957 resultados para Non-invasive
Combined EEG/fMRI recordings offer a promising opportunity to detect brain areas with altered BOLD signal during interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs). These areas are likely to represent the irritative zone, which is itself a reflection of the epileptogenic zone. This paper reports on the imaging findings using independent component analysis (ICA) to continuously quantify epileptiform activity in simultaneously acquired EEG and fMRI. Using ICA derived factors coding for the epileptic activity takes into account that epileptic activity is continuously fluctuating with each spike differing in amplitude, duration and maybe topography, including subthreshold epileptic activity besides clear IEDs and may thus increase the sensitivity and statistical power of combined EEG/fMRI in epilepsy. Twenty patients with different types of focal and generalized epilepsy syndromes were investigated. ICA separated epileptiform activity from normal physiological brain activity and artifacts. In 16/20 patients, BOLD correlates of epileptic activity matched the EEG sources, the clinical semiology, and, if present, the structural lesions. In clinically equivocal cases, the BOLD correlates aided to attribute proper diagnosis of the underlying epilepsy syndrome. Furthermore, in one patient with temporal lobe epilepsy, BOLD correlates of rhythmic delta activity could be employed to delineate the affected hippocampus. Compared to BOLD correlates of manually identified IEDs, the sensitivity was improved from 50% (10/20) to 80%. The ICA EEG/fMRI approach is a safe, non-invasive and easily applicable technique, which can be used to identify regions with altered hemodynamic effects related to IEDs as well as intermittent rhythmic discharges in different types of epilepsy.
Background: The bacterial colonization of the oral mucosa was evaluated in patients with asymptomatic oral lichen planus (OLP) and compared to the microbiologic status in mucosally healthy subjects. Methods: Bacteria from patients with clinically and histopathologically diagnosed OLP from the Stomatology Service, Department of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, were collected with a non-invasive swab system. Samples were taken from OLP lesions on the gingiva and from non-affected sites on the contralateral side of the mouth. The control population did not have OLP and was recruited from the student clinic. All samples were processed with the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method using well-defined bacterial species for the analysis. Results: Significantly higher bacterial counts of Bacteroides ureolyticus (P = 0.001), Dialister species (sp.) (P = 0.006), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (P = 0.007), and Streptococcus agalactiae (P = 0.006) were found in samples taken from OLP lesions compared to sites with no clinical evidence of OLP. Significantly higher bacterial counts were found for Capnocytophaga sputigena, Eikenella corrodens, Lactobacillus crispatus, Mobiluncus curtisii, Neisseria mucosa, Prevotella bivia, Prevotella intermedia, and S. agalactiae at sites with lesions in subjects with OLP compared to sites in control subjects (P <0.001). Conclusions: Microbiologic differences were found between sites with OLP and sites in subjects without a diagnosis of OLP. Specifically, higher counts of staphylococci and S. agalactiae were found in OLP lesions.
AIM: To test whether quantitative stress echocardiography using contrast-based myocardial blood flow (MBF, ml x min(-1) x g(-1)) measurements can detect coronary artery disease in humans. METHODS: 48 patients eligible for pharmacological stress testing by myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) and willing to undergo subsequent coronary angiography were prospectively enrolled in the study. Baseline and adenosine-induced (140 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) hyperaemic MBF was analysed according to a three-coronary-artery-territory model. Vascular territories were categorised into three groups with increasing stenosis severity defined as percentage diameter reduction by quantitative coronary angiography. RESULTS: Myocardial blood flow reserve (MBFR)-that is, the ratio of hyperaemic to baseline MBF, was obtained in 128 (89%) territories. Mean (SD) baseline MBF was 1.073 (0.395) ml x min(-1) x g(-1) and did not differ between territories supplied by coronary arteries with mild (<50% stenosis), moderate (50%-74% stenosis) or severe (>or=75% stenosis) disease. Mean (SD) hyperaemic MBF and MBFR were 2.509 (1.078) ml x min(-1) x g(-1) and 2.54 (1.03), respectively, and decreased linearly (r2 = 0.21 and r2 = 0.39) with stenosis severity. ROC analysis revealed that a territorial MBFR <1.94 detected >or=50% stenosis with 89% sensitivity and 92% specificity. CONCLUSION: Quantitative stress testing based on MBF measurements derived from contrast echocardiography is a new method for the non-invasive and reliable assessment of coronary artery disease in humans.
