985 resultados para Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti


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It was found out that the lower parts of slopes of the Untersee mountain valley (East Antarctica) were locally covered with lithificates (both carbonate-free and carbonate-poor). They occur in three modes: crusts, films, and impregnates. All of them cover Late Pleistocene moraine material and consist of mixture of lacustrine sedimentary material and filling material of moraines. A mechanism of their genesis is offered.


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Mineral and whole-rock geochemical data are presented for chilled dike margins from the lower sheeted dike complex of Deep Sea Drilling Project/Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP/ODP) Hole 504B. Compositions of phenocrystic plagioclase (An80-89); olivine (Fo82-86); clinopyroxene (Wo52En40Fs8, with Cr2O3 up to 1.2%); and rare chromian spinel (Cr# 43) are consistent with those from the lavas and the upper dike complex recovered previously (DSDP Legs 69, 70, 83, and ODP Leg 111). Major and trace element compositions fall in group D of Autio and Rhodes (1983) and have high CaO/Na2O, and low TiO2, K2O, and (La/Sm)N values consistent with previous analyses from this site.


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Results of mineralogical and geochemical investigations of post-Middle Jurassic deposits of the Atlantic Ocean are based on materials of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Comparative characteristics of primary matter for ''black shales'' are given. Exhalative origin of heavy metal accumulation in near-axial sedimentary deeps of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (23°N) are shown. History of post-Middle Jurassic sedimentation is considered on the base of clay mineral-, clastic component-, trace and rare- chemical element studies.


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The first series of Soviet standard reference samples of composition of ore materials and ocean pelagic sediments has been created. It includes iron-manganese nodules (SDO-4, SDO-5 and SDO-6), ore crusts (SDO-7) diatomaceous ooze (SDO-8), and deep-sea red clays (SDO-9). The standards are intended to serve as a metrologic basis for physical, physicochemical and chemical analyses of iron-manganese minerals and ocean sediments. The standards are provided with certified analyses of rock-forming components and certain trace elements. Certified characteristics are based on statistical analysis of data obtained from an inter-laboratory experiment involving analysis of the standard reference samples by a variety of methods.


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The Lower Cretaceous tholeiitic basalt cored at Site 738, on the southernmost part of the Kerguelen Plateau, shows anomalous Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions compared to other lavas from Kerguelen Island and the Kerguelen Plateau. The strongly negative value of eNd (- 8.5) and high 207Pb/204Pb ratio (15.71) reflect a long-term evolution in a source high in Nd/Sm and µ. These geochemical properties, not observed in the Indian Ocean mantle plumes (St. Paul, Kerguelen Islands), have been reported for alkali lavas erupted in East Antarctica, thus suggesting that they originate from the Gondwana subcontinental lithosphere.


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Chemical analyzes show that interstitial waters from ore-bearing bottom sediments of the Atlantis II and Discovery Deeps are enriched in Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Pb, and Cd compared to sea water. Enrichment factors of these trace elements in the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II Deep relative to the sea water vary within the following ranges: for Fe from 100 to 7000, for Mn from 19047 to 32738, for Zn from 500 to 1600, for Pb from 78333 to 190000, for Cu from 107 to 654. Comparison of average weighted concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni in the bottom sediments and the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II Deep indicates common regularities and good relationship in distribution of these elements along sediment cores. Differences in concentrations and distribution of the studied trace elements in the interstitial waters of the Atlantis II and Discovery Deeps result from different chemical compositions of hydrothermal fluids entering these deeps.


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Basalts recovered from Sites 595 and 596 on Mesozoic crust in the southwest Pacific range from olivine-bearing tholeiites to ferrobasalts. Despite having undergone extensive low-grade alteration, which has raised K and Rb abundances, the basalts have consistent interelement ratios of Ti, Zr, Hf, rare-earth elements, Y, Th, Ik, and Nb. La/Ta (-18), Lan/Ybn (0.6), Ti/Zr (115), Zr/Nb (20), and Th/Hf (0.08) ratios all fall within the range of N-type mid-ocean-ridge basalt. The basalts from Sites 595 and 596 indicate that the Mesozoic Pacific crust was derived from a mantle source by processes similar to those operating at the present-day East Pacific Rise.


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The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.


