913 resultados para Multiple antibiotic resistance profile


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Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) extended with flaB typing of 425 Campylobacter jejuni isolates and 42 Campylobacter coli isolates revealed quite a low overlap between human isolates from travel-associated and domestic cases in Switzerland. Men were more frequently affected by Campylobacter than women, but strains from women and, overall, from travel-associated cases showed mutations conferring quinolone resistance more frequently than strains from men and domestic cases, respectively.


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We consider collective decision problems given by a profile of single-peaked preferences defined over the real line and a set of pure public facilities to be located on the line. In this context, Bochet and Gordon (2012) provide a large class of priority rules based on efficiency, object-population monotonicity and sovereignty. Each such rule is described by a fixed priority ordering among interest groups. We show that any priority rule which treats agents symmetrically — anonymity — respects some form of coherence across collective decision problems — reinforcement — and only depends on peak information — peakonly — is a weighted majoritarian rule. Each such rule defines priorities based on the relative size of the interest groups and specific weights attached to locations. We give an explicit account of the richness of this class of rules.


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Mycoplasmal pneumonia and arthritis is a problem of increasing significance in Midwestern feedlots. The disease presentation cannot be prevented by vaccination or successfully treated with antimicrobials. Due to the reported difficulty in treating these outbreaks, in-vitro antimicrobial susceptibility was tested on isolates of Mycoplasma bovis recovered from cases of pneumonia or pneumonia and arthritis where the mycoplasma was involved as a causative agent. Using a broth microdilution method, 36 M. bovis isolates from cases of pneumonia and 9 from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were tested for susceptibility to antimicrobials currently used in cattle with respiratory disease (ampicillin, tilmycosin, spectinomycin, tylosin, lincomycin, tetracycline, ceftiofur, and erythromycin). Among the isolates from cases with pneumonia, resistance to more antimicrobials was shown in recent isolates than in isolates from earlier years. Tetracycline and lincomycin were the drugs of choice for these isolates, although 3 of 36 isolates were resistant to all drugs tested. Isolates from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were from recent accessions. A majority of these isolates (5/9) were resistant to all antimicrobials tested. Lincomycin, spectinomycin, and tetracycline were antibiotics usable with 4/9 of the isolates. Overall, the results indicate that antimicrobial therapy in cases of mycoplasmal feedlot pneumonia and arthritis may be unrewarding.


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Camels are the most valuable livestock species in the Horn of Africa and play a pivotal role in the nutritional sustainability for millions of people. Their health status is therefore of utmost importance for the people living in this region. Streptococcus agalactiae, a Group B Streptococcus (GBS), is an important camel pathogen. Here we present the first epidemiological study based on genetic and phenotypic data from African camel derived GBS. Ninety-two GBS were characterized using multilocus sequence typing (MLST), capsular polysaccharide typing and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing. We analysed the GBS using Bayesian linkage, phylogenetic and minimum spanning tree analyses and compared them with human GBS from East Africa in order to investigate the level of genetic exchange between GBS populations in the region. Camel GBS sequence types (STs) were distinct from other STs reported so far. We mapped specific STs and capsular types to major disease complexes caused by GBS. Widespread resistance (34%) to tetracycline was associated with acquisition of the tetM gene that is carried on a Tn916-like element, and observed primarily among GBS isolated from mastitis. The presence of tetM within different MLST clades suggests acquisition on multiple occasions. Wound infections and mastitis in camels associated with GBS are widespread and should ideally be treated with antimicrobials other than tetracycline in East Africa.


