961 resultados para N-acyliminium ions
Research was conducted to investigate the potential for ecologically engineering a sustainable wetland ecosystem over pyritic mine tailings to prevent the generation of acid mine drainage. Ecological engineering is technology with the primary goal being the creation of self-sustainable ecological systems. Work involved the design and construction of a pilot-scale wetland system comprising three wetland cells, each covering 100 m2. Approximately forty tonnes of pyritic mine tailings were deposited on the base of the first cell above a synthetic liner, covered with peat, flooded and planted with emergent wetland macrophytes Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, and Juncus effusus. The second cell was constructed as a conventional free water surface wetland, planted identically, and used as a reference wetland/experimental control. Wetland monitoring to determine long-term sustainability focused on indicators of ecosystem health including ecological, hydrological, physico-chemical, geochemical, and biotic metrics. An integrated assessment was conducted that involved field ecology in addition to ecological risk assessment. The objective of the field ecology study was to use vegetative parameters as ecological indicators for documenting wetlands success or degradation. The goal of the risk assessment was to determine if heavy-metal contamination of the wetland sediments occurred through metal mobilisation from the underlying tailings, and to evaluate if subsequent water column chemistry and biotic metal concentrations were significantly correlated with adverse wetland ecosystem impacts. Data were used to assess heavy metal bioavailability within the system as a function of metal speciation in the wetland sediments. Results indicate hydrology is the most important variable in the design and establishment of the tailings wetland and suggest a wetland cover is an ecologically viable alternative for pyritic tailings which are feasible to flood. Ecological data indicate that in terms of species richness and diversity, the tailings-wetland was exhibiting the ecological characteristics of natural wetlands within two years. Ata indicate that pH and conductivity in the tailings-wetland were not adversely impacted by the acid-generating potential or sulphate concentration of the tailings substrate and its porewater. Similarly, no enhanced seasonal impacts from sulphate or metals in the water column, nor adverse impacts on the final water quality of the outflows, were detected. Mean total metal concentrations in the sediments of the tailings-wetland indicate no significant adverse mobilisation of metals into the peat substrate from the tailings. Correlation analyses indicate a general increase in sediment metal concentration in this wetland with increasing water depth and pH, and a corresponding decrease in the metal concentrations of the water column. Sediment extractions also showed enrichment of Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn in the oxidisable fraction (including sulphides and organic matter) of the tailings-wetland sediments. These data suggest that adsorption and coprecipitation of metals is occurring from the water column of the tailings wetland with organic material at increasing depths under reducing conditions. The long-term control of metal bioavailability in the tailings wetland will likely be related to the presence and continual build-up of organic carbon binding sites in the developing wetland above the tailings. Metal speciation including free-metal ion concentration and the impact of physico-chemical parameters particularly pH and organic matter, were investigated to assess ecotoxicological risk. Results indicate that potentially bioavailable metals (the sum of the exchangeable and reducible fractions) within the tailings wetland are similar to values cited for natural wetlands. Estimated free-metal ion concentrations calculated from geochemical regression models indicate lower free-metal ion concentrations of Cd in the tailings wetland than natural wetlands and slightly higher free-metal ion concentrations of Pb and Zn. Increased concentrations of metals in roots, rhizomes and stems of emergent macrophytes did not occur in the tailings wetland. Even though a substantial number of Typha latifolia plants were found rooting directly into tailings, elevated metals were not found in these plant tissues. Phragmites also did not exhibit elevated metal concentrations in any plant tissues. Typha and Phragmites populations appear to be exhibiting metal-tolerant behaviour. The chemistry of the water column and sediments in Silvermines wetland were also investigated and were much more indicative of a wetland system impacted by heavy metal contamination than the tailings-wetland. Mean Dc, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations in the water column and sediments of Silvermines wetlands were substantially higher than in the pilot wetlands and closely approximate concentrations in these matrices contaminated with metals from mining. In addition, mean sulphate concentration in Silvermines wetland was substantially higher and is closer to sulphate concentrations in waters associated with mining. Potentially bioavailable metals were substantially elevated in Silvermines wetland in comparison to the pilot wetlands and higher than those calculated for natural rive sediments. However, Fe oxy-hydroxide concentrations in Silvermines sediments are also much higher than in the pilot wetlands and this significantly impacts the concentration of free-metal ions in the sediment porewater. The free-metal ion concentrations for Pb and Zn indicate that Silvermines wetland is retaining metals and acting as a treatment wetland for drainage emanating from Silvermines tailings dam.
აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს ატმოსფერული ნალექების ქიმიური ანალიზის მონაცემების შესწავლის შედეგად დადგენილია, რომ ამ ნალექებში მთავარი იონების და მათი ჯამური კონცენტრაციები იცვლება იმ უნალექო 12 საათიანი დროის ინტერვალის რიცხვის მიხედვით, რომელიც წინ უსწრებდა გაანალიზებული სინჯის აღებას. დამოკიდებულება ზრდადია და კარგად აღიწერება მესამე რიგის პოლინომით. ყველა იონისათვის გამოთვლილია ემპირიულ დამოკიდებულებაში შემავალი მუდმივი კოეფიციენტი.
წარმოდგენილია მონაცემები თბილისის ჰაერის მიწისპირა ფენაში 2010-2011 წწ. მსუბუქი იონების ჯამური კონცენტრაციის შესახებ.შესწავლილია ატმოსფეროში მსუბუქი იონების კონცენტრაციის თვიური და დღიური სვლა. აგებულია მსუბუქი იონების კონცენტრაციის განაწილების ფუნქცია წლის სხვადასხვა სეზონისათვის.
Vol. 3
O presente trabalho relata os dados relativos a análise qualitativa e quantitativa do precipitado, que se forma quando se adiciona a uma solução contendo estrôncio, dicromato de potássio, em meio amoniacal e hidroalcoólico. Em lugar de se formar cromato de estrôncio simples, SrCrO4, forma-se um cromato que além do estrôncio, contém os ions amônio e potássio. Soluções padrões contendo desde 1, 8 até 50,5 mg de estrôncio, foram tratadas com solução de dicromato de potássio 2 normal, amoníaco e solução hidroalcoólica com 95% de álcool absoluto. O precipitado foi pesado e a equação de regressão que relaciona o peso do estrôncio colocado e o peso do precipitado obtido, e a seguinte: Y = 4,58 X + 0, 84, onde: X é o pêso em miligramas, do estrôncio colocado Y é o pêso em miligramas, do precipitado A composição provável do precipitado parece ser 6 SrCrO4 (NH4)2 CrO4. 6K2CrO4
The status of zinc in sugar cane, variety Co 419, troughout its life cyle, was studid in samples cut monthly, from the 6th to 15th month, from an experiment carried on under the conditions of soil and climate prevailing in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The experiment consisted of 6plots, 3 fertilized and 3 unfertilized. The fertilized ones received 40 kg of N (ammonium sulfate), 100 kg P2O5 (superphosphate) and 40 kg K2O (potassium cloride) per hectare, just before planting. The zinc content was determined by the Zincon method, after separation of zinc from other ions by means of the ion Exchange Resin III, Merck. The results obtained show that there was a tendency to decrease the zinc level in the stalks, whereas it kept more or less constant in the leaves; there was an exception in January, when the zinc level in the stalks had a sharp raise: 38-90-20 and 28-60-23 ppm for the fertilized an unfertilized treatments. There was a parallelism in the absorption of zinc by the plants from 4 hills of both treatments, through the whole - plantcycle but, the total amount taken up was higher with the fertilized plot due to its greater mass production.
O presente trabalho relata os estudos desenvolvidos sobre alguns aspectos do método volumétrico de determinação do boro, solúvel em ácido, em fertilizantes. Foram objeto de estudos a influência dos ions amônio e fosfato e suas consequentes eliminações, a possibilidade da redução da massa de manitol necessária para a titulação, face a mudança do pH do ponto final e a precisão e a exatidão do método. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer que 6,0 g de manitol são suficientes para a referida determinação pelo método proposto. A influência do íon amônio é evitada pela fervura da solução alcalina por 30 minutos e o ânion sulfato influe na precipitação do fosfato com Pb2+, sendo por isso, necessário 1 ml da solução de Pb (nO3)2 a 10% para cada 1% de P2O5 da amostra para a completa precipitação do fosfato. O método proposto é dotado de adequada precisão e exatidão.
