958 resultados para Modified barrier function


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Glaucoma is a multifactorial long-term ocular neuropathy associated with progressive loss of the visual field, retinal nerve fiber structural abnormalities and optic disc changes. Like arterial hypertension it is usually a symptomless disease, but if left untreated leads to visual disability and eventual blindness. All therapies currently used aim to lower intraocular pressure (IOP) in order to minimize cell death. Drugs with new mechanisms of action could protect glaucomatous eyes against blindness. Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is known to regulate systemic blood pressure and compounds acting on it are in wide clinical use in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure but not yet in ophthalmological use. There are only few previous studies concerning intraocular RAS, though evidence is accumulating that drugs antagonizing RAS can also lower IOP, the only treatable risk factor in glaucoma. The main aim of this experimental study was to clarify the expression of the renin-angiotensin system in the eye tissues and to test its potential oculohypotensive effects and mechanisms. In addition, the possible relationship between the development of hypertension and IOP was evaluated in animal models. In conclusion, a novel angiotensin receptor type (Mas), as well as ACE2 enzyme- producing agonists for Mas, were described for the first time in the eye structures participating in the regulation of IOP. In addition, a Mas receptor agonist significantly reduced even normal IOP. The effect was abolished by a specific receptor antagonist. Intraocular, local RAS would thus to be involved in the regulation of IOP, probably even more in pathological conditions such as glaucoma though there was no unambiguous relationship between arterial and ocular hypertension. The findings suggest the potential as antiglaucomatous drugs of agents which increase ACE2 activity and the formation of angiotensin (1-7), or activate Mas receptors.


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Androgen receptor (AR) is necessary for normal male phenotype development and essential for spermatogenesis. AR is a classical steroid receptor mediating actions of male sex steroids testosterone and 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. Numerous coregulators interact with the receptor and regulate AR activity on target genes. This study deals with the characterization of androgen receptor-interacting protein 4 (ARIP4). ARIP4 binds DNA, interacts with AR in vitro and in cultured yeast and mammalian cells, and modulates AR-dependent transactivation. ARIP4 is an active DNA-dependent ATPase, and this enzymatic activity is essential for the ability of ARIP4 to modulate AR function. On the basis of sequence homology in its ATPase domain, ARIP4 belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, DNA repair, and homologous recombination. Similar to its closest homologs ATRX and Rad54, ARIP4 does not seem to be a classical chromatin remodeling protein in that it does not appear to form large protein complexes in vivo or remodel mononucleosomes in vitro. However, ARIP4 is able to generate superhelical torsion on linear DNA fragments. ARIP4 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and mutation of six potential SUMO attachment sites abolishes the ability of ARIP4 to bind DNA, hydrolyze ATP, and activate AR function. ARIP4 expression starts in early embryonic development. In mouse embryo ARIP4 is present mainly in the neural tube and limb buds. In adult mouse tissues ARIP4 expression is virtually ubiquitous. In mouse testis ARIP4 is expressed in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in a stage-dependent manner. ARIP4 is also present in the nuclei of Leydig cells, spermatogonia, pachytene and diplotene spermatocytes. Testicular expression pattern of ARIP4 does not differ significantly in wild-type, FSHRKO, and LuRKO mice. In the testis of hpg mice, ARIP4 is found mainly in interstitial cells and has very low, if any, expression in Sertoli and germ cells. Heterozygous Arip4+/ mice are fertile and appear normal; however, they are haploinsufficient with regard to androgen action in Sertoli cells. In contrast, Arip4 / embryos are not viable. They have significantly reduced body size at E9.5 and die by E11.5. Compared to wild-type littermates, Arip4 / embryos possess a higher percentage of apoptotic cells at E9.5 and E10.5. Fibroblasts derived from Arip4 / embryos cease growing after 2-3 passages and exhibit a significantly increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation rate than cells from wild-type embryos. Our findings demonstrate that ARIP4 plays an essential role in mouse embryonic development. In addition, testicular expression and AR coregulatory activity of ARIP4 suggest a role of ARIP4-AR interaction in the somatic cells of the testis.