INTRODUCTION: It has been suggested that infants dynamically regulate their tidal flow and end-expiratory volume level. The interaction between muscle activity, flow and lung volume in spontaneously sleeping neonates is poorly studied, since it requires the assessment of transcutaneous electromyography of respiratory muscles (rEMG) in matched comparison to lung function measurements. METHODS: After determining feasibility and repeatability of rEMG in 20 spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates, we measured the relative impact of intercostal and diaphragmatic EMG activity in direct comparison to the resulting tidal flow and FRC. RESULTS: We found good feasibility, repeatability and correlation of timing indices between rEMG activity and flow. The rEMG amplitude was significantly dependent on the resistive load of the face mask. Diaphragm and intercostal muscle activity commenced prior to the onset of flow and remained active during the expiratory cycle. The relative contribution of intercostal and diaphragmatic activity to flow was variable and changed dynamically. CONCLUSION: Using matched rEMG, air flow and lung volume measurements, we have found good feasibility and repeatability of intercostal and diaphragm rEMG measurements and provide the first quantitative measures of the temporal relationship between muscle activity and flow in spontaneously sleeping healthy neonates. Lung mechanical function is dynamically regulated and adapts on a breath to breath basis. So, non-invasive rEMG measurements alone or in combination with lung function might provide a more comprehensive picture of pulmonary mechanics in future studies. The data describing the timing of EMG and flow may be important for future studies of EMG triggered mechanical ventilation.
Clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the method of choice for the non-invasive evaluation of articular cartilage defects and the follow-up of cartilage repair procedures. The use of cartilage-sensitive sequences and a high spatial-resolution technique enables the evaluation of cartilage morphology even in the early stages of disease, as well as assessment of cartilage repair. Sequences that offer high contrast between articular cartilage and adjacent structures, such as the fat-suppressed, 3-dimensional, spoiled gradient-echo sequence and the fast spin-echo sequence, are accurate and reliable for evaluating intrachondral lesions and surface defects of articular cartilage. These sequences can also be performed together in reasonable examination times. In addition to morphology, new MRI techniques provide insight into the biochemical composition of articular cartilage and cartilage repair tissue. These techniques enable the diagnosis of early cartilage degeneration and help to monitor the effect and outcome of various surgical and non-surgical cartilage repair therapies.
Hall-effect thrusters (HETs) are compact electric propulsion devices with high specific impulse used for a variety of space propulsion applications. HET technology is well developed but the electron properties in the discharge are not completely understood, mainly due to the difficulty involved in performing accurate measurements in the discharge. Measurements of electron temperature and density have been performed using electrostatic probes, but presence of the probes can significantly disrupt thruster operation, and thus alter the electron temperature and density. While fast-probe studies have expanded understanding of HET discharges, a non-invasive method of measuring the electron temperature and density in the plasma is highly desirable. An alternative to electrostatic probes is a non-perturbing laser diagnostic technique that measures Thomson scattering from the plasma. Thomson scattering is the process by which photons are elastically scattered from the free electrons in a plasma. Since the electrons have thermal energy their motion causes a Doppler shift in the scattered photons that is proportional to their velocity. Like electrostatic probes, laser Thomson scattering (LTS) can be used to determine the temperature and density of free electrons in the plasma. Since Thomson scattering measures the electron velocity distribution function directly no assumptions of the plasma conditions are required, allowing accurate measurements in anisotropic and non-Maxwellian plasmas. LTS requires a complicated measurement apparatus, but has the potential to provide accurate, non-perturbing measurements of electron temperature and density in HET discharges. In order to assess the feasibility of LTS diagnostics on HETs non-invasive measurements of electron temperature and density in the near-field plume of a Hall thruster were performed using a custom built laser Thomson scattering diagnostic. Laser measurements were processed using a maximum likelihood estimation method and results were compared to conventional electrostatic double probe measurements performed at the same thruster conditions. Electron temperature was found to range from approximately 1 – 40 eV and density ranged from approximately 1.0 x 1017 m-3 to 1.3 x 1018 m-3 over discharge voltages from 250 to 450 V and mass flow rates of 40 to 80 SCCM using xenon propellant.
