986 resultados para Multi-period
Reaudit report on the City of Fort Dodge, Iowa for the period July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006
Report on the Iowa Industrial New Jobs Training Program (NJTP) for the period July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2008
Special report on the City of Griswold for the period July 1, 2005 through February 28, 2009
Report on a special investigation of the City of Russell for the period February 1, 2007 through September 30, 2008
RÉSUMÉ : Le bullying est un type de comportement agressif qu'un élève (ou plusieurs) fait subir à un autre et qui se manifeste par des agressions verbales, physiques et/ou psychologiques. Les caractéristiques du bullying sont la répétitivité d'actions négatives sur le long terme et une relation de pouvoir asymétrique. Pour la victime, ce type de comportement peut avoir des conséquences graves telles qu'échec scolaire, dépression, troubles alimentaires, ou idées suicidaires. De plus, les auteurs de bullying commettent plus de comportements déviants au sein de l'école ou à l'extérieur de cette dernière. La mise en place d'actions ciblées auprès des auteurs de bullying pourrait donc non seulement prévenir une victimisation, mais aussi réduire les actes de délinquance en général. Hormis quelques études locales ou cantonales, aucune recherche nationale auprès d'adolescents n'existait dans le domaine. Ce travail propose de combler cette lacune afin d'obtenir une compréhension suffisante du phénomène qui permet de donner des pistes pour définir des mesures de prévention appropriées. Afin d'appréhender la problématique du bullying dans les écoles secondaires suisses, deux sondages de délinquance juvénile autoreportée ont été effectués. Le premier a eu lieu entre 2003 et 2005 dans le canton de Vaud auprès de plus de 4500 écoliers. Le second a été administré en 2006 dans toute la Suisse et environ 3600 jeunes y ont participé. Les jeunes ont répondu au sondage soit en classe (questionnaire papier) soit en salle d'informatique (questionnaire en ligne). Les jeunes ayant répondu avoir sérieusement harcelé un autre élève est d'environ 7% dans le canton de Vaud et de 4% dans l'échantillon national. Les analyses statistiques ont permis tout d'abord de sélectionner les variables les plus fortement liées au bullying. Les résultats montrent que les jeunes avec un bas niveau d'autocontrôle et ayant une attitude positive envers la violence sont plus susceptibles de commettre des actes de bullying. L'importance des variables environnementales a aussi été démontrée: plus le jeune est supervisé et encadré par des adultes, plus les autorités (école, voisinage) jouent leur rôle de contrôle social en faisant respecter les règles et en intervenant de manière impartiale, moins le jeune risque de commettre des actes de bullying. De plus, l'utilisation d'analyses multiniveaux a permis de montrer l'existence d'effets de l'école sur le bullying. En particulier, le taux de bullying dans une école donnée augmente lorsque les avis des jeunes divergent par rapport à leur perception du climat scolaire. Un autre constat que l'on peut mettre en évidence est que la réaction des enseignants lors de bagarres a une influence différente sur le taux de bullying en fonction de l'établissement scolaire. ABSTRACT : Bullying is the intentional, repetitive or persistent hurting of one pupil by another (or several), where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying is a type of aggressive behaviour and the act can be verbal, physical and/or psychological. The consequences on the victims are serious: school failure, depressive symptomatology, eating disorders, or suicidal ideation. Moreover, the authors of bullying display more delinquent behaviour within or outside the school. Thus, preventive programmes targeting bullying could not only prevent victimisation, but also reduce delinquency in general. Very little data concerning bullying had been collected in Switzerland and, except some local or cantonal studies, no national research among teenagers existed in the field. This work intends to fill the gap in order to provide sufficient understanding of the phenomenon and to suggest some tracks for defining appropriate measures of prevention. In order to understand the problems of bullying in Swiss secondary schools better, two surveys of self-reported juvenile delinquency were carried out. The first one took place between 2003 and 2005 in the canton Vaud among more than 4500 pupils, the second in 2006 across Switzerland with about 3600 youths taking part. The pupils answered to the survey either in the classroom (paper questionnaire) or in the computer room (online questionnaire). The youths that answered having seriously bullied another pupil are about 7% in canton Vaud and 4% in the national sample. Statistical analyses have selected the variables most strongly related to bullying. The results show that the youths with a low level of self-control and adopting a positive attitude towards violence are more likely to bully others. The importance of the environmental variables was also shown: the more that youth is supervised and monitored by adults, and the more the authorities (school, neighbourhood) play their role of social control by making the rules be respected through intervening in an impartial way, the less the youth bully. Moreover, the use of multilevel analyses permitted to show the existence of effects of the school on bullying. In particular, the rate of bullying in a given school increases when there is a wide variation among students of the same school in their perception of their school climate. Another important aspect concerns teachers' reactions when pupils fight: this variable does not influence the bullying rate to the same extent, and depends on the school.