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Proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTEC) of the kidney line the proximal tubule downstream of the glomerulus and play a major role in the re-absorption of small molecular weight proteins that may pass through the glomerular filtration process. In the perturbed disease state PTEC also contribute to the inflammatory disease process via both positive and negative mechanisms via the production of inflammatory cytokines which chemo-attract leukocytes and the subsequent down-modulation of these cells to prevent uncontrolled inflammatory responses. It is well established that dendritic cells are responsible for the initiation and direction of adaptive immune responses. Both resident and infiltrating dendritic cells are localised within the tubulointerstitium of the renal cortex, in close apposition to PTEC, in inflammatory disease states. We previously demonstrated that inflammatory PTEC are able to modulate autologous human dendritic cell phenotype and functional responses. Here we extend these findings to characterise the mechanisms of this PTEC immune-modulation using primary human PTEC and autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC) as the model system. We demonstrate that PTEC express three inhibitory molecules: (i) cell surface PD-L1 that induces MoDC expression of PD-L1; (ii) intracellular IDO that maintains the expression of MoDC CD14, drives the expression of CD80, PD-L1 and IL-10 by MoDC and inhibits T cell stimulatory capacity; and (iii) soluble HLA-G (sHLA-G) that inhibits HLA-DR and induces IL-10 expression by MoDC. Collectively the results demonstrate that primary human PTEC are able to modulate autologous DC phenotype and function via multiple complex pathways. Further dissection of these pathways is essential to target therapeutic strategies in the treatment of inflammatory kidney disorders.


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Increased consumption of low-fat milk products is inversely associated with the risk of hypertension. The beneficial effect of milk on blood pressure is attributed to high calcium and potassium content but also to specific peptide sequences, which are cleaved from milk protein during gastrointestinal digestion, fermentation of milk with proteolytic starter cultures or enzymatic hydrolysis. Milk products fermented with Lactobacillus helveticus contain casein-derived tripeptides isoleucine-proline-proline (Ile-Pro-Pro) and valine-proline-proline (Val-Pro-Pro), which have been shown to possess antihypertensive effects in humans and in experimental animals. The aim of the present series of studies was to investigate the effects of tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro or fermented milk products containing them on vascular function and blood pressure and to elucidate the mechanisms behind them by using different experimental models of hypertension. Another aim was to characterize the acute effects of tripeptides on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in mildly hypertensive humans. Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro or fermented milk products containing them attenuated the development of hypertension in two experimental models of hypertension, spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat fed with high-salt diet. Significant differences in systolic blood pressure (SBP) were seen after 8 weeks treatment with tripeptide-containing products compared to control product. Plant sterols did not enhance this effect. Two differently produced tripeptide powders produced a similar attenuating effect on SBP in SHR. In mildly hypertensive subjects, a single administration of tripeptide- and plant sterol-containing fermented milk product decreased both SBP and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) over a period of 8 hours. Protective effect of tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro and fermented milk products containing them on vascular function was demonstrated in in vitro studies and long-term experimental studies. The effect was shown to be endothelium-dependent and possibly involving endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). In the clinical study, single administration of tripeptide-containing fermented milk product did not affect measures of arterial stiffness. Long-term treatment with fermented milk product containing Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro inhibited angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and decreased aldosterone levels thus showing beneficial effects on the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in SHR and GK. No changes in the components of RAS were observed by the single administration of the same product in mildly hypertensive subjects. Increased levels of cGMP, NOx and citrulline suggest increased nitric oxide (NO) production by the tripeptides. Taken together, Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro -containing products attenuate the development of hypertension after long-term treatment in experimental models of hypertension and possess an acute antihypertensive effect in mildly hypertensive subjects. In addition, these tripeptides show endothelium-mediated beneficial effects on vascular function. Attenuation of blood pressure increase by the tripeptides in experimental animals involves RAS, but its role in the antihypertensive effect in humans remains to be elucidated.