Vertebral cement augmentation can restore the stiffness and strength of a fractured vertebra and relieve chronic pain. Previous finite element analysis, biomechanical tests and clinical studies have indirectly associated new adjacent vertebral fractures following augmentation to altered loading. The aim of this repeated measures in situ biomechanical study was to determine the changes in the adjacent and augmented endplate deformation following cement augmentation of human cadaveric functional spine units (FSU) using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). The surrounding soft tissue and posterior elements of 22 cadaveric human FSU were removed. FSU were assigned to two groups, control (n = 8) (loaded on day 1 and day 2) and augmented (n = 14) (loaded on day 1, augmented 20% cement fill, and loaded on day 2). The augmented group was further subdivided into a prophylactic augmentation group (n = 9), and vertebrae which spontaneously fractured during loading on day 1 (n = 5). The FSU were axially loaded (200, 1,000, 1,500-2,000 N) within a custom made radiolucent, saline filled loading device. At each loading step, FSUs were scanned using the micro-CT. Endplate heights were determined using custom software. No significant increase in endplate deformation following cement augmentation was noted for the adjacent endplate (P > 0.05). The deformation of the augmented endplate was significantly reduced following cement augmentation for both the prophylactic and fracture group (P < 0.05, P < 0.01, respectively). Endplate deformation of the controls showed no statistically significant differences between loading on day 1 and day 2. A linear relationship was noted between the applied compressive load and endplate deflection (R (2) = 0.58). Evidence of significant endplate deformation differences between unaugmented and augmented FSU, while evident for the augmented endplate, was not present for the adjacent endplate. This non-invasive micro-CT method may also be useful to investigate endplate failure, and parameters that predict vertebral failure.
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a surrogate of arterial stiffness and represents a non-invasive marker of cardiovascular risk. The non-invasive measurement of PWV requires tracking the arrival time of pressure pulses recorded in vivo, commonly referred to as pulse arrival time (PAT). In the state of the art, PAT is estimated by identifying a characteristic point of the pressure pulse waveform. This paper demonstrates that for ambulatory scenarios, where signal-to-noise ratios are below 10 dB, the performance in terms of repeatability of PAT measurements through characteristic points identification degrades drastically. Hence, we introduce a novel family of PAT estimators based on the parametric modeling of the anacrotic phase of a pressure pulse. In particular, we propose a parametric PAT estimator (TANH) that depicts high correlation with the Complior(R) characteristic point D1 (CC = 0.99), increases noise robustness and reduces by a five-fold factor the number of heartbeats required to obtain reliable PAT measurements.
Several non-invasive and novel aids for the detection of (and in some cases monitoring of) caries lesions have been introduced in the field of 'caries diagnostics' over the last 15 years. This chapter focusses on those available to dentists at the time of writing; continuing research is bound to lead to further developments in the coming years. Laser fluorescence is based on measurements of back-scattered fluorescence of a 655-nm light source. It enhances occlusal and (potentially) approximal lesion detection and enables semi-quantitative caries monitoring. Systematic reviews have identified false-positive results as a limitation. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence is another sensitive method to quantitatively detect and measure mineral loss both in enamel and some dentine lesions; again, the trade-offs with lower specificity when compared with clinical visual detection must be considered. Subtraction radiography is based on the principle of digitally superimposing two radiographs with exactly the same projection geometry. This method is applicable for approximal surfaces and occlusal caries involving dentine but is not yet widely available. Electrical caries measurements gather either site-specific or surface-specific information of teeth and tooth structure. Fixed-frequency devices perform best for occlusal dentine caries but the method has also shown promise for lesions in enamel and other tooth surfaces with multi-frequency approaches. All methods require further research and further validation in well-designed clinical trials. In the future, they could have useful applications in clinical practice as part of a personalized, comprehensive caries management system.
