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We present the first evaluation of a novel molecular assay, the Speed-oligo Direct Mycobacterium tuberculosis (SO-DMT) assay, which is based on PCR combined with a dipstick for the detection of mycobacteria and the specific identification of M. tuberculosis complex (MTC) in respiratory specimens. A blind evaluation was carried out in two stages: first, under experimental conditions on convenience samples comprising 20 negative specimens, 44 smear- and culture-positive respiratory specimens, and 11 sputa inoculated with various mycobacterium-related organisms; and second, in the routine workflow of 566 fresh respiratory specimens (4.9% acid-fast bacillus [AFB] smear positives, 7.6% MTC positives, and 1.8% nontuberculous mycobacteria [NTM] culture positives) from two Mycobacterium laboratories. SO-DMT assay showed no reactivity in any of the mycobacterium-free specimens or in those with mycobacterium-related organisms. Compared to culture, the sensitivity in the selected smear-positive specimens was 0.91 (0.92 for MTC and 0.90 for NTM), and there was no molecular detection of NTM in a tuberculosis case or vice versa. With respect to culture and clinical data, the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values for the SO-DMT system in routine specimens were 0.76 (0.93 in smear positives [1.0 for MTC and 0.5 for NTM] and 0.56 in smear negatives [0.68 for MTC and 0.16 for NTM]), 0.99, 0.85 (1.00 in smear positives and 0.68 in smear negatives), and 0.97, respectively. Molecular misidentification of NTM cases occurred when testing 2 gastric aspirates from two children with clinically but not microbiologically confirmed lung tuberculosis. The SO-DMT assay appears to be a fast and easy alternative for detecting mycobacteria and differentiating MTC from NTM in smear-positive respiratory specimens.
BACKGROUND Nucleic acid amplification tests are increasingly used for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis. We undertook a comparative study of the efficiency and diagnostic yield of a real-time PCR senX3-regX3 based assay versus the classical IS6110 target and the new commercial methods. METHODS This single-blind prospective comparative study included 145 consecutive samples: 76 from patients with culture-confirmed tuberculosis (86.8% pulmonary and 13.2% extrapulmonary tuberculosis: 48.7% smear-positive and 51.3% smear-negative) and 69 control samples (24 from patients diagnosed with non-tuberculous mycobacteria infections and 45 from patients with suspected tuberculosis which was eventually ruled out). All samples were tested by two CE-marked assays (Xpert®MTB/RIF and AnyplexTM plus MTB/NTM) and two in-house assays targeting senX3-regX3 and the IS6110 gene. RESULTS The detection limit ranged from 1.00E+01 fg for Anyplex, senX3-regX3 and IS6110 to 1.00E+04 fg for Xpert. All three Xpert, senX3-regX3 and IS6110 assays detected all 37 smear-positive cases. Conversely, Anyplex was positive in 34 (91.9%) smear-positive cases. In patients with smear-negative tuberculosis, differences were observed between the assays; Xpert detected 22 (56.41%) of the 39 smear-negative samples, Anyplex 24 (61.53%), senX3-regX3 28 (71.79%) and IS6110 35 (89.74%). Xpert and senX3-regX3 were negative in all control samples; however, the false positive rate was 8.7% and 13% for Anyplex and IS6110, respectively. The overall sensitivity was 77.6%, 85.7%, 77.3% and 94.7% and the specificity was 100%, 100%, 90.8% and 87.0% for the Xpert, senX3-regX3, Anyplex and IS6110 assays, respectively. CONCLUSION Real-time PCR assays targeting IS6110 lack the desired specificity. The Xpert MTB/RIF and in-house senX3-regX3 assays are both sensitive and specific for the detection of MTBC in both pulmonary and extrapulmonary samples. Therefore, the real time PCR senX3-regX3 based assay could be a useful and complementary tool in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified is a heterogeneous group of aggressive neoplasms with indistinct borders. By gene expression profiling we previously reported unsupervised clusters of peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified correlating with CD30 expression. In this work we extended the analysis of peripheral T-cell lymphoma molecular profiles to prototypical CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas (anaplastic large cell lymphomas), and validated mRNA expression profiles at the protein level. Existing transcriptomic datasets from peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified and anaplastic large cell lymphomas were reanalyzed. Twenty-one markers were selected for immunohistochemical validation on 80 peripheral T-cell lymphoma samples (not otherwise specified, CD30(+) and CD30(-); anaplastic large cell lymphomas, ALK(+) and ALK(-)), and differences between subgroups were assessed. Clinical follow-up was recorded. Compared to CD30(-) tumors, CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified were significantly enriched in ALK(-) anaplastic large cell lymphoma-related genes. By immunohistochemistry, CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified differed significantly from CD30(-) samples [down-regulated expression of T-cell receptor-associated proximal tyrosine kinases (Lck, Fyn, Itk) and of proteins involved in T-cell differentiation/activation (CD69, ICOS, CD52, NFATc2); upregulation of JunB and MUM1], while overlapping with anaplastic large cell lymphomas. CD30(-) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified tended to have an inferior clinical outcome compared to the CD30(+) subgroups. In conclusion, we show molecular and phenotypic features common to CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, and significant differences between CD30(-) and CD30(+) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, not otherwise specified, suggesting that CD30 expression might delineate two biologically distinct subgroups.
