892 resultados para Nokia e Apple


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In the last few decades, scientific evidence has pointed out the health-beneficial effects of phenolic compounds in foods, including a decrease in risk of developing degenerative and chronic diseases, known to be caused by oxidative stress. In this frame can be inserted research carried out during my PhD thesis, which concerns the phytochemical investigation of phenolic composition in sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.), apple fruits (Malus domestica L.) and quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). The first project was focused on the investigation of phytochemical profile and nutraceutical value of fruits of new sweet cherry cultivars. Their phenolic profile and antioxidant activity were investigated and compared with those of commonly commercialized cultivars. Their nutraceutical value was evaluated in terms of antioxidant/neuroprotective capacity in neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells, in order to investigate their ability to counteract the oxidative stress and/or neurodegeneration process The second project was focused on phytochemical analysis of phenolic compounds in apples of ancient cultivars with the aim of selecting the most diverse cultivars, that will then be assayed for their anti-carcinogenic and anti-proliferative activities against the hepato-biliary and pancreatic tumours. The third project was focused on the analysis of polyphenolic pattern of seeds of two quinoa varieties grown at different latitudes. Analysis of phenolic profile and in vitro antioxidant activity of seed extracts both in their free and soluble-conjugated forms, showed that the accumulation of some classes of flavonoids is strictly regulated by environmental factors, even though the overall antioxidant capacity does not differ in quinoa Regalona grown in Chile and Italy. During the internship period carried out at the Department of Organic Chemistry at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), it was achieved the isolation of two pentacyclic triterpenoids, from an endemic Peruvian plant, Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg., with bio-guided fractionation technique.


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The growing ubiquity of smartphones and tablet devices integrated into personal, social and professional life, facilitated by expansive communication networks globally, has the potential to disrupt higher education. Academics and students are considering the future possibilities of exploiting these tools and utilising networks to consolidate and expand knowledge, enhancing learning gain. Bluetooth beacon technology has been developed by both Apple and Google as a way to situate digital information within physical spaces, and this paper reflects on a beacon intervention in a contemporary art school in higher education conducted by the authors intended to develop a situated community of practice in Art & Design. The paper describes the project, including relevant theoretical foundations and background to the beacon technology, with regards to the potential of using these devices to create a connected learning community by enhancing learning and facilitating knowledge creation in a borderless learning space.


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Fruit crops are an important resource for food security, since more than being nutrient they are also a source of natural antioxidant compounds, such as polyphenols and vitamins. However, fruit crops are also among the cultivations threatened by the harmful effects of climate change This study had the objective of investigating the physiological effects of deficit irrigation on apple (2020-2021), sour cherry (2020-2021-2022) and apricot (2021-2022) trees, with a special focus on fruit nutraceutical quality. On each trial, the main physiological parameters were monitored along the growing season: i) stem and leaf water potentials; ii) leaf gas exchanges; iii) fruit and shoot growth. At harvest, fruit quality was evaluated especially in terms of fruit size, flesh firmness and soluble solids content. Moreover, it was performed: i) total phenolic content determination; ii) anthocyanidin concentration evaluation; and iii) untargeted metabolomic study. Irrigation scheduling in apricot, apple and sour cherry is surely overestimated by the decision support system available in Emilia-Romagna region. The water stress imposed on different fruit crops, each during two years of study, showed as a general conclusion that the decrease in the irrigation water did not show a straightforward decrease in plant physiological performance. This can be due to the miscalculation of the real water needs of the considered fruit crops. For this reason, there is the need to improve this important tool for an appropriate water irrigation management. Furthermore, there is also the need to study the behaviour of fruit crops under more severe deficit irrigations. In fact, it is likely that the application of lower water amounts will enhance the synthesis of specialized metabolites, with positive repercussion on human health. These hypotheses must be verified.