Non-invasive imaging methods are increasingly entering the field of forensic medicine. Facing the intricacies of classical neck dissection techniques, postmortem imaging might provide new diagnostic possibilities which could also improve forensic reconstruction. The aim of this study was to determine the value of postmortem neck imaging in comparison to forensic autopsy regarding the evaluation of the cause of death and the analysis of biomechanical aspects of neck trauma. For this purpose, 5 deceased persons (1 female and 4 male, mean age 49.8 years, range 20-80 years) who had suffered odontoid fractures or atlantoaxial distractions with or without medullary injuries, were studied using multislice computed tomography (MSCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and subsequent forensic autopsy. Evaluation of the findings was performed by radiologists, forensic pathologists and neuropathologists. The cause of death could be established radiologically in three of the five cases. MRI data were insufficient due to metal artefacts in one case, and in another, ascending medullary edema as the cause of delayed death was only detected by histological analysis. Regarding forensic reconstruction, the imaging methods were superior to autopsy neck exploration in all cases due to the post-processing possibilities of viewing the imaging data. In living patients who suffer medullary injury, follow-up MRI should be considered to exclude ascending medullary edema.
Due to its non-invasive character, the forced oscillation technique has gained importance in clinical research in infants and young children. Standardisation has enabled systematic and comparable measurements to be made in different laboratories throughout the world. The theoretical conditions are now fulfilled for use of these techniques in the clinical environment. This review discusses the principles, usefulness and pitfalls of various forced oscillation techniques in a research and clinical environment and the present and future clinical applications in children. It will focus particularly on the role of infant and preschool lung function as forced oscillation only requires minimal cooperation.
The identification and accurate location of centers of brain activity are vital both in neuro-surgery and brain research. This study aimed to provide a non-invasive, non-contact, accurate, rapid and user-friendly means of producing functional images intraoperatively. To this end a full field Laser Doppler imager was developed and integrated within the surgical microscope and perfusion images of the cortical surface were acquired during awake surgery whilst the patient performed a predetermined task. The regions of brain activity showed a clear signal (10-20% with respect to the baseline) related to the stimulation protocol which lead to intraoperative functional brain maps of strong statistical significance and which correlate well with the preoperative fMRI and intraoperative cortical electro-stimulation. These initial results achieved with a prototype device and wavelet based regressor analysis (the hemodynamic response function being derived from MRI applications) demonstrate the feasibility of LDI as an appropriate technique for intraoperative functional brain imaging.
NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) are of increasing importance, both in connection with insulin resistance and with the development of liver cirrhosis. Histological samples are still the 'gold standard' for diagnosis; however, because of the risks of a liver biopsy, non-invasive methods are needed. MAS (magic angle spinning) is a special type of NMR which allows characterization of intact excised tissue without need for additional extraction steps. Because clinical MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) are based on the same physical principle as NMR, translational research is feasible from excised tissue to non-invasive examinations in humans. In the present issue of Clinical Science, Cobbold and co-workers report a study in three animal strains suffering from different degrees of NAFLD showing that MAS results are able to distinguish controls, fatty infiltration and steatohepatitis in cohorts. In vivo MRS methods in humans are not obtainable at the same spectral resolution; however, know-how from MAS studies may help to identify characteristic changes in crowded regions of the magnetic resonance spectrum.