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Abstract Objective To determine whether antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of removal of a urinary catheter reduces the risk of subsequent symptomatic urinary tract infection. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published before November 2012 identified through PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library; conference abstracts for 2006-12 were also reviewed. Inclusion criteria Studies were included if they examined antibiotic prophylaxis administered to prevent symptomatic urinary tract infection after removal of a short term (≤14 days) urinary catheter. Results Seven controlled studies had symptomatic urinary tract infection after catheter removal as an endpoint; six were randomized controlled trials (five published; one in abstract form) and one was a non-randomized controlled intervention study. Five of these seven studies were in surgical patients. Studies were heterogeneous in the type and duration of antimicrobial prophylaxis and the period of observation. Overall, antibiotic prophylaxis was associated with benefit to the patient, with an absolute reduction in risk of urinary tract infection of 5.8% between intervention and control groups. The risk ratio was 0.45 (95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.72). The number needed to treat to prevent one urinary tract infection was 17 (12 to 30). Conclusions Patients admitted to hospital who undergo short term urinary catheterization might benefit from antimicrobial prophylaxis when the catheter is removed as they experience fewer subsequent urinary tract infections. Potential disadvantages of more widespread antimicrobial prophylaxis (side effects and cost of antibiotics, development of antimicrobial resistance) might be mitigated by the identification of which patients are most likely to benefit from this approach.


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BACKGROUND Oesophageal adenocarcinomas often show resistances to chemotherapy (CTX), therefore, it would be of high interest to better understand the mechanisms of resistance. We examined the expression of heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and glucose-regulated proteins (GRPs) in pretherapeutic biopsies of oesophageal adenocarcinomas to assess their potential role in CTX response. METHODS Ninety biopsies of locally advanced adenocarcinomas before platin/5-fluorouracil (FU)-based CTX were investigated by reverse phase protein arrays (RPPAs), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and quantitative RT-PCR. RESULTS CTX response strongly correlated with survival (P=0.001). Two groups of tumours with specific protein expression patterns were identified by RPPA: Group A was characterised by low expression of HSP90, HSP27 and p-HSP27((Ser15, Ser78, Ser82)) and high expression of GRP78, GRP94, HSP70 and HSP60; Group B exhibited the inverse pattern. Tumours of Group A were more likely to respond to CTX, resulting in histopathological tumour regression (P=0.041) and post-therapeutic down-categorisation from cT3 to ypT0-T2 (P=0.040). High HSP60 protein (IHC) and mRNA expression were also associated with tumour down-categorisation (P=0.016 and P=0.004). CONCLUSION Our findings may enhance the understanding of CTX response mechanisms, might be helpful to predict CTX response and might have translational relevance as they highlight the role of potentially targetable cellular stress proteins in the context of CTX response.


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Tuberculosis remains a major threat as drug resistance continues to increase. Pulmonary tuberculosis in adults is responsible for 80% of clinical cases and nearly 100% of transmission of infection. Unfortunately, since we have no animal models of adult type pulmonary tuberculosis, the most important type of disease remains largely out of reach of modern science and many fundamental questions remain unanswered. This paper reviews research dating back to the 1950's providing compelling evidence that cord factor (trehalose 6,6 dimycolate [TDM]) is essential for understanding tuberculosis. However, the original papers by Bloch and Noll were too far ahead of their time to have immediate impact. We can now recognize that the physical and biologic properties of cord factor are unprecedented in science, especially its ability to switch between two sets of biologic activities with changes in conformation. While TDM remains on organisms, it protects them from killing within macrophages, reduces antibiotic effectiveness and inhibits the stimulation of protective immune responses. If it comes off organisms and associates with lipid, TDM becomes a driver of tissue damage and necrosis. Studies emanating from cord factor research have produced (1) a rationale for improving vaccines, (2) an approach to new drugs that overcome natural resistance to antibiotics, (3) models of caseating granulomas that reproduce multiple manifestations of human tuberculosis. (4) evidence that TDM is a key T cell antigen in destructive lesions of tuberculosis, and (5) a new understanding of the pathology and pathogenesis of postprimary tuberculosis that can guide more informative studies of long standing mysteries of tuberculosis.


