926 resultados para NEONATAL INTENSIVE-CARE
This booklet provides information about the benefits of breastfeeding for ill or premature babies in intensive care, as well as advice on how to express milk, maintain a good supply of milk and correct storage of breast milk.
INTRODUCTION. Reduced cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) may worsen secondary damage and outcome after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), however the optimal management of CPP is still debated. STUDY HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that the impact of CPP on outcome is related to brain tissue oxygen tension (PbtO2) level and that reduced CPP may worsen TBI prognosis when it is associated with brain hypoxia. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of prospective database. METHODS. We analyzed 103 patients with severe TBI who underwent continuous PbtO2 and CPP monitoring for an average of 5 days. For each patient, duration of reduced CPP (\60 mm Hg) and brain hypoxia (PbtO2\15 mm Hg for[30 min [1]) was calculated with linear interpolation method and the relationship between CPP and PbtO2 was analyzed with Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. Outcome at 30 days was assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS), dichotomized as good (GOS 4-5) versus poor (GOS 1-3). Multivariable associations with outcome were analyzed with stepwise forward logistic regression. RESULTS. Reduced CPP (n=790 episodes; mean duration 10.2 ± 12.3 h) was observed in 75 (74%) patients and was frequently associated with brain hypoxia (46/75; 61%). Episodes where reduced CPP were associated with normal brain oxygen did not differ significantly between patients with poor versus those with good outcome (8.2 ± 8.3 vs. 6.5 ± 9.7 h; P=0.35). In contrast, time where reduced CPP occurred simultaneously with brain hypoxia was longer in patients with poor than in those with good outcome (3.3±7.4 vs. 0.8±2.3 h; P=0.02). Outcome was significantly worse in patients who had both reduced CPP and brain hypoxia (61% had GOS 1-3 vs. 17% in those with reduced CPP but no brain hypoxia; P\0.01). Patients in whom a positive CPP-PbtO2 correlation (r[0.3) was found also were more likely to have poor outcome (69 vs. 31% in patients with no CPP-PbtO2 correlation; P\0.01). Brain hypoxia was an independent risk factor of poor prognosis (odds ratio for favorable outcome of 0.89 [95% CI 0.79-1.00] per hour spent with a PbtO2\15 mm Hg; P=0.05, adjusted for CPP, age, GCS, Marshall CT and APACHE II). CONCLUSIONS. Low CPP may significantly worsen outcome after severe TBI when it is associated with brain tissue hypoxia. PbtO2-targeted management of CPP may optimize TBI therapy and improve outcome of head-injured patients.
INTRODUCTION. The role of turbine-based NIV ventilators (TBV) versus ICU ventilators with NIV mode activated (ICUV) to deliver NIV in case of severe respiratory failure remains debated. OBJECTIVES. To compare the response time and pressurization capacity of TBV and ICUV during simulated NIV with normal and increased respiratory demand, in condition of normal and obstructive respiratory mechanics. METHODS. In a two-chamber lung model, a ventilator simulated normal (P0.1 = 2 mbar, respiratory rate RR = 15/min) or increased (P0.1 = 6 mbar, RR = 25/min) respiratory demand. NIV was simulated by connecting the lung model (compliance 100 ml/mbar; resistance 5 or 20 l/mbar) to a dummy head equipped with a naso-buccal mask. Connections allowed intentional leaks (29 ± 5 % of insufflated volume). Ventilators to test: Servo-i (Maquet), V60 and Vision (Philips Respironics) were connected via a standard circuit to the mask. Applied pressure support levels (PSL) were 7 mbar for normal and 14 mbar for increased demand. Airway pressure and flow were measured in the ventilator circuit and in the simulated airway. Ventilator performance was assessed by determining trigger delay (Td, ms), pressure time product at 300 ms (PTP300, mbar s) and inspiratory tidal volume (VT, ml) and compared by three-way ANOVA for the effect of inspiratory effort, resistance and the ventilator. Differences between ventilators for each condition were tested by oneway ANOVA and contrast (JMP 8.0.1, p\0.05). RESULTS. Inspiratory demand and resistance had a significant effect throughout all comparisons. Ventilator data figure in Table 1 (normal demand) and 2 (increased demand): (a) different from Servo-i, (b) different from V60.CONCLUSION. In this NIV bench study, with leaks, trigger delay was shorter for TBV with normal respiratory demand. By contrast, it was shorter for ICUV when respiratory demand was high. ICUV afforded better pressurization (PTP 300) with increased demand and PSL, particularly with increased resistance. TBV provided a higher inspiratory VT (i.e., downstream from the leaks) with normal demand, and a significantly (although minimally) lower VT with increased demand and PSL.