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Understanding the process of cell division is crucial for modern cancer medicine due to the central role of uncontrolled cell division in this disease. Cancer involves unrestrained proliferation as a result of cells loosing normal control and being driven through the cell cycle, where they normally would be non-dividing or quiescent. Progression through the cell cycle is thought to be dependent on the sequential activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks). The full activation of Cdks requires the phosphorylation of a conserved residue (threonine-160 on human Cdk2) on the T-loop of the kinase domain. In metazoan species, a trimeric complex consisting of Cdk7, cyclin H and Mat1 has been suggested to be the T-loop kinase of several Cdks. In addition, Cdk7 have also been implicated in the regulation of transcription. Cdk7, cyclin H, and Mat1 can be found as subunits of general transcription factor TFIIH. Cdk7, in this context, phosphorylates the Carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II), specifically on serine-5 residues of the CTD repeat. The regulation of Cdk7 in these and other functions is not well known and the unambiguous characterization of the in vivo role of Cdk7 in both T-loop activation and CTD serine-5 phosphorylation has proved challenging. In this study, the fission yeast Cdk7-cyclin H homologous complex, Mcs6-Mcs2, is identified as the in vivo T-loop kinase of Cdk1(Cdc2). It also identifies multiple levels of regulation of Mcs6 kinase activity, i.e. association with Pmh1, a novel fission yeast protein that is the apparent homolog of metazoan Mat1, and T-loop phosphorylation of Mcs6, mediated by Csk1, a monomeric T-loop kinase with similarity to Cak1 of budding yeast. In addition, Skp1, a component of the SCF (Skp1-Cullin-F box protein) ubiquitin ligase is identified by its interactions with Mcs2 and Pmh1. The Skp1 association with Mcs2 and Pmh1 is however SCF independent and does not involve proteolytic degradation but may reflect a novel mechanism to modulate the activity or complex assembly of Mcs6. In addition to Cdk7, also Cdk8 has been shown to have CTD serine-5 kinase activity in vitro. Cdk8 is not essential in yeast but has been shown to function as a transcriptional regulator. The function of Cdk8 is unknown in flies and mammals. This prompted the investigation of murine Cdk8 and its potential role as a redundant CTD serine-5 kinase. We find that Cdk8 is required for development prior to implantation, at a time that is co-incident with a burst of Cdk8 expression during normal development. The results does not support a role of Cdk8 as a serine-5 CTD kinase in vivo but rather shows an unexpected requirement for Cdk8, early in mammalian development. The results presented in this thesis extends our current knowledge of the regulation of the cell cycle by characterizing the function of two distinct cell cycle regulating T-loop kinases, including the unambiguous identification of Mcs6, the fission yeast Cdk7 homolog, as the T-loop kinase of Cdk1. The results also indicate that the function of Mcs6 is conserved from fission yeast to human Cdk7 and suggests novel mechanisms by which the distinct functions of Cdk7 and Mcs6 could be regulated. These findings are important for our understanding of how progression of the cell cycle and proper transcription is controlled, during normal development and tissue homeostasis but also under condition where cells have escaped these control mechanisms e.g. cancer.


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Electron spectroscopic studies clearly demonstrate that modification of the surfaces of Mn, Fe and Ni metals by chlorine significantly decreases the strength of interaction between the metal and adsorbed molecules such as CO and N2. This is in contrast to the effect of electropositive additives such as Ba and Al which increase the adsorption bond strength significantly.


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The development of many embryonic organs is regulated by reciprocal and sequential epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. These interactions are mediated by conserved signaling pathways that are reiteratively used. Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is a congenital syndrome where both bone and tooth development is affected. The syndrome is characterized by short stature, abnormal clavicles, general bone dysplasia, and supernumerary teeth. CCD is caused by mutations in RUNX2, a transcription factor that is a key regulator of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. The first aim of this study was to analyse the expression of a family of key signal molecules, Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) at different stages of tooth development. Bmps have a variety of functions and they were originally discovered as signals inducing ectopic bone formation. We performed a comparative in situ hybridisation analysis of the mRNA expression of Bmp2-7 from initiation of tooth development to differentiation of dental hard tissues. The expression patterns indicated that the Bmps signal between the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues during initiation and morphogenesis of tooth development, as well as during the differentiation of odontoblasts and ameloblasts. Furthermore, they are also part of the signalling networks whereby the enamel knot regulates the patterning of tooth cusps. The second aim was to study the role of Runx2 during tooth development and thereby to gain better understanding of the pathogenesis of the tooth phenotype in CCD. We analysed the tooth phenotype of Runx2 knockout mice and examined the patterns and regulation of Runx2 gene expression.. The teeth of wild-type and Runx2 mutant mice were compared by several methods including in situ hybridisation, tissue culture, bead implantation experiments, and epithelial-mesenchymal recombination studies. Phenotypic analysis of Runx2 -/- mutant tooth development showed that teeth failed to advance beyond the bud stage. Runx2 expression was restricted to dental mesenchyme between the bud and early bell stages of tooth development and it was regulated by epithelial signals, in particular Fgfs. We searched for downstream targets of Runx2 by comparative in situ hybridisation analysis. The expression of Fgf3 was downregulated in the mesenchyme of Runx2 -/- teeth. Shh expression was absent from the enamel knot in the lower molars of Runx2 -/- and reduced in the upper molars. In conclusion, these studies showed that Runx2 regulates key epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that control advancing tooth morphogenesis and histodifferentiation of the epithelial enamel organ. In addition, in the upper molars of Runx2 mutants extra buddings occured at the palatal side of the tooth bud. We suggest that Runx2 acts as an inhibitor of successional tooth formation by preventing advancing development of the buds. Accordingly, we propose that RUNX2 haploinsuffiency in humans causes incomplete inhibition of successional tooth formation and as a result supernumerary teeth.