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Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a major debilitating disease in the United States. Multiple factors, including genetic factors, contribute to the development of the disease. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have contributed to the identification of genetic loci influencing risk for complex diseases, such as stroke. In 2010, a GWAS of incident stroke was performed in four large prospective cohorts from the USA and Europe and identified an association of two Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 12p13 with a greater risk of ischemic stroke in individuals of European and African-American ancestry. These SNPs are located 11 Kb upstream of the nerve injury-induced gene 2, Ninjurin2 (NINJ2), suggesting that this gene may be involved in stroke pathogenesis. NINJ2 is a cell adhesion molecule induced in the distal glial cells from a sciatic-nerve injury at 7-days after injury. In an effort to ascribe a possible role of NINJ2 in stroke, we have assessed changes in the level of gene and protein expression of NINJ2 following a time-course from a transiently induced middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke in mice brains. We report an increase in the gene expression of NINJ2 in the ischemic and peri-infarct (ipsilateral) cortical tissues at 7 and 14-days after stroke. We also report an increase in the protein expression of NINJ2 in the cortex of both the ipsilateral and contralateral cortical tissues at the same time-points. We conclude that the expression of NINJ2 is regulated by an ischemic stroke in the cortex and is consistent with NINJ2 being involved in the recovery time-points of stroke.


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The cellular mechanisms through which adult rat skeletal muscle protein is regulated during resistance exercise and training was investigated. A model of non-voluntary resistance exercise was described which involves the electrically-stimulated contraction of the lower leg muscles of anesthetized rats against a weighted pulley-bar. Muscle protein synthesis rates were measured by in vivo constant infusion of $\sp3$H-leucine following a single bout of resistance exercise. Specific messenger RNA levels were determined by dot-blot hybridization analysis using $\sp{32}$P-labelled DNA probes after a single bout and multiple bouts of phasic training. The effects of phasic training on increasing skeletal muscle mass was assessed. Between 12 and 36 hours following a single resistance exercise bout (24-192 contractions), total mixed and myofibril protein synthesis rates were significantly increase (32%-65%) after concentric (gastrocnemius m.) and eccentric (tibialis anterior m.) contractions. Eccentric contractions had greater effects on myofibril synthesis with more prolonged increases in synthesis rates. Lower numbers of eccentric than concentric contractions were required to increase synthesis. Cellular RNA was increased after exercise but the relative levels of skeletal $\alpha$-actin and cytochrome c mRNAs were unchanged. Since increases in synthesis rates exceeded increases in RNA, post-transcriptional mechanisms may be primarily responsible for increased protein synthesis after a resistance exercise bout. After 10-22 weeks of phasic eccentric resistance training, muscle enlargement (16%-30%) was produced in the tibialis anterior m. after all training paradigms examined. In contrast, gastrocnemius m. enlargement after phasic concentric training occurred after moderate (24/bout) but not after high (192/bout) repetition training. The absence of muscle growth in the gastrocnemius m. after high repetition training despite increased synthesis rates after the initial bout and RNA and possibly mRNA accumulation during training suggests a role for post-translational mechanisms (protein degradation) in the control of muscle growth in the gastrocnemius m. It is concluded that muscle protein during resistance exercise and training is regulated at several cellular levels. The particular response may be influenced by the exercise intensity and duration, the training frequency and the type of contractile work (eccentric vs. concentric) performed. ^


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of Zn2+-dependent endopeptidases targeting extracellular matrix (ECM) compounds as well as a number of other proteins. Their proteolytic activity acts as an effector mechanism of tissue remodeling in physiologic and pathologic conditions, and as modulator of inflammation. In the context of neuro-inflammatory diseases, MMPs have been implicated in processes such as (a) blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-nerve barrier opening, (b) invasion of neural tissue by blood-derived immune cells, (c) shedding of cytokines and cytokine receptors, and (d) direct cellular damage in diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system. This review focuses on the role of MMPs in multiple sclerosis (MS) and bacterial meningitis (BM), two neuro-inflammatory diseases where current therapeutic approaches are insufficient to prevent severe disability in the majority of patients. Inhibition of enzymatic activity may prevent MMP-mediated neuronal damage due to an overactive or deviated immune response in both diseases. Downregulation of MMP release may be the molecular basis for the beneficial effect of IFN-beta and steroids in MS. Instead, synthetic MMP inhibitors offer the possibility to shut off enzymatic activity of already activated MMPs. In animal models of MS and BM, they efficiently attenuated clinical disease symptoms and prevented brain damage due to excessive metalloproteinase activity. However, the required target profile for the therapeutic use of this novel group of compounds in human disease is not yet sufficiently defined and may be different depending on the type and stage of disease. Currently available MMP inhibitors show little target-specificity within the MMP family and may lead to side-effects due to interference with physiological functions of MMPs. Results from human MS and BM indicate that only a restricted number of MMPs specific for each disease is up-regulated. MMP inhibitors with selective target profiles offer the possibility of a more efficient therapy of MS and BM and may enter clinical trials in the near future.


