902 resultados para Motions


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To find examples of effecient locomotion and manoeuvrability, one need only turn to the elegant solutions natural flyers and swimmers have converged upon. This dissertation is specifically motivated by processes of evolutionary convergence, which have led to the propulsors and body shapes in nature that exhibit strong geometric collapse over diverse scales. These body features are abstracted in the studies presented herein using low-aspect-ratio at plates and a three-dimensional body of revolution (a sphere). The highly-separated vortical wakes that develop during accelerations are systematically characterized as a function of planform shape, aspect ratio, Reynolds number, and initial boundary conditions. To this end, force measurements and time-resolved (planar) particle image velocimetry have been used throughout to quantify the instantaneous forces and vortex evolution in the wake of the bluff bodies. During rectilinear motions, the wake development for the flat plates is primarily dependent on plate aspect ratio, with edge discontinuities and curvature playing only a secondary role. Furthermore, the axisymmetric case, i.e. the circular plate, shows strong sensitivity to Reynolds number, while this sensitivity quickly diminishes with increasing aspect ratio. For rotational motions, global insensitivity to plate aspect ratio has been observed. For the sphere, it has been shown that accelerations play an important role in the mitigation of flow separation. These results - expounded upon in this dissertation - have begun to shed light on the specific vortex dynamics that may be coopted by flying and swimming species of all shapes and sizes towards efficient locomotion.


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Since precise linear actuators of a compliant parallel manipulator suffer from their inability to tolerate the transverse motion/load in the multi-axis motion, actuation isolation should be considered in the compliant manipulator design to eliminate the transverse motion at the point of actuation. This paper presents an effective design method for constructing compliant parallel manipulators with actuation isolation, by adding the same number of actuation legs as the number of the DOF (degree of freedom) of the original mechanism. The method is demonstrated by two design case studies, one of which is quantitatively studied by analytical modelling. The modelling results confirm possible inherent issues of the proposed structure design method such as increased primary stiffness, introduced extra parasitic motions and cross-axis coupling motions.


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The paper presents an investigation of fix-referenced and self-referenced wave energy converters and a comparison of their corresponding wave energy conversion capacities from real seas. For conducting the comparisons, two popular wave energy converters, point absorber and oscillating water column, and their power conversion capacities in the fixed-referenced and self-referenced forms have been numerically studied and compared. In the numerical models, the deviceâ s power extractions from seas are maximized using the correspondingly optimized power take-offs in different sea states, thus their power conversion capacities can be calculated and compared. From the comparisons and analyses, it is shown that the energy conversion capacities of the self-referenced devices can be significantly increased if the motions of the device itself can be utilized for wave energy conversion; and the self-referenced devices can be possibly designed to be compliant in long waves, which could be a very beneficial factor for device survivability in the extreme wave conditions (normally long waves). In this regards, the self-referenced WECs (wave energy converters) may be better options in terms of wave energy conversion from the targeted waves in seas (frequently the most occurred), and in terms of the device survivability, especially in the extreme waves when compared to the fix-referenced counterparts.