Sequential studies of osteopenic bone disease in small animals require the availability of non-invasive, accurate and precise methods to assess bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which is currently used in humans for this purpose, can also be applied to small animals by means of adapted software. Precision and accuracy of DXA was evaluated in 10 rats weighing 50-265 g. The rats were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine-xylazine administrated intraperitoneally. Each rat was scanned six times consecutively in the antero-posterior incidence after repositioning using the rat whole-body software for determination of whole-body BMC and BMD (Hologic QDR 1000, software version 5.52). Scan duration was 10-20 min depending on rat size. After the last measurement, rats were sacrificed and soft tissues were removed by dermestid beetles. Skeletons were then scanned in vitro (ultra high resolution software, version 4.47). Bones were subsequently ashed and dissolved in hydrochloric acid and total body calcium directly assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (TBCa[chem]). Total body calcium was also calculated from the DXA whole-body in vivo measurement (TBCa[DXA]) and from the ultra high resolution measurement (TBCa[UH]) under the assumption that calcium accounts for 40.5% of the BMC expressed as hydroxyapatite. Precision error for whole-body BMC and BMD (mean +/- S.D.) was 1.3% and 1.5%, respectively. Simple regression analysis between TBCa[DXA] or TBCa[UH] and TBCa[chem] revealed tight correlations (n = 0.991 and 0.996, respectively), with slopes and intercepts which were significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Mobile learning, in the past defined as learning with mobile devices, now refers to any type of learning-on-the-go or learning that takes advantage of mobile technologies. This new definition shifted its focus from the mobility of technology to the mobility of the learner (O'Malley and Stanton 2002; Sharples, Arnedillo-Sanchez et al. 2009). Placing emphasis on the mobile learner’s perspective requires studying “how the mobility of learners augmented by personal and public technology can contribute to the process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and experience” (Sharples, Arnedillo-Sanchez et al. 2009). The demands of an increasingly knowledge based society and the advances in mobile phone technology are combining to spur the growth of mobile learning. Around the world, mobile learning is predicted to be the future of online learning, and is slowly entering the mainstream education. However, for mobile learning to attain its full potential, it is essential to develop more advanced technologies that are tailored to the needs of this new learning environment. A research field that allows putting the development of such technologies onto a solid basis is user experience design, which addresses how to improve usability and therefore user acceptance of a system. Although there is no consensus definition of user experience, simply stated it focuses on how a person feels about using a product, system or service. It is generally agreed that user experience adds subjective attributes and social aspects to a space that has previously concerned itself mainly with ease-of-use. In addition, it can include users’ perceptions of usability and system efficiency. Recent advances in mobile and ubiquitous computing technologies further underline the importance of human-computer interaction and user experience (feelings, motivations, and values) with a system. Today, there are plenty of reports on the limitations of mobile technologies for learning (e.g., small screen size, slow connection), but there is a lack of research on user experience with mobile technologies. This dissertation will fill in this gap by a new approach in building a user experience-based mobile learning environment. The optimized user experience we suggest integrates three priorities, namely a) content, by improving the quality of delivered learning materials, b) the teaching and learning process, by enabling live and synchronous learning, and c) the learners themselves, by enabling a timely detection of their emotional state during mobile learning. In detail, the contributions of this thesis are as follows: • A video codec optimized for screencast videos which achieves an unprecedented compression rate while maintaining a very high video quality, and a novel UI layout for video lectures, which together enable truly mobile access to live lectures. • A new approach in HTTP-based multimedia delivery that exploits the characteristics of live lectures in a mobile context and enables a significantly improved user experience for mobile live lectures. • A non-invasive affective learning model based on multi-modal emotion detection with very high recognition rates, which enables real-time emotion detection and subsequent adaption of the learning environment on mobile devices. The technology resulting from the research presented in this thesis is in daily use at the School of Continuing Education of Shanghai Jiaotong University (SOCE), a blended-learning institution with 35.000 students.