997 resultados para N2O decomposition


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Statically balanced compliant mechanisms require no holding force throughout their range of motion while maintaining the advantages of compliant mechanisms. In this paper, a postbuckled fixed-guided beam is proposed to provide the negative stiffness to balance the positive stiffness of a compliant mechanism. To that end, a curve decomposition modeling method is presented to simplify the large deflection analysis. The modeling method facilitates parametric design insight and elucidates key points on the force-deflection curve. Experimental results validate the analysis. Furthermore, static balancing with fixed-guided beams is demonstrated for a rectilinear proof-of-concept prototype.


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The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) plants has raised several environmental concerns. One of these concerns regards non-target soil fauna organisms, which play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and hence are largely exposed to GM plant residues. Soil fauna may be directly affected by transgene products or indirectly by pleiotropic effects such as a modified plant metabolism. Thus, ecosystem services and functioning might be affected negatively. In a litterbag experiment in the field we analysed the decomposition process and the soil fauna community involved. Therefore, we used four experimental GM wheat varieties, two with a race-specific antifungal resistance against powdery mildew (Pm3b) and two with an unspecific antifungal resistance based on the expression of chitinase and glucanase. We compared them with two non-GM isolines and six conventional cereal varieties. To elucidate the mechanisms that cause differences in plant decomposition, structural plant components (i.e. C:N ratio, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose) were examined and soil properties, temperature and precipitation were monitored. The most frequent taxa extracted from decaying plant material were mites (Cryptostigmata, Gamasina and Uropodina), springtails (Isotomidae), annelids (Enchytraeidae) and Diptera (Cecidomyiidae larvae). Despite a single significant transgenic/month interaction for Cecidomyiidae larvae, which is probably random, we detected no impact of the GM wheat on the soil fauna community. However, soil fauna differences among conventional cereal varieties were more pronounced than between GM and non-GM wheat. While leaf residue decomposition in GM and non-GM wheat was similar, differences among conventional cereals were evident. Furthermore, sampling date and location were found to greatly influence soil fauna community and decomposition processes. The results give no indication of ecologically relevant adverse effects of antifungal GM wheat on the composition and the activity of the soil fauna community.


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In order to provide high precision stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13CO2 or δ13C of CO2) from small bubbly, partially and fully clathrated ice core samples we developed a new method based on sublimation coupled to gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS). In a first step the trapped air is quantitatively released from ~30 g of ice and CO2 together with N2O are separated from the bulk air components and stored in a miniature glass tube. In an off-line step, the extracted sample is introduced into a helium carrier flow using a minimised tube cracker device. Prior to measurement, N2O and organic sample contaminants are gas chromatographically separated from CO2. Pulses of a CO2/N2O mixture are admitted to the tube cracker and follow the path of the sample through the system. This allows an identical treatment and comparison of sample and standard peaks. The ability of the method to reproduce δ13C from bubble and clathrate ice is verified on different ice cores. We achieve reproducibilities for bubble ice between 0.05 ‰ and 0.07 ‰ and for clathrate ice between 0.05 ‰ and 0.09 ‰ (dependent on the ice core used). A comparison of our data with measurements on bubble ice from the same ice core but using a mechanical extraction device shows no significant systematic offset. In addition to δ13C, the CO2 and N2O mixing ratios can be volumetrically derived with a precision of 2 ppmv and 8 ppbv, respectively.


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Through the use of Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), the rate coefficient for the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by O(3P) at room temperature (32 ºC)) was determined to be (1.51 ± 0.11)x10-12 cm3molecule-1sec-1. A Q-switched, frequency quadrupled (266 nm) Nd:YAG laser pulse was used as the pump for this experiment. This pulse caused the photodissociation of O3 into O2 and O atoms.Excited oxygen (O(1D)) was collisionally quenched to ground state (O(3P)) by Ar and/or Xe. Photodissociation also caused a temperature jump within the system, exciting the ν2 state of N2O molecules. Population in the ν2 state was monitored through a TDLASobservation of a ν3 transition. Data were fit using a Visual Fortran 6.0 Global Fitting program. Analysis of room temperature data taken using only Ar to quench O atoms to the ground state gave the same rate coefficient as analysis of data taken using an Ar/Xe mixture, suggesting Ar alone is a sufficient bath gas. Experimentation was alsoperformed at -27 ºC and -82 ºC for a temperature dependence analysis. A linear regression analysis gave a rate coefficient dependence on temperature of ... for the rate coefficient of the vibrational relaxation of N2O (ν2) by atomic oxygen.


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OBJECTIVES: This paper examines four different levels of possible variation in symptom reporting: occasion, day, person and family. DESIGN: In order to rule out effects of retrospection, concurrent symptom reporting was assessed prospectively using a computer-assisted self-report method. METHODS: A decomposition of variance in symptom reporting was conducted using diary data from families with adolescent children. We used palmtop computers to assess concurrent somatic complaints from parents and children six times a day for seven consecutive days. In two separate studies, 314 and 254 participants from 96 and 77 families, respectively, participated. A generalized multilevel linear models approach was used to analyze the data. Symptom reports were modelled using a logistic response function, and random effects were allowed at the family, person and day level, with extra-binomial variation allowed for on the occasion level. RESULTS: Substantial variability was observed at the person, day and occasion level but not at the family level. CONCLUSIONS: To explain symptom reporting in normally healthy individuals, situational as well as person characteristics should be taken into account. Family characteristics, however, would not help to clarify symptom reporting in all family members.