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L'immigration demeure un phénomène fortement répandu dans les communautés rurales francophones qui veulent contrecarrer les conséquences démographiques, économiques, sociales et politiques de la dépopulation progressive. Les collectivités se voient ainsi de plus en plus touchées par ce phénomène qui apporte certes plusieurs avantages, mais aussi une quantité innombrable de défis à relever. L'intégration des immigrants au sein de ces collectivités rurales, dont les collectivités du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick, comporte des difficultés. L'insertion professionnelle et sociale dépend de divers facteurs que ce soit la connaissance et la maitrise de la langue, la capacité à établir et maintenir des liens sociaux, la capacité de s'approprier un ensemble de valeurs ; de normes et de rôles, etc. Parmi les facteurs qui sont susceptibles de nuire ou de faciliter le processus d'intégration, les représentations que se font les citoyens du phénomène de l'immigration pourraient occuper une place substantielle. Dans cette recherche exploratoire, on rend compte des représentations sociales dans un lieu géographiquement déterminé. La conceptualisation des représentations s'inspire en partie des travaux de Serge Moscovici et de certains auteurs plus contemporains, tels que Jodelet, qui s'inscrivent dans son prolongement. Plus précisément, nous étudions les représentations de l'immigration chez les citoyens de la municipalité de Saint-Léonard, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Ce terrain semblait particulièrement riche pour étudier ce concept étant donnée sa récente histoire et expérience avec le phénomène de l'immigration. À cet égard, ont été identifiées et décrites : les valeurs, les sentiments, les émotions, les idéologies, les concepts, les opinions, les orientations de comportements, etc. de treize personnes rencontrées dans le cadre d'entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles. Les entretiens ont permis de colliger les éléments de définition ou des caractéristiques de l'immigration dans la région du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les travaux de Milton Bennett qui portent sur les stades de développement de l'ouverture interculturelle ont servi d'inspiration et ont permis d'analyser les discours des citoyens. Cette théorie a permis de mettre en relief le positionnement des citoyens face à l'immigration et à la présence de personnes immigrantes dans leur communauté. De l'analyse des données recueillies (transcription des verbatims, puis identification et regroupement des segments pertinents), il ressort que les acteurs locaux se représentent l'immigration et les immigrants avec une certaine crainte et méfiance. Cette thèse se veut une première étape permettant une compréhension de la perception des locaux face aux immigrants. Toutefois, d'un point de vue pratique et dans le but de mieux cibler les actions pertinentes à mener au sein de la communauté, le modèle du champ de forces de Kurt Lewin a permis de représenter la situation actuelle et souhaitée de façon à ce que l'immigration et l'intégration des immigrants soient vécues positivement de part et d'autre.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création porte sur les fonctions extra-narratives telles que définies par Gérard Genette, soit les fonctions de régie, testimoniale, de communication et idéologique, dans le contexte d’un récit à narrateurs multiples. Deux approches ont été privilégiées ici : l’écriture d’un roman comportant plusieurs instances de narration, et l’analyse d’un roman offrant un type comparable de structure narrative, soit Trou de mémoire d’Hubert Aquin. Ainsi, la partie création comprend des extraits d’Horions, roman hybride combinant les formes romanesque, poétique et dramatique, et dont ne figurent dans ce mémoire que des extraits des passages romanesques. Une instance narrative d’abord anonyme, puis nommée à la toute fin, retrace son passé en prêtant une voix à des êtres qui l’habitent, notamment un homme violent et un fils aphasique. Ces personnages-narrateurs exercent, outre la fonction narrative, d’autres fonctions qui justifient en quelque sorte leur présence : l’un est témoin de l’intrigue qu’il rapporte, l’autre communique avec un narrataire intra-diégétique, un troisième rend compte des émotions du protagoniste… Quant à la partie réflexion, elle se fonde sur les notions de narrateur, de narrataire et de situation narrative, mais se concentre sur les fonctions extra-narratives exercées par les diverses instances prenant la parole au fil du récit. Ces notions permettent de rendre compte de la structure narrative d’ensemble du roman Trou de mémoire d’Hubert Aquin, lequel juxtapose plusieurs voix, soit celles de Pierre X. Magnant, Rachel Ruskin, Olympe Ghezzo-Quénum et Charles-Édouard Mullahy. Un bref retour sur l’écriture d’Horions et sur les enjeux du récit à plusieurs narrateurs se prévalant des diverses fonctions extra-narratives complète la démarche.