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This thesis utilises an evidence-based approach to critically evaluate and summarize effectiveness research on physiotherapy, physiotherapy-related motor-based interventions and orthotic devices in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). It aims to assess the methodological challenges of the systematic reviews and trials, to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in current use, and to make suggestions for future trials Methods: Systematic reviews were searched from computerized bibliographic databases up to August 2007 for physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions, and up to May 2003 for orthotic devices. Two reviewers independently identified, selected, and assessed the quality of the reviews using the Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire complemented with decision rules. From a sample of 14 randomized controlled trials (RCT) published between January 1990 and June 2003 we analysed the methods of sampling, recruitment, and comparability of groups; defined the components of a complex intervention; identified outcome measures based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF); analysed the clinical interpretation of score changes; and analysed trial reporting using a modified 33-item CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) checklist. The effectiveness of physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions in children with diagnosed CP was evaluated in a systematic review of randomised controlled trials that were searched from computerized databases from January 1990 up to February 2007. Two reviewers independently assessed the methodological quality, extracted the data, classified the outcomes using the ICF, and considered the level of evidence according to van Tulder et al. (2003). Results: We identified 21 reviews on physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions and five on orthotic devices. These reviews summarized 23 or 5 randomised controlled trials and 104 or 27 observational studies, respectively. Only six reviews were of high quality. These found some evidence supporting strength training, constraint-induced movement therapy or hippotherapy, and insufficient evidence on comprehensive interventions. Based on the original studies included in the reviews on orthotic devices we found some short-term effects of lower limb casting on passive range of movement, and of ankle-foot orthoses on equinus walk. Long term effects of lower limb orthoses have not been studied. Evidence of upper limb casting or orthoses is conflicting. In the sample of 14 RCTs, most trials used simple randomisation, complemented with matching or stratification, but only three specified the concealed allocation. Numerous studies provided sufficient details on the components of a complex intervention, but the overlap of outcome measures across studies was poor and the clinical interpretation of observed score changes was mostly missing. Almost half (48%) of the applicable CONSORT-based items (range 28 32) were reported adequately. Most reporting inadequacies were in outcome measures, sample size determination, details of the sequence generation, allocation concealment and implementation of the randomization, success of assessor blinding, recruitment and follow-up dates, intention-to-treat analysis, precision of the effect size, co-interventions, and adverse events. The systematic review identified 22 trials on eight intervention categories. Four trials were of high quality. Moderate evidence of effectiveness was established for upper extremity treatments on attained goals, active supination and developmental status, and of constraint-induced therapy on the amount and quality of hand use and new emerging behaviours. Moderate evidence of ineffectiveness was found for strength training's effect on walking speed and stride length. Conflicting evidence was found for strength training's effect on gross motor function. For the other intervention categories the evidence was limited due to the low methodological quality and the statistically insignificant results of the studies. Conclusions: The high-quality reviews provide both supportive and insufficient evidence on some physiotherapy interventions. The poor quality of most reviews calls for caution, although most reviews drew no conclusions on effectiveness due to the poor quality of the primary studies. A considerable number of RCTs of good to fair methodological and reporting quality indicate that informative and well-reported RCTs on complex interventions in children and adolescents with CP are feasible. Nevertheless, methodological improvement is needed in certain areas of the trial design and performance, and the trial authors are encouraged to follow the CONSORT criteria. Based on RCTs we established moderate evidence for some effectiveness of upper extremity training. Due to limitations in methodological quality and variations in population, interventions and outcomes, mostly limited evidence on the effectiveness of most physiotherapy interventions is available to guide clinical practice. Well-designed trials are needed, especially for focused physiotherapy interventions.


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Background: The hot dog fold has been found in more than sixty proteins since the first report of its existence about a decade ago. The fold appears to have a strong association with fatty acid biosynthesis, its regulation and metabolism, as the proteins with this fold are predominantly coenzyme A-binding enzymes with a variety of substrates located at their active sites. Results: We have analyzed the structural features and sequences of proteins having the hot dog fold. This study reveals that though the basic architecture of the fold is well conserved in these proteins, significant differences exist in their sequence, nature of substrate and oligomerization. Segments with certain conserved sequence motifs seem to play crucial structural and functional roles in various classes of these proteins. Conclusion: The analysis led to predictions regarding the functional classification and identification of possible catalytic residues of a number of hot dog fold-containing hypothetical proteins whose structures were determined in high throughput structural genomics projects.