A large number of parameters have been identified as predictors of early outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke. In the present work we analyzed a wide range of demographic, metabolic, physiological, clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging parameters in a large population of consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke with the aim of identifying independent predictors of the early clinical course. We used prospectively collected data from the Acute Stroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne. All consecutive patients with ischemic stroke admitted to our stroke unit and/or intensive care unit between 1 January 2003 and 12 December 2008 within 24 h after last-well time were analyzed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify significant associations with the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score at admission and 24 h later. We also sought any interactions between the identified predictors. Of the 1,730 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke who were included in the analysis, 260 (15.0%) were thrombolyzed (mostly intravenously) within the recommended time window. In multivariate analysis, the NIHSS score at 24 h after admission was associated with the NIHSS score at admission (β = 1, p < 0.001), initial glucose level (β = 0.05, p < 0.002) and thrombolytic intervention (β = -2.91, p < 0.001). There was a significant interaction between thrombolysis and the NIHSS score at admission (p < 0.001), indicating that the short-term effect of thrombolysis decreases with increasing initial stroke severity. Thrombolytic treatment, lower initial glucose level and lower initial stroke severity predict a favorable early clinical course. The short-term effect of thrombolysis appears mainly in minor and moderate strokes, and decreases with increasing initial stroke severity.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Critically ill patients with complicated evolution are frequently hypermetabolic, catabolic, and at risk of underfeeding. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between energy balance and outcome in critically ill patients. METHODS: Prospective observational study conducted in consecutive patients staying > or = 5 days in the surgical ICU of a University hospital. Demographic data, time to feeding, route, energy delivery, and outcome were recorded. Energy balance was calculated as energy delivery minus target. Data in means+/-SD, linear regressions between energy balance and outcome variables. RESULTS: Forty eight patients aged 57+/-16 years were investigated; complete data are available in 669 days. Mechanical ventilation lasted 11+/-8 days, ICU stay 15+/-9 was days, and 30-days mortality was 38%. Time to feeding was 3.1+/-2.2 days. Enteral nutrition was the most frequent route with 433 days. Mean daily energy delivery was 1090+/-930 kcal. Combining enteral and parenteral nutrition achieved highest energy delivery. Cumulated energy balance was between -12,600+/-10,520 kcal, and correlated with complications (P < 0.001), already after 1 week. CONCLUSION: Negative energy balances were correlated with increasing number of complications, particularly infections. Energy debt appears as a promising tool for nutritional follow-up, which should be further tested. Delaying initiation of nutritional support exposes the patients to energy deficits that cannot be compensated later on.
AIM: Hyperglycaemia is now a recognized predictive factor of morbidity and mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). For this reason, we aimed to evaluate the postoperative management of glucose control in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, and to assess the impact of glucose levels on in-hospital mortality and morbidity. METHODS: This was a retrospective study investigating the association between postoperative blood glucose and outcomes, including death, post-surgical complications, and length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in hospital. RESULTS: A total of 642 consecutive patients were enrolled into the study after cardiovascular surgery (CABG, carotid endarterectomy and bypass in the lower limbs). Patients' mean age was 68+/-10 years, and 74% were male. In-hospital mortality was 5% in diabetic patients vs 2% in non-diabetic patients (OR: 1.66, P=0.076). Having blood glucose levels in the upper quartile range (> or =8.8 mmol/L) on postoperative day 1 was independently associated with death (OR: 10.16, P=0.0002), infectious complications (OR: 1.76, P=0.04) and prolonged ICU stay (OR: 3.10, P<0.0001). Patients presenting with three or more hypoglycaemic episodes (<4.1 mmol/L) had increased rates of mortality (OR: 9.08, P<0.0001) and complications (OR: 8.57, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Glucose levels greater than 8.8 mmol/L on postoperative day 1 and having three or more hypoglycaemic episodes in the postoperative period were predictive of mortality and morbidity among patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. This suggests that a multidisciplinary approach may be able to achieve better postoperative blood glucose control.