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Le système scolaire québécois compte un nombre important d'écoles situées en milieu défavorisé. Les enseignantes et les enseignants qui oeuvrent dans ces écoles ont à composer avec plusieurs difficultés propres à ce milieu et présentes en plus grand nombre : des enfants sous-alimentés, des enfants victimes d'abus, des élèves accusant un retard scolaire important, des élèves ayant des difficultés d'apprentissage et de comportement, un taux de réussite plus bas et des parents démunis face aux apprentissages de leurs enfants (Brossard, 2000). Pour certains membres du personnel enseignant, ces difficultés représentent un défi intéressant à relever et enrichissant au point de vue humain. Par contre, d'autres les vivent difficilement : ils ont de la difficulté à s'adapter, à gérer leurs émotions, à composer avec ces problèmes, à accepter la réalité de ces milieux et à conserver un niveau élevé de motivation. Cette réalité nous a amenée à poser la question de recherche suivante : Comment une directrice ou un directeur d'établissement scolaire primaire situé en milieu défavorisé peut-il diriger des enseignantes et des enseignants, de manière à favoriser et à maintenir, chez ces personnes, leur motivation? Les objectifs spécifiques de la recherche sont les suivants : 1. Identifier les principaux facteurs de motivation et de démotivation des enseignantes et des enseignants travaillant dans des écoles primaires en milieu défavorisé; 2. Cerner les conditions qui favorisent la motivation des enseignantes et des enseignants de ce milieu; 3. Formuler des recommandations quant aux pratiques de gestion favorisant la motivation du personnel enseignant de ce milieu. Afin de mieux connaître la problématique de la motivation du personnel enseignant travaillant en milieu défavorisé, six entrevues ont été réalisées en avril 2008 auprès d'enseignantes et d'enseignants travaillant ou ayant travaillé en milieu défavorisé. Ces entrevues semi-dirigées étaient d'une durée moyenne de 60 minutes. Les données recueillies ont été analysées et interprétées à l'aide de deux théories différentes : la théorie de l'autodétermination telle que formulée par Deci et Ryan (1985) et la théorie du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle de Bandura (2003). La théorie de l'autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 1985) situe sur un continuum les différents types de motivation: la motivation intrinsèque, la motivation extrinsèque et l'amotivation, selon leur degré d'autodétermination. Elle stipule que trois besoins sont à la base de la motivation intrinsèque: le besoin de compétence, le besoin d'autodétermination et le besoin d'affiliation personnelle. Lorsque ces besoins sont comblés, l'individu est motivé de façon intrinsèque et un certain bien-être est engendré. Par contre, lorsque l'un de ces besoins n'est pas comblé, le niveau de motivation baisse et entraînant également à la baisse le niveau de bien-être de la personne. Certains facteurs externes ont tendance à influencer le niveau de motivation intrinsèque. Il s'agit des facteurs extérieurs tels que les récompenses, les limites de temps et des comportements interpersonnels relatifs à la personne en situation d'autorité. Selon Pelletier et Vallerand (1993), lorsque ces facteurs sont perçus comme contraignants, ils baissent le niveau de motivation mais lorsqu'ils sont perçus comme favorisant l'autonomie, ils augmentent ou maintiennent le niveau de motivation intrinsèque de l'individu. Le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (Bandura, 2003) réfère à "la croyance de l'individu en sa capacité d'organiser et d'exécuter la ligne de conduite requise pour produire les résultats souhaités." (p.12). Quatre principales sources d'information sont à la base des croyances d'efficacité personnelle : les expériences actives de maîtrise, les expériences vicariantes, la persuasion verbale et les états physiologiques et émotionnels. Les enseignantes et les enseignants ayant un sentiment d'efficacité