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Low-molecular-weight compounds such as jasmonic, abscisic and salicylic acids are commonly thought to be regulators of plant stress responses. However, it is becoming clear that these molecules, often referred to as phytohormones, are only a part of bigger groups of compounds with biological activity. We propose that the concept of "hormone families" may help to better understand plant physiological responses by taking into account not only the alleged main regulators, but also their precursors, conjugates and catabolites. Novel approaches to profile potentially active compounds in plants are discussed.


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Two genes with related functions in RNA biogenesis were recently reported in patients with familial ALS: the FUS/TLS gene at the ALS6 locus and the TARDBP/TDP-43 gene at the ALS10 locus [1, 2]. FUS has been implicated to function in several steps of gene expression, including transcription regulation [3], RNA splicing [4, 5], mRNA transport in neurons [6] and, interestingly, in microRNA (miRNA) processing [7]. The goal of this project is to identify the molecular mechanisms leading to the development of FUS mutations-associated ALS. Specifically, we want to test the hypothesis that these FUS mutations misregulate miRNA levels that in turn affect the expression of genes critical for motor neuron survival. In addition we want to test whether misregulation of the miRNA profile is a common feature in ALS. We have performed immunoprecipitations from total extracts of 293T cells expressing FLAG-tagged FUS to characterize its interactome by mass spectrometry. This proteomic study not only revealed a strong interaction of FUS with splicing factors, but shows that FUS might be involved in many, quite different pathways. To map which parts of the FUS protein contribute to the interaction with splicing factors, we have performed a set of experiments with a series of missense and deletion mutants. With this approach, we will not only gain information on the binding partners of FUS along with a map of the required domains for the interactions, but it will also help to unravel whether certain ALS-associated FUS mutations lead to a loss or gain of function due to gain or loss of interactors. Additionally, we have performed quantitative interactomics using SILAC to identify interactome differences of ALS-associated FUS mutants. To this end we have performed immunoprecipitations of total extract from 293T cells, stably transduced with constructs expressing wild-type FUS-FLAG as well as three different ALS-associated mutants (G156E, R244C, P525L). First results indicate striking differences in the interactome with certain RNA binding proteins. We are now validating these candidates in order to reveal the importance of these differential interactions in the context of ALS.


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* Although plants can reduce the impacts of herbivory in multiple ways, these defensive traits are often studied in isolation and an understanding of the resulting strategies is incomplete. * In the study reported here, empirical evidence was simultaneously evaluated for the three main sets of traits available to plants: (i) resistance through constitutive leaf traits, (ii) tolerance to defoliation and (iii) escape in space, for three caesalpiniaceous tree species Microberlinia bisulcata, Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. korupensis, which co-dominate groves within the lowland primary rain forest of Korup National Park (Cameroon). * Mesh cages were placed around individual wild seedlings to exclude insect herbivores at 41 paired canopy gap and understorey locations. After following seedling growth and survival for c. 2 years, caged and control treatments were removed, leaves harvested to determine nutrient and phenolic concentrations, leaf mass per area estimated, and seedling performance in gaps followed for a further c. 2 years to quantify tolerance to the leaf harvesting. * The more nutrient-rich leaves of the weakly shade-tolerant M. bisulcata were damaged much more in gaps than the two strongly shade-tolerant Tetraberlinia species, which had higher leaf mass per area and concentrations of total phenols. Conversely, the faster-growing M. bisulcata was better able to tolerate defoliation in terms of height growth (reflushing capacity), but not at maintaining overall leaf numbers, than the other two species. * Across gaps, insect-mediated Janzen–Connell effects were most pronounced for M. bisulcata, less so for T. korupensis, and not detectable for T. bifoliolata. The three species differed distinctly in their secondary metabolic profiles. * Taken together, the results suggested a conceptual framework linking the three sets of traits, one in which the three co-dominant species adopt different strategies towards herbivore pressure depending on their different responses to light availability. This study is one of the first in a natural forest ecosystem to examine resistance to, tolerance of, and escape from herbivory among a group of co-occurring tropical tree species.