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As the word population continues to grow and global resources are limited, the WHO definition of health is difficult to achieve for a large part of the population. Humanity is facing the need to improve both environmental and human wellbeing. This can be done through careful planning and management of natural resources, ensuring food safety and reducing and converting wastes. This work aims to contribute to the improvement of population and environmental health exploring different research fields: urban park ecosystem services, food chemical risk assessment and agri-food by-product valorization. To highlight the importance of urban parks and their ecosystem services, an ethnobotanical study was carried out in the Ausa urban park in Rimini, using a citizen science approach. The results showed that Ausa Park is an important focal point for plant gatherers in Rimini, as it allows for plant foraging and contributes to preserve the knowledge of the use of plants. Two food safety studies were carried out, looking at the exposure of Poles to bisphenol A through the consumption of soft drinks and to cadmium through the consumption of chocolate bars. The results, compared with EFSA’s scientific opinion, show that the exposure of the Polish population to BPA is of health concern, while cadmium is not. In the agri-food by-product valorization, a green extraction method was optimized to recover valuable phenolic compounds from red-fleshed apple pomace; moreover, the possibility of recovering pectin from the residue was evaluated. Furthermore, valuable compounds in four different types of wheat milling by-products, considered as an alternative source of bioactive compounds with potential human health benefits, were investigated. In conclusion, this work produced usable data in urban green area management and planning, in food chemical risk assessment and in business production decisions, thus contributing to improving environmental and people wellbeing.


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Quello che intendo studiare sono i più importanti interventi antimonopolio negli ultimi 20 anni, per quanto riguarda le grandi potenze del web ossia Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft e Facebook. In particolare approfondirò tutti gli interventi applicati negli Stati Uniti d’America e in Europa nelle varie fasi temporali, ovvero dalla nascita dei colossi della rete, fino ad arrivare al periodo prepandemia, considerando che quest’ultima ha rappresentato un evento durante il quale si sono verificati dei cambiamenti fondamentali che hanno richiesto da parte delle autorità, ulteriori e successivi interventi e controlli per evitare abusi di potere. Ai fini della ricerca sarà importante studiare le origini della regolamentazione antitrust, sia in USA che in Europa da un punto di vista storico. Di conseguenza questi giganti del web hanno avuto l’opportunità di affermare il proprio potere e a volte di abusarne tanto da intensificare le attenzioni dell’antitrust nei loro confronti. Di conseguenza le vicende saranno seguite quotidianamente per mantenere lo studio aggiornato. Si tratta infatti di un settore in continuo divenire, la cui analisi sarebbe priva di significato senza una costante attenzione verso i cambiamenti.


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Throughout the years, technology has had an undeniable impact on the AVT field. It has revolutionized the way audiovisual content is consumed by allowing audiences to easily access it at any time and on any device. Especially after the introduction of OTT streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Apple TV+, and HBO Max, which offer a vast catalog of national and international products, the consumption of audiovisual products has been on a constant rise and, consequently, the demand for localized content too. In turn, the AVT industry resorts to new technologies and practices to handle the ever-growing workload and the faster turnaround times. Due to the numerous implications that it has on the industry, technological advancement can be considered an area of research of particular interest for the AVT studies. However, in the case of dubbing, research and discussion regarding the topic is lagging behind because of the more limited impact that technology has had on the very conservative dubbing industry. Therefore, the aim of the dissertation is to offer an overview of some of the latest technological innovations and practices that have already been implemented (i.e. cloud dubbing and DeepDub technology) or that are still under development and research (i.e. automatic speech recognition and respeaking, machine translation and post-editing, audio-based and visual-based dubbing techniques, text-based editing of talking-head videos, and automatic dubbing), and respectively discuss their reception by the industry professionals, and make assumptions about their future implementation in the dubbing field.


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L’estrema digitalizzazione ha comportato, recentemente, uno stravolgimento totale in vari ambiti come informazione, socializzazione, compravendita e comunicazione. Alcune aziende, come Meta, Amazon, Google ed Apple si sono rese protagoniste di questa rivoluzione, creando dispositivi e sviluppando piattaforme in grado di attirare una quantità elevatissima di utenti e di connettere individui molto distanti tra loro, abbattendo la barriera costituita dalla distanza. Tuttavia, nonostante la loro importanza economico-sociale e il loro impatto globale, queste aziende hanno fatto ricorso, di tanto in tanto, a pratiche scorrette capaci di metterle in una posizione di vantaggio e, dopo averla conseguita, hanno approfittato del loro status per isolarsi ulteriormente dalla pressione concorrenziale di altre aziende. In questa tesi si cercherà di comprendere se la tecnologia possa favorire un ritorno della concorrenza tra piattaforme ed in quale misura.