Report on a special investigation of the University of Northern Iowa, Camp Adventure Youth Services program for the period April 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008
Special investigation of the City of Lacona for the period September 1, 2004 through August 15, 2008
Special investigation of the City of Lacona for the period September 1, 2004 through August 15, 2008
Review of the Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation program administered by the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for the period July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008
Report on a special investigation of the UNI Malcolm Price Laboratory School for the period July 1, 2006 through March 31, 2009
This study aims to design a wearable system for kinetics measurement of multi-segment foot joints in long-distance walking and to investigate its suitability for clinical evaluations. The wearable system consisted of inertial sensors (3D gyroscopes and 3D accelerometers) on toes, forefoot, hindfoot, and shank, and a plantar pressure insole. After calibration in a laboratory, 10 healthy elderly subjects and 12 patients with ankle osteoarthritis walked 50m twice wearing this system. Using inverse dynamics, 3D forces, moments, and power were calculated in the joint sections among toes, forefoot, hindfoot, and shank. Compared to those we previously estimated for a one-segment foot model, the sagittal and transverse moments and power in the ankle joint, as measured via multi-segment foot model, showed a normalized RMS difference of less than 11%, 14%, and 13%, respectively, for healthy subjects, and 13%, 15%, and 14%, for patients. Similar to our previous study, the coronal moments were not analyzed. Maxima-minima values of anterior-posterior and vertical force, sagittal moment, and power in shank-hindfoot and hindfoot-forefoot joints were significantly different between patients and healthy subjects. Except for power, the inter-subject repeatability of these parameters was CMC>0.90 for healthy subjects and CMC>0.70 for patients. Repeatability of these parameters was lower for the forefoot-toes joint. The proposed measurement system estimated multi-segment foot joints kinetics with acceptable repeatability but showed difference, compared to those previously estimated for the one-segment foot model. These parameters also could distinguish patients from healthy subjects. Thus, this system is suggested for outcome evaluations of foot treatments.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System (IPERS) I-Que Pension Administration System for the period March 24, 2009 through April 22, 2009
Ecossistemas marinhos de upwelling são muito heterogêneos e apresentam uma intensa atividade de mesoescala de dimensão de dezenas de quilômetros e submesoescala que variam de centenas de metros até quilômetros dos processos físicos. A importância das estruturas dos processos físicos está na estruturação que eles exercem sob a biomassa de zooplâncton. O presente trabalho está relacionado a um estudo realizado a cabo no Norte do Sistema da Corrente de Humboldt (Peru). Utilizou-se duas variáveis, a profundidade do limite superior da zona de mínimo oxigênio (ZMO) e a biomassa de zooplâncton. É desenvolvida uma metodologia de análise baseada no uso de ondaletas para a identi cação das estruturas dos processos físicos em suas diferentes escalas. O método foi aplicado aos dados de ZMO. Estudos de simula ção mostraram que o método tem a capacidade de identi car as estruturas de interesse, tendo erro de estimação nas bordas do espectro da potência de ondaleta. A tipologia das estruturas identi cadas mostraram que existe três tipos de estruturas, estruturas maiores de mesoescala, duas estruturas pequenas de submesoescala com profundidades diferentes. Outro resultado importante foi que dentro das estruturas pequenas e mais profundas existe maior biomassa de zooplâncton, principalmente nas estruturas de downwelling.
Special investigation of Iowa Association of Skills USA-VICA, for the period September 1, 2001 through September 30, 2008
Special report on the Former Russell Community School District for the period July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008