INTRODUCTION. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) is a new ventilatory mode in which ventilator settings are adjusted based on the electrical activity detected in the diaphragm (Eadi). This mode offers significant advantages in mechanical ventilation over standard pressure support (PS) modes, since ventilator input is determined directly from patient ventilatory demand. Therefore, it is expected that tidal volume (Vt) under NAVA would show better correlation with Eadi compared with PS, and exhibit greater variability due to the variability in the Eadi input to the ventilator. OBJECTIVES. To compare tidal volume variability in PS and NAVA ventilation modes, and its correlation with patient ventilatory demand (as characterized by maximum Eadi). METHODS. Acomparative study of patient-ventilator interaction was performed for 22 patients during standard PS with clinician determined ventilator settings; and NAVA, with NAVA gain set to ensure the same peak airway pressure as the total pressure obtained in PS. A 20 min continuous recording was performed in each ventilator mode. Respiratory rate, Vt, and Eadi were recorded. Tidal volume variance and Pearson correlation coefficient between Vt and Eadi were calculated for each patient. A periodogram was plotted for each ventilator mode and each patient, showing spectral power as a function of frequency to assess variability. RESULTS. Median, lower quartile and upper quartile values for Vt variance and Vt/Eadi correlation are shown in Table 1. The NAVA cohort exhibits substantially greater correlation and variance than the PS cohort. Power spectrums for Vt and Eadi are shown in Fig. 1 (PS and NAVA) for a typical patient. The enlarged section highlights how changes in Eadi are highly synchronized with NAVA ventilation, but less so for PS. CONCLUSIONS. There is greater variability in tidal volume and correlation between tidal volume and diaphragmatic electrical activity with NAVA compared to PS. These results are consistent with the improved patient-ventilator synchrony reported in the literature.
Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) is defined as status epilepticus that continues despite treatment with benzodiazepines and one antiepileptic drug. RSE should be treated promptly to prevent morbidity and mortality; however, scarce evidence is available to support the choice of specific treatments. Major independent outcome predictors are age (not modifiable) and cause (which should be actively targeted). Recent recommendations for adults suggest that the aggressiveness of treatment for RSE should be tailored to the clinical situation. To minimise intensive care unit-related complications, focal RSE without impairment of consciousness might initially be approached conservatively; conversely, early induction of pharmacological coma is advisable in generalised convulsive forms of the disorder. At this stage, midazolam, propofol, or barbiturates are the most commonly used drugs. Several other treatments, such as additional anaesthetics, other antiepileptic or immunomodulatory compounds, or non-pharmacological approaches (eg, electroconvulsive treatment or hypothermia), have been used in protracted RSE. Treatment lasting weeks or months can sometimes result in a good outcome, as in selected patients after encephalitis or autoimmune disorders. Well designed prospective studies of RSE are urgently needed.
Introduction Because it decreases intubation rate and mortality, NIV has become first-line treatment in case of hypercapnic acute respiratory failure (HARF). Whether this approach is equally successful for all categories of HARF patients is however debated. We assessed if any clinical characteristics of HARF patients were associated with NIV intensity, success, and outcome, in order to identify prognostic factors. Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical database (clinical information system and MDSi) of patients consecutively admitted to our medico-surgical ICU, presenting with HARF (defined as PaCO2 > 50 mmHg), and receiving NIV between May 2008 and December 2010. Demographic data, medical diagnoses (including documented chronic lung disease), reason for ICU hospitalization, recent surgical interventions, SAPS II and McCabe scores were extracted from the database. Total duration of NIV and the need for tracheal intubation during the 5 days following the first hypercapnia documentation, as well as ICU, hospital and one year mortality were recorded. Results are reported as median [IQR]. Comparisons were carried out with Chi2 or Kruskal-Wallis tests, p<0.05 (*). Results Two hundred and twenty patients were included. NIV successful patients received 16 [9-31] hours of NIV for up to 5 days. Fifty patients (22.7%) were intubated 11 [2-34] hours after HARF occurence, after having receiving 10 [5-21] hours of NIV. Intubation was correlated with increased ICU (18% vs. 6%, p<0.05) and hospital (42% vs. 31%, p>0.05) mortality. SAPS II score was related to increasing ICU (51 [29-74] vs. 23 [12-41]%, p<0.05), hospital (37% [20-59] vs 20% [12-37], p<0.05) and one year mortality (35% vs 20%, p<0.05). Surgical patients were less frequent among hospital fatalities (28.8% vs. 46.3%, p<0.05, RR 0.8 [0-6-0.9]). Nineteen patients (8.6%) died in the ICU, 73 (33.2%) during their hospital stay and 108 (49.1%) were dead one year after HARF. Conclusion The practice to start NIV in all suitable patients suffering from HARF is appropriate. NIV can safely and appropriately be used in patients suffering from HARF from an origin different from COPD exacerbation. Beside usual predictors of severity such as severity score (SAPS II) appear to be associated with increased mortality. Although ICU mortality was low in our patients, hospital and one year mortality were substantial. Surgical patients, although undergoing a similar ICU course, had a better hospital and one year outcome.