No presente trabalho foi desenvolvida a primeira fase dos estudos experimentais do método da 2,2'-dipiridil cetoxima, para a determinação do cobalto. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em soluções puras e dentre os aspectos estudados constam; o reativo, preparo, concentração e conservação; o pH, influencia sobre a formação e extração do composto colorido; o sistema tampão, influencia sobre a reação, eficiência e escolha. Numa seqüência, serão apresentados posteriormente estudos sobre solventes, influência de diversos ions e aplicação do método em análises de plantas.
Estudou-se, em condições de campo, o transporte de ions NO-3 e NH+4 em uma Terra Roxa Estruturada (TE) cultivada com Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., quando se forneceu diferentes doses de adubo nítrico e amoniacal. O solo foi amostrado em 4 profundidades (0-20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-80 cm), no final do ciclo vegetativo da cultura, determinando-se os teores de nitrato e amônio em cada profundidade estudada. Os teores de NO-3 aumentaram com o aumento da profundidade e das doses de N-NO-3/ha, principalmente nas doses mais altas (100, 200 e 400 kg/ha de N-N0-3). Os teores mais altos foram encontrados na profundidade de 60-80 cm sendo: 2,46; 3,72; 7,25 e 10,22 ppm de NO3, para as doses de 50, 100, 200 e 400 kg/ha de N-NO3, respectivamente. Os teores mais altos de NH+4 foram encontrados na profundidade de 0-20cm, sendo: 5,42; 7,75; 7,43 e 9,26 ppm de NH+4, para as doses de 50 , 100, 200 e 400 kg/ha de N-NH+4, respectivaimente. Observou-se menor transporte de (NH+4) em relação ao (NO-3), mesmo quando o solo recebeu as mais altas doses (kg/ha) de N-NH+4.
Experiments for the investigation of dehydrogenase activity of washed cells of a strains of Br. abortus and another of Br. suis in presence of different single added substrates are reported. The activity was measured as the amount of formazan produced by the reduction of 2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolum chloride acting as a hydrogen ions acceptor, at pH 7.0. In a general manner the dehydrogenase activity of Br. suis was much more intense than that of Br. abortus (fig. 5). In the conditions of the experiments Br. abortus oxidized L-arabinose, D-galactose, D-glucose, glycerol, D-xylose, DL-alanine, D-fructose, and D-sorbitol. Brucella suis oxidized D-xylose, L-arabinose, D-glucose, D-galactose, DL-alanine, sodium acetate, maltose, glycine, D-fructose, and D-sorbitol. Glycerol was oxidized by Br. abortus but its oxidation by Br. suir was very slight. Sodium acetate and maltose were intensely oxidized by Br. suir but not by Br. abortus. The sites of more intense enzymatic acitivity were seen as small red colored round granules located in one pole of the cells.
El present treball, com a projecte final de carrera, té com objectiu estudiar la viabilitat del suro com a material alternatiu a compostos sintètics, com per exemple bescanviadors iònics convencionals. Està centrat al cas particular de la recuperació de Pal·ladi i Platí, metalls nobles d’alt valor econòmic i per tant amb un alt interès per la seva recuperació un cop usats.