personnelle élevé ont certaines croyances et conduites qui amènent les enfants à croire en leur potentiel et à se réaliser tandis que ceux qui ont un sentiment d'efficacité personnelle bas créent un environnement de classe non propice au développement personnel et cognitif des élèves (Ibid., 2003). La collecte et l'analyse des données ont servi à répondre aux trois objectifs de la recherche. D'abord, ils ont révélé que les principaux facteurs de motivation des répondantes et répondants sont principalement reliés au besoin d'affiliation personnelle, soit le lien avec les enfants, l'équipe-école et l'ambiance de travail, la famille et les parents. Selon nos observations, le sentiment d'appartenance ou besoin d'affiliation personnelle semble plus fort et plus essentiel en milieu défavorisé. Les difficultés du milieu sont nombreuses et les défis si grands qu'il faut se sentir épaulé pour les affronter et les relever. En revanche, les facteurs de démotivation sont différents d'un répondant à l'autre à l'exception des problèmes d'indiscipline qui a rallié trois répondantes et répondants. Le deuxième objectif de la recherche était de cerner les conditions favorisant la motivation des enseignantes et des enseignants en milieu défavorisé. Les conditions énumérées par les répondantes et répondants sont principalement des facteurs extérieurs tels que la baisse des ratios, du temps d'échange avec les collègues réservé à l'horaire, une augmentation des services, des mesures incitatives et l'opinion de l'équipe-école face à la direction. Il est intéressant de constater que trois de ces facteurs, soit la baisse des ratios, l'augmentation des services et du temps d'échange avec les collègues réservé à l'horaire peuvent avoir une influence sur la perception de compétence de l'enseignant. Ceci permet de supposer que lorsque l'on met en place des conditions qui favorisent l'augmentation de la perception de compétence, cela augmente la motivation. Enfin, la recherche a permis d'énumérer une série de recommandations. Pour s'assurer de favoriser et maintenir la motivation chez les enseignantes et enseignants de son école, la direction doit mettre en place des pratiques de gestion qui favorisent la satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux à la base de la motivation : le besoin de compétence, le besoin d'autodétermination et le besoin d'affiliation personnelle. Pour combler le besoin de compétence, les recommandations concernent, entre autres, la formation continue et le développement professionnel du personnel enseignant de même que l'importance de poser des actions en lien avec les élèves en difficulté d'adaptation et d'apprentissage. Pour ce qui est des recommandations quant à la satisfaction du besoin d'autodétermination, celles-ci ont trait notamment au processus d'affectation et à la signature de la tâche et à la gestion de l'équipe. Enfin, les recommandations liées au besoin d'affiliation personnelles portent sur l'établissement d'un climat harmonieux au sein de l'équipe, sur la formation continue et le développement professionnel en lien avec les relations interpersonnelles et sur le savoir relationnel de la directrice, du directeur. Cette recherche permet l'élaboration de plusieurs pistes pour d'éventuelles études. D'abord puisque la direction évolue dans un système, elle n'a pas le contrôle sur tous les éléments susceptibles d'abaisser le niveau de motivation des enseignantes et enseignants de son école, notamment au niveau des décisions ministérielles et des conventions collectives. Il serait donc pertinent d'évaluer l'impact des décisions ministérielles et des conventions collectives sur la motivation du personnel enseignant. Il serait également intéressant de vérifier l'incidence de certaines pratiques de gestion précises sur la motivation du personnel enseignant. Enfin, le sujet de cette recherche pourrait être repris mais étudié auprès d'enseignantes et d'enseignants d'écoles secondaires situées en milieu défavorisé afin de comparer la réalité des deux ordres d'enseignement.