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New and published analyses of major element oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO*, MnO, MgO, CaO, K2O, Na2O and P2O5) from the central Izu Bonin and Mariana arcs (IBM) were compiled in order to investigate the evolution of the IBM in terms of major elements since arc inception at ~49 million years ago. The database comprises ?3500 volcanic glasses of distal tephra fallout and ?500 lava samples, ranging from the Quaternary to mid-Eocene in age. The data were corrected to 4 wt% MgO in order to display the highly resolved temporal trends. These trends show that the IBM major elements have always been "arc-like" and clearly distinct from N-MORB. Significant temporal variations of some major element oxides are apparent. The largest variations are displayed by K4.0. The data support a model wherein the K2O variability is caused by the addition of slab component with strongly differing K2O contents to a fairly depleted subarc mantle; variable extents of melting, or mantle heterogeneity, appear to play a negligible role. The other major element oxides are controlled by the composition and processes of the subarc mantle wedge. The transition from the boninitic and tholeiitic magmatism of the Eocene and Oligocene to the exclusively tholeiitic magmatism of the Neogene IBM is proposed to reflect a change in the composition of the subarc mantle wedge. The early boninitic magmas originate from an ultra-depleted subarc mantle, that is residual to either the melting of E-MORB mantle, or of subcontinental lithospheric mantle. During the Eocene and Oligocene, this residual mantle is gradually replaced by Indian MORB mantle advected from the backarc regions. The Indian MORB mantle is more radiogenic in Nd isotope ratios but also more fertile with respect to major and trace elements. Therefore the Neogene tholeiites have higher Al2O3 and TiO2 contents and lower mg# numbers at given SiO2 content. After the subarc mantle replacement was complete in the late Oligocene or early Miocene, the Neogene IBM entered a "steady state" that is characterized by the continuous advection of Indian MORB mantle from the reararc, which is fluxed by fluids and melt components from slab. The thickness of the IBM crust must have grown with time, but any effects of crustal thickening on the major element chemistry of the IBM magmas appear to be minor relative to the compositional changes that are related to source composition. Therefore next to the processes of melting, the composition of the mantle sources must play a major role in creating substantiative heterogeneities in the major element chemistry of the arc crust.


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The basement of southern Kirwanveggen (western Dronning Maud Land) is formed by a SSW-dipping section consisting of (from SW to NE): migmatic gneisses; granitoid; low-grade/prograde meta-pelites, meta-psammites and meta-basalts (= "Polaris Formation"); ortho-gneiss; quartzite mylonite; Polaris Formation; quartzite mylonite; meta-turbidites. These units are (partly) separated by at least four SSW-dipping, NE to N directed major thrusts. Most probably, this thrust system is of Pan-African age. Towards north, the section is followed by the molasse-like Urfjell Group, deposited later than approx. 550 Ma and earlier than 450 Ma. Similarities with the Pan-African of the Shackleton Range (thrusting, molasse) led to the assumption, that the East/West Gondwana suture runs from the Shackleton Range towards Sor Rondane (eastern Dronning Maud Land) passing southern Kirwanveggen at its south-east.


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A distinct Pliocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel (i-282), recovered from three Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 160 Sites, has been investigated for its organic and inorganic composition. This sapropel is characterized by high organic carbon (Corg) and trace element contents, and the presence of isorenieratene derivatives. The latter suggests that the base of the photic zone was sulphidic during formation of the sapropel. Combined with evidence of bottom water anoxia (preservation of laminae, high redox-sensitive trace element contents, and the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite) this leads to the tentative conclusion that almost the entire water column may have been anoxic. This anoxia resulted from high productivity and not from stagnation, because an approximation of the trace element budget during sapropel formation shows that water exchange with the western Mediterranean is needed. Entire water column anoxia has been suggested earlier for several black shales. With regard to the depositional environment and the Corg content, however, only the Cenomanian=Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) black shales appear to be comparable to this sapropel. The proposed trace element removal mechanism of scavenging and (co-)precipitation in an anoxic water column, is thought to be similar for both types of deposits. The ultimate trace element source for the sapropel, however, is seawater, whereas it is hydrothermal and fluvial input for CTBE black shales (because they have a larger temporal and spatial distribution). Nonetheless, the Corg-rich eastern Mediterranean Pliocene sapropel discussed here may be considered to be a younger analogue of CTBE black shales.