Résumé : Les progrès techniques de la spectrométrie de masse (MS) ont contribué au récent développement de la protéomique. Cette technique peut actuellement détecter, identifier et quantifier des milliers de protéines. Toutefois, elle n'est pas encore assez puissante pour fournir une analyse complète des modifications du protéome corrélées à des phénomènes biologiques. Notre objectif était le développement d'une nouvelle stratégie pour la détection spécifique et la quantification des variations du protéome, basée sur la mesure de la synthèse des protéines plutôt que sur celle de la quantité de protéines totale. Pour cela, nous volions associer le marquage pulsé des protéines par des isotopes stables avec une méthode d'acquisition MS basée sur le balayage des ions précurseurs (precursor ion scan, ou PIS), afin de détecter spécifiquement les protéines ayant intégré les isotopes et d'estimer leur abondance par rapport aux protéines non marquées. Une telle approche peut identifier les protéines avec les plus hauts taux de synthèse dans une période de temps donnée, y compris les protéines dont l'expression augmente spécifiquement suite à un événement précis. Nous avons tout d'abord testé différents acides aminés marqués en combinaison avec des méthodes PIS spécifiques. Ces essais ont permis la détection spécifique des protéines marquées. Cependant, en raison des limitations instrumentales du spectromètre de masse utilisé pour les méthodes PIS, la sensibilité de cette approche s'est révélée être inférieure à une analyse non ciblée réalisée sur un instrument plus récent (Chapitre 2.1). Toutefois, pour l'analyse différentielle de deux milieux de culture conditionnés par des cellules cancéreuses humaines, nous avons utilisé le marquage métabolique pour distinguer les protéines d'origine cellulaire des protéines non marquées du sérum présentes dans les milieux de culture (Chapitre 2.2). Parallèlement, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de quantification nommée IBIS, qui utilise des paires d'isotopes stables d'acides aminés capables de produire des ions spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour la quantification relative. La méthode IBIS a été appliquée à l'analyse de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses complètement marquées, mais de manière différenciée, par des paires d'acides aminés (Chapitre 2.3). Ensuite, conformément à l'objectif initial de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une variante pulsée de l'IBIS pour détecter des modifications du protéome dans des cellules HeLa infectée par le virus humain Herpes Simplex-1 (Chapitre 2.4). Ce virus réprime la synthèse des protéines des cellules hôtes afin d'exploiter leur mécanisme de traduction pour la production massive de virions. Comme prévu, de hauts taux de synthèse ont été mesurés pour les protéines virales détectées, attestant de leur haut niveau d'expression. Nous avons de plus identifié un certain nombre de protéines humaines dont le rapport de synthèse et de dégradation (S/D) a été modifié par l'infection virale, ce qui peut donner des indications sur les stratégies utilisées par les virus pour détourner la machinerie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans ce travail que le marquage métabolique peut être employé de façon non conventionnelle pour étudier des dimensions peu explorées en protéomique. Summary : In recent years major technical advancements greatly supported the development of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. Currently, this technique can efficiently detect, identify and quantify thousands of proteins. However, it is not yet sufficiently powerful to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome changes correlated with biological phenomena. The aim of our project was the development of ~a new strategy for the specific detection and quantification of proteomé variations based on measurements of protein synthesis rather than total protein amounts. The rationale for this approach was that changes in protein synthesis more closely reflect dynamic cellular responses than changes in total protein concentrations. Our starting idea was to couple "pulsed" stable-isotope labeling of proteins with a specific MS acquisition method based on precursor ion scan (PIS), to specifically detect proteins that incorporated the label and to simultaneously estimate their abundance, relative to the unlabeled protein isoform. Such approach could highlight proteins with the highest synthesis rate in a given time frame, including proteins specifically up-regulated by a given biological stimulus. As a first step, we tested different isotope-labeled amino acids in combination with dedicated PIS methods and showed that this leads to specific detection of labeled proteins. Sensitivity, however, turned out to be lower than an untargeted analysis run on a more recent instrument, due to MS hardware limitations (Chapter 2.1). We next used metabolic labeling to distinguish the proteins of cellular origin from a high background of unlabeled (serum) proteins, for the differential analysis of two serum-containing culture media conditioned by labeled human cancer cells (Chapter 2.2). As a parallel project we developed a new quantification method (named ISIS), which uses pairs of stable-isotope labeled amino acids able to produce specific reporter ions, which can be used for relative quantification. The ISIS method was applied to the analysis of two fully, yet differentially labeled cancer cell lines, as described in Chapter 2.3. Next, in line with the original purpose of this thesis, we used a "pulsed" variant of ISIS to detect proteome changes in HeLa cells after the infection with human Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (Chapter 2.4). This virus is known to repress the synthesis of host cell proteins to exploit the translation machinery for the massive production of virions. As expected, high synthesis rates were measured for the detected viral proteins, confirming their up-regulation. Moreover, we identified a number of human proteins whose synthesis/degradation ratio (S/D) was affected by the viral infection and which could provide clues on the strategies used by the virus to hijack the cellular machinery. Overall, in this work, we showed that metabolic labeling can be employed in alternative ways to investigate poorly explored dimensions in proteomics.