OBJECTIVE: Therapeutic temperature modulation is recommended after cardiac arrest (CA). However, body temperature (BT) regulation has not been extensively studied in this setting. We investigated BT variation in CA patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) and analyzed its impact on outcome. METHODS: A prospective cohort of comatose CA patients treated with TH (32-34°C, 24h) at the medical/surgical intensive care unit of the Lausanne University Hospital was studied. Spontaneous BT was recorded on hospital admission. The following variables were measured during and after TH: time to target temperature (TTT=time from hospital admission to induced BT target <34°C), cooling rate (spontaneous BT-induced BT target/TTT) and time of passive rewarming to normothermia. Associations of spontaneous and induced BT with in-hospital mortality were examined. RESULTS: A total of 177 patients (median age 61 years; median time to ROSC 25 min) were studied. Non-survivors (N=90, 51%) had lower spontaneous admission BT than survivors (median 34.5 [interquartile range 33.7-35.9]°C vs. 35.1 [34.4-35.8]°C, p=0.04). Accordingly, time to target temperature was shorter among non-survivors (200 [25-363]min vs. 270 [158-375]min, p=0.03); however, when adjusting for admission BT, cooling rates were comparable between the two outcome groups (0.4 [0.2-0.5]°C/h vs. 0.3 [0.2-0.4]°C/h, p=0.65). Longer duration of passive rewarming (600 [464-744]min vs. 479 [360-600]min, p<0.001) was associated with mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Lower spontaneous admission BT and longer time of passive rewarming were associated with in-hospital mortality after CA and TH. Impaired thermoregulation may be an important physiologic determinant of post-resuscitation disease and CA prognosis. When assessing the benefit of early cooling on outcome, future trials should adjust for patient admission temperature and use the cooling rate rather than the time to target temperature.
The influenza season started later than normal, clinical indices began to increase marginally in mid-February, much later than previous seasons, and activity remained very low throughout, with community syndromic indicators not reaching the baseline warning threshold during the season. The peak GP influenza-like illness consultation rates in 2011/12 were the lowest since surveillance began in Northern Ireland in 2000. No one age-group appeared predominantly affected, with low levels of activity in all age groups, however, GP consultation rates increased in both children and adults.Influenza A (H3) was the predominant strain of the virus circulating, with small numbers of the influenza B strain circulating later in the season. Unlike the 2010/11 season when Influenza A (H1N1)2009 strain dominated in Northern Ireland, there were no detections of this subtype in 2011/12; virological activity generally corresponded to clinical activity.There were however, patients with confirmed influenza admitted to Intensive care units, across Northern Ireland during the season. Numbers were low, the average age of these patients increased compared with the previous season and one fatality was reported in this group.The proportion of over 65 year olds who received the 2011/12 seasonal influenza vaccine was 77.0%, and in those in a clinical risk group aged under 65 years was 81.7%, both of these vaccination uptake figures were a slight increase on the previous year. Influenza vaccine uptake in frontline healthcare workers also increased marginally this season to 20.8%, as did the proportion of pregnant women vaccinated during the season.
