967 resultados para Mudanças de comportamento
ARAUJO, G. P. ; RAMOS, A. S. M. . Comportamento de Compra por Impulso em Shopping Centers: pesquisa com Consumidores de Brasília-DF e Natal-RN. REAd. Revista Eletrônica de Administração (Porto Alegre. Online) , v. 16, p. 343-364, 2010.
Devido à necessidade de mensurar o risco de quedas em concordância à linguagem padronizada de enfermagem, foi selecionado o resultado de enfermagem Comportamento para Prevenção de Quedas da Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), com objetivo de identificar evidências sobre seus elementos, mensuração, comparação com indicadores existentes e construir definições constitutivas. Foi efetuada revisão integrativa entre abril e novembro de 2009, mediante identificação da questão, estabelecimento de critérios de inclusão/exclusão, extração das informações, avaliação, interpretação e síntese. Destacaram-se pesquisas transversais e perspectivas de especialistas. Os indicadores Uso de recursos de correção da visão e Uso de sapatos amarrados e do tamanho adequado foram considerados insuficientes para avaliar fatores de risco como déficits sensoriais e roupas/calçados inadequados. Percebe-se que algumas definições precisam ser melhor desenvolvidas e que esse resultado de enfermagem merece refinamento sobretudo referente aos indicadores. Foram identificados 22 indicadores e definições foram propostas baseadas nas evidências da literatura
A pesquisa aborda o uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, que vem revolucionando as atividades e ocasionando muitas mudanças relacionadas ao acesso e uso de informações. O objetivo foi analisar o grau de utilização do conhecimento científico produzido pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras, através da BDTD, pelos mestrandos dos referidos programas. Nos procedimentos metodológicos realizados, procurou-se inicialmente analisar o amplo espectro da população do corpus da pesquisa. Em razão da impossibilidade de trabalhar com os Programas de Pós-Graduação como um todo, optou-se por fazer um recorte, elegendo os cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, vez que estes representam o principal segmento social de interesse da pesquisa. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de usuários, onde se optou por adotar o grupo, “estudos orientados aos usuários”, que identifica as necessidades e comportamento de acesso e uso da informação. Para coletar os dados, elaborou-se um questionário semi-estruturado com 25 questões, que versavam sobre o uso, dificuldades de acesso e recuperação da informação, bem como a satisfação na utilização dessa fonte informacional. Dentre os vários resultados obtidos, podemos destacar o fato de que a maioria dos mestrandos (71,8%) só teve contato com a BDTD somente no momento em que se encontrava cursando o mestrado e, somente 24,3%, tiveram contato durante a graduação. Estes resultados representam um problema, que pode afetar o bom desempenho do projeto BDTD, o qual consiste em disseminar e divulgar a produção científica dos Programas de Pós-Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras para a sua comunidade. Foi observado também, que os mestrandos oriundos do curso de Biblioteconomia tende a ter contato com a BDTD bem mais cedo do que mestrandos de outros cursos de graduação. A fim de minimizar o problema detectado, propõe-se uma divulgação mais eficaz na graduação através de dois procedimentos: Primeiro, o docente deve fazer uma divulgação mais eficaz da BDTD junto aos discentes de todos os cursos de graduação; segundo: deverá ser feita a divulgação na mídia eletrônica, através da inserção de ícones da BDTD, nos portais dos Departamentos dos Cursos de Graduação das Universidades Públicas Brasileiras. Acredita-se que com estes procedimentos seja possível aperfeiçoar o uso dessa fonte de informação científica.