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Siliceous deposits drilled on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 129 accumulated within a few degrees of the equator during the Jurassic through early Tertiary, as constrained by paleomagnetic data. During the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, radiolarian ooze, mixed with a minor amount of pelagic clay, was deposited near the equator, and overall accumulation rates were moderate to low. At a smaller scale, in more detail, periods of relatively higher accumulation rates alternated with periods of very low accumulation rates. Higher rates are represented by radiolarite and limestone; lower rates are represented by radiolarian claystone. Our limited data from Leg 129 suggests that accumulation of biogenic deposits was not symmetrical about the equator or consistent over time. In the Jurassic, sedimentation was siliceous; in the Cretaceous there was significant calcareous deposition; in the Tertiary claystone indicates significantly lower accumulation rates at least the northern part of the equatorial zone. Accumulation rates for Leg 129 deposits in the Cretaceous were higher in the southern part of the equatorial zone than in the northern part, and the southern side of this high productivity zone extended to approximately 15°S, while the northern side extended only to about 5°N. Accumulation rates are influenced by relative contributions from various sediment sources. Several elements and element ratios are useful for discriminating sedimentary sources for the equatorial depositional environments. Silica partitioning calculations indicate that silica is dominantly of biogenic origin, with a detrital component in the volcaniclastic turbidite units, and a small hydrothermal component in the basal sediments on spreading ridge basement of Jurassic age at Site 801. Iron in Leg 129 sediments is dominantly of detrital origin, highest in the volcaniclastic units, with a minor hydrothermal component in the basal sediments at Site 801. Manganese concentrations are highest in the units with the lowest accumulation rates. Fe/Mn ratios are >3 in all units, indicating negligible hydrothermal influence. Magnesium and aluminum concentrations are highest in the volcaniclastic units and in the basal sediments at Site 801. Phosphorous is very low in abundance and may be detrital, derived from fish parts. Boron is virtually absent, as is typical of deep-water deposits. Rare earth element concentrations are slightly higher in the volcaniclastic deposits, suggesting a detrital source, and lower in the rest of the lithologic units. Rare earth element abundances are also low relative to "average shale." Rare earth element patterns indicate all samples are light rare earth element enriched. Siliceous deposits in the volcaniclastic units have patterns which lack a cerium anomaly, suggesting some input of rare earth elements from a detrital source; most other units have a distinct negative Ce anomaly similar to seawater, suggesting a seawater source, through adsorption either onto biogenic tests or incorporation into authigenic minerals for Ce in these units. The Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) ratio indicates that there is some detrital component in all the units sampled. This ratio plotted against Fe/Ti shows that all samples plot near the detrital and basalt end-members, except for the basal samples from Site 801, which show a clear trend toward the hydrothermal end-member. The results of these plots and the association of high Fe with high Mg and Al indicate the detrital component is dominantly volcaniclastic, but the presence of potassium in some samples suggests some terrigenous material may also be present, most likely in the form of eolian clay. On Al-Fe-Mn ternary plots, samples from all three sites show a trend from biogenic ooze at the top of the section downhole to oceanic basalt. On Si-Fe-Mn ternary plots, the samples from all three sites fall on a trend between equatorial mid-ocean spreading ridges and north Pacific red clay. Copper-barium ratios show units that have low accumulation rates plot in the authigenic field, and radiolarite and limestone samples that have high accumulation rates fall in the biogenic field.


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These data are from a field experiment conducted in a shallow alluvial aquifer along the Colorado River in Rifle, Colorado, USA. In this experiment, bicarbonate-promoted uranium desorption and acetate amendment were combined and compared to an acetate amendment-only experiment in the same experimental plot. Data include names and location data for boreholes, geochemical data for all the boreholes between June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) for individual microarray probes, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) by Genus.


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Diabasic rocks were recovered at Sites 469 and 471 on IPOD/DSDP Leg 63. The diabasic rocks are composed mainly of Plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and low-temperature alteration products. In addition to these phases, a considerable amount of primary biotite and lesser colorless amphibole are observed in some of the Site 471 diabases. Major and trace element data suggest that these rocks are tholeiitic; however, their highly altered nature obscures their petrologic affinity with the DSDP Leg 63 tholeiitic basalts and others from the nearby Pacific ocean floor. It is likely that the Site 469 and 471 diabasic rocks represent products of off-ridge intrusive activity.


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Ore crusts from the Mid-Pacific Seamounts were studied by scanning electron microscopy and by atomic-absorption and chemical analysis. Characteristic ultramicroscopic structures of ore material of these crusts are globular, fibrous, conchoidal and cellular. Non-ore components are represented by fragments of bedrocks, zeolites, biogenic carbonates, and apatite. Contents of ore elements are: Fe 5.53-15.82%; Mn 14.92-23.45%; Co 0.32-0.82%; Ni 0.22-0.70%; Cu 0.02-0.12%, Mn/Fe ratio varies from 1.02 to 3.39. In general elevated contents of Co (>0.55%) in Fe-Mn crusts correspond to elevated (>1) Mn/Fe ratios.