The SwissBioisostere database (http://www.swissbioisostere.ch) contains information on molecular replacements and their performance in biochemical assays. It is meant to provide researchers in drug discovery projects with ideas for bioisosteric modifications of their current lead molecule, as well as to give interested scientists access to the details on particular molecular replacements. As of August 2012, the database contains 21 293 355 datapoints corresponding to 5 586 462 unique replacements that have been measured in 35 039 assays against 1948 molecular targets representing 30 target classes. The accessible data were created through detection of matched molecular pairs and mining bioactivity data in the ChEMBL database. The SwissBioisostere database is hosted by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and available via a web-based interface.
The mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides is, to our knowledge, still poorly understood. To probe the biophysical characteristics that confer activity, we present here a molecular-dynamics and biophysical study of a cyclic antimicrobial peptide and its inactive linear analog. In the simulations, the cyclic peptide caused large perturbations in the bilayer and cooperatively opened a disordered toroidal pore, 1–2 nm in diameter. Electrophysiology measurements confirm discrete poration events of comparable size. We also show that lysine residues aligning parallel to each other in the cyclic but not linear peptide are crucial for function. By employing dual-color fluorescence burst analysis, we show that both peptides are able to fuse/aggregate liposomes but only the cyclic peptide is able to porate them. The results provide detailed insight on the molecular basis of activity of cyclic antimicrobial peptides
Introduction : Les particules de HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) ont des fonctions diverses notamment en raison de leur structure très hétérogène. Tout d'abord, les HDLs assurent le transport du cholestérol de la périphérie vers le foie mais sont également dotées de nombreuses vertus protectrices. Un grand nombre d'études démontre les mécanismes de protection des HDL sur les cellules endothéliales. Sachant que les patients diabétiques ont ses niveaux bas de HDL, le but de cette étude est d'investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires de protection sur la cellule beta pancréatique. Résultats : Une étude « microarray » nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de gènes régulés par le stress, comme la privation de sérum, en présence ou en absence de HDL. Parmi ces gènes, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à un répresseur de la synthèse protéique « cap » -dépendante, 4EBP1. Dans notre étude transcriptomique, les niveaux d'ARNm de 4E-BP1 augmentaient de 30þ% dans des conditions sans sérum alors que les HDLs bloquaient cette élévation. Au niveau protéique, les niveaux totaux de 4EBP1 étaient augmentés dans les conditions de stress et cette élévation était contrée par les HDLs. D'autres expériences de transfection ou d'infection de 4E-BP1 ont montrés que cette protéine était capable d'induire l'apoptose dans les cellules beta, imitant ainsi l'effet de la privation de sérum. Afin de déterminer le rôle direct de 4E-BP1 dans la mort cellulaire, ses niveaux ont été réduits par interférence ARN. Le niveau de mort cellulaire induit par l'absence de sérum était moins élevé dans des cellules à taux réduits de 4EBP1 par RNAi que dans des cellules contrôle. Conclusion : Ces données montrent que les HDL protègent les cellules beta suite à différents stress et que 4E-BP1 est une des protéines pro-apoptotiques inhibées par les HDL. 4E-BP1 est capable d'induire la mort cellulaire dans les cellules bêta et cette réponse peut-être réduite en diminuant l'expression de cette protéine. Nos données suggèrent que 4E-BP1 est une cible potentielle pour le traitement du diabète.