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The current approach to data analysis for the Laser Interferometry Space Antenna (LISA) depends on the time delay interferometry observables (TDI) which have to be generated before any weak signal detection can be performed. These are linear combinations of the raw data with appropriate time shifts that lead to the cancellation of the laser frequency noises. This is possible because of the multiple occurrences of the same noises in the different raw data. Originally, these observables were manually generated starting with LISA as a simple stationary array and then adjusted to incorporate the antenna's motions. However, none of the observables survived the flexing of the arms in that they did not lead to cancellation with the same structure. The principal component approach is another way of handling these noises that was presented by Romano and Woan which simplified the data analysis by removing the need to create them before the analysis. This method also depends on the multiple occurrences of the same noises but, instead of using them for cancellation, it takes advantage of the correlations that they produce between the different readings. These correlations can be expressed in a noise (data) covariance matrix which occurs in the Bayesian likelihood function when the noises are assumed be Gaussian. Romano and Woan showed that performing an eigendecomposition of this matrix produced two distinct sets of eigenvalues that can be distinguished by the absence of laser frequency noise from one set. The transformation of the raw data using the corresponding eigenvectors also produced data that was free from the laser frequency noises. This result led to the idea that the principal components may actually be time delay interferometry observables since they produced the same outcome, that is, data that are free from laser frequency noise. The aims here were (i) to investigate the connection between the principal components and these observables, (ii) to prove that the data analysis using them is equivalent to that using the traditional observables and (ii) to determine how this method adapts to real LISA especially the flexing of the antenna. For testing the connection between the principal components and the TDI observables a 10x 10 covariance matrix containing integer values was used in order to obtain an algebraic solution for the eigendecomposition. The matrix was generated using fixed unequal arm lengths and stationary noises with equal variances for each noise type. Results confirm that all four Sagnac observables can be generated from the eigenvectors of the principal components. The observables obtained from this method however, are tied to the length of the data and are not general expressions like the traditional observables, for example, the Sagnac observables for two different time stamps were generated from different sets of eigenvectors. It was also possible to generate the frequency domain optimal AET observables from the principal components obtained from the power spectral density matrix. These results indicate that this method is another way of producing the observables therefore analysis using principal components should give the same results as that using the traditional observables. This was proven by fact that the same relative likelihoods (within 0.3%) were obtained from the Bayesian estimates of the signal amplitude of a simple sinusoidal gravitational wave using the principal components and the optimal AET observables. This method fails if the eigenvalues that are free from laser frequency noises are not generated. These are obtained from the covariance matrix and the properties of LISA that are required for its computation are the phase-locking, arm lengths and noise variances. Preliminary results of the effects of these properties on the principal components indicate that only the absence of phase-locking prevented their production. The flexing of the antenna results in time varying arm lengths which will appear in the covariance matrix and, from our toy model investigations, this did not prevent the occurrence of the principal components. The difficulty with flexing, and also non-stationary noises, is that the Toeplitz structure of the matrix will be destroyed which will affect any computation methods that take advantage of this structure. In terms of separating the two sets of data for the analysis, this was not necessary because the laser frequency noises are very large compared to the photodetector noises which resulted in a significant reduction in the data containing them after the matrix inversion. In the frequency domain the power spectral density matrices were block diagonals which simplified the computation of the eigenvalues by allowing them to be done separately for each block. The results in general showed a lack of principal components in the absence of phase-locking except for the zero bin. The major difference with the power spectral density matrix is that the time varying arm lengths and non-stationarity do not show up because of the summation in the Fourier transform.


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Fluorescence spectroscopy andmicroscopy have been utilized as tools in membrane biophysics for decades now. Because phospholipids are non-fluorescent, the use of extrinsic membrane probes in this context is commonplace. Among the latter, 1,6-diphenylhexatriene (DPH) and its trimethylammonium derivative (TMA-DPH) have been extensively used. It is widely believed that, owing to its additional charged group, TMA-DPH is anchored at the lipid/water interface and reports on a bilayer region that is distinct from that of the hydrophobic DPH. In this study, we employ atomistic MD simulations to characterize the behavior of DPH and TMA-DPH in 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and POPC/cholesterol (4:1) bilayers. We show that although the dynamics of TMA-DPH in thesemembranes is noticeably more hindered than that of DPH, the location of the average fluorophore of TMA-DPH is only ~3–4 Å more shallow than that of DPH. The hindrance observed in the translational and rotational motions of TMA-DPH compared to DPH is mainly not due to significant differences in depth, but to the favorable electrostatic interactions of the former with electronegative lipid atoms instead. By revealing detailed insights on the behavior of these two probes, our results are useful both in the interpretation of past work and in the planning of future experiments using themasmembrane reporters.