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
The Federal Institution for Education, Science and Technology, in its historical path, has been living different changes. The transformations occurred along the way have been determined by coercive forces from the institutional environment, which has became more and more broad and complex throughout the time, obtaining diverse characteristics and new elements such as non institutional factors1 which started to contribute with the other changes. In this context, this work aims to study the isomorphic practices of the managers in the institutional changes process of the IFRN in 1998 and 2008, as of a theoretical coevolutionary perspective (CHILD; RODRIGUES; LEWIN; CARROL; VOLBERDA, 2003). This theory brings a new point of view for the organization analysis to the organizational studies, since it offers a non deterministic and non linear lection of the evolution process, which means, a coevolution. Thus, the organizations and their institutional and non institutional environment auto evolve, auto organize and auto reproduce. Therefore, the institutional and non institutional factors of the macro environment keep a continuous interdependence relationship with the organizations. For the means of this study, it is important to understand that is impossible to comprehend the object, the isomorphic practices, without considering that the previous institutional changes and its evolutions, its continuations and discontinuations, important in the coevolution process. As such, to call upon the institutional historical track is a fundamental aspect to materialize this study, for the recursive movement is indeed present in the coevolution. Another important point to make this research effective is that it is not possible to abdicate from the hologramatic view2 of this study, which considers the object, the isomorphic practices, part of the whole and this whole is also in the parts, therefore it is impossible to comprehend the object of study outside the context where it belongs. With this, as of the objective previously proposed, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of coevolution of the institutional changes related in 1998 and 2008; analyze the dynamic of the isomorphic mechanisms in its respective institutional change process; and describe the lessons learned which the isomorphic practices left to the IFRN, regarding its benefits and difficulties. All these transformations happened through coercive forces3 of the institutional environment. As of the Nineties, these forces became stronger, the environment became broader and more complex, with the emergency of new environmental factors. This study proposed to study the managing process and its practices, related to the micro environment, although it is required to articulate these actions, the demands and requirements from the macro environment. To make this research effective, semi structured interviews have been conducted with the managers who participated in both institutional change processes. In the results analysis, it has been possible to verify the particularity of each change, the one from 1998 with a strong normative action of the managers against coercive forces from the government for the search of recognition and the institutional legitimation and the one in 2008, which has been characterized by the normative action by managers in agreement with the coercive forces from the government, in favor of the government policy for the technological professional education. However, the results analysis it is possible to notice the evidence of a belonging feeling from the interviewed managers
The research in question looked for to establish the relation between the motivation (of the proprietor of apartment) to change itself of another one apartment, in closed vertical condominium (residential mobility) in the period of the recognition of the necessity, and the satisfaction with the apartment after consume. The universe or the population chosen for the development of the study was of proprietors of apartment in vertical condominiums located in the region metropolitan of Natal. The analysis of data was made using the techniques of linear regression and logistic regression between variables. The linear regression found relations between the motivations for housing change and the satisfaction in after consume with some attributes of the apartment. The logistic regression showed that relations between the motivations for change and the general satisfaction to the apartment exist as a whole, in the period after consumes. With regard to the motivation to change itself of a apartment for another one, some reasons shown more motivation them the others. The research found different degrees of satisfaction with certain characteristics of the apartment and degrees of no satisfaction with others. Finally the results of the research had contributed for the reply of the problem that guided the present study, therefore had obtained in such a way to find how much logistic not linear relations between the two periods purchase (recognition of the necessity and evaluation after consume) and had elucidated the process that goes since the choice the product until the satisfaction of the necessities
O advento das novas tecnologias e a dinamicidade das mudanças que estas provocam, impactam diretamente em vários aspectos da sociedade, dentre estes, na educação. Novas metodologias e mudanças no processo de ensino-aprendizagem tornam-se práticas cada vez mais frequentes neste campo. O elemento basilar desta nova constituição é o docente, capaz de transformar a utilização desses recursos em ferramentas que favoreçam o processo educativo. Essa readequação do comportamento exigida por essas constantes mudanças é orientada pelos valores pessoais dos sujeitos que vivenciam a situação. Os valores são idealizados como critérios que interferem diretamente nas atitudes, preferências e até mesmo no comportamento humano, influenciando no modo como o indivíduo interpreta as suas próprias atitudes e as dos outros, inclusive no âmbito profissional. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral da presente pesquisa é analisar as relações entre o perfil de uso da tecnologia e os valores dos docentes da UFRN Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, baseado na escala de valores de Schwartz. Para isso foram utilizados os tipos motivacionais que compõem a teoria de valores de Schwartz, através de questionário aplicado junto aos docentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de enfoque analítico quantitativo que utiliza um questionário da escala de valores desenvolvida por Schwartz et al. (2001) conhecida como PVQ (Portrait Values Questionnaire). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de uma amostra de 200 docentes entre atuantes da modalidade presencial e/ou na modalidade de ensino a distância. A estratégia de análise dos dados utilizou técnicas de estatística descritiva, análise de gráficos, análise das frequências relativas e a técnica estatística MANOVA (Análise Multivariada de Variância). Os resultados apontaram que os docentes utilizam moderadamente os recursos tecnológicos avaliados nesta pesquisa, como ferramenta de apoio pedagógico. Com relação ao perfil de valores, os docentes apresentaram prioridade entre os tipos motivacionais Autodeterminação, Benevolência e Universalismo, enquanto os menos priorizados foram os de Tradição, Realização e Poder, respectivamente. Contudo, não foram identificadas relações significativas entre o perfil de valores e o perfil de uso da tecnologia entre os docentes estudados nesta pesquisa
Studies on the urban landscape and on the changes of the urban space are relevant, since they reveal the economic dynamics and the way of life in the cities. Research on small towns, in particular, can display particular aspects and by so doing broaden the comprehension of this theme. The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes in the urban landscape and in the way of life of the inhabitants of the town of Tenente Ananias-RN that have been taking place since the 1990s up to the present (2013) and which result mainly from the commercial activity of crediário. The study is, therefore, a reflection on the impact of crediário economy on the urban landscape and on the way of life of a small town located in the hinterland of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. For this reason, it was necessary to study the landscape and the way of life found in Tenente Ananias in two moments: a) before the rise of the crediário, a period of time ranging from the town‟s initial emergence until the beginning of the 1990s; b) during the progress of crediário activity, from the beginning of the 1990s, when it starts, up to the present (2013). For this research, primary data (interviews, local survey visits) and secondary data (books, articles, reports, census data) were used. As a result of this study, it was possible to conclude that crediário plays a fundamental role for the explanation of the changes taking place in Tenente Ananias-RN, especially in the urban landscape and in the way of life of people. We have attempted, through this research, to contribute to the studies of a historical, social and economic process related to the urban landscape and space of a small town in the State of Rio Grande do Norte
The aim of this study was to test the sediment preference of L. vannamei shrimp. It was observed shrimp visit frequency, swimming and burying behaviour at different sediment compositions for 24h. Juvenile (0.93 ± 0.29g) and sub-adult shrimps (10.0 ± 1.18g) were obtained from the aquaculture station at Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido UFERSA, and held in a plastic tank (water volume 500 L) supplied with aerated water and kept at constant temperature, pH, and salinity. Shrimp was fed by commercial shrimp dry food. The experimental substrates were composed by A: medium sand + thick sand + very thick sand + gravel; B: very fine sand + fine sand; and C: silt + clay. Thus, six different substrate combinations were tested: A, B, C, A+B, A+C, B+C. To test preference, it was used a cylindrical tank (40 l) divided into six differently substrate compartments. A single shrimp was introduced each tank and the frequency at which this shrimp visited each compartment was recorded over a 24h study period. It was tested 54 shrimp (18 sub-adult males, 18 subadult females and 18 juveniles). For each trial, sediment and water were changed to avoid pheromones and residues influence. Shrimp were weighted and sub-adults were divided by sex: males present petasma and females present thelycum. Data were collected on the experimental day at 19:30; 20:30; 00:30; 1:30; 05:30; 06:30; 13:30 and 14:30 h. At each time point, shrimp were observed for 20-min periods, in which we noted down which compartment the shrimp was occupying at 2-min intervals. Thus, for each period we had eleven observations (88 observations per day). For observations at night, it was used dim red light that did not affect shrimp behaviour. At each 20-min period, it was observed visit frequency in each substrate, if shrimp was burred or not or if it was swimming. There was not significant difference between light and dark burry activity for females. Swimming activity was significantly higher at night, mainly at 00:30 and 01:30 h. All L. vannamei shrimp showed preference for sediment B. This animal presents cyclic activity, spends the day light period buried and swims at night
There are ores of clay in Piauí State that are used for red structural ceramics, which are naturally contaminated with calcareous vein. This is one thing that impedes its exploration in an adequate way, especially for tile production. The present work aims at verifying the influence of the calcareous contents in the technological structural ceramics area, seeking to determine a maximum permissible calcareous proportion/contents in the ceramic mass using the patterns of the local industry production. For the consecution of this paper, it was characterized the clay and calcareous material by FRX, DRX, TGA and DTA. It was also configurated by extrusion and burnt in the temperatures of 850°C, 900°C, 950°C and 1000°C pieces of the corpus with 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% of calcareous proportion. After that, it was carried out technological samples of linear retraction, water absortion, apparent porosity, specific apparent mass and mechanic resistance. The results showed the possibility of using calcareous in the ceramic mass and in some cases the technological properties got better
The low tenacity presented by the Portland cement pastes used in the oil wells cementation has been motivating several researches with attention focused on alternative materials. Additives have been developed to generate flexible pastes with mechanical resistance capable to support the expansions and retractions of the metallic covering of the wells that submit to the steam injection, technique very used to increase the recovery factor in oil reservoirs with high viscosity. A fresh paste with inadequate rheological behavior may commit the cementation process seriously, involving flaws that affect the performance of the paste substantially in the hardened state. This work proposes the elaboration and the rheological analysis of Portland cement pastes with addition of residues of rubber tire in several proportions, with the aim of minimizing the damages provoked in the hem cementing of these wells. By thermogravimetric analysis, the particles of eraser that go by the sieve of 0,5mm (35 mesh) opening and treated superficially with NaOH solution of 1 mol/L presented appropriate thermal resistance for wells that submit to thermal cyclic. The evaluation of the study based on the results of the rheological analysis of the pastes, complemented by the mechanical analysis, thickening, stability, tenor of free water and filtrate loss, being used as parameter a paste reference, without rubber addition. The results showed satisfactory rheology, passive of few corrections; considerable loss of mechanical resistance (traction and compression), compensated by earnings of tenacity, however with established limits for its application in oil wells; satisfactory stability, free water and thickening time
Novel cementing materials formulations containing flexible polymeric admixtures have been studied aiming at improving the mechanical behavior of oil well cement slurries submitted to steam injection. However, research activities in this sector are still under development. The steam injected directly into the well causes casing dilation, which after a reduction in temperature, tends to return to its original dimensions, resulting in crack formation and hydraulic isolation loss of the well, which will result in shortening of well life. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the mechanical behavior of Portland-based slurries containing SBR latex, applied in oil well cementing of wells submitted to steam injection. Were formulated slurries with densities of 1.797 g/cm3 (15.0 lb/Gal) and 1.869 g/cm3 (15.6 lb/Gal), containing admixtures with a latex concentration of 0; 66.88; 133.76; 200.64 and 267.52 L/m3 (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 gpc). Tests including rheology, fluid loss control, thickening time, API compressive strength and splitting tensile strength, beyond steam injection simulation. Microstrutural characteristics of the slurries were also performed (XRD, TG, FTIR and SEM). The results showed that increasing the polymer concentration increased in the rheological properties and fluid loss, and a decrease in the elasticity modulus of the cement slurries. The results obtained showed that the slurries can be applied in cementing operations of oil wells submitted to steam injection.
Currently new polymeric materials have been developed to replace other of traditionally materials classes. The use of dyes allows to expand and to diversify the applications in the polymeric materials development. In this work the behavior and ability of azo dyes Disperse Blue 79 (DB79) and Disperse Red 73 (DR73) on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were studied. Two types of mixtures were used in the production of masterbatches: 1) rheometer 2) solution. Processing by extrusion-blow molding of PMMA was carried out in order to evaluate the applications of polymeric films. Thermal analysis were performed by thermogravimetry to evaluate polymer and azo dyes thermal stability. Colorimetric analysis were obtained through monitoring the spectral variations associated with sys/trans/anti azo dyes isomerization process Colorimetric data were treated and evaluated in accordance to the color system RGB and CIEL*ab, by monitoring the color change as function of time. Mechanical properties, characterized by tensile tests, were evaluated and correlated with the presence and content of azo dyes in the samples. Analyses by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) were performed on the surfaces of samples to check the azo dye dispersion after the mixing process. It was concluded that the production of PMMA/azo dyes is possible and feasible, and the mixtures produced had synergy of properties for use in various applications
Polymer matrix composites offer advantages for many applications due their combination of properties, which includes low density, high specific strength and modulus of elasticity and corrosion resistance. However, the application of non-destructive techniques using magnetic sensors for the evaluation these materials is not possible since the materials are non-magnetizable. Ferrites are materials with excellent magnetic properties, chemical stability and corrosion resistance. Due to these properties, these materials are promising for the development of polymer composites with magnetic properties. In this work, glass fiber / epoxy circular plates were produced with 10 wt% of cobalt or barium ferrite particles. The cobalt ferrite was synthesized by the Pechini method. The commercial barium ferrite was subjected to a milling process to study the effect of particle size on the magnetic properties of the material. The characterization of the ferrites was carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Circular notches of 1, 5 and 10 mm diameter were introduced in the composite plates using a drill bit for the non-destructive evaluation by the technique of magnetic flux leakage (MFL). The results indicated that the magnetic signals measured in plates with barium ferrite without milling and cobalt ferrite showed good correlation with the presence of notches. The milling process for 12 h and 20 h did not contribute to improve the identification of smaller size notches (1 mm). However, the smaller particle size produced smoother magnetic curves, with fewer discontinuities and improved signal-to-noise ratio. In summary, the results suggest that the proposed approach has great potential for the detection of damage in polymer composites structures
Pastas a base de cimento Portland são utilizadas na cimentação de poços de petróleo. Elas consistem de uma mistura de partículas sólidas de cimento dispersas em água e aditivos. Atualmente, diversos materiais alternativos são utilizados como aditivos, objetivando a modificação e a melhoria das propriedades das pastas de cimento, especialmente no aumento da fluidez. Novos aditivos plastificantes são capazes de suportar as diversas condições de poços, promovendo propriedades no estado fluido compatíveis às condições exigidas para cimentação.Dispersantes são os componentes da pasta que garantem fluidez, além de proporcionar controle na água perdida por filtração na formação porosa, garantindo o sucesso da operação de bombeio. Em deter minados campos, além do efeito da profundidade, as condições geológicas das formações promovemvariações do gradiente de pressão e temperatura ao longo da profundidade vertical do poço. Recentemente, diversos aditivos químicos da indústria da construção civil tem sido estudados em condições de cimentação de poços de petróleo. Vários produtos testados tem apresentado desempenho superior aos produtos normalmente empregados pela indústria de petróleo com boa relação custo/benefício em função do volume de mercado da construção civil. Resultados promissores na seleção de aditivos com função dispersante da construção civil para operações de cimentação de poços de petróleo onshore foram obtidos para temperaturas até 80°C. O potencial de uso desses aditivos permite estabelecer novas soluções para problemas encontrados na cimentação de poços de petróleo HPHT, poços sujeitos à injeção de vapor, poços depletados e poços produtores de gás. Na construção civil, os superplastificantes permitem reduzir o fator água/cimento das argamassas proporcionando melhoria de propriedades como resistência mecânica e fluidez. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo e a caracterização reológica de pastas constituídas de cimento Portland, água e aditivos do tipo plastificante, com função dispersante a base de naftaleno condensado e policarboxilato, na faixa de temperaturas de 58°C e 70ºC. As condições utilizadas para a avaliação dos aditivos alternativos foram baseadas em uma cimentação primária para um poço hipotético de 2200 m de profundidade e gradientes geotérmicos de 1,7°F/100 pés e 2,1°F/100 pés. Os resultados demonstraram a grande eficiência e o poder dispersivo do policarboxilato para as temperaturas estudadas. O aditivo promoveu alta fluidez, sem efeitos de sedimentação da pasta. O dispersante à base de naftaleno reduziutant o a viscosidade plástica como o limite de escoamento acimada concentração a partir de 0,13%. O modelo de Bingham descreveu bem o comportamento reológico das pastas com policarboxilato para todas as concentrações