Red wood ants (Formica rufa group) constitute a group of species that are considered to be among the most promising bioindicators in forest ecosystems. However, because of their morphological similarity and intraspecific variability, morphological species identification can be difficult. Considerable expertise is necessary to discriminate between the sibling species F. lugubris and F. paralugubris, two species that often live in sympatry in the same Alpine forests. New taxonomic tools providing rapid and reliable species identification are needed. We present a simple and reliable molecular technique based on mtDNA (COI gene) and a restriction enzyme for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris. We confirm the validity of this method with a Bayesian analysis based on microsatellites. This new molecular tool represents a clear breakthrough for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris and is likely to be helpful in large-scale biomonitoring.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a heterogeneous group of disorders of the peripheral nervous system, mainly characterized by distal muscle weakness and atrophy leading to motor handicap. With an estimated prevalence of 1 in 2,500, this condition is one of the most commonly inherited neurological disorders. Mutations in more than 30 genes affecting glial and/or neuronal functions have been associated with different forms of CMT leading to a substantial improvement in diagnostics of the disease and in the understanding of implicated pathophysiological mechanisms. However, recent data from systematic genetic screening performed in large cohorts of CMT patients indicated that molecular diagnosis could be established only in ∼50-70% of them, suggesting that additional genes are involved in this disease. In addition to providing an overview of genetic and functional data concerning various CMT forms, this review focuses on recent data generated through the use of highly parallel genetic technologies (SNP chips, sequence capture and next-generation DNA sequencing) in CMT families, and the current and future impact of these technologies on gene discovery and diagnostics of CMTs.
For a better understanding of the complex coevolutionary processes between hosts and parasites, accurate identification of the actors involved in the interaction is of fundamental importance. Blood parasites of the Order Haemosporidia, responsible for malaria, have become the focus of a broad range of studies in evolutionary biology. Interestingly, molecular-based studies on avian malaria have revealed much higher species diversity than previously inferred with morphology. Meanwhile, studies on bat haemosporidian have been largely neglected. In Europe, only one genus (Polychromophilus) and two species have been morphologically described. To evaluate the presence of potential cryptic species and parasite prevalence, we undertook a molecular characterization of Polychromophilus in temperate zone bats. We used a nested-PCR approach on the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene to detect the presence of parasites in 237 bats belonging to four different species and in the dipteran bat fly Nycteribia kolenatii, previously described as being the vector of Polychromophilus. Polychromophilus murinus was found in the four bat species and in the insect vector with prevalence ranging from 4% for Myotis myotis to 51% for M. daubentoni. By sequencing 682 bp, we then investigated the phylogenetic relationships of Polychromophilus to other published malarial lineages. Seven haplotypes were found, all very closely related, suggesting the presence of a single species in our samples. These haplotypes formed a well-defined clade together with Haemosporidia of tropical bats, revealing a worldwide distribution of this parasite mostly neglected by malarial studies since the 1980s.