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Fluorescence spectroscopy andmicroscopy have been utilized as tools in membrane biophysics for decades now. Because phospholipids are non-fluorescent, the use of extrinsic membrane probes in this context is commonplace. Among the latter, 1,6-diphenylhexatriene (DPH) and its trimethylammonium derivative (TMA-DPH) have been extensively used. It is widely believed that, owing to its additional charged group, TMA-DPH is anchored at the lipid/water interface and reports on a bilayer region that is distinct from that of the hydrophobic DPH. In this study, we employ atomistic MD simulations to characterize the behavior of DPH and TMA-DPH in 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and POPC/cholesterol (4:1) bilayers. We show that although the dynamics of TMA-DPH in thesemembranes is noticeably more hindered than that of DPH, the location of the average fluorophore of TMA-DPH is only ~3–4 Å more shallow than that of DPH. The hindrance observed in the translational and rotational motions of TMA-DPH compared to DPH is mainly not due to significant differences in depth, but to the favorable electrostatic interactions of the former with electronegative lipid atoms instead. By revealing detailed insights on the behavior of these two probes, our results are useful both in the interpretation of past work and in the planning of future experiments using themasmembrane reporters.


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Cysticercosis results from the ingestion Taenia solium eggs directly by faecal-oral route or contaminated food or water. Human tapeworm carriers who have become infected after ingesting pork meat contaminated with cysticerci release these eggs. Cysticercosis occurs after tapeworm eggs are ingested by an intermediate host (pig or human) and then hatch, migrate, and lodge in the host's tissues, where they develop onto larval cysticerci. When they lodged in the central nervous system of humans, results in the disease condition called Neurocysticercosis (NCC), with a heterogeneous manifestations depending of the locations of cysts, number, size and their stage of evolution (1). Consequently the prognostic ranges from asymptomatic to situations leading to death in 2% to 9.8%. of cases (7) In swine’s there are few studies, but recent works have proved that animals, for the same reasons, also have neurological abnormalities, expressed by seizures, stereotypic walk in circles, chewing motions with foamy salivation included tonic muscle contractions followed by a sudden diminution in all muscle tone leading to collapse (2). Conventional domestic wastewater treatment processes may not be totally effective in inactivating parasites eggs from Taenia solium, allowing some contamination of soils and agricultural products (11). In Portugal there are some evidence of aggregation of human cysticercosis cases in specific regions, bases in ecological design studies (6). There are few information about human tapeworm carriers and social and economic factors associated with them. Success in knowledge and consequently in lowering transmission is limited by the complex network of biological and social factors that maintain the spread. Effective control of mostly zoonosis require One Health approach, after a real knowledge and transparency in the information provided by the institutions responsible for both animal and human health, allowing sustained interventions targeted at the transmission cycle's crucial nodes. In general, the model used to control, reflects a rural reality, where pigs are raised freely, poor sanitation conditions and incipient sanitary inspection. In cysticercosis, pigs are obligate intermediate hosts and so considered as first targets for control and used as sentinels to monitor environmental T. solium contamination (3). Usually environmental contamination with Taenia spp. eggs is a key issue in most of studies with landscape factors influencing presence of Taenia spp. antigens in both pigs and humans (5). Soil-related factors as well as socio-economic and behavioural factors are associated with the emergence of significant clustering human cysticercosis (4,5). However scarce studies has been produced in urban environmental and in developed countries with the finality to characterize the spatial pattern. There are still few data available regarding its prevalence and spatial distribution; Transmission patterns are likely to exhibit correlations as housing conditions, water supply, basic sanitation, schooling and birthplace of the individual or relatives, more than pigs rearing free, soil conditions (9). As a matter of fact, tapeworm carriers from endemic zones can auto-infect or transmit infection to other people or arrive already suffering NCC (as a result of travelling to or being a citizen from an endemic cysticercosis country) to a free cysticercosis country. Transmission is fecal-oral; this includes transmission through person-to-person contact, through autoinfection, or through contaminated food This has been happening in different continents as North America (5.4–18% been autochthonous), Europe and Australia (7). Recently, case reports of NCC have also emerged from Muslim countries. (10). Actually, different papers relate an epidemic situation in Spain and Portugal (7, 8). However the kind of study done does not authorize such conclusion. There are no evidence that infections were acquired in Portugal and there are not characterized the mode of transmission. Papers with these kind of information will be allow to have economic consequences resulted from artificial trade barriers with serious consequences for pig producers and pig meat trade. We need transparency in information’s that allow provide the basis to support the development and targeting of future effective control programmes (and prove we need that). So, to have a real picture of the disease, it is necessary integrate data from human, animal and environmental factors surrounding human and pig cases to characterize the pattern of the transmission. The design needs to be able to capture unexpected, and not common outcomes (routine data). We need to think “One Health” to get a genuine image of the situation.


