engaged in the common task of assessing the capacity of the art work produced to communicate meaning to a non-Australian audience.


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Objective: To implement a systematic evidence-informed process to enable Fiji and Tonga to identify the most feasible and targeted policy interventions which would have most impact on diet-related non-communicable diseases.

Design: A multisectoral stakeholder group of policy advisers was formed in each country. They used participatory approaches to identify the problem policies and gaps contributing to an unhealthy food environment. Potential solutions to these problems were then identified, and were assessed by them for feasibility, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and side-effects. Data were gathered on the food and policy environment to support the assessments. A shortlist of preferred policy interventions for action was then developed.

Results: Sixty to eighty policy problems were identified in each country, affecting areas such as trade, agriculture, fisheries and pricing. Up to 100 specific potential policy solutions were then developed in each country. Assessment of the policies highlighted relevant problem areas including poor feasibility, limited effectiveness or cost-effectiveness and serious side-effects. A shortlist of twenty to twenty-three preferred new policy options for action in each country was identified.

Conclusions: Policy environments in these two countries were not conducive to supporting healthy eating. Substantial areas of potential action are possible, but some represent better choices. It is important for countries to consider the impact of non-health policies on diets.


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This paper explores non-deterministic parametric modelling as a design tool. Specifically, it addresses the application of parametric variables to the generation of a conceptual bridge design and the use of repeatable discrete components to the conceptual form. In order to control the generation of the bridge form, a set of design variables based on the concept of a law curve have been developed.These design variables are applied and tested through interactive modelling and variation, driven by manipulating the law curve. Combining this process with the application and control of a repeatable element, known as a Representative Volumetric Element (RVE), allows for the development and exploration of a design solution that could not be achieved through the use of conventional computer modelling.The competition brief for the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA) ‘Dialectical Bridge’ has been used as a case study to demonstrate the use of non-deterministic parametric modelling as a design tool.The results of the experimentation with parametric variables, the law curve and representative volumetric elements (RVE) are presented in the paper.


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This article focuses on the qualitative methodologies employed in a research project developed in collaboration with Aboriginal advisors and gaining an in-depth understanding of Aboriginal Victorian peoples' connection to their ancestral lands. It outlines why qualitative methodologies were used and highlights the ethical dimensions of working with Aboriginal Victorian communities. A research partnership was developed between Aboriginal Victorian communities and the non-Aboriginal researcher and this process was emphasised because in the past Australian Indigenous people have been grossly exploited in health research. The methods of semi-structured interviews and focus groups were used to gain a better understanding of this topic. The novel point of this article is that it provides an honest reflection of the benefits and limitations of this qualitative research process from the perspectives of a non-Aboriginal researcher and an Aboriginal participant, when emphasis is placed on a collaborative approach. The paper outlines what a successful qualitative research project looks like in Victorian Aboriginal communities. This can be used as a blueprint not only for working with Victorian Aboriginal communities, who have been marginalised within Australian society, but may also be relevant to other culturally diverse communities throughout the world.