Background: HSTL is a rare entity characterized by an infiltration of bone marrow, spleen and liver tissues by neoplastic gammadelta (gd) -more rarely alphabeta (ab)- T cells. Its pathogenesis is poorly understood. Our purpose was to identify the molecular signature of HSTL and explore molecular pathways implicated in its pathogenesis.Methods: Gene expression profiling and array CGH analysis of 10 HSTL samples (7gd, 3ab), 1 HSTL cell line (DERL2), 2 normal gd samples together with 16 peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (PTCL,NOS) and 7 nasal NK/T cell lymphomas were performed.Results: By unsupervised analysis, ab and gdHSTL clustered together remarkably separated from other lymphoma entities. Compared to PTCL, NOS, HSTL overexpresed genes encoding NK-associated molecules, oncogenes (VAV3) and the Sphingosine-1-phosphatase receptor 5 involved in cell trafficking. Compared to normal gd cells, HSTL overexpressed genes encoding NK-cell and multi drug resistance-associated molecules, transcription factors (RHOB), oncogenes (MAFB, FOS, JUN, VAV3) and the tyrosine kinase SYK whereas genes encoding cytotoxic molecules and the tumor suppressor gene AIM1 were among the most downregulated. By immunohistochemistry, SYK was demonstrated on HSTL cells with expression of its phosphorylated form in DERL2 cells by Western blot. Functional studies using a SYK inhibitor revealed a dose dependent increase of apoptotic DERL2 cells suggesting that SYK could be a candidate target for pharmacologic inhibition. Downexpression of AIM1 was validated by qRT-PCR. Methylation analysis of DERL2 genomic DNA treated by bisulfite demonstrated highly methylated CpG islands of AIM1. Genomic profiles confirmed recurrent isochromosome 7q (n=6/9) without alterations at 9q22 and 6q21 containing SYK and AIM1 genes, respectively.Conclusion: The current study identifies a distinct molecular signature for HSTL and highlights oncogenic pathways which offer rationale for exploring new therapeutic options such as SYK inhibitors. It supports the view of gd and ab HSTL as a single entity.
Ligands of the TNF (tumour necrosis factor) superfamily have pivotal roles in the organization and function of the immune system, and are implicated in the aetiology of several acquired and genetic diseases. TNF ligands share a common structural motif, the TNF homology domain (THD), which binds to cysteine-rich domains (CRDs) of TNF receptors. CRDs are composed of structural modules, whose variation in number and type confers heterogeneity upon the family. Protein folds reminiscent of the THD and CRD are also found in other protein families, raising the possibility that the mode of interaction between TNF and TNF receptors might be conserved in other contexts.
We developed a procedure that combines three complementary computational methodologies to improve the theoretical description of the electronic structure of nickel oxide. The starting point is a Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation to incorporate vibrorotational degrees of freedom into the material model. By means ofcomplete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) calculations on embedded clusters extracted from the resulting trajectory, we describe localized spectroscopic phenomena on NiO with an efficient treatment of electron correlation. The inclusion of thermal motion into the theoretical description allowsus to study electronic transitions that, otherwise, would be dipole forbidden in the ideal structure and results in a natural reproduction of the band broadening. Moreover, we improved the embedded cluster model by incorporating self-consistently at the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) level a discrete (or direct) reaction field (DRF) in the cluster surroundings. The DRF approach offers an efficient treatment ofelectric response effects of the crystalline embedding to the electronic transitions localized in the cluster. We offer accurate theoretical estimates of the absorption spectrum and the density of states around the Fermi level of NiO, and a comprehensive explanation of the source of the broadening and the relaxation of the charge transferstates due to the adaptation of the environment
Switzerland has a complex human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic involving several populations. We examined transmission of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in a national cohort study. Latent class analysis was used to identify socioeconomic and behavioral groups among 6,027 patients enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between 2000 and 2011. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data, available for 4,013 patients, was used to identify transmission clusters. Concordance between sociobehavioral groups and transmission clusters was assessed in correlation and multiple correspondence analyses. A total of 2,696 patients were infected with subtype B, 203 with subtype C, 196 with subtype A, and 733 with recombinant subtypes (mainly CRF02_AG and CRF01_AE). Latent class analysis identified 8 patient groups. Most transmission clusters of subtype B were shared between groups of gay men (groups 1-3) or between the heterosexual groups "heterosexual people of lower socioeconomic position" (group 4) and "injection drug users" (group 8). Clusters linking homosexual and heterosexual groups were associated with "older heterosexual and gay people on welfare" (group 5). "Migrant women in heterosexual partnerships" (group 6) and "heterosexual migrants on welfare" (group 7) shared non-B clusters with groups 4 and 5. Combining approaches from social and molecular epidemiology can provide insights into HIV-1 transmission and inform the design of prevention strategies.
Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiosis with roots of approximately 80% of known land plants. These fungi play a key role in the ecology and adaptation of plants to various ecosystems.by increasing the plant resources for various nutrients. Despite their important ecological role, we still have poor understanding of their genetic structure and their molecular evolution. The work presented in this thesis aims to isolate and analyse AMF genes with various molecular techniques, in order to obtain new insights about their genetics, phylogeny and molecular evolution. Some AMF genes were shown through phylogenetic analyses to be more related with plants or mycoparasites than with other fungal organisms. These results led to the prediction that lateral gene transfers (LGT) occurred between AMF and plants during their long-term co-évolution. By phylogenetic and molecular analyses, in the chapter 2 I demonstrate that the hypothesis of LGT is most likely a consequence of analyses carried out on contaminant non AMF-DNA. In addition, various features characteristic of AMF genes have been determined, allowing researchers to scan their own sequence databases for potential non-AMF contaminants. Phylogenetic relationships of AMF with other fungi has been mostly analysed using molecular markers of ribosomal origin. In chapter 2 I successfully isolated gene encoding α- and ß-tubulins from several AMF genera. Consequently, phylogenetic analyses showed that AMF possess an unexpected relationship with ancestral aquatic fungi (chytrids). These results are consistent with the prediction stating that AMF may have played an important role in the colonisation of land by green plants through the establishment of a symbiosis and after the divergence of AMF from aquatic ancestors. In Chapter 4 I tried to isolate the entire AMF gene family encoding P-Type II ATPases, in order to determine their molecular evolution with the fungal kingdom. These genes were further analysed to detect the level of sequence polymorphism that is present within an AMF population. The results obtained show that mutational events previously thought as occurring only among divergent evolutionary lineages (gene duplications, indel mutations in coding regions) can occur within a single population of AMF. These results have far reaching consequences for our understanding of the genetics and ecology of AMF. Résumé Les champignons endomycorrhiziens arbusculaires (CEA) forment une symbiose racinaire avec environ 80% des plantes vasculaires connues. Ces champignons possèdent un rôle important dans l'écologie et l'adaptation des plantes au sein de différents écosystèmes en .augmentant leurs ressources en nutriments. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse se propose d'isoler et d'analyser certains gènes de CEA avec différentes techniques moléculaires à fin d'obtenir de pÌus amples informations concernant l'évolution moléculaire, la phylogénie et leur diversité génétique à diverses échelles taxonomiques. Certaines analyses phylogénétiques des CEA ont conduit à l'hypothèse que des transferts horizontaux de gènes (THG) ont pu avoir lieu durant leur longue co-évolution avec les plantes vasculaires. Dans le chapitre 2 de cette thèse nous démontrons par analyses moléculaire et phylogénétique que l'hypothèse de THG est une conséquence de contaminations à partir d'ADN de plante ou d'autres micro-organismes. De plus, de nombreuses caractéristiques moléculaires de CEA ont pu être déterminées, permettant la mise en place d'un plan à suivre lors de l'analyse de gènes de CEA dans les études futures. Les relations évolutives des. CEA avec d'autres champignons ont été analysées majoritairement à l'aide de marqueurs moléculaires d'origine ribosomiale. Dans les chapitres 2 et 3 j'ai isolé des gènes codant pour l'a- et la ß-tubuline chez différents genres, de CEA. Les analyses phylogénétiques ont démontré une parenté entre les CEA et des champignons aquatiques ancestraux (chytrides). Ces résultats sont en accord avec l'hypothèse selon laquelle les CEA ont probablement joué un rôle primordial dans l'établissement des plantes sur terre à travers une symbiose et suite à leur évolution à partir d'ancêtres vivant dans des milieux aquatiques: Dans le chapitre 4 j'ai isolé une entière famille de gènes chez les CEA codant des ATPases de la membrane plasmique, et étudié leur évolution moléculaire dans le règne des champignons. Ces mêmes gènes ont été analysés ultérieurement à fin de déterminer le degré de polymorphisme de séquence qui peut être présent au sein d'une population de CEA. Les résultats obtenus montrent que des évènements mutationnels considérés comme apparaissant exclusivement dans des lignées évolutives très divergentes (duplication de gènes, insertions/délétions dans des régions transcrites du génome) ont lieu sein d'une même population de CEA. Cette découverte a un impact important sur nos connaissances concernant la génétique des populations des CEA et leur écologie.