Estudi elaborat a partir dâuna estada a la School of Life Sciences de la University of Dundee, Gran Bretanya, entre gener i març del 2007.L'estrès osmòtic causa rà pidament l'activació de la quinasa WNK1, que fosforila i activa a continuació les quinases SPAK i OSR1, que alhora regulen canals i transportadors dâions preexistents a la membrana celâ¢lular. El factor de transcripció NFAT5 és el principal regulador de la resposta celâ¢lular transcripcional secundà ria a hipertonicitat i sâha descrit que les quinases p38, Fyn, PKA, ERK/MEK i ATM estan involucrades en la seva regulació post-traduccional. No obstant, com que la funció dâaquestes quinases no explica totalment els mecanismes d'activació de NFAT5, sâha estudiat si lâactivitat transcripcional de NFAT5 pot estar regulada per WNK1, SPAK o OSR1. Aixà doncs, es va observar que lâactivitat dâun reporter dependent de NFAT5 no es veu afectada per la presència de cap de les quinases anteriors, en la seva forma wild-type o dominant negatiu. Dâaltra banda, es va estudiar quin domini de WNK1 és necessari per a que pugui respondre a hipertonicitat i quines quinases poden estar involucrades en la fosforilació de la serina 382 de WNK1. En conclusió, les dades obtingudes apunten que lâactivació de WNK1 en resposta a estrès osmòtic requereix la seva fosforilació en la serina 382 per quinases upstream com PAK2 o RSK i que també és necessari un dels seus dominis coiled-coil, almenys els aminoà cids 558 i 561. Aquests processos, però, semblen ser independents de lâactivació de NFAT5 en resposta a hipertonicitat. ââ
Résumé Le transfert du phosphate des racines vers les feuilles s'effectue par la voie du xylème. Il a été précédemment démontré que la protéine AtPHO1 était indispensable au transfert du phosphate dans les vaisseaux du xylème des racines chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Le séquençage et l'annotation du génome d'Arabidopsis ont permis d'identifier dix séquences présentant un niveau de similarité significatif avec le gène AtPHO1 et constituant une nouvelle famille de gène appelé la famille de AtPHO1. Basée sur une étude moléculaire et génétique, cette thèse apporte des éléments de réponse pour déterminer le rôle des membres de ia famille de AtPHO1 chez Arabidopsis, inconnue à ce jour. Dans un premier temps, une analyse bioinformatique des séquences protéiques des membres de la famille de AtPHO1 a révélé la présence dans leur région N-terminale d'un domaine nommé SPX. Ce dernier est conservé parmi de nombreuses protéines impliquées dans l'homéostasie du phosphate chez la levure, renforçant ainsi l'hypothèse que les membres de la famille de AtPHO1 auraient comme AtPHO1 un rôle dans l'équilibre du phosphate dans la plante. En parallèle, la localisation tissulaire de l'expression des gènes AtPHO dans Arabidopsis a été identifiée par l'analyse de plantes transgéniques exprimant le gène rapporteur uidA sous le contrôle des promoteurs respectifs des gènes AtPHO. Un profil d'expression de chaque gène AtPHO au cours du développement de la plante a été obtenu. Une expression prédominante au niveau des tissus vasculaires des racines, des feuilles, des tiges et des fleurs a été observée, suggérant que les gènes AtPHO pourraient avoir des fonctions redondantes au niveau du transfert de phosphate dans le cylindre vasculaire de ces différents organes. Toutefois, plusieurs régions promotrices des gènes AtPHO contrôlent également un profil d'expression GUS non-vasculaire, indiquant un rôle putatif des gènes AtPHO dans l'acquisition ou le recyclage de phosphate dans la plante. Dans un deuxième temps, l'analyse de l'expression des gènes AtPHO durant une carence en phosphate a établi que seule l'expression des gènes AtPHO1, AtPHO1; H1 et AtPHO1; H10 est régulée par cette carence. Une étude approfondie de leur expression en réponse à des traitements affectant l'homéostasie du phosphate dans la plante a ensuite démontré leur régulation par différentes voies de signalisation. Ensuite, une analyse détaillée de la régulation de l'expression du gène AtPHO1; H1O dans des feuilles d'Arabidopsis blessées ou déshydratées a révélé que ce gène constitue le premìer gène marqueur d'une nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par l'OPDA, pas par le JA et dépendante de la protéine COI1. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois que l'OPDA et le JA peuvent activer différents gènes via des voies de signalisation dépendantes de COI1. Enfin, cette thèse révèle l'identification d'un nouveau rôle de la protéine AtPHO1 dans la régulation de l'action de l'ABA au cours des processus de fermeture stomatique et de germination des graines chez Arabidopsis. Bien que les fonctions exactes des protéines AtPHO restent à être déterminées, ce travail de thèse suggère leur implication dans la propagation de différents signaux dans la plante via la modulation du potentiel membranaire et/ou l'affectation de la composition en ions des cellules comme le font de nombreux transporteurs ou régulateur du transport d'ions. Summary Phosphate is transferred from the roots to the shoot via the xylem. The requirement for AtPHO1 protein to transfer phosphate to the xylem vessels of the root has been previously demonstrated in Arabidopsis thaliana. The sequencing and the annotation of the Arabidopsis genome had allowed the identification of ten sequences that show a significant level of similarity with the AtPHO1 gene. These 10 genes, of unknown functions, constitute a new gene family called the AtPHO1 gene family. Based on a molecular and genetics study, this thesis reveals some information needed to understand the role of the AtPHO1 family members in the plant Arabidopsis. First, a bioinformatics study revealed that the AtPHO sequences contained, in the N-terminal hydrophilic region, a motif called SPX and conserved among multiple proteins involved in phosphate homeostasis in yeast. This finding reinforces the hypothesis that all AtPHO1 family members have, as AtPHO1, a role in phosphate homeostasis. In parallel, we identified the pattern of expression of AtPHO genes in Arabidopsis via analysis of transgenic plants expressing the uidA reporter gene under the control of respective AtPHO promoter regions. The results exhibit a predominant expression of AtPHO genes in vascular tissues of all organs of the plant, implying that these AtPHO genes could have redundant functions in the transfer of phosphate to the vascular cylinder of various organs. The GUS expression pattern for several AtPHO promoter regions was also detected in non-vascular tissue indicating a broad role of AtPHO genes in the acquisition or in the recycling of phosphate in the plant. In a second step, the analysis of the expression of AtPHO genes during phosphate starvation established that only the expression of the AtPHO1, AtPHO1; H1 and AtPHO1; H10 genes were regulated by Pi starvation. Interestingly, different signalling pathways appeared to regulate these three genes during various treatments affecting Pi homeostasis in the plant. The third chapter presents a detailed analysis of the signalling pathways regulating the expression of the AtPHO1; H10 gene in Arabidopsis leaves during wound and dehydrated stresses. Surprisingly, the expression of AtPHO1; H10 was found to be regulated by OPDA (the precursor of JA) but not by JA itself and via the COI1 protein (the central regulator of the JA signalling pathway). These results demonstrated for the first time that OPDA and JA could activate distinct genes via COI1-dependent pathways. Finally, this thesis presents the identification of a novel role of the AtPHO1 protein in the regulation of ABA action in Arabidopsis guard cells and during seed germination. Although the exact role and function of AtPHO1 still need to be determined, these last findings suggest that AtPHO1 and by extension other AtPHO proteins could mediate the propagation of various signals in the plant by modulating the membrane potential and/or by affecting cellular ion composition, as it is the case for many ion transporters or regulators of ion transport.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2008. La nanobiotecnologia és una branca de la nanociència i/o nanotecnologia que previsiblement tindrà un gran creixement i impacte durant els propers anys en molts camps i especialment en el de la diagnosi i tractament de malalties. Això requereix disposar de biosensors a escala nanomètrica que siguin molt sensibles i selectius enfront d’agents químics i biològics, a fi de poder obtenir dades en temps real “in situ” a nivell cel•lular i facilitar tractaments específics i personalitzats. Un petit pas previ als nanobiosensors són els microsensors químics, que poden ser fàcilment implantats en teixits humans sense lesionar-los i proporcionar mesures freqüents o contínues del pH o de la concentració de diversos ions que són dades importants per determinar l’estat de salut d’una persona. Els sensors ISFET tenen una configuració que els permet detectar i mesurar les concentracions de ions H+, per tant mesuren el pH. Entre les seves aplicacions hi destaca la gran eficàcia en la detecció del ió H+ en petites concentracions, que, entre altres usos com els biomèdics, és de gran importància en la mesura de la qualitat dels terrenys de cultiu. Si el sensor tipus ISFET és modificat mitjançant una membrana, com es fa en el present treball, pot desenvolupar moltes aplicacions en el camp de la salut, com és el cas de la detecció de cèl•lules mortes dins el cos humà, i per tant detectar de manera precoç la necrosi.