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In this work, we present a multichannel EEG decomposition model based on an adaptive topographic time-frequency approximation technique. It is an extension of the Matching Pursuit algorithm and called dependency multichannel matching pursuit (DMMP). It takes the physiologically explainable and statistically observable topographic dependencies between the channels into account, namely the spatial smoothness of neighboring electrodes that is implied by the electric leadfield. DMMP decomposes a multichannel signal as a weighted sum of atoms from a given dictionary where the single channels are represented from exactly the same subset of a complete dictionary. The decomposition is illustrated on topographical EEG data during different physiological conditions using a complete Gabor dictionary. Further the extension of the single-channel time-frequency distribution to a multichannel time-frequency distribution is given. This can be used for the visualization of the decomposition structure of multichannel EEG. A clustering procedure applied to the topographies, the vectors of the corresponding contribution of an atom to the signal in each channel produced by DMMP, leads to an extremely sparse topographic decomposition of the EEG.


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Spatial independent component analysis (sICA) of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series can generate meaningful activation maps and associated descriptive signals, which are useful to evaluate datasets of the entire brain or selected portions of it. Besides computational implications, variations in the input dataset combined with the multivariate nature of ICA may lead to different spatial or temporal readouts of brain activation phenomena. By reducing and increasing a volume of interest (VOI), we applied sICA to different datasets from real activation experiments with multislice acquisition and single or multiple sensory-motor task-induced blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal sources with different spatial and temporal structure. Using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) methodology for accuracy evaluation and multiple regression analysis as benchmark, we compared sICA decompositions of reduced and increased VOI fMRI time-series containing auditory, motor and hemifield visual activation occurring separately or simultaneously in time. Both approaches yielded valid results; however, the results of the increased VOI approach were spatially more accurate compared to the results of the decreased VOI approach. This is consistent with the capability of sICA to take advantage of extended samples of statistical observations and suggests that sICA is more powerful with extended rather than reduced VOI datasets to delineate brain activity.


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In environmental epidemiology, exposure X and health outcome Y vary in space and time. We present a method to diagnose the possible influence of unmeasured confounders U on the estimated effect of X on Y and to propose several approaches to robust estimation. The idea is to use space and time as proxy measures for the unmeasured factors U. We start with the time series case where X and Y are continuous variables at equally-spaced times and assume a linear model. We define matching estimator b(u)s that correspond to pairs of observations with specific lag u. Controlling for a smooth function of time, St, using a kernel estimator is roughly equivalent to estimating the association with a linear combination of the b(u)s with weights that involve two components: the assumptions about the smoothness of St and the normalized variogram of the X process. When an unmeasured confounder U exists, but the model otherwise correctly controls for measured confounders, the excess variation in b(u)s is evidence of confounding by U. We use the plot of b(u)s versus lag u, lagged-estimator-plot (LEP), to diagnose the influence of U on the effect of X on Y. We use appropriate linear combination of b(u)s or extrapolate to b(0) to obtain novel estimators that are more robust to the influence of smooth U. The methods are extended to time series log-linear models and to spatial analyses. The LEP plot gives us a direct view of the magnitude of the estimators for each lag u and provides evidence when models did not adequately describe the data.


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Postmortem decomposition of brain tissue was investigated by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in a sheep head model and selected human cases. Aiming at the eventual estimation of postmortem intervals in forensic medicine, this study focuses on the characterization and identification of newly observed metabolites. In situ single-voxel (1)H-MRS at 1.5 T was complemented by multidimensional homo- and heteronuclear high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of an extract of sheep brain tissue. The inclusion of spectra of model solutions in the program LC Model confirmed the assignments in situ. The first postmortem phase was characterized mainly by changes in the concentrations of metabolites usually observed in vivo and by the appearance of previously reported decay products. About 3 days postmortem, new metabolites, including free trimethylammonium, propionate, butyrate, and iso-butyrate, started to appear in situ. Since the observed metabolites and the time course is comparable in sheep and human brain tissue, the model system seems to be appropriate.


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This paper presents a novel variable decomposition approach for pose recovery of the distal locking holes using single calibrated fluoroscopic image. The problem is formulated as a model-based optimal fitting process, where the control variables are decomposed into two sets: (a) the angle between the nail axis and its projection on the imaging plane, and (b) the translation and rotation of the geometrical model of the distal locking hole around the nail axis. By using an iterative algorithm to find the optimal values of the latter set of variables for any given value of the former variable, we reduce the multiple-dimensional model-based optimal fitting problem to a one-dimensional search along a finite interval. We report the results of our in vitro experiments, which demonstrate that the accuracy of our approach is adequate for successful distal locking of intramedullary nails.