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The surrounding capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae has been identified as a major virulence factor and is targeted by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV). However, nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae (Non-Ec-Sp) have also been isolated globally, mainly in carriage studies. It is unknown if Non-Ec-Sp evolve sporadically, if they have high antibiotic non-susceptiblity rates and a unique, specific gene content. Here, whole genome sequencing of 131 Non-Ec-Sp isolates sourced from 17 different locations around the world was performed. Results revealed a deep-branching classic lineage that is distinct from multiple sporadic lineages. The sporadic lineages clustered with a previously sequenced, global collection of encapsulated S. pneumoniae (Ec-Sp) isolates while the classic lineage is comprised mainly of the frequently identified multi-locus sequences types ST344 (n=39) and ST448 (n=40). All ST344 and nine ST448 isolates had high non-susceptiblity rates to β-lactams and other antimicrobials. Analysis of the accessory genome reveals that the classic Non-Ec-Sp contained an increased number of mobile elements, than Ec-Sp and sporadic Non-Ec-Sp. Performing adherence assays to human epithelial cells for selected classic and sporadic Non-Ec-Sp revealed that the presence of a integrative conjugative element (ICE) results in increased adherence to human epithelial cells (P=0.005). In contrast, sporadic Non-Ec-Sp lacking the ICE had greater growth in vitro possibly resulting in improved fitness. In conclusion, Non-Ec-Sp isolates from the classic lineage have evolved separately. They have spread globally, are well adapted to nasopharyngeal carriage and are able to coexist with Ec-Sp. Due to continued use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, Non-Ec-Sp may become more prevalent.


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AIMS Tumour buds in colorectal cancer represent an aggressive subgroup of non-proliferating and non-apoptotic tumour cells. We hypothesize that the survival of tumour buds is dependent upon anoikis resistance. The role of tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), a promoter of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and anoikis resistance, in facilitating budding was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS Tyrosine kinase receptor B immunohistochemistry was performed on a multiple-punch tissue microarray of 211 colorectal cancer resections. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear expression was evaluated in tumour and buds. Tumour budding was assessed on corresponding whole tissue slides. Relationship to Ki-67 and caspase-3 was investigated. Analysis of Kirsten Ras (KRAS), proto-oncogene B-RAF (BRAF) and cytosine-phosphate-guanosine island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was performed. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear TrkB were strongly, inversely correlated (P < 0.0001; r = -0.41). Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB was overexpressed in buds compared to the main tumour body (P < 0.0001), associated with larger tumours (P = 0.0236), high-grade budding (P = 0.0011) and KRAS mutation (P = 0.0008). Nuclear TrkB was absent in buds (P <0.0001) and in high-grade budding cancers (P =0.0073). Among patients with membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB-positive buds, high tumour membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB expression was a significant, independent adverse prognostic factor [P = 0.033; 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-3.05]. Inverse correlations between membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB and Ki-67 (r = -0.41; P < 0.0001) and caspase-3 (r =-0.19; P < 0.05) were observed. CONCLUSIONS Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB may promote an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenotype with high-grade budding and maintain viability of buds themselves.