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Although the principle of equal access to medically justified treatment has been promoted by official health policies in many Western health care systems, practices do not completely meet policy targets. Waiting times for elective surgery vary between patient groups and regions, and growing problems in the availability of services threaten equal access to treatment. Waiting times have come to the attention of decision-makers, and several policy initiatives have been introduced to ensure the availability of care within a reasonable time. In Finland, for example, the treatment guarantee came into force in 2005. However, no consensus exists on optimal waiting time for different patient groups. The purpose of this multi-centre randomized controlled trial was to analyse health-related quality of life, pain and physical function in total hip or knee replacement patients during the waiting time and to evaluate whether the waiting time is associated with patients health outcomes at admission. This study also assessed whether the length of waiting time is associated with social and health services utilization in patients awaiting total hip or knee replacement. In addition, patients health-related quality of life was compared with that of the general population. Consecutive patients with a need for a primary total hip or knee replacement due to osteoarthritis were placed on the waiting list between August 2002 and November 2003. Patients were randomly assigned to a short waiting time (maximum 3 months) or a non-fixed waiting time (waiting time not fixed in advance, instead the patient followed the hospitals routine practice). Patients health-related quality of life was measured upon being placed on the waiting list and again at hospital admission using the generic 15D instrument. Pain and physical function were evaluated using the self-report Harris Hip Score for hip patients and a scale modified from the Knee Society Clinical Rating System for knee patients. Utilization measures were the use of home health care, rehabilitation and social services, physician visits and inpatient care. Health and social services use was low in both waiting time groups. The most common services used while waiting were rehabilitation services and informal care, including unpaid care provided by relatives, neighbours and volunteers. Although patients suffered from clear restrictions in usual activities and physical functioning, they seemed primarily to lean on informal care and personal networks instead of professional care. While longer waiting time did not result in poorer health-related quality of life at admission and use of services during the waiting time was similar to that at the time of placement on the list, there is likely to be higher costs of waiting by people who wait longer simply because they are using services for a longer period. In economic terms, this would represent a negative impact of waiting. Only a few reports have been published of the health-related quality of life of patients awaiting total hip or knee replacement. These findings demonstrate that, in addition to physical dimensions of health, patients suffered from restrictions in psychological well-being such as depression, distress and reduced vitality. This raises the question of how to support patients who suffer from psychological distress during the waiting time and how to develop strategies to improve patients initiatives to reduce symptoms and the burden of waiting. Key words: waiting time, total hip replacement, total knee replacement, health-related quality of life, randomized controlled trial, outcome assessment, social service, utilization of health services


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The infrared spectra of diprotonated species of thiocarbohydrazide and its perdeuterated derivative have been examined in the crystalline state. A complete vibrational assignment with a full normal coordinate treatment based on a Urey—Bradley type intramolecular potential Function supplemented with a valence force function for the out of plane and torsional modes is proposed and the origin of the amide II band splittings is explained. A CNDO/2 study of diprotonated thiocarbohydrazide and its neutral molecule is undertaken and the changes in the molecular electronic structures and conformations consequent to protonation are determined and briefly discussed. The magnitude of the N—N+H3 torsional barrier is estimated to be 21 kJ mol− (5.0 kcal mol−1) whereas the barrier for the C—N group is found to be 92 kJ mol−1 (22.0 kcal mol−1).


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New dimensionally consistent modified solvate complex models are derived to correlate solubilities of solids in supercritical fluids both in the presence and absence of entrainers (cosolvents). These models are compared against the standard solvate complex models [J.Chrastil, J. Phys. Chem. 86 (1982) 3016-3021; J.C. Gonzalez, M.R.Vieytes, A.M. Botana, J.M. Vieites, L.M. Botana, J. Chromatogr. A 910 (2001) 119-125; Y. Adachi, B.C.Y. Lu, Fluid Phase Equilb. 14 (1983) 47-156; J.M. del Valle, J.M. Aguilera, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 27 (1988) 1551-1553] by correlating the solubilities of 13 binary and 12 ternary systems. Though the newly derived models are not significantly better than the standard models in predicting the solubilities, they are dimensionally consistent. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.