The PHA�coordinated Northern Ireland's participation in ECDC's National Prevalence Survey on�Hospital-Acquired Infections & on Antimicrobial Use. Hospitals in Northern Ireland participated in data collection between May and June 2012.This report provides a snapshot of the levels of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and levels of antimicrobial use (AMU) in hospitals in Northern Ireland during 2012.There have been three previous HAI PPS surveys and the last survey was carried out in 2006. It is difficult to compare each survey as the data was collected in a different way. However, after making allowances, there was an overall drop in HAI prevalence of 18% from 2006 to 2012.The PPS data collection was undertaken by hospital teams between May and June 2012 (one hospital deferred data collection until September 2012 because of a move to a new hospital); 16 hospitals surveyed 3,992 eligible patients. The median age of all patients was 66 years. A total of 383 (10 per cent) children under 16 years of age were surveyed.�Key results from this year's survey:The prevalence of HAI was 4.2%. A total of 166 patients were diagnosed with an active HAI with 3 patients having more than one infection.When comparing ward specialties, HAI prevalence was highest for patients in adult intensive care units (ICUs) at 9.1 per cent, followed by care of the elderly wards at 5.7%.The most common types of HCAI were respiratory infections (including pneumonia and infections of the lower respiratory tract) (27.9 per cent of all infections), surgical site infections (18.9 per cent) and urinary tract infections (UTI) (11.8 per cent).Since the last PPS in 2006 there has been a reduction in MRSA infections - from 0.9 per cent �of the hospital population to less than 0.1 per cent in patients; and a five-fold reduction in C. difficile infections (from 1.1 per cent to 0.2 per cent).The prevalence of antimicrobial use was 29.5%.Most antibiotic use (60 per cent) in hospitals was in patients receiving treatment for infections which commenced in the community. Eleven percent of surgical prophylaxis was prescribed for greater than one day.��
The 2014/15 influenza season was characterised by moderate levels of influenza activity.� Primary care consultation rates were higher than in 2013/14 for the majority of the season, although still low overall.� Activity seen in other surveillance was also higher than in 2013/14 year, and showed that the severity and impact of influenza was greater in 2014/15 and affected older age groups most frequently, with more reported respiratory outbreaks, patients with confirmed influenza admitted to Intensive Care Units/High Dependency Units and excess mortality in those over 65 years of a
Introduction: Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1)v pneumonia has led to a notable increase of admissions to intensive care units. A cytokine-mediated inflammatory response has been well documented in pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, few studies have focused on the role of these inflammatory mediators in infections caused by the Influenza A (H1N1)v. In this study, we assess the inflammatory response mediated by cytokines at the local and systemic levels in three cases of severe pneumonia caused by Influenza A (H1N1) virus. Methodology: Serum and bronchoalveolar lavage samples were obtained from three mechanically ventilated patients diagnosed with Influenza A (H1N1) virus pneumonia by bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage. Levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 8 (IL-8), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1ß) were meassured in these samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: High levels of C Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin below 1 ng/ml and absence of leukocytosis were common findings in all patients. TNF α and IL-1ß were not detected in the serum. IL-6 levels in serum were (94, pg/ml, 77 pg/ml and 84 pg/ml) respectively in the three patients, while IL-8 levels were (30,2 pg/ml, 128 pg/ml and 40,5 pg/ml). In the BAL samples, only one of the analysed cytokines, IL-1ß was present at detectable levels in two patients (21 pg/ml and 11 pg/ml respectively). Conclusions: Our results support previous findings which suggest that high levels of IL-6 and IL-8 in serum somehow participate in the inflammatory response in severe cases of pandemic influenza pneumonia.
The members of the genus Acinetobacter are Gram-negative cocobacilli that are frequently found in the environment but also in the hospital setting where they have been associated with outbreaks of nosocomial infections. Among them, Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as the most common pathogenic species involved in hospital-acquired infections. One reason for this emergence may be its persistence in the hospital wards, in particular in the intensive care unit; this persistence could be partially explained by the capacity of these microorganisms to form biofilm. Therefore, our main objective was to study the prevalence of the two main types of biofilm formed by the most relevant Acinetobacter species, comparing biofilm formation between the different species. Findings: Biofilm formation at the air-liquid and solid-liquid interfaces was investigated in different Acinetobacter spp. and it appeared to be generally more important at 25°C than at 37°C. The biofilm formation at the solid-liquid interface by the members of the ACB-complex was at least 3 times higher than the other species (80-91% versus 5-24%). In addition, only the isolates belonging to this complex were able to form biofilm at the air-liquid interface; between 9% and 36% of the tested isolates formed this type of pellicle. Finally, within the ACB-complex, the biofilm formed at the air-liquid interface was almost 4 times higher for A. baumannii and Acinetobacter G13TU than for Acinetobacter G3 (36%, 27% & 9% respectively). Conclusions: Overall, this study has shown the capacity of the Acinetobacter spp to form two different types of biofilm: solid-liquid and air-liquid interfaces. This ability was generally higher at 25°C which might contribute to their persistence in the inanimate hospital environment. Our work has also demonstrated for the first time the ability of the members of the ACB-complex to form biofilm at the air-liquid interface, a feature that was not observed in other Acinetobacter species.