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The thesis deals with the experimental investigation of turbulent pipe flow at high Reynolds number. Wall-bounded turbulence is an extremely relevant topic for engineering and natural science applications and yet many aspects of the physics are not clear due to the difficulty in performing high Re experiments. To overcome these difficulties the CICLoPE Laboratory was developed, the main element of which is the Long Pipe wind tunnel. The facility is unique in its kind, as thanks to its large scale it delivers a flow quality and resolution that can not be achieved elsewhere at these Reynolds number. Reported here are the results from the first experimental campaign performed in the facility. A first part of the results presented concerns the characterization of this new facility. Flow quality and stability are assessed, particular attention is given to the characterization of pressure drop. The scaling of velocity fluctuations is analysed. The magnitude of the inner peak of the streamwise normal stress shows an increasing trend up to the highest Reynolds number examined, while no outer peak was clearly distinguishable from present measurements. Scaling of coherent motions is investigated via spectral analysis. An inner and outer spectral peaks are identified, with the former scaling in inner units while the latter neither following inner nor outer scaling, and increasing in magnitude with Re. Analysis of the spectra at y+ ≈ 15 shows how the increase of Reynolds normal stress is related to the influence of large scales in the inner wall region. Quadrant analysis was carried out on streamwise and wall-normal velocity fluctuations. The results show the important role in contribution to Reynolds shear stress of highly intermittent and strong events like ejections, that assume an even more intermittent and dominant role with the increase of Reynolds number.


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Allostery is a phenomenon of fundamental importance in biology, allowing regulation of function and dynamic adaptability of enzymes and proteins. Despite the allosteric effect was first observed more than a century ago allostery remains a biophysical enigma, defined as the “second secret of life”. The challenge is mainly associated to the rather complex nature of the allosteric mechanisms, which manifests itself as the alteration of the biological function of a protein/enzyme (e.g. ligand/substrate binding at the active site) by binding of “other object” (“allos stereos” in Greek) at a site distant (> 1 nanometer) from the active site, namely the effector site. Thus, at the heart of allostery there is signal propagation from the effector to the active site through a dense protein matrix, with a fundamental challenge being represented by the elucidation of the physico-chemical interactions between amino acid residues allowing communicatio n between the two binding sites, i.e. the “allosteric pathways”. Here, we propose a multidisciplinary approach based on a combination of computational chemistry, involving molecular dynamics simulations of protein motions, (bio)physical analysis of allosteric systems, including multiple sequence alignments of known allosteric systems, and mathematical tools based on graph theory and machine learning that can greatly help understanding the complexity of dynamical interactions involved in the different allosteric systems. The project aims at developing robust and fast tools to identify unknown allosteric pathways. The characterization and predictions of such allosteric spots could elucidate and fully exploit the power of allosteric modulation in enzymes and DNA-protein complexes, with great potential applications in enzyme engineering and drug discovery.


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In silico methods, such as musculoskeletal modelling, may aid the selection of the optimal surgical treatment for highly complex pathologies such as scoliosis. Many musculoskeletal models use a generic, simplified representation of the intervertebral joints, which are fundamental to the flexibility of the spine. Therefore, to model and simulate the spine, a suitable representation of the intervertebral joint is crucial. The aim of this PhD was to characterise specimen-specific models of the intervertebral joint for multi-body models from experimental datasets. First, the project investigated the characterisation of a specimen-specific lumped parameter model of the intervertebral joint from an experimental dataset of a four-vertebra lumbar spine segment. Specimen-specific stiffnesses were determined with an optimisation method. The sensitivity of the parameters to the joint pose was investigate. Results showed the stiffnesses and predicted motions were highly depended on both the joint pose. Following the first study, the method was reapplied to another dataset that included six complete lumbar spine segments under three different loading conditions. Specimen-specific uniform stiffnesses across joint levels and level-dependent stiffnesses were calculated by optimisation. Specimen-specific stiffness show high inter-specimen variability and were also specific to the loading condition. Level-dependent stiffnesses are necessary for accurate kinematic predictions and should be determined independently of one another. Secondly, a framework to create subject-specific musculoskeletal models of individuals with severe scoliosis was developed. This resulted in a robust codified pipeline for creating subject-specific, severely scoliotic spine models from CT data. In conclusion, this thesis showed that specimen-specific intervertebral joint stiffnesses were highly sensitive to joint pose definition and the importance of level-dependent optimisation. Further, an open-source codified pipeline to create patient-specific scoliotic spine models from CT data was released. These studies and this pipeline can facilitate the specimen-specific characterisation of the scoliotic intervertebral joint and its incorporation into scoliotic musculoskeletal spine models.


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This Thesis studies the optimal control problem of single-arm and dual-arm serial robots to achieve the time-optimal handling of liquids and objects. The first topic deals with the planning of time-optimal anti-sloshing trajectories of an industrial robot carrying a cylindrical container filled with a liquid, considering 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional planar motions. A technique for the estimation of the sloshing height is presented, together with its extension to 3-dimensional motions. An experimental validation campaign is provided and discussed to assess the thoroughness of such a technique. As far as anti-sloshing trajectories are concerned, 2-dimensional paths are considered and, for each one of them, three constrained optimizations with different values of the sloshing-height thresholds are solved. Experimental results are presented to compare optimized and non-optimized motions. The second part focuses on the time-optimal trajectory planning for dual-arm object handling, employing two collaborative robots (cobots) and adopting an admittance-control strategy. The chosen manipulation approach, known as cooperative grasping, is based on unilateral contact between the cobots and the object, and it may lead to slipping during motion if an internal prestress along the contact-normal direction is not prescribed. Thus, a virtual penetration is considered, aimed at generating the necessary internal prestress. The stability of cooperative grasping is ensured as long as the exerted forces on the object remain inside the static-friction cone. Constrained-optimization problems are solved for 3-dimensional paths: the virtual penetration is chosen among the control inputs of the problem and friction-cone conditions are treated as inequality constraints. Also in this case experiments are presented in order to prove evidence of the firm handling of the object, even for fast motions.


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Nowadays, the development of intelligent and autonomous vehicles used to perform agricultural activities is essential to improve quantity and quality of agricultural productions. Moreover, with automation techniques it is possible to reduce the usage of agrochemicals and minimize the pollution. The University of Bologna is developing an innovative system for orchard management called ORTO (Orchard Rapid Transportation System). This system involves an autonomous electric vehicle capable to perform agricultural activities inside an orchard structure. The vehicle is equipped with an implement capable to perform different tasks. The purpose of this thesis project is to control the vehicle and the implement to perform an inter-row grass mowing. This kind of task requires a synchronized motion between the traction motors and the implement motors. A motion control system has been developed to generate trajectories and manage their synchronization. Two main trajectories type have been used: a five order polynomial trajectory and a trapezoidal trajectory. These two kinds of trajectories have been chosen in order to perform a uniform grass mowing, paying a particular attention to the constrains of the system. To synchronize the motions, the electronic cams approach has been adopted. A master profile has been generated and all the trajectories have been linked to the master motion. Moreover, a safety system has been developed. The aim of this system is firstly to improve the safety during the motion, furthermore it allows to manage obstacle detection and avoidance. Using some particular techniques obstacles can be detected and recovery action can be performed to overcome the problem. Once the measured force reaches the predefined force threshold, then the vehicle stops immediately its motion. The whole project has been developed by employing Matlab and Simulink. Eventually, the software has been translated into C code and executed on the